
Let "the Law of Kindness" Motivate You - ACTS OF KINDNE3SS MOTIVATE OTHERS

 When we imitate Jehovah, we complement our kind speecxh with acts of kindness. (Ephesians 4:32; 5:1, 2)Lisa. quoted earlier, described the kindness slown by the Witnesses.  "When our family was forced to moce on very short notice, two couples in the congregation took time off from work to help us pack. At that time, I wasn't even studying the Bible!"  Those acts of kindness moved Lisa to make a closer examination of the truth.

Anne, mentioned at the outset, also appreciated the kindness shown her by the Witnesses.  She noted:  "Because of how the world is in general, I became very skeptical. I found it hard to trust people."  She continued:  "When I met the Witnesses, I questioned their motives.  I wondered, 'Why are they showing interest in me?'  But my Bible teacher's unique kindness moved me to trust her."  With what good result?  "Later, I started focusing on what I was learning."

Note that Lisa and Anne were deeply touched by the loving acts of kindness from individuals in the congregation, and tha thad a bearing on their learning the truth.  The kindness the congregation showed them helped them to open their heart. 

Next time: Let "the Law of Kindness" Motivate You - LEARN TO EXPRESS GODLY KINDESS TO OTHERS

From the jw.org publicatiuons

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