
Jehovah Is Helping You to Succeed - HOW JEHOVAH MAKES YOU SUCCEESSFUL

 What conclusion can we draw from the account of Joseph?  Does Jehovah intervene in every situation we encounter?  Does he maneuver every event in our life, so that all things that happen are for a good reason?  No, the Bible does not support that view. (Ecclesiastes  8:9; 9:11)  However, we do know this:  When we face a trial Jehovah is aware of it and hears our cries for help. (Psalm 34:15; 55:22; Isaiah 59:1)  More than that, Jehovah can help us to endure hardships successfully.   How? 

One way that Jehovah helps us is by providing comfort and encouragement, often just at the right time. (2 Corinthians 1:3, 4) That was the case for Eziz, a brother in Turkmenistan who was sentenced to two years in prison because of his faith.  "On the morning of my trial," he relates,  "a brother showed me Isaiah 30:15, where it says: "Your strength will be in keeping calm and showing trust.'  This verse always helped me to stay calm and rely on Jehovah for everything. Mediating on this verse helped me over the entire course of my imprisonment." Can you thing of a time in your life  when Jehovah sustained you by providing comfort and encouragement just when you needed it most?

Next time: Jehovah Is Helping  You Succeed - HOW JEHOVAH MAKES YOU SUCCESSFUL

From the jw.org publications

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