
REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Eighteen -Tremors in Human Society - Continue

 Historians, philosophers, and political leaders have pointed  to the year 1914 as the start of a new and momentous epoch. Seventeen years into that epoch, historian H.G. Wells commented: "Gladly would the prophet prophesy pleasant thing. But  his duty is to tell what he sees.  He sees a world still controlled by soldiers, patriots, usurers, and financial adventurers, a world surrendered  to suspicion and hatred, losing what is left of private liberties very rapidly, blundering toward bitter class conflicts, and preparing for new wars.  In 1953 philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote:  "Ever since  1914, everybody conscious of trends in the world  has been deeply troubled by what ha seemed like a fated an predetermined march toward ever greater disaster. . . . They see the human race, like the hero of a Greek tragedy, driven on by angry gods and no longer  the master of fate. "In 1980statesdman Harold MacMillan, reflecting on the peaceful start of our 20th century, said: "Everythin gwould get better and better.  This was the world I was born in. . . Suddenly, unexpectedly, one morning in 1914 the whole thing came to an end." 

Next time: REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Eighteen -Tremors in Human Society -Continue

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