
"GO OUT OF THE ARK" - Conclusion

 At the same time, Jehovah gave all the descendants of Noah some clear, simple laws to guide them in life-including a prohibition against murder and the misuse of blood. God also established a covenant with mankind, promising he would never again bring a flood to destroy all of life on earth.  As a sign of reliability of his word, Jehovah gave mankind its first glimpse of a glorious natural phenomenon-the rainbow. Down to this day, every rainbow we see offers a comforting reminder of Jehovah's loving promise. -GENESIS 9:1-17.

If Noah's story were mere fiction, it might have ended with that rainbow. But Noah was a real man, and his life was not so simple.  In those days when longevity was the norm, that faithful man had to endure another 350 years, and those centuries brought him a lot of pain. He made a serious mistake when he gave in to drunkenness on one occasion, but that error was compounded When his grandson Canaan committed a more serious sin-a sin that brought grim consequences to Canaan's family.  Noah lived long enough to see his descendants fall into such sins as idolatry and violence in the days of Nimrod. On the brighter side, though, Noah got to see his son Shem set a strong example of faith for his family. - GENESIS 

Like Noah,, we need to endure in a course of faith. When others around us ignore the true God or even leave off serving him, we need to stay on courses as Noah did.  Jehovah greatly values such faithful endurance. As Jesus Christ said, "he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved." - MATTHEW 24:13. 

Next time: IMMITATE THEIR FAITH/JOSEPH -"How Could I Commit This Great Badness?" 

From the jw.org publications

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