
REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Sixteen - A Black Horse Plunges Forth

Jesus now opens the third seal! John, what do you observe? "And when he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say: 'Come!' " (Revelation 6:5a) Happily, this third cherub "has a face like a man's," depicting the quality of love.  Principled love will abound in God's new world, even as that fine quality permeates all of Jehovah's organization today. (Revelation 4:7; 1 John4:16) We can be sure that the Rider of the white horse, who "must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet," will lovingly remove the calamitous situation that is next brought to John's scrutiny. -1 CORINTHIANS 15:25.

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