
""Keep on Holding Fast What You Have" / "The Key of David" -Conclusion

 When, in 29 C.E., Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River and anointed with holy spirit, he became King-Designate in the line of David.  He showed exemplary  zeal in preaching the good news of the Kingdom and commissioned his disciples likewise to preach.  (Matthew 4:23; 10:7, 11) Jesus humbled himself, even to death on a torture stake, thus  proving himself fully qualified to inherit the Davidic kingship.  Jehovah resurrected Jesus as an immortal spirit and exalted him to His own right hand in the heavens.  There he inherited all the rights of the Davidic kingdom.  In due time, Jesus would exercise his right to "go subduing in the midst of  [his] enemies." - PSALM 110:1, 2; PHILIPPIANS 2:8, 9; HEBREWS 10:13, 14. 

In the meantime Jesus would have use of the key of David, opening up opportunities and privileges related to the Kingdom of God.  Through Jesus, Jehovah would now deliver anointed Christians on earth "from the authority of the darkness," transferring them "into the kingdom of the Son of his love." (Colossians 1:13, 14)  The would also be used to bar such privileges to anyone who proved unfaithful.  (2 Timothy 2:12, 13)  Since this permanent heir of David's kingdom has Jehovah's backing, no creature can prevent him from fulfilling such duties, - MATTHEW 28:18-20.

Coming from such an authoritative source, Jesus' words to the Christians in Philadelphia must especially comforting!  He commends them by saying:  "I know your deeds-look! I have set before you an opened door, which no one can shut-that you have a little power, and you kept my word and did not prove false to my name."  (Revelation 3:8)   The congregation has been active, and a door has opened before it-doubtless a door of opportunity for ministerial service.  (Compare 1 Corinthians 16:9; 2 Corinthians 2:12.)  Therefore, Jesus encourages the congregation to take full advantage of the opportunity to preach.  They have endured and shown that  they have enough  power, with help from God's spirit, to continue doing further deeds" in Jehovah's service. (2 Corinthians 12:10; Zechariah 4:6)  They have obeyed Jesus' commands and have not denied Christ, either by word or by action. 

Next time: "Keep on Holding Fast What You Have"/PHILADELPHIA - "They Will Bow Down to You"

From the jw. org publications 

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