
Be Convinced That God's "Word Is the Truth" - BIBLE PROPHECIES ARE RELIABLE

 The Bible contains many prophecies that were fulfilled, some of them hundreds of years after they were recorded.  History confirms that these prophecies came true.  This does not surprise us because  we know that the Author of the Bible prophecy is Jehovah.  (Read 2 Peter 1:21.)  Think of the prophecies regarding the fall of Babylon.  In the eight century B.C.E., the prophet Isaiah was inspired to foretell that the then powerful city of Babylon would be captured. He even gave the name of its conqueror, Cyrus, and foretold precisely how the city would be seized.  (Isaiah 44:27-45:2) Isaiah also prophesied that Babylon would eventually be destroyed and completely deserted.  (Isaiah 13:19, 20) That is exactly what happened.  Babylon fell to the Medes and the Persians in 539 B.C.E., and the site of this once great city is now a pile of ruins. - See the video The Bible Foretold the Fall of Babylon in  electric edition of the Enjoy Live Forever! book, lesson 03 point 5.

The fulfilment of Bible prophecy is not a thing of the past; we are seeing prophecies being fulfilled today. Consider, for example, the remarkable fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy regarding the Anglo-American World Power.  (Read Daniel 2:41-43) That prophecy accurately predicted that this dual world power would "partly strong" like iron and "partly fragile" like clay.  This had proved to be true.  Britain and America have shown ironlike strength, playing a key role in winning both World Wars and continuing to wield great military might. Yet, their power has also been weakened by their citizens who tend to rise up to claim their rights through labor unions, civil rights campaigns, and independence movements.  One expert in world politics recently observed:  "There is no advanced industrial democracy in the world more politically  divided, or politically dysfunctional, than the United States today." And Britain, the other part of this world power, has been especially divided in recent years  by opposing unions regarding what ties it should maintain with countries in the European Union. These divisions have made it almost impossible for the Anglo-American World Power to act decisively.

The many Bible prophecies that have already been fulfilled strengthen our confidence in the reliability  of God's promises for the future. We feel as did the psalmist who prayed to Jehovah: "I long for your salvation, for your word is my hope." (Psalm 119:81) Through the pages of the Bible, Jehovah has kindly given us "a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11)  Our hope for the future depends, not on man's efforts, but on Jehovah's promises.  May we continue to build our trust in God's Word by being keen students of Bible prophecy.

Next time: Be Convinced That God's "Word Is the Truth" - BIBLE-BASED ADVICE IS HELPING MILLIONS

From the jw.org publications

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