
Leaving Jairus' Home And Revisiting Nazareth

THE day has been busy for Jesus- a sea voyage from the Decapolis, healing the woman with the flow of blood,and resurrecting Jairus' daughter. But the day is not over. Evidently as Jesus leaves the home of Jairus, two blind men follow behind, shouting: "Have mercy on us, Son of David."

By addressing Jesus as "Son of David," these men are hereby expressing belief that Jesus is heir to the throne of David, hence, that he is the promised Messiah. Jesus, however, seemingly ignores their cries for help,perhaps to test their persistence. But the men do not give up. They follow Jesus to where he is staying, and when he enters the house, they follow him inside.

There Jesus asks: "Do you have faith that I can do this?" "Yes, Lord," they answer confidently. So touching their eyes, Jesus says: "According to your faith let it happen to you." Suddenly they can see! Jesus then sternly charges them: "See that nobody gets to know it." But filled with gladness, they ignore Jesus' command and talk about him throughout the countryside.

Just as these men leave, people bring in a demon-possessed man whom the demon has robbed of his speech. Jesus expels the demon, and instantly the man begins to talk. The crowds marvel at these miracles, saying: "Never was anything like this seen in Israel.

Next time: Conclusion of Leaving Jairus' Home And Revisiting Nazareth

The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived, 1991

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