
The Keys to Understanding the Book of Revelation Conclusion

 4. The visions apply to "the Lord's Day," which began when God's Kingdom was set up in 1914 and Jesus began ruling as King. (Revelation 1:10) We can therefore expect the main fulfillment of Revelation to be in our time. 

5. To understand the book of Revelation, we need the same things that help us to understand the rest of the Bible, including wisdom from God and assistance from those who already understand it. - ACTS 8:26-39; JAMES 1:5.

Next time: IMITATE THEIR FAITH/REBEKAH -"I Am Willing to Go"

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Keys to Understanding the Book of Revelation - Continue

 3. Many major entities and symbols in the book of Revelation are introduced earlier in the Bible: 

Jehovah - "The true God in the heavens" and Creator of all things. - DEUTERONOMY 4:39; PSALM 103:19; REVELATION 4:11; 15:3.

Jesus Christ-"the Lamb of God." - JOHN 1:29; REVELATION 14:1. 

Satan the Devil- God's adversary. - GENESIS 3:14, 15; JOHN 8:44; REVELATION 12:9. 

Babylon the Great-like ancient Babylon (Babel), and enemy of Jehovah God and his people and a source of religious lies. - GENESIS 11:2-9; ISAIAH 13:1, 11; REVELATION 17:4-6; 18:4, 20. 

"The Sea"-wicked mankind opposed to God -ISAIAH 57:20; REVELATION 13:1; 21:1.

Features corresponding to the ancient tabernacle used for God's worship-including the ark of the covenant, the glassy sea (basin for washing), lamps, offerings of incense, and an altar of sacrifice. - EXODUS 25:10, 17, 18; 40:24-32; REVELATION 4:5,6; 5:8; 8:3; 11:19.

Wild beasts - symbolizing human governments. - DANIEL 7:1-8, 17-26; REVELATION 13:2, 11; 17:3. 

Numbers uses symbolically. - REVELATION 1:20; 8:13; 13:18. 

Next time: Keys to Understanding the Book of Revelation - Conclusion

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Keys to Understanding the Book of Revelation

 1.Its meaning is positive, not fearful or terrifying to those whose served God. While many associate the word "apocalypse" with great disaster, the book of Revelation begins and ends by saying that those who read, understand and apply its message would be happy for doing so. - REVELATION 1:3; 22:7. 

2. Revelations uses many "signs," or symbols, that are not to be understood literally. - REVELATION 1:1.

Next time:  Keys to Understanding the Book of Revelation - Continue

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Overview of the Book of Revelation

 . Introduction. - REVELATION 1:1,9.

. Messages from Jesus to the seven congregations.   REVELATION - 1:10-3:22. 

. A vision of God on his throne in heaven. - REVELATION 4:1-11. 

. A series of visions, each one leading to the next: Seven seals. - REVELATION 5:1-8:6.

. Seven trumpets, the last of tree, of which introduces three woes. - REVELATION 8:7-14:20.

. Seven bowls, each containing a plague representing a divine judgment to be pour out on the earth. - REVELATION 15:1-16:21. 

. Visions of the destruction of God's enemies. - REVELATION 17:1.

. Conclusion. - REVELATION 22:6-21.

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The Book of Revelation-What Does It Mean?/THE BIBLE'S ANSWER

 The Greek name of the book of Revelation, A-p0-ka'ly-psis (apocalypse), means "Uncovering" or "Disclosure."  This name indicates the meaning of Revelation-it uncovers matters that had been hidden and discloses events that would happen after it was written. Many of its prophecies are yet to be fulfilled.

Next time: Overview of the book of Revelation

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What Does Bible Chronology Indicate About the Year 1914?/THE BIBLE'S ANSWER - Conclusion

 How long are the "seven times"? They could not be merely seven years as in Nebuchadnezzar's case. Jesus indicated the answer when he said that "Jerusalem [a symbol of God's rulership] will be trampled on by the nations until the appointed times of the nations are fulfilled." (Luke 21:24) "The appointed times of the nations," the period during which God allowed his rulership to be "trampled on by the nations," are the same as the "seven times" of Daniel chapter 4. This means that the "seven times" were still underway even when Jesus was on earth.

The Bible provides the way determine the length of those prophetic "seven times" equal twice that number, or 2,520 days. (Revelation 12:6, 14) Applying the prophetic rule "a day for a year," the 2,520 days represent 2,520 years. Therefore, the "seven times," or 2,520 years, would end in October 1914. - NUMBERS 14:34; EZEKIEL 4:6. 

Next time: The Book of Revelation-What Does It Mean?/THE BIBLE'S ANSWER 

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What Does Bible Chronology Indicate About the Year 1914?/THE BIBLE'S ANSWER - Continue

 What does the tree being chopped down mean? Just as the chopping down of a tree represented an interruption in Nebuchadnezzar's kingship, it also represented an interruption in God's rulership on earth.  This happened when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem.  where the kings of Israel sat on "Jehovah's throne" as representatives of God himself. - 1 CHRONICLES 29:33.

What do the "seven times" represent? The "seven timers" represent the period in which God allowed the nations to rule over the earth without interference from any kingdom that he had set up. The "seven times" began in October 607 B.C.E. when, according to the Bible chronology, Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonians." - 2 KINGS 25:1, 8-10.

Next time: What Does Bible Chronology Indicate About the Year 1914?/ THE BIBLE'S ANSWER - Conclusion

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What Does Bible Chronology Indicate About the Year 1914?/THE BIBLE'S ANSWER - Continue

 Evidence that the prophecy has a greater fulfillment. The whole purpose of the prophecy was that "people living may know that the Highest Ruler is the kingdom of mankind and that he gives it to whomever he wants, and he sets over it even the lowliest of men." (Daniel 4:17) Was proud Nebuchnezzar the one to whom God ultimately wanted to give such rulership? No, for God had earlier given him another prophetic dream showing that neither he nor any other political ruler would fill this role. Instead, God would himself "set up a kingdom what will never be destroyed." - DANIEL 2:31-44. 

Previously, God had set-up a kingdom to represent a rulership on earth: The ancient nation of Israel. God allowed that kingdom to be made "a ruin" because its rulers had become unfaithful, but he foretold that he would give kingship to "the one who has the legal right." (Ezekiel 21:25-27) The Bible identifies Jesus Christ has the one legally authorized to receive this everlasting kingdom. (Luke 1:30-33) Unlike Nebuchadnezzar, Jesus is "lowly in heart," just as it was prophesied. - MATTHEW 11:29.

What does the tree of Daniel chapter 4 represent? In the Bible, trees sometimes represent rulership. (Ezekiel 17:22-24; 31:2-5) In the great fulfillment of Daniel chapter 4, the immense tree symbolizes God's rulership. 

Next time: What Does Bible Chronology Indicate About the Year 1914?/THE BIBLE'S ANSWER - Continue

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What Does Bible Chronology Indicate About the Year 1914?/THE BIBLE'S ANSWER

 Bible chronology indicates that God's Kingdom was established in heaven in 1914. This is shown by a prophecy recorded in chapter 4 of the Bible book of Daniel.

Overview of the prophecy. God causes King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon to have a prophetic dream about an immense tree that was chopped down. Its stump was prevented from regrowing for a period of "seven times, "after which the tree would grow again. - DANIEL 4:1. 

The prophecy's initial fulfillment. The great tree represented King Nebuchadnezzar himself. (Daniel 4:20-22) He was figuratively 'chopped down' when he temporarily lost his sanity and kingship for a period of seven years. (Daniel 4:25) When God restored his sanity, Nebuchadnezzar regained his throne and acknowledged God's rulership. -  DANIEL 4:34-36. 

Next time: What Does Bible Chronology Indicate About the Year 1914?/THE BIBLE'S ANSWER -Continue

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Why Does God Not Answer All Prayers? -Conclusion

 In Bible times, God did not answer those who rejected his righteous laws. (Isaiah 1:15, 16) His feelings have not changed. (Malachi 3:6) If we want God to answer our prayers, we must do what can to live in harmony with his laws. What, though, if we did things in the past that are wrong. Does that mean Jehovah will never listen to us? Of course, not! God will willingly forgive us we turn our life around and do our best to please him. - ACTS 3:19.

Prayer is not a mere emotional outlet for us when we are under stress. It is an expression of our faith and part of our worship of God. If we do not "keep asking in faith," says the disciple James, then we "should not expect to receive anything from Jehovah. (James 1:6, 7) To build faith in God, we must take the time and effort to get to know him by studying the Bible. Doing so will help us to know his will and to pray with conviction.


Though God does not answer all prayers, he does hear and answer the sincere prayers of millions of people. The Bible outlines steps you can take so your prayers will be pleasing to God. 

Next time: What Does the Bible Chronology Indicate About the Year 1914?/THE BIBLE'S ANSWER

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