
REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Eighteen - Tremors in Human Society - Conclusion

 Earlier, economic troubles had opened the way for Mussolini and Hitler to seize power. Babylon the Great lost no time in courting their favors, and the Vatican entered into concordats with Italy in 1929 and Germany in 1933.  (Revelation 17:5) The dark days that followed were surely a part of the fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy that the sign of his presence would include "anguish of nations, not knowing the way out . . . While men became faint out fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth." (Luke 21:7-9, 25-31)  Yes, the quakes that began to shake human society in 1914 have continued with powerful aftershocks. 

Next time: REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Eighteen -Jehovah Does Some Shaking

From the jw.org publications

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