
REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Sixteen -The Pale Horse and Its Rider -Continue

 Death by wild beasts has seldom made headlines in modern times, though in tropical countries wild animals have  steadily claimed victims throughout  the 20th century.  In  the future, they may claim even more if lands become desolate because of warfare or people become too emaciated by famine to fight off hungry animals. Additionally, there are many humans today who, like  unreasoning animals display beastly, dispositions quite contrary   to those described at Isaiah 11:6-9. These people are largely responsible for the global expansion of sex-related crimes, murder, terrorism, and bombings in the modern world. (Compare Ezekiel 21:32; Romans 1:28-31; 2 Peter 2:12)  The fourth horseman reaps their victims too.  Indeed, the  main point of this prophetic scene appears to be that the rider of the pale horse harvests untimely death of mankind in many ways. 

Next time: REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Sixteen - The Pale Horse and Its Rider - Continue 

From the jw.org publications

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