

 The reality is, though, that we may consistently read a lot of material without really absorbing it. Have you read something and shortly afterward could recall little of what you read? We all have had that happen. Sadly, this can be a situation with our Bible reading. Perhaps we set a goal to read a certain number of chapters of the Bible each day. That is commendable. We should set goals and strive to stick to them. (1 Corinthians 9:26) However, reading the Bible is a start-a good start, but only a start. More is needed if we are to benefit fully from reading God's Word.

Think of this comparison: Water, often in the form of rain, is essential to life. But if too much rain falls within a short amount of time, the ground may become oversaturated. When that happens, more rain will not be beneficial. The soil needs time to absorb the rain that has fallen and make it available to the vegetation. Likewise, we should avoid reading the Bible in a hurried manner, that is, so quickly that we fail to absorb and remember what we read. -JAMES 1:24.

Next time: CONSIDER WHAT YOU READ - Conclusion

From the jw.org publications

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