
Lessons We Learn From Jesus' Tears - TEARS FOR HIS FATHER'S VINDICATION -Conclusion

 Jehovah will give ypoui  "the peace of God."  How will Jehovah strengthen us?  When we pray, we will receive "the peace of God that surpasses all understajding."  (Philippians 4:6, 7)  The peace that Jehovah gives calms our heart and stablizers our thoughts.  Consider how this proved true for a sister named Luz. She says: "I struggle with feelings of lonelisness. At times, thsoe feelings caused me to think that Jehovah does not love me. But when that happens, I immediatedly tell  Jehovah how I feel. Prayer allos me to gain control of my feeligns."  As her experience shows, we can find peace through prayer.

What comforting practice lessons we can learn frome Jesus' tears!  We are remineded to support our grieving friends and to trust that Jehovah and Jesus  will suppor us when we lose a loved one in death. We are motivated to preach and teach with compassion because Jehovah God and Jesus Christ show this tender quality. And we find comfort  in knowing that Jehovah and his dear Son understant how we feel, sympathize with our weaknesses, and want to help us endure. May we continue to apply what we have learned until the day when Jehovah fulfills  his heartwarming promise to "wipe out every tear from [our] eyes"! - REVELATION 21:4.

Next time: Why We Attend the Memorial

From the jw.org publications

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