
We Can Live Forever - "Forever" in the BIble

 The most common Hebrew word often translated "forever" is 'oh-lam.'  As used in the Bible, it can refer to something that existed for a long time in the past or will exist long into the future, with no stated beginning or ending point.  (Joshua24:2; Psalm 24:7, 9) It can also refer to something that is absolutely never-ending. It is in this sense that Jehovah is forever.  (Psalm 102:12, 24, 27)  The New World Translation renders tis Hebrew word with such terms as "forever," "lasting," "everlasting," or "long ago."  The context determines which expression is used.

It is intriguing that some researchers  point to scientific evidence that our brain has the capacity to store far more information than we can gather during our present life span.  In 2010 an article in the journal Scientific American Mind said that one estimate of the capacity of our brain was approximately 2.5 million gigabytes, the equivalent of three million hours  (over 300 years) of recorded TV. That figure may turn out to be a gross underestimation. However, it illustrates that Jehovah designed our brain to handle much more information than we acquire in just 70 or 80 years. - PSALM 90:10.

Jehovah has also created within us a strong desire to keep living.  The Bible says regarding humans that God has "put eternity in their heart."  (Ecclesiastes 3:11)  That is one reason why we view death as an enemy.  (1 Corinthians 15:26) If we become seriously ill, do we just accept the condition and give up? No Usually, we visit a physician and perhaps  take medicine to combat the disease.  In fact, we do all we reasonably can to avoid dying.  And when someone we love dies, whether that person is young or old, do not feel deep and lasting emotional pain?  (John 11:32, 33)  Certainly, our loving Creator would not give us the desire and the capacity to keep living unless his purpose was for humans to keep living.  But we have further compelling reasons to believe that we can have unending life.  Let us consider some of Jehovah's past and present actions that prove he has not changed his original purpose.

Next time: We Can Live Forever - JEHOVAH'S PURPOSE HAS NOT CHANGED

From the jw.org publications


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