
REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Sixteen - Behold, the Fiery-Colored Horse! - Continue

 There had been many wars since 1914, the year when the Rider of the White Horse received his crown.  But now the rider of the red horse is given "a great sword." What does this imply?  With the eruption of World War I, human warfare becomes more sanguinary, more destructive than ever  before. During the 1924-1918 bloodbath, tanks, poisonous gas, airplanes, submarines, huge cannons, and automatic weapons were used either for the first time or on an unprecedented scale.  In some 28 nations, whole populations, not just  professional soldiers, were pressed into the war effort. Casualties were horrendous.  More than nine million soldiers were slaughtered and civilian casualties were astronomical. Even with the end of the war, there was no return to peace on earth. More than 50 years after that war, German statesman Conrad Adenauer commented: "Security  quiet have disappeared from the lives of men since 1914."  It was, indeed, granted  to the rider of the fiery-colored horse to take peace away from the earth! 

Next time: REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Sixteen- Behold, the Fiery-Colored Horse! -Continue

From the jw.org publications 

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