
Why We Attend the Memorial - Are You Planning Ahead for the Memorial Season?


We are thankful for the love that Jehovah and Jesus have shown us.  Jehovah has demonstrated his love for us in many ways, but one way stands out above all others. Our God made his greates expression of unselfish love by sending his precious Son to suffer and die for us. (John 3:16)We recognize that Jesus too showed great love by willingly give his life for us.  ( John 15:13) We can never repay Jehovah and Jesus for the love they shown  us. But we can show our thankfullness by how we live our life each day.  (Colossians 3:15)  And we attend the Memorial so that we may remember their love for us as well as  show  our love for them. 

We highly value the gift of the ransom.  (Matthew 20:28) The anointed treasure the ransom which makes their wonderful hope possible. Because of their faith in Christ's sacrifice, Jehovah has declared them  righteous and has adopted them as his children.  (Romans 5:1; 8:15-17, 23) The other sheep too are thankful for the ransom. On the basis of their faith in Christ's shed blood, they have a clean standing before God, can render him sacred service, and have the hope of coming "out of the tribulation." (Revelation 7:13-15)  One way  that both the anointed and the other sheep show their gratitude for the ransom is being present at the Memorial each year. 

Another reason why we attendt he Memorial is that we want to obey Jesus. Regardless of our hope for the future, we take personally the command that Jesus gave on the night he instituted the Memorial: "Keep doing this in remembrance of me." -1 CORINTHIANS 11:23, 24. 

Next time: Why We Attend the Memorial - Arey You Planning for the Memorial Season? -Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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