
REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Seventeen - 'Slaughtered Souls' Rewarded -Continue

 John describes a moving scene: "And when he opened the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of those slaughtered   because of the Word of God and because of the witness work they used to have."(Revelation 6:9)   What is that?  A sacrificial altar  up in heaven?  Yes! it is the first time that John mentions an altar. Already, though, he has described Jehovah on His throne, the surrounding cherub the glassy sea, the lamps, and the 24  elders carrying -incense-all of these resembling features of the earthly tabernacle, Jehovah's sanctuary in Israel.  (Exodus 25:17, 18; 40:24-27, 30-32; 1 Chronicles 23:4)  Should it, then, surprise us to find a symbolic altar of sacrifice also in heaven? - EXODUS 40:29.

Next time: REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Seventeen -'Slaughtered Souls' Rewarded -Continue

From the jw.org publications

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