3. Many major entities and symbols in the book of Revelation are introduced earlier in the Bible:
Jehovah - "The true God in the heavens" and Creator of all things. - DEUTERONOMY 4:39; PSALM 103:19; REVELATION 4:11; 15:3.
Jesus Christ-"the Lamb of God." - JOHN 1:29; REVELATION 14:1.
Satan the Devil- God's adversary. - GENESIS 3:14, 15; JOHN 8:44; REVELATION 12:9.
Babylon the Great-like ancient Babylon (Babel), and enemy of Jehovah God and his people and a source of religious lies. - GENESIS 11:2-9; ISAIAH 13:1, 11; REVELATION 17:4-6; 18:4, 20.
"The Sea"-wicked mankind opposed to God -ISAIAH 57:20; REVELATION 13:1; 21:1.
Features corresponding to the ancient tabernacle used for God's worship-including the ark of the covenant, the glassy sea (basin for washing), lamps, offerings of incense, and an altar of sacrifice. - EXODUS 25:10, 17, 18; 40:24-32; REVELATION 4:5,6; 5:8; 8:3; 11:19.
Wild beasts - symbolizing human governments. - DANIEL 7:1-8, 17-26; REVELATION 13:2, 11; 17:3.
Numbers uses symbolically. - REVELATION 1:20; 8:13; 13:18.
Next time: Keys to Understanding the Book of Revelation - Conclusion
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