
The First Woe - Locusts - World Rulers Put on Notice

 The  modern-day locusts had a job to do.   The Kingdom good news had to be preached.  Errors had to be exposed.  Lost sheep had to be found.  As the locusts went about these tasks, the world was forc3ed to sit up and take notice.  In obedience to the angel's trumpet blasts, the John class has continued to exposes  Christendom as deserving of Jehovah's judgments.  In response to the fifth trumpet, a particular aspect of these judgments was emphasized at a covention of the Bible Students in London, England, May 25-31,  1926.  This featured a resolution,  "A Testimony of the Rulers of the Word," and a public talk at the Royal Albert Hall on "Why World Powers Are Tottering-The Remedy," the complete text of both of these  being printed in a leading London newspaper the following day.  Later, the locust band distributed worldwide, as a tract, 50 million copies of that resolution-a torment indeed to the clergy!  Years later, people in England still spoke of this stinging expose.

At this convention, the symbolic locusts received further fighting equipment, notably a new book entitled Deliverance.  It included a Scriptural discussion of the sign proving that the 'man child' government, Christ heavenly Kingdom, had been born 1914.  (Matthew 24:3-14; Revelation 12:1-10)  Thereafter, it quoted the manifesto published in London in 1917 and signed by eight clergymen, who were described as being "among the world's greatest preachers."  They represented the leading Protestant denominations-Baptist, Congregational, Presbyterian, Episcopaliian, and Methodist.  This manifesto proclaimed that  "the presents crisis points  toward the close of the times of the Gentiles" and that  "the revelation of the Lord may be expected any moment."  Yes, those clergymen had recognized the sign of Jesus' presence.  But did they want anything about it?  The book Deliverance informs us:   The most remarkable  part of the affair is that the very men who signed the manifesto subsequently repudiated it and rejected the evidence which proves that we are at the end of the world and in the day of The Lord's second presence."

Rather than announce the incoming Kingdom of God, Christendom's  clergy have chosen to remain with Satan's world.  They want no part with the locust band and their King, concerning whom John now observes:  "They have over them a king, the angel of the abyss.  In Hebrew his name is Abaddon [meaning "Destruction"]. but in Greekhe has the name Apollyon [meaning "Destroyer"]. "  (Revelation 9:11)  As "angel of the abyss" and Destroyer," Jesus had truly releasing a plaguing woe on Christendom. But more is to follow!

Next time: The Second Woe-Armies of Cavalry

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The First Woe -Locusts -Locusts Equipped for Battle

 This preaching involves more than the spoken word! "Also, they have tails and stings like scorpions; and in their tails is their authority to hurt the men five months." (Revelation 9:10) What could this mean?  As they go about their Kingdom work, Jehovah's Witnesses, using the spoken word and printed publications, issue authoritive statements based on God's Word.  Their message  has a scorpionlike sting because they warn of Jehovah's approaching dayof vengeance.  (Isaiah 61:2)   Before the present generation of spiritual locusts lives out its life span, its divinely ordained work of declaring Jehovah's judgments will be completed-to the hurt of all stiff-necked blasphemers.

That locust band was overjoyed when a new magazine, the Golden Age, was announced at their convention.  It was a  biweekly  magazine, designed to intensify the sting of their witnessing.  It issue No. 27, of September 29, 1920, exposed the clergy's duplicity in  persecuting the Bible Students in the United States during  the 1918-1919 period.  Through the  1920's and 1939's, the Golden Age tormented the clergy with further stinging artciles and cartoons that exposed their crafty dabbling in politics, and especially the Catholic heirarchy's accords made with the Fascists and Nazi dictators.  In response, the clergy 'framed mischief by law' and organized mob violence against God's people.  - PSALM 94:20, King James Version. 

Next time: The First Woe - Locusts - World's Rulers Put on Notice

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The First Woe - Locusts - Locusts Equipped for Battle

 What a remarkable appearance those locusts have! John describes it: "And the likenesses of the locusts resemble horse prepared for battle; and upon their heads were what seemed to be crowns like gold, and their faces were as men's faces, they had hair like as women's hair.  And their teeth were as those of lion's;  and they had iron breastplates.  And the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running into." - REVELATION 9:7-9.

This well illustrates the loyal group of revived Christians in 1919.  Like horses, the  were ready for battle, eager to fight for the truth in the way described by the apostle Paul.  ( Ephesians 6:11-13; 2 Corinthians 10:4)   On their heads John sees what seem to be crowns as of gold.  It would not be proper for them to have actual crows because they do begin ruling while they are on earth. (1 Corinthians 4:8; Revelation 20:4)  But in 1919 they already  had a royal appearance.  Theu were brothers of the King, and their heavenly crowns were reserved for them provided they continued faithful to the end. - 2 TIMOTHY 4:8; 1 PETER 5:4.

In the vision, the locusts have iron breastplates, symbolizing unbreakable righteousness.  (Ephesians 6:14-18)  They also have men's faces, this feature pointing to the quality of love, since man was made in the image of God, who.  ( Genesis 1:26; 1 John4:16) Their hair is like a woman's. which well pictures  subjection to their King, the angel of the abyss.  And their teeth resemble a lion's  teeth.  A lion uses his teeth to tear meat.  From 1919 onward, the John class has again been able to take in solid spiritual food, particularly the truths about God's Kingdom ruled by 'the lion that is of the tribe of Judah,"  Jesus Christ. Just as the  lion symbolizes courage, so great courage has been needed  to digest this hard-hitting message, to bring it forth in publications, and to distribute it around the globe.  Those figuratie locusts have made a lot of  noise, like "the sound of chariots of many horse running into battle." After the example of first-century Christians, they do not intend to stay quiet. - 1 CORINTHIANS 11:7-15; REVELATION 5:5.

Next time: The First Woe - Locusts - Locusts Equipped for Battle -Conlusion

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The First Woe -Locust - Those Tormenting Locusts

 What battle instructions did locusts receive?  John reports: "And they were told to harm no vegetation of the earth nor any green thing nor any tree, but only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. And it was granted the locusts, not to kill them, but that those should be tormented five months, and the torment upon them was as torment by a scorpion when it strikes  a man.  And in those days the men will seek death but will by no means find it, and they will desire to seek to die but death keep fleeing from them." - REVELATION 9:4-6. 

Notice that this plague is not directed first against  the people or prominent ones among them- the 'vegetation and trees of the earth.'  (Compare Revleation 8:7.)   The locusts are to hamr only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads, those in Christendom who claim to be sealed but whose record belies that claim.  (Ephesian 1:13, 14)  Thus, the tormenting utterances of those modern-day locusts were directed first against the religious leaders of Christendom.  How these self-assuming men must have been tormented at hearing it publicly announced that not only were they failing to lead their flocks to heaven but they themselves would get there!  Truly, it has been  a case of "the blind leading the blind"!  - MATTHEW 15:14.

The tormenting lasts for five months.  Is that a relatively short time?  Not from the point of view of a literal locust.  Five months describes the normal life span of one of these insects.  Therefore, it is for as long as they live in that modern-day locusts keep stinging God's enemies.  Moreover, the torment is so severe that  men seek to die.  True, we have no record  that any of those  who were stung by the locusts actually tried to kill themselves-as though by unfaithful Israelites who would be scattered by the Babylonian conquerors and for whom death would be preferable to life.  - JEREMIAH 8:3; see also ECCLESIASTES 4:2, 3. 

Why is it granted to torment these ones, in a spiritual sense, and not to kill them?   This is an initial woe in the exposing the lies of Christendom and her failures, but only later, as the Lord's day progresses, will her deathlike spiritual state be fully publicized. It will be during a second woe that third of the men are killed. - REVELATION 1:10; 9:12, 18; 11:14. 

Next time: The First Woe - Locusts - Locusts Equipped for Battle

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The First Woe - Locusts - The Locust Plague Today

Reasonably, we could expect Joel's prophecy to have a final fuflillment in the time of the end.  How true this has prove to be!  At the Bible Students'  convention at Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A., September 1-8,  1919, a  notable  outpouring of Jehovah's spirit activated his people to organize a global campaign of preaching. Of all professed Christians, they alone, recognizing that Jesus had been enthroned  as heavenly King, spare no effort in publishing abroad that good news.   Their relentless witnessing, in fulfillment of prophecy, became as a tormenting plague to apostate Christendom. - MATTHEW 24:3-8, 14; ACTS 1:8.

Revelaton, written some 26 years after Jerusalem's  destruction, also describes that plague.  What does it add to Joel's  description?  Let us take up the record, as reported by John: "And the fifth angel blew his trumpet.  And I saw that a star had fallen from heaven to the earth, and the key of the pit of the abyss was given him.(Revelation 9:1)   This "star" is different fromthat at Revelation 8:10 that John saw in the act of falling.  He sees "a star that had fallen from the heaven" and that now an assignmet with respect to this earth.  In this a spirit or a fleshly person?  The holder of this "key to the pit of the abyss" is later described as hurling Satan into "the abyss." (Revelation 20:1-3) So he must be a mighty spirit person.  At Revelation 9:11, John tells us that locusts have "a king, the angel of the abyss."  Both verses must refer to the same individual, since the angel holding the keey of the abyss would logically be the angel of the abyss.  and the star must symbolize Jehovah's appointed King, Jesus Christ. -  COLOSSIANS 1:13; 1 CORINTHIANS  15:25. 

The account continues:  "And he opened the pit of the abyss, and smoke ascended out of the pit as the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun was darkened, also the air, by the smoke of the pit. And out of the smoke locusts came forth upon the earth; and authority was given them, the same authority  as the scorpions of the earth have." (Revelation 9:2, 3) Scripturally,  "the abyss' is a place of inactivity, even of death.  (Compare Romans 10:7; Revelation 17:8; 20:1, 3.)   The small band of Jesus' brothers spent a short time in such an "abyss" of relative inactivity at the end of world war (1918 to 1919).  But when Jehovah poured his spirit upon his repentant servants in 1919,  They swarmed forth to meet the challenge of the work that lay ahead. 

As John observes, the release of the locusts is accompanied by much smoke, like "the smoke of a great furnace."  That is how  it proved to be in 1919.   The situation darkened for Christendom and for the world in general.  (Compare Joel2:30, 31.)  The release of those locusts, the John class, was actually  a defeat for Christendom's clergy, who had schemed and plotted to kill the Kingdom work for good and who now rejected God's Kingdom.  Evidence of  a smokelike pall started  to spread over apostate Christendom as  that locust badn  was given divine authority and began to exercise it  in proclaiming powerful judgment messages.  Christendom's "sun" - her appearance of enlightenment - suffered an eclipse, and "the air" became thick with declarations of divine judgment as "the ruler of the authority of the air"  of this world was shown to Christendom's  god. - EPHEIANS 2:2; JOHN 12:31; 1 JOHN 5:19. 

 Next time: The First Woe - Locusts - Those Tormenting Locusts! 

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The First of the Woe - Locusts - A First-Century Plague

 There was a fulfillment of Joel chapter 2  in the first century.  It was then, at Pentecost 33 C.E., that holy spirit was poured out, anointed the first Christians and empowering them to speak "the magnificent things of God" in many tongues.  As a result, a large crowd assembled.  The apostle Peter addressed those astonished  onlookers, quoting Joel 2:28, 29 and explaining that they were witnessing its fulfillment.  (Acts 2:1-21)  But there is no record of a literal insect  plague at that time, causing discomfort to some and leading others to repentance. 

Was there a figurative plague during those days? Yes, indeed! It came  as a result of the relentles preaching of the newly anointed Christians .  Through them, Jehovah invited those Jews who would listen and repent and enjoy blessing from him.  (Acts 2:38-40; 3:19) The individuals who responded received his favor to remarkable degree.  But to the ones who refused the invitation, the first-centuruy Christians  became like devastating swarm of locusts.  Starting in Jerusalem, they spread through all Judea and Samaria.  Soon there were everywhere, tormenting the unblieving Jews by publicly proclaiming Jesus' resurrection, with  with all that  this implied.  (Acts 1:8; 4:18-20; 5:17-21,28, 29, 40-42; 17:5, 6; 21:27-30)  That plaguing continued until the "fear-inspiring day." in  70 C.E., whe Jehovah brought the Roman armies against Jerusalem to destroy it.  Only those Christians who in faith called on the name of Jehovah were saved.  - JOEL 2:32; ACTS 2:20, 21; PROVERBS 18:10. 

Next time: The First Woe - Locusts  - The Locust Plague Today

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The First Woe - Locusts

 THE fifth angel prepares to blow his trumpet.  Four heavenly trumpets have already sounded and four plagues have been directed to the third of the earth that Jehovah regards as  most represensible-Christendom.  Her deathly sick condition has been uncovered. While angels sound the trumpet blasts, human heralds follow through on earth.  Now the fifth angelic  trumpet is about to announce the first woe, more fearsome even than what has gone before.  It is related to a terrifying locust plague.  First, though, let us examine other scriptures that will help us understand this plague better. 

The Bible book of Joel, written during the ninth century B.C.E., describes a plague of insects, including locusts that is similar to the one John sees.  (Joel 2:1-11, 25)  It was to cause much discomfort for apostate Israel but also result in individual Jew's repenting and returning to Jehovah's favor.  (Joel 2:6, 12-14)   When that time arrived, Jehovah would pour out his spirit on "every sort of flesh," whilel fearful signns and alarming portents would precede  "the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah." - JOEL 2:11, 28-32.

Next time:  The First Woe - Locusts - A First-Cenury Plague

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Jehovah's Plagues on Christendom - A Flying Eagle

These first four trumpet blasts truly resulted in uncovering the desolate and death-dealing condition of Christendom.   Her part of "the earth" was exposed as deserving of Jehovah's judgment. Revolutionary governments springing up i her lands and elsewhere were shown to be inimical  to spiritual life.  The fallen condition of her clergy was laid bare, and the general darkness of her spiritual condition was exposed for all to see.  Christendom is truly the most reprehensible part of Satan's system of things. 

What more is there to reveal?  Before we dind the answer to this question, there is a bried pause in the series of trumpet blasts.  John describes what he next ses:  "And I saw, and I heard an eagle flying in midheaven say with a loud voice:  'Woe, woe, woe to those dwelling on the earth because of the rest of the trumpet blasts of the three angels who are about to blow their trumpets!"' - REVELATION 8:13.

An eagle flies high in the sky, so that people in a wide area can see it. It has exceptionallty keen sight and can see a long way ahead of itself. (Job 39:29) One of the four cherubic living creatures around God's throne was pictured as a flying eagle.  (Revelation 4:6, 7)    Whether it is this cherub or another farsighted servant of God, it loudly proclaims  a dynamic message:  "Woe, woe, woe"!  Let the earth's inhabitants  take note,  as the three remaining trumpet blasts are heard, each of them linked to one of these woes.

Next time: The First Woe-Locusts

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Jehovah's Plagues on Christendom - Darkness!

"And the fourth angel blew his trumpet. And a third of the sun was smitten and a third of the moon and a third of the stars,  in order that a third of them might be darkened and the day might not have illumination for a third of it, and the night likewise." (Revelation 8:12)   The ninth plague on Egypt was a plague of literal darkness.  (Exodus 10:21-29)   But what is this symbolic darkness that comes to plague men?

The apostl Pau told fellow believers that they had been in darkness, spiritually speaking, before thay became Christians.  (1 Peter 2:9)  Paul too used the word  "darkness" to describe the spiritual state of those outside the Christian congregation.  (Ephesians 5:8; 6:12; Colossians 1:13; 1 Thessalonians 5:4, 5)  But what about those in Christendom who claim to believe in God and who say they accept Jesus as their Savior? 

Jesus said that true Christians would be recognized by their fruits and that many claiming  to be his followers would be "workers of lawlessness."  (Matthew 7:15-23)  No one looking at the fruits of the third of the word occupied by Christendom can deny that she is groping in gross spiritual darkness.  (2 Corinthians 4:4) She is the most blameworthy, for she claims to be Christian.   Hence it is only proper that the fourth angel should trumpet the fact that Christendom's "light" is, in fact, darkness, and her sources of "light" are Babylonish-non-Christian. - MARK 13:22, 23; 2 TIMOTHY 4:3, 4. 

In line with that heavenly proclamation, a capacity crowd of God's people assembled in convention in Indianapolis, Indiannna, U.S.A. , on August 29m 1925, and adopted for publication  a forthright resolution entitled "Message of Hope."  Again, some 50 million copies were distributed in a number of languages.  It described the false light held out by the combine of commercial profiteers, political leaders,, and the religious clergy, as   result of which  "the people have fallen into darkness."  And it pointed to God's Kingdom as the real hop;e for recieving  "the bessings of peace, prosperity, health, life, liberty and eternal happiness."  It  took courage  for the small band  of anointed Christians to proclaim such messages against the giant organization of Christendom.  But consistently, from the early 1920's  until now, they have done so.  In more recent times, in  1955,  a further expose of the clergy class was made by the worldwide distribution in many languages of a  booklet entitiled Christendom or Christianity-Which One is "the light of the world'?   Today, Christendom's hypocrisy has become so evident that many of the world can see it for themselves.  But Jehovah's people have not let up in exposing her for what she is; a kingdom of darkness.

Next time:  Jehovah's Plagues on Christendom - A Flying Eagle

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Jehovah's Plagues on Christendom - A Star Fell From Heaven -Conclusion

This fall from the spiritual heavens  became apparent in the year 1919 when, rather than Christendom's clergy, the small remnant of anointed Christians was appointed over the Kingdom interests.  (Matthew 24:45-47)  And from 1922 that fall was dramatized  when this groups of Christians renewed their campaign  of frankly exposing the failing of the clergy of Christendom.

Outstanding in this connection was the proclamation made at what The Golden Age magazine described as "the greatest convention of Bible Students held during the ages."  This convention assembled in Columbus, Ohio, July 20-27, 1924.  No doubt  at the direction of the angel that sounded the third trumnpet, a forceful resolution was there adopted and later 50 million copies were distributed as a tract. It was published under the title Ecclesiastes Indicted.  A subheading presented  the issue:  "The Seed of Promise Versus the Seed of the Serpent."  The Indictment  itself  roundly exposed Christendom's clergy on matters such as their taking on of high-sounding religious  titles, their making commercial giants of professional politicians the principal ones of their flocks, their desireing  to shine forth before men, and their refusing to preach to the people the message of the Messiah's Kingdom. It emphasized  that every dedicated Christian is commissioned by God to proclai  "the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn." - ISAIAH 61:2, KJ. 

Since the third angels started to blow his trumpet, the clergy's position of dominance among makind has been slipping until, in this day and age, very few of them retain the godlike powers they enjoyed whyile in former centuries.  Because of the preaching of Jehovah's  Witnesses, great numbers of people have  come to realize that many doctrines taught by te clery are spiritual poison.-"wormwood."  Furthermore, the clergy's power  in northern Europe  is almost spent, while in some other lands, the government strictluy curtails their influence.  In political, and moral affairs has sullied their reputation. From now on, their position can only get worse. since soon they will suffer the same fate as all other religionists. - REVELATION 18:21; 19:2. 

Jehovah's plaguing of Christendom is not yet finished.  Consider what happens after the fourth trumpet blast.

Next time: Jehovah's Plagues on Christendom - Darkness! 

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Jehovah's Plagues on Christendom - A Star Falls From Heaven

"And the third angel blew his trumpet.  And a great star burning as  a lamp fell from heavewn, it it fell upon a third of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters. And the name of the star is called wormwood. And third of the waters turned into wormwood, and many of the men died from the waters, because these had been made bitter. " (Revelation 8:10, 11)   Once again, other parts of the Bible help us to see how this scripture applies in the Lord's day.

We have already met the symbolism of a star in Jesus' messages to the seven congregations, in which the seven stars symbolize the elders in the congregations.  (Revelation 1:20)  Anointed "stars," along with all others of the anointed, inhabit heavenly places in a spiritual sense from the time that they are sealed with the holy spirit as  a token of their heavenly inheritance.  (Ephesians 2:6, 7)  However,  the apostle Paul warned that from among such starlike ones would come apostates, sectarians, who would mislead the flock.  (Acts 20:29, 30)  Such unfaithfulness would result  in a great apostasy, and these fallen elders would come up to make a composite man of lawlessness that would elevate himself to a godlike position among mankind.  (2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4)  Paul's warning were fulfilled when the clergy of Christendom appeared on the world scene.  This group is well represented by the symbol of "a great star burning as a lamp." 

John sees this particular star falling from heaven. How?  The experiences of an ancient king helps us to understand. Speaking to the king of Babylon, Isaiah said:  "O how you have fallen from heaven, you shining one, son of the dawn!  How you have been cut down to earth, you were disabling the nations!" (Isaiah 14:12)  This prophecy was fulfilled when Babylon was overthrown by the armies of Cyrus, and its king made an abrupt descent from the world rulership to shameful defeat. Thus, a fall from heaven can refer to losing a high position and falling into ignominy.

When the clergy of Christendom apostatized from true Christianity, they fell from the lofty "heavenly position described by Paul at Ephesians 2:6, 7.  Instead of offering fresh waters of truth, they served up "wormwood,"  butter lies such as hell fire, purgatory, the Trinity, and predestination; also, they led the nations into war, failing to build them up as moral servants of God.  The result?  Spiritul poisoning  of those who believed the lies.  Their case was similar to that of the unfaithful Isralites of Jeremiah's day, to whom Jehovah said:  "Here I am making them eat wormwood, and I will give them poisoned water  to drink. For from the prophet of Jerusalem apostasy has gone forth to all the land. -  Jeremiah 9:15; 23:15. 

Next time: Jehovah's Plagues on Christendom - A Star Falls From Heaven -Conclusion

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Jehovah's Plagues on Christendom - Like a Burning Mountain -Conclusion

 The Fascist and Nazi experiments were snuffed out by the second world warm but government continued to be a fiery issue, and the human sea continued to churn and throwe up new revolutionary governments.  In the decades following  1945, these were installed in many places, such as China, Vietnam, Cuba, and Nicaragua.  In Greece and experiment in military dictatorship failed. In Kampuchea (Cambodia) and excursion into fundamentalist Communism resulted in a reported two million and more deaths.

That "mountain burning with foire"  continued to  make waves in the sea of mankind.  Struggles over government have been reported in Africam the Americas, Asia, and the Pacific islands.  Many of these struggles have taken place in the lands of Christendom or where Christendom's missionaries have become activists.  Roman Catholic priests even joined up and fought as members of the Communist guerrilla bands. At the same time, Protestant evangelical groups  worked in Central America to counter what they called the Communists'  "vicious and relentless thirst for power."  But none of these  convulsions in the sea of mankind have brought peace and security.  -Compare ISAIAH 25:10-12; 1 THESSALONIANS 5:3. 

The second trumpet blast reveals that those of mankind who got involved in revolutionary conflicts over governement rather than submit to God's Kingdom are bloodguilty. Particularly Christendom's "third of the sea" has become as blood.  All living things therein are dead in God's eyes.   None of the radical organizations floating like boats in that third of the sea can avoid ultimate shipwreck.  How we are that millions of sheeplike people hav enow  heeded the trumpetlike call to separat from those who are still wallowing in the narrow nationalism and bloodguilt of that sea. 

Next time: Jehovah's Plagues on Christendom - A Star Falls From Heaven

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Jehovah's Plagues on Christendom - Like a Burning Mountain

"And the second angel blew his trumpet, and  something like a great mountain burning with fire was hurled into the sea.  And  a third of the sea became blood; and third of the creatures that are in the sea which have souls died, and thired of the boats were wrecked." (Revelation 8:8, 9) What does this frightfull scene picture? 

We may best understand it against the background of the convention of Jehovah's people held in Los Angeles, California, U.S. A.,  on August 18-26, 1923.  The featured Saturdat afternoon talk by J.F. Rutherford was on the topic "Sheep and Goats."  The "sheep" were clearly idendified as those righteously disposed persons who would inherit the earthly realm of God's Kingdom.  A resolution that followed drew attention to the hypocrisy of "apostate clergymen and 'the principal of their flocks," who are worldly men of strong financial and political influence."  It called on the "multitude  of the peace and order loving ones in the denominational churches . . . to withdraw themselves from the unrighteous ecclesiastical systems designated by teh Lord as 'Babylon"' and to ready themselves "to recieve the blessings of God's Kingdom.

Doubtless, this resolution came as a result of the sounding of the second trumpet.  Those  who would in due course respond to that messge would separate from those described by Isaiah in these words:  "But the wicked are like the sea that is being tossed , when it is unable to calm down, the waters of which keep tossing up seaweed and mire."  (Isaiah 57:20; 17:12, 13)   Thus, "the sea" well pictures restless, unsettled, and rebellious humanity that churns up unrest and revelution.  (Compare Revelation 13:1) The time will  come when that  "sea" will be no more.  (Revelation 21:1) Meantime, with the blast of the second trunpet, Jehovah pronounces judgment against a third of it-the unruly part that is in the realm of Christendom herself.

A great mountainlike mass burning with fire is hurled into this "sea."  In the Bible, mountains very often symbolize governments.  For example, God's Kingdom is portrayed as a mountain.  (Daniel 2:35, 44) Ruinous Babylon became a "burnt-out mountain."  (Jeremiah 51:25)  But the mountainous mass that John sees is still burning. It is being hurled into the sea well represents how, during and after the first  world war, the question  of government became a burning issue among mankind, especially in the lands of Christendom.  In Italy, Mussolini introduced Fascism.  Germany embraced Hitler's  Nazism, while other countries tried different forms of socialism.  A radical change occurred in Russi, where the Bolshevik revolution produced the first Communist state, with ther result of the religious leaders  of Christendom lost power and influence  in what was formerly one of their strongholds. 

Next time: Jehovah's Plagues on Christendom - Like a Burning Mountain

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Jehovah's Plagues on Christendom - A Third of the Earth Burned Up

 Reporting on the angels, John writes: "And the first one blew his trumpet.  And there occurred  a hail and fire mingled with blood, and it was hurled to the earth; and a third of the earth was burned up, and a third of the trees was burned up, and all the green vegetation was burned up."  (Revelation 8:7) This is similar to the seventh plague on Egypt, but does it mean for our time? - EXODUS 9:24.

In the Bible, the word "earth"  often refers to mankind." (Genesis 11:1; Psalm 96:1) Since  the second plague is on the sea, which also has to do with mankind, "the earth" must refer to the seemingly stable human society that Satan has built up  and that is due to be destroyed.   (2 Peter 3:7; Revelation 21:1) The plague scenario reveals that Christendom's third of the earth is scorched by the searing of Jehovah's disapprovall.  Her prominent ones-standing  like trees in the midst of her-are burned up by proclaiming of Jehovah's adverse judgment.  All her hundreds of millions of church members , if they continue to support Christendom's religion, become like scorched blades of grass, spiritually wilted in God's eyes. - Compare  37:1, 2. 

How is the judgment message delivered?  Generally, not by the world's news media, which are part of the world and often reproachful of God's "slave." (Matthew 24:45) It was proclaimed in a notable way at the second gathering of God's people at Cedar Point, Ohio, September 10, 1922.  These unanimously and enthusiastically adopted a resolution entitled "A Challenge to World Leaders."  In outspoken  terms, it put the modern-day symbolic  earth on notice, as follows:  "We therefore call upon the nations of earth, their rulers and leaders, and upon all the clergymen of all the denominational churches of earth, their  followers and allies, big business and big politicians, to bring forth their proof in justification of the position taken by them  that they can establishy peace and prosperity on earth and bring happiness to all the people; and their failing on this , we call upon them to give eart to the testimony that we offer as witnesses to our Lord, and then let them say whether or now our testimony is true." 

What testimony did these Christians offer?  This:  "We hold and declare that the Messiah's kingdom is the complete panacea  for all the ills of humankind and will bring peace on earth and good will to men, the desire of all the nations; that those who yield themselves willingly t hos righteous reign  now begun will be blessed with lasting peace, life, libertuy and endless happiness."  In these corrupt times, when man-made governments, especially those in Christendom. are failing utterly to solver the world's problems, that trumpeting challenge rings out with even great force than  in 1922.  How true that God's Kingdom in the hands of his conquering Christ is mankind's one and only hope! 

Through resolutions, tracts, booklets, books, magazines, and discourses, this and later proclamations were trumpeted forth by means of the congregation of anointed Christians.  The trumpet blast resulted in Christendom's being beaten as  with the hardend water of a pounding hail. Her bloodguilt, due her share in the wars of the 20th century, has been laid bare.  And she has been shown  to be deserving  of the fiery expression of Jehovah's wrath.  The John class, with later support from the great crowd, has continued to echo the first trumpet blas, drawing attention to Jehovah's view of Christendom, as being fit for destruction. - REVELATON 7:9, 15. 

Next time: Jehovah's Plagues on Christendom - Like a Burning Mountain

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Jehovah's Plagues on Christendom- Identifying the "Third"

As we shall see, when the first four trumpets are blown, plagues are inflicted on "a third" of the earth, of the sea, of the rivers and fountains of waters, and of the earth's sources of light. (Revelation 8:7-12)  A third is a considerable part of something but the whole.  (Compare  Isaiah 19:24; Ezekiel5:1; Zechariah 13:8, 9.)   so which "third" would be most deserving of these plagues ?  The majority of mankind has been blinded  and corrupted by Satan and his seed.  (Genesis 3:15); 2 Corinthians 4:4)  The situation is as described by David:"  "They have all turned aside, there are alike corrupt; there is no one doing good, not even one." (Psalm 14:3) Yes, the whole of mankind is in danger of receiving an adverse judgment. But one section thereof  is particularly guilty.  One part-"a third"-should have known better!  What is is that "third"? 

It is Christendom!   In the 1920's, her realm embraced about one third of mankind.  Her religion is the fruit of the great apostasy  from true Christianity-the apostasy that Jesus and his disciples foretold.  (Matthew 13:24-30; Acts 20:29, 30; 2 Thessalonians 2:3; 2 Peter 2:1-3)  The clergy of Christendom claim to be in God's temple and have represented themselves as teachers of Christianity. But their doctines  are far removed from Bible truth, and they continually bring God's name into disrepute.  Aptly represented by the symoblic thire, Christendom recieve potent, plaguing messages from Jehovah. That third of mankind merits no divine favor whatsoever!

In line with there being a sequence of trumpet blasts, special resolutions were featured at seven conventions from 1922 to 1928.  But the trumpeting has been confined to those years. The powerful exposing of Christendom's wicked ways has been continous , ongoing, as the Lord's day progresses.  Jehovah's judgments   must proclaim universally, to all nations, despite interational hatred and persecutions. Only then does the end of Satan's system come.  (Mark13:10, 13)  Happily, the great crowd  has not added its voice to that of the John class in making those thunderous pronouncements of worldwide importance.

Next time: Jehovah's Plagues on Christendom - A Third of the Earth Burned Up

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Jehovah's Plagues on Christendom - Preparing for teh Blasts of the Trumpets

John goes on to say: "And the seven angels with the seven trumpets prepared to blow them." (Revelation 8:6)  What does the blowing of those trumpets mean?  In the days of Israel, trumpet blasts were used to signal important days or noteworthy events.  (Leviticus 23:24; 2 Kings 11:14)  Similarly, the blasts of the trumpets that John is to hear will call attention to matters of life-and-death importance.

As the angels got ready to blow those trumpets, no doubt they were also giving direction to a preparatory work on earth.  From  1919 to 1922, the revitalized John class was busy in reorganizing te public ministry and building up publishing facilities.  In 1919 the magazine The Golden Age, known today as Awake!, had been brouggt forth as  "A Journal of Fact, Hope and Conviction"-a trumpetlike instrument that would play a key role in exposing false religion's politiecal involvements. 

As we shall see now, each of the trumpet blasts hearalds  a dramatic scence in which terrible  plagues affect portions of the earth.  Some of these remind us of the plagues that Jehovah sent to punish the Egyptians in Mose' day.   (Exodus 7:9-12:32)   These were expressions of Jehovah's judgment on that nation, and they opened the way for God's people to escape from slavery.  The plagues seen by John accomplish something similar.  However, they are not literal plagues.  They are signs that sybolize Jehovah's righteous judgments. - REVELATION 1:1.

Next time: Jehovah's Plagues on Christendom - Identifying the "Third"

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Jehovah's Plagues on Christendom - Hurling Fire to the Earth

John tells us:"But right away the angel took the incense vessel, and he filled it with  some of the fire of the altar and  hurled it to the earth.  And thunders occurred and voices  and lightnings and an earthquake." (Revelation 8:5) After the silence that is sudden dramatic activity!  This is evidently in response  to the prayers of the holy ones, since it is triggered by fire taken from the incense altar.  Back in  1513 B.C.E., at Mount Sinai, thunders and lightnings, a loud noise, fire and a quaking of the mountain signaled Jehovah's turning his attention to his people.  (Exodus 19:16-20)  The similar manifestations reported by John likewise indicate Jehovah's giving attention to his servants on earth. But John observes is presented in signs.  (Revelation 1:1)  So how are the symbolic  fire,  thuders, voices and lightnings, and earthquake to be intrepreted  today?

On one occasion, Jesus told his disciples:  "I came to start a fire on the earth." (Luke 12:49) Truly, he did ignite a fire.  by his zealous preaching, Jesus made God's Kingdom the parmount  issue before the Jewish people and this sparked heated controversy throughout that nation.  (Matthew 4:17, 25; 10:5-7, 17, 18)  In 1919 Jesus' spiritual brothers  on earth the small band of anointed Christians who survived the trialsome  days of Word War I, set light to a similar fie in Christendom.  In September of that year, Jehovah's spirit was remarkably in evdence as his loyal Witnesses assembled from near and far at Cedar Point, Ohio,  U.S.A. Joseph F. Rutherford, recently released from prison and soon to see all charges against him dropped, boldly addressed that convention, saying:  "Obedient to the command of our Master, and recognizing our privilege and duty to make war   against the strongholds of error which have so long held the people in bondage, our vocation was and is to announce the incoming glorious Kingdom of the Messiah." That is  the primary issue- God's Kingdom! 

Referring to the recent hard experiences of God's people, the speaker said:  "So pitiless was sthe onslaught of the enemy that  many of the Lord's dear flock were stunned and stood still in momentary discouragement, there was a burning  desire to proclaim the message of the kingdom." See  the September  15,1919, issue of the Watch Tower, page 280.

In 1919 that desire was satisfied.  This small but active group  of Christians were set on fire, spiritually speaking, to begin a worldwide peaching campaign.  (Compare 1 Thessalonians 5:19.) Fire was hurled to the earth in that God's Kingdom was made the burning issue, and so it continues to be!  Strong voices replaced silence, sounding out the Kingdom message with clarity.  Thunderous storm warnings from the Bible pealed forth. Like flashes of lighning, brilliant beams of truth shone from Jehovah's prophetic Word, and, as if  by a mighty earthquake, the religious realm  was shaken to its foundations.  The John class  saw that there was  work to be done.  And to this day, that work contineus to expand gloriously throughout the entire inhabited earth! - ROMANS 10:18. 

Next time: Jehovah's Plagues of Christendom - Preparing for the Blasts of the Trumpets

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Jehovah's Plagues on Christendom

 Vision 5-REVELATION  8:1-9:21

Subjec: The sounding of six of the seven trumpets

Time of fulfillment:  From the enthronement of Christ Jesus in 1914 to the great tribulation

The four winds have been held back until the 144,000 of spirtual Israel are sealed and the great crowd is approved for survival.   (Revelation 7:1-4, 9)  However, before that tempestuous storm breaks out over the earth, Jehovah's adverse judgments  against Satan's world  must also be made known!  As the Lamb proceeds  to open the seventh and final seal, John must be watching keenly to see what will unfold.  Now he shares his experience with us: " And when he [the Lamb] opened the seventh seal, a silence occurred in heaven for about a half hour.  And I saw the seven angels that stand before God, and seven trumpets were given them." - REVELATION 8:1, 2.

A Time for  Fervent Prayer

A significant silence this Half and hour can seem a long time when you are waiting for something to happen. Now the constant heavenly chorus of praise is no longer heard.  (Revelation 4:8)  Why?  John sees  the reason in vision:  "And another angel arrived and stood at the altar, have a golden incense vessel; and a large quanity  of incense was given him to offer it with the prayers of all the holy ones upon the golden altar that was before the throne.  And the smoke of the incense ascended from the hand of the angel with the prayers of the holy ones before God." - REVELATION 2:3, 4. 

This reminds us that under the Jewish system of things, incense was burned daily  at the tabernacle and, in later years, at the temple of Jerusalem.  (Exodus 30:1-8)  During such incense burning, the nonpriestly Israelites waited outside the sacred aream praying-no doubt silently in their hearts-to the One to whom the incense smokke was ascending.  (Luke 1:10) John now sees something similar happening in heaven.  The incense offered by the angel is associated wut "the prayers of the holy ones."  In fact, in an earlier vision, incense is said to represent such prayers.  (Revelation 5:8; Psalm 141:1, 2)   Evidently, then, the symbolic silence in heaven is to allow the prayers of the holy ones on earth to be heard.

Can we determine when this happened?  Yes, we can, by examing the context, together with historical developments early in the Lord's day.  (Revelation 1:10)  During 1918 and 1919, events on earth harmonized remarkably with the scenario described at Revelation 8:1-4.  For 40 years before 1914, the Bible Students -as Jehovah's Witnesses were than callled -had been announcing boldly that the time of the Gentiles would end in that year.  The distressful events of 1914 proved them correct.  (Luke 21:24,  King James Version; Matthew 24:3, 7, 8)  But many of them also believed tha tin 1914 they would be taken from this earth to their heavenly  inheritance.  That did not happen. Instead, during the first world war, they endured a time of severe persecution.  On October 32  1916 the first president, Joseph F. Rutherford, and seven other representatives  of the Society were  transported to Atlanta, Georgia,  penitentiary, wrongly sentenced to long years in prison.  

The sincere Christians of the John class were perplexed. What did God want them to do next?  When would they be taken uyp to heaven?  And article entitled  "The Harvest Ended-What Shall Follow?" appeared on May 1, 1919, issue of The Watch Tower.  It reflected this state of uncertainty and encouraged the faithful to continue  endurance, adding:  "We believe it is now a true saying that the harvest of the kingdom class is an accomplished fact, that all such  are duly sealed and that the door is closed."  During this difficult period, the fervent prayers of  of the John class were ascending, as though in a smoke of a large quanity of incense.  And their prayers  were being heard! 

Next time: Jehovah's Plague on Christendom - Hurling Fire to the  Earth

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A Multitudinous Great Crowd - Making the Calling Sure

What a magnificent vista these words open up to us!   Jehovah himself is on his throne, and all his servants, heavenly and earthly, unite in praising him.  His earthly servants appreciate what an awesome privilege it is to share in this swelling chorus of praise.  Very soon, Jehovah  and Christ Jesus will execute judgment, and the cry will be heard:  "The great day of their  wrath has come, and who is able to stand?" (Revelation 6:17)  The answer? Only a minority of mankind, including  any of the sealed 14,000 who might still be remaining in the flesh and a great crowd of other sheep who will "stand," that is, survive with them. - JEREMIAH 35:19.

In view of this face,  anointed Christians of the John class exert themselves vigorious in  "pursuing down toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God by means of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:14)  They are fully aware that events during these days call for special endurance on their part.  (Revelation 13:10)    After loyally serving Jehovah for so many years, they hold fast to the faith, rejoicing that their names  are "inscribed in the heavens." (Luke 10:20; Revelation 3:5)  Those of the great crowd too know  that only "he that has endured to the end of the one that will be saved."  (Matthew 24:13)  While the great crowd as a group is marked to come out of the great tribulation, individuals thereof must exert themselves to remain clean and active. 

There is no evidence that any apart from these two groups will "stand" in a day of Jehovah's wrath.  What does this mean for the millions who each year show a certain respect for Jesus' sacrifice by attending the celebration of the Memorial of his death but who have not yet exercised faith in Jesus's  sacrifice to the point of  of becoming dedicated, baptized servants of Jehovah, active in his service?  Further, what about those who were once active but who have allowed their hearts to "become weighed down  with . . .  anxieties of life"?  May all of such awaken, and stay awake, in order to "succeed in escaping all these things that are destine to occur, and in standing before the Son of man"- Jesus Christ.  The time is short! - LUKE 21:34-36. 

Interpretations Belong to God

For many decades the John class inquired as to the identify of the great crowd but without finding a satisfactory explanation.  Why?  We find the answer in the words of faithful Joseph, when he said:  "Do not interpretations belong to God?"  (Genesis 40:8) When and how does God interpret the fulfillment of his prophesies ?  Usually, it is when they are due to be fulfilled or are in course of fulfillment so that their message can be clearly discerned  by his searching servants.  This  understanding is given "for our instruction, that though our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope." -ROMANS 15:4.

Next time: Jehovah's Plagues on Christendom

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A Multitudinous Great Crowd - The Blessings of the Great Crowd -Conclusion

The elder continues:  "They will hunger no more nor thirst anymore, neither will the sin beat down upon them nor any scorching heat, because the Lamb, who is in the midst of the throne, will shepherd them, and will guide them to fountains of waters of life.  And God will wipe out every tear from their eyes."  (Revelation 7:16, 17)   Yes, Jehovah is truly hospitable!  But what depth of meaning is there to these words? 

Let us consider a smiliarly worded prophecy: "This is what Jehovah has said:  'In a time of goodwill I have answered you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you . . . They will not go hungry, neither will they go thirsty, nor will parching heat or sun strike them.   For the One who is having pity upon them will lead them, and by the springs of the waters he will conduct them." (Isaiah 49:8, 10; see also Psalm 121:5, 6)   The apostle Paul quoted part of this prophecy and applied it to the "day of salvation" that began  at Pentecost 33 C.E.  He wrote: "For he [Jehovah] says: 'In an applicable time I heard you, and in a day of salvation I helped you.' Look!  Now is the especially acceptable time.  Look! now is the day of salvation." - 2 CORINTHIANS 6:2.

What  application did the promise about not getting hungry or thirsty or suffering parching heat have back then?  Certainly, Christians in the first century did  suffere literal hunger and thirst at times.  (2 Corinthians 11:23-27)   In  spiritual way, though, they had an abundance.  They were richly provided for, so that they did not go hungry or thirsty for spiritual things. Moreover, Jehovah did not cause the heat of his anger to blaze against them when he destroyed the Jewish system of things in  70 C.E.  The words of  Revelation 7:16 have  a similar spiritual fulfillment for the great crowd today.  Along with anointed Christians, they enjoy bounteous spiritual provisions. - ISAIAH 65:13:  Nahum 1:6, 7.

If you are one of that great crowd, your good condition of heart will make you "cry out joyfully,"  no matter  what you have to endure in the way of privations  and pressures during the twilight years of Satan's  system.  (Isaiah 65:14)  In that sense, even now, Jehovah can 'wipe out every tear from your eyes.'  No longer does God's torrid "sun" of adverse judgment threaten you, and when the four winds of destruction are unleashed, you may be spared  the "scorching heat" of Jehovah's displeasure.  After that destruction is over, the Lamb will guide you to benefit fully  from the revitalizing  "fountains of waters of life,"  these representing all the provisions that Jehovah makes for your gaining everlasting life.  Your faith in the blood of the Lamb will be vindicated  in that you will gradually   be raised to human perfection. You of the great crowd will be unique  among mankind as the "millions" that did not even have to die! In the fullest sense, every teat will have been wiped from your eyes. - REVELATION 21:4. 

Next time: A Multitudinious Great Crowd - Make the Calling Sure

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A Multitudinous Great Crowd - The Blessings of the Great Crowd

 Through the divine channel, John receives further information regarding this great crowd:  "And he [the elder] said to me: 'These are the ones that came out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.  That is why they are before the throne of God; and they are rendering sacred service day and night in his temple; and the One seated upon the throne will spread his tent over them."' - REVELATION 7:14b,15.

On a earlier occasion, Jesus had said that his presence in Kingdom glory would culminate in "great tribulation such as not occurred  since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again." (Matthew 24:21, 22)  In fulfillment of that prophecy, the angels will unleash the four winds of the earth to devastate Satan's  world system.  First to go will be Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion.  Then, at the peak of the tribulation, Jesus will deliver the remaining ones of the 144,000 on earth, together with the multitudinous great crowd. - REVELATION 7:; 18:2.

How do individuals  of the great crowd qualify for survival?  The elder tells John that they have "washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."  In other words, they have exercised their faith in Jesus as their Ransomer, have made a dedication to Jehovah, have symbolized their dedication by baptism, and "hold a good conscience" by their uprighrt conduct.  (1 Peter 3:16, 21;  Matthew 20:28)   Thus, they are clean and righteous in Jehovah's eyes.  And they keep themselves "without spot from the world." - JAMES 1:27.

Further, they have become zealous Witnesses of Jehovah-"rendering him sacred service day and night in his temple."  Are you one of this dedicated great crowd?  If so, it is your privilege to serve Jehovah without let up in this earthly courtyard of his great spiritual temple.   Today, under the direction of  the anointed ones, the great crowd is performing by far the greater parrt of the witness work. Despite secular responsibilities, hundreds of thousands  of them  have made room for the full-time ministry as pioneers.  But whether you are  in that group or not, as a dedicated member of the great crowd, you can rejoice that because of you faith and works you are declared righteous as a friend of God and are welcomed as a guest in his tent.  (Psalm 15:1-5; James 2:21-26)   Jehovah thus 'spread his tent' over those who love him and, as a good host, protects them. - PROVERBS 18:10. 

Next time: A Multitudinous Great Crowd - The Blessings of the Great Crowd

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A Multitudinous Great Crowd - The Great Crowd Makes Its Appearance -Conclusion

When the second world war broke out, Satan put forth bitter efforts to stop the harvesting of the great crowd.  Jehovah's work was restricted in many countries.  During those dark days, and shortly before his death in January 1942, J.F. Rutherford was heard to say:  "Well . . . it looks as though the great multitude is not going to be so great after all."  But divine blessing directed otherwise!   In 1946 the number of Witnesses ministering worldwide had jumped to 176,456- most of these being of the great crowd.  In 2005 different lands-truly A GREAT CROWD!  and the number keeps on increasing. 

The harvesting of God's people during the Lord's day has thus been in full harmony7 with John's vision:   first the work of gathering the remaining ones of the 144,000; then the gathering of the great crowd. As Isaiah prophesied, no, "in the final part of the days," people of all nations  are streaming to share in Jehovah's pure worship.  And, indeed, we exult in appreciation of Jehovah's creation of "new heavens  and a new earth." (Isaiah 2:2-4;  65:17, 18)   God is gathering "all things together again in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth." (Ephesians 1:10)  The anointed heirs  of the heavenly Kingdom-chosen over the creatures since Jesus' day-are "the things in the heavens."  And now, the great crowd of the other sheep appear as initial ones of  "the things of the earth."  Your serving in harmony with that arrangement can mean eternal happiness for you. 

Next time: A Multitudinous Great Crowd - The Blessings of the Great Crowd

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A Multitudinous Great Crowd - The Great Crowd Makes Its Appearance

From the time of the apostle John and on to into the Lord's dau, anointed Christians  were puzzled as to the identity of the great crowd.  It is fitting, then, that one of the 24 elders, representing anointed ones already in heaven, should stir John's thinking by raising a pertinent question.  "And in response one of the elders said to me:  'These who are dressed in the white robes, who are they and where did they come from?'  So  right away I said to him:  'My lord, you are the one that knows." ( Revelation 7:13, 14a)  Yes, that elder could locate te answer and give it to John.  This suggests that resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today.  For their part, those of the John class on earth got to learn the identity of the great crowd by closely observing what Jehovah was performing in their midst.  They were quick to appreciate the dazzling flash of divine light that emblazoned the theocratic firmament in 1935, at Jehovah's due time. 

During the 1920's and early 1930's , the John class has stressed the heavenly hope, both in the publications and in the preaching work.  Apparently, the full number of the 144,000  has yet to be filled.  But increasing numbers of those who heeded the message and who showed zeal in the witness work cam to profess an interests in living forever on the Paradise earth.  They had no desire to go to heaven.  That was not their calling.  They were no part of the little flock but rather of the other sheep.  (Luke 12:32;  John 10:16)  Their being identified in 1935 as the great crowd of other sheep was an indication that choosing the 1144,000 was then about complete. 

Do statistics support this conclusion?  Yes, they do.  In 1938, worldwide, 59, 047 Witnesses of Jehovah shared in the ministry. Of these, 36,732 partook of the emblems at the annual celebration of the Memorial of Jesus' death, thus indicating that they had a heavenly calling.  In the years since then, the number of these partakers  has progressivly  decreased, principallybecause faithful Witnesses of Jehovah finished their earthly course  in death.  In 2005 only 8, 524 partook of the Memorial emblems-0.05 percent of the 16l,390, 116 attending that global observance.  

Next timme: A Multitudinous Great Crowd - The Great Crowd Makes Its Appearance- conclusion

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A Multitudinous Great Crowd - A Unversial Shout of Praise

The great crowd is praising Jehovah, but others are also singing his praises.  John reports: "And all the angels were standing around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures, and they fell upon their faces before the throne and worshiped God, saying:  'Amen! the blessing and the glory and the wisdom and the thanksgiving and the honor and  the power and the strength be to our God forever and ever.  Amen."' - REVELATION 7:11, 12. 

 When Jehovah created all the earth, all of his holy angels "joyfully cried out together, and all the sons of God began shouting in applause." (Job 38:7) Each new revelation of Jehovah's purpose must have evoked similar angelic shouts of praise.  When the 24 elders-the 144,000  in their heavenly glory-cry  out  in recognition of the Lamb, all others of God's heavenly creatures chime in with praises for Jesus and for Jehovah God. (Revelation 5:9-14) Already, these creatures have been overjoyed to observe the fulfillment of Jehovaj's purpose in his resurrecting faithful anointed humans to a glorious place in the spirit realm.  Now, all of Jehovh's favorite  heavenly creatures burst into melodious praise as the great crowd appears. Truly, for all of Jehovah's servants, the Lord's day is a thrilling time in which to be living. (Revelation 1:10) Here on earth, how privileged we are to share in the song of praise by  witnessing to  Jehovah's Kingdom!

Next time: A Multitudinous Great Crowd - The Great Crowd Makes Its Appearance

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A Multitudinous Great Crowd - In Heaven or on Earth

How do we know that "standing before the throne" does not mean that the great crowd is in heaven ?  There is much clear evidence on this point.  For example, the Greek word here  translate  "before" (e-no'pi-on) literally means "in [the] sight [of]" and is used several times  of humans on earth who are "before" or "in the sight of" Jehovah.  (1 Timothy 5:21; 2 Timothy 2:14; Romans 14:22; Galatians 1:20)   On one occasion when the Israelites  were in the wilderness, Moses said to Aaron: "Say to the entire assembly of the sons of Israel, 'Come near before Jehovah, because he has heard your murmurins." (Exodus 16:9) The Israelites did not have to be transported to heaven in order to stand before Jehovah on that occasion.  (Compare Leviticus 24:8)    Rather, right there in the wilderness they stood in Jehovah's view, and his attention was on them. 

Additionally, we read:  "When the Son of man arrives in his glory . . . all the nations will be gathered before him.  The whole human race will not be in heaven when this prophecy is fulfilled.  Certainly those  wo "depart into everlasting cutting-off" will not be in heaven.  (Matthew 25:31-33, 41, 46)  Instead, mankind stands on the earth in Jesus' view, and he turns his attention to judging them.   Similarly, the great crowd is "before the throne and before the Lamb" in that it stnds in the view of Jehovah and his King, Christ Jesus, from whom it receives a favorable judgment.

The 24 elders and the anointed group of 144,000 are described as being  "round about the throne" of Jehovah and "upon the [heavenly] Mount Zion."  (Revelation 4:4;14:1)  The great crowd is not a priestly class and does not attain to that exalted position.  True, it is later described at Revelation 7:15  as serving God "in his temple."  But this temple does not refer to the Greek word na-os', translated "temple," often conveys the broad sense of the entire edifice erected for Jehovah's worship.  Today, this is a spiritual structure that embraces both heaven and earth. - Compare MATTHEW 26:61; 27:5, 39, 40; MARK 15:29, 30; JOHN 2:19-21, New World Translation Reference Bible.

Next time: A Multitudinous Great Crowd - A Universal Shout of Praise

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A Multitudinous Great Crowd - Confirming the Identity of the Great Crowd

 It is fitting, then, that the great crowd, though no part of  spiritual Israel, should wave palm branches, since they joyfully and gratefully ascribe the victory and salvation to God and to the  Lamb, as John here observes:  "And they keep on crying with a loud voice, saying:  'Salvation we own to our God, who is seated on the throne  and to te Lamb."' ( Revelation 7:10)   Although they have been separated out of all ethnic groups, the great crowd cry out with just that one  "loud voice."  How can they do this, despite their diversity of nations and languages?

This great crowd is part of the only truly multinational  organization on earth today.  They do not have diffferent standards for different countries but apply the Bible's right principles consistently wherever they live.  They are not involved in nationalistic, revolutionary movements but have truly 'beaten swords into plowshares.' (Isaiah 2:4)   They are not divided into sects or denominations, so that they shout confused or mutally contradictory messages as do the religions of Christendom; nor do they leave it to a professional clergy class to do their praising for them.  They do not cry out they they own to the holy spirit, for they are not servants of a trinitarian god.  In some 200 geographical territories around the earth, they are at one in calling upon the name of Jehovah as they speak the one pure language of truth.  (Zephaniah 3:9)   Properly, they publicly acknowledge that their salvation comes from Jehovah, the God of salvation, through Jesus Christ, His Chief Agent of salvation. - PSALM 3:8; HEBREWS 2:10.

Modern technology has helped to make the loud voice of the united great crowd sound even louder.  No other religious group  on earth has need of publishing Bible study aids in more than 400 languages, since no other group is interested in  reaching all peoples of earth with one united message.  As a further aid in this, under the supervision of the anointed Governing Body of  Jehovah's Witnesses, a Multilanugage Electronic Phototypesetting System (MEPS) was developed.  At the time of this printing, various forms of MEPS are used in more than 125 locations around the earth, and this has helped  to make possible publications of the semimonthly journal, The Watchtwower, in over 130 languages simultaneously. Jehovah's people also simultaneously  publish books, such as this one, in a number of languages. Thus, Jehovah's Witnesses, of whom the great crowd make up the vast majority, are able yearly to distribute hundreds of millions of publications in all the better-known languages. enabling additional throngs out of all tribes and tongues to study God's Word and join their voices to the loud voices of the great crowd. - ISAIAH42:10, 12.

Next time: A Multitudinous Great  Crowd - In Heaven  or on Earth?

From the jw.org publications 

A Multitudinous Great Crowd- Confirming the Identity of the Great Crowd

How can we state so positively that the great crowd is this modern-day group of dedicated Christians who hope to live forever on God's earth?  Previously, John had seen in vision the heavenly group "bought . . . for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation."  (Revelation 5:9, 10)  The great crowd have a similar origin but a different destiny.  Unlike the Isreal of Godd, their number is not predetermined.  No man can tell in advance how many there will be be.  Their robes are washed  white in the blood of the Lamb, symbolizing that they have a  righteous standing befor Jehovah by virtue of their faith in Jesus sacrifice.  (Revelation 7:14)  And they are waving palm branches, hailing Messiah as their King. 

As he looks on in his vision, John's thoughts must be taking him back more than 60 years to Jesus' last week on earth.  On Nisan 9, 33 C.E. , when the crowds flocked  to welcome Jesus into Jerusalem, they "took the branches of the palm trees and went out to meet him.  And they began to shout:  'Save, we pray you! Blessed is he that comes in Jehovah's name, even the king of Israel!"'  (John 12:12, 13)    In like fashion, the waving of the palm brances and crying out on the part of the great crowd shows their unbridled joy in accepting Jesus as Jehovah's  appointed King. 

Doubtless, the palm brances and exulting cries also remind John of the ancient Israelite Festival of the Booths.  For this festival Jehovah commanded:  "And you must make for yourselves on the first day the fruit of splendid trees, the fronds of the palm trees and the boughs of branchy trees and poplars of the torrent valley, and you must rejoice before Jehovah your God seven days."  The palm brances were used as a mark of rejoicing.  The temporary booths were a reminder that Jehovah had saved his people  out of Egypt, to live in tents in the wilderness.  "The alien resident and the fatherless boy and the widow" shared in this festival.  All Israel were to  "become nothing but joyful." - LEVITICUS 23:40; DEUTERONOMY 16:13-15. 

Next time: A Multitudinous Great Crowd - Confirming the Identity of the Great Crowd

From the jw.org publications