

 An epidemic or pandemic can drastically change almost every part of  life.  Consider the impact COVID-19 had on many.  In one  study, more than half the people reported having trouble sleeping during that pandemic. The outbreak contributed to a sharp increase in anxiety, depression, alcohol and drug abuse,   domestic violence, and attempted suicide.  If there is a disease outbreak where you live, how can you control your anxiety and enjoy the peace of God?

Jesus foretold that during the last days, there would be pestilences, or widespread diseases,  "in one place after another." (Luke 21:11) How does knowing that bring peace?  We are not surprised by disease outbreaks. We realize that events are proceeding as Jesus said they would. We thus have reason to follow the advice Jesus gave to those living during the time of the end:  "See that you are not alarmed." - MATTHEW 24:6.  

A disease outbreak can easily lead  to uncertainty and even panic.  That happened  to a sister named Desi.  After her uncle, cousin, and doctor all died of COVID-19, she was afraid that she would get  the virus herself and pass it on to her elderly mother.  The pandemic also put her job at risk, so she wondered how she would pay for food and housing.  These worries began to fill her mind and keep her awake at night.  But Desi regained her peace.  How?  She prayed specifically  that Jehovah help her to be calm and to think positive thoughts.  (Read Philippians 4:8, 9)  She listened to Jehovah "speak to her through audio recordings of the Bible.  She says, "The readers" soothing voices calmed my anxiety and reminded me of Jehovah's mercy." - PSALM 94:19.

Next time: Finding Peace During a Crisis - FINDING PEACE DURING DISEASE OUTBREAKS - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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