
She Acted With Discretion - "Blessed Be Your Sensibleness"

 In a way, we have already seen Abigail take the first step toward righting this terrible wrong.  Unlike her husband, Nabal, she proved willing to listen. As for bringing the matter to Nabal, the young servant said of him:  "He is too much of a good-for-nothing fellow o speak to him." (1 Samuel 25:17)  Tragically, Nabal's view of his own importance rendered him unwilling to listen.  Such arrogance is all too common even to this day.  But the young man knew Abigail to be different, which is no doubt why he approached her with this problem.

Abigail thought and acted quickly.  "At once Abigail hastened,"  we read. Four times in this one account we find the same verb,  "to hasten," used regarding this woman.  She prepared a generous gift for David and his men.   It included bread, wine, sheep, roasted grain, cakes of raisins, and cakes of figs.  Clearly, Abigail knew well what she had and was thoroughly in charge of her  household responsibilities, much like the capable wife later described in the book of Proverbs.  (Proverbs 31:10-31) She sent the provisions ahead with some of her servants, then followed alone.  "But, we read, to her husband she told nothing." - 1 SAMUEL 25:18, 19. 

Does this mean that Abigail was rebelling against her husband's rightful  headship?  No; keep in mind that Nabal had acted  wickedly against an anointed servant of Jehovah, an action that could well result in death for many innocent members of Nabal's  household.  If Abigail failed to act, might she become a sharer in her husband's guilt?  In this case, she to put submission to her God ahead of submission to her husband. 

Next time: She Acted With Discretion - Conclusion of "Blessed Be Your Sensibleness" 

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She Acted With Discretion -"He Screamed Rebukes at Them" -Conclusion

 It must have been quite an undertaking to keep all those men fed in the wilderness.  So one day David sent two messengers to Nabal to ask for help.  David chose the moment wisely. It was the festive time of sheepshearing, when generosity and feasting were customary.  David also chose his word with care, using polite terms of address.  He even referred to himself as "your son David," perhaps a respectful acknowledgement of Nabal's greater age. How did Nabal respond? 

He was outraged!  "He screamed rebukes at them" is how the young men mentioned at the outset described the scene to Abigail.  Miserly Nabal complained  loudly about his precious bread, water, and slaughtered meat. He ridiculed David as inconsequential and compared him to a runaway servant.  Nabals' view may have been similar to that of Saul, who hated David.  Neither man had Jehovah's view. God loved David and saw him, not as a rebellious slave, but as the future king of Israel. - 1 SAMUEL 25:10, 11, 14. 

When the emissaries reported back to David, he became furious.  "Gird on every one his sword!" he commanded. Arming himself, David  led 400 of his men to attack. He vowed to wipe out every male in Nabal's household. (1 Samuel 25:12, 13, 21, 22.) David's ire was understandable, but his way of expressing it was wrong.  The Bible says: "Man's wrath does not work out God's righteousness." (James 1:20) How, though, could Abigail save her household?

Next time:  She Acted With Discretion - "Blessed Be  Your Sensibleness"

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She Acted With Discretion - "He Screamed Rebukes at Them"

 Nabal had just made Abigail's situation harder than ever.  The man he had insulted as none other than David.  This was the faithful servant of Jehovah whom Samuel the prophet had anointed, revealing David as God's choice to succeed Saul as king.   (1 Samuel 16:1, 2, 11-13) On the run from the jealous and murderous King Saul, David was in the wilderness with his 600 loyal warriors.  

Nabal lived in Maon but worked and likely owned land in nearby Carmel.  Those towns lay amidst grassy  uplands for raising sheep, of which Nabal owned 3,000.  All around, though, was wild country.  To the south lay the vast wilderness of Paran.  To the east, the approach to the Salt Sea led through  the desolate wastelands riddled with ravines and caves.  In these regions David and his men  struggled to survive. no doubt hunting for their food and enduring many hardships.  They often encountered the young men who worked as shepherds for the wealthy Nabal.  

How did those hardworking soldiers treat the shepherds?  It would  have been easy for them to help themselves to a sheep now and then, but did nothing of the kind. On the contrary, they were like a protective wall around Nabal's  flocks and servants.  (Read 1 Samuel 25:15, 16) Sheep and shepherds faced plenty of dangers.  Predators abounded, and Israel's southern border was so close that bands of foreign marauders and thieves frequently attacked. 

Next time: She Acted With Discretion - "He Screamed Rebukes at Them"- Conclusion

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She Acted With Discretion

 "Good in Discretion and Beautiful in Form"

Abigail and Nabal were not a good match.  Nabal could hardly have chosen a better spouse, whereas Abigail found herself married to one who could hardly have been worse. Granted the man had money. He thus saw himself as very important, but how did others view him? It would be difficult to find a Bible character who is spoken of in more contemptuous terms.  His very name means "Senseless," or "Stupid."  Did his parents give him such a name a birth, or was it an epithet that stuck to him later?  In either case, he lived up to his name. Nabal was "harsh and bad in his practices."  A bully and a drunkard, he was widely feared and disliked. - 1 SAMUEL 25:2, 3, 17, 21, 25. 

Abigail was altogether  different from Nabal.  Her name means "My father Has Made Himself joyful."  Many a father is proud to have a beautiful daughter, but a wise father is far happier to discern inner beauty in his child. All too often, a person blessed with outward beauty fails to see the need to develop such qualities as discretion, wisdom, courage, or faith.  Not so with Abigail.  The Bible praises her for her discretion as well as for her beauty. - Read  1 SAMUEL 25:3.

Some today might wonder why such an intelligent woman married such a good-for-nothing man.  Remember. many marriages in Bible times were arranged. If not, parental consent was still of great importance. Did Abigail's parents  favor this marriage, even arrange it, because they were impressed with Nabal's wealth and prominence?  Did they feel pressured by poverty?  At any rate, Nabal's money did not make him a fit husband. 

Wise parents carefully teach their children a wholesome view of marriage.  The neither urge their children to marry for money nor pressure them to begin dating when still too young to take on adult roles and responsibilities.  (1 Corinthians 7:6)  However, it was too late for Abigail to think about such things.  For whatever reason, she was married to Nabal, and she was determined to make the best of a difficult situation. 

Next time: She Acted With Discretion - "He Screamed Rebukes at Them"

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She Acted With Descretion

 ABIGAIL saw the panic in the young man's eyes. He was terrified-and for a good reason.  Grave danger loomed.  Right at that moment, some 400 warriors  were on the way, determined to kill off every male in the household of Nabal, Abigail's husband. Why?

It had all started with Nabal.  He had acted cruelly and insolently, as usual. This time, though, he had insulted the wrong man-the beloved commander of a loyal and well-trained  band of warriors. Now, one of Nabal's young workmen, perhaps a shepherd, came to Abigail, trusting that she would come up with a plan to save them.  But what could s one woman do against an army?

First, let us learn a little more about this remarkable woman.  Who was Abigail?  How had this crisis arisen? And what can we learn from  her example of faith?  

Next time: "Good in Discretion and Beautiful in Form"

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 Was It a Sexual Relationship?

Some researchers have claimed that the relationship between Jonathan and David was a homosexual liaison.  Does the Bible support that view? Consider the following points.

* The Bible verses used to support that view do not suggest a sexual relationship.  Often cited are David's words about Jonathan: "More wonderful was  your love to me than the love of women." ( 2 Samuel 1:26) Some also refer to the verses that mention that the two men kissed each other.  (1 Samuel 20:41)   However, such words and expressions of of affection between two men were quite common in Bible times and in the culture  of the ancient Middle East, without suggesting anything sexual at all. - 1 SAMUEL 10:1; 2 SAMUEL 19:39.

Note:  These researchers, in my opinion, have filthy minds. And in this disgusting immoral, greedy, deceitful, non-compassionate,  selfish  world, it would be natural to have filthy minds to go with it. This world had tainted everyone's minds to think that doing good is bad and doing bad disgusting things is good.   The world is warped and I will be S O O happy when Jesus Christ and Jehovah God comes down  and takes care of business.  The sooner the better for me!

*  Both men were married to woman and fathered children.   David had several wives and many children.  (2 Samuel 5:13-16) Jonathan's wife is not named , but he fathered a son named Mephiboseth, or Meri-baal. - 2 SAMUEL 4:4; 1 CHRONICLES  8:34.

* Both men were loyal to God's Law.  Jonathan and David had in common their faith in and love for Jehovah God, and the swore their oath of friendship "in the name of Jehovah."  (1 Samuel20:41. 42)   Obedience  to Jehovah was thus a high priority for both men, and God's Law clearly condemned  all forms of sexual immorality, including homosexual acts.  (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13) So to imply that David  and Jonathan had homosexual relations is to deny the very foundation of their friendship.

Nothing in the Bible suggests that either Jonatan and David  had homosexual leanings or that there was anything sexual about their friendship.  To state otherwise is to read something into that simply is not there.  

Next time: She Acted With Discretion

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IMITATE THEIR FAITH/JONATHAN- "You Were Very Dear to Me" - Conclusion

 In the years that followed, David surely looked back often and fondly on that meeting.  It was their last. Sadly, Jonathan's hope to become second to David was never realized.

Jonathan went to battle at his father's side against the Philistines, avowed enemies of Israel.  He could fight alongside his father in good conscience for he did not let his father's wrongs get in the way of his own service to Jehovah.  He fought bravely and loyally as he always had, but the battle still went badly for Israel.  Saul's wickedness had extended even to spiritism. a capital offense  under God's Law, so Jehovah was no longer blessing Saul.  Three of Saul's sons,  including Jonathan, were killed in battle.  Saul was wounded and  took his own life. - 1 SAMUEL  28:6-1; 31:2-6.

David was stricken with grief.  That lighthearted man even grieved for Saul, who had caused him so much misery and hardship!  David wrote a dirge over Saul and Jonathan.  Perhaps the most touching words relate to David's beloved mentor and friend: "I am distressed over you my brother Jonathan, you were very dear to me.  More wonderful was your love to me than the love of women." -2 SAMUEL 1:26.

David never forgot his vow to Jonathan. Years later he sought out and took care of Jonathan's disabled son, Mephibosheth.   (2 Samuel 9:1-13) Clearly, David had learned much from Jonathan's loyalty and honor and his willingness to stick loyally to a friend  even when such loyalty came at a high price. Will we learn such lessons as well?  Can we seek out friends like Jonathan?  Can we show such friendship  ourselves?  If we help our friends to build and strengthen their faith in Jehovah, if we put our loyalty to God first, and we remain loyal  instead of seeking our own interests, we will be the kind of friend that Jonathan was.  And we will imitate his faith. 

Next time: IMITATE THEIR FAITH/JONATHAN - Was It a  Sexual Relationship?

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 Saul's hatred for David grew into an obsession.  Jonathan was helpless as he watched his father descend into a kind of madness, amassing his army and leading it around the country, seeking to destroy one innocent man. (1 Samuel 24:1, 2,12-15; 26:20) Did Jonathan take part?  Interestingly,  the Scriptures never mentioned him in connection with any of these misguided campaigns.  Jonathan's loyalty to Jehovah, to David, and to his own oath of friendship made such a thing impossible.

His feelings for this young friend never changed.  In time, he found a way to meet David again. It was in Horesh, which means "Wooded Place."  Horesh was in a wild mountainous region likely a few miles southeast of Hebron.  Why did Jonathan risk going out to see  this fugitive?  The Bible tells us that his motive was to help David "find strength  in Jehovah." (1 Samuel 23:16)  How did Jonathan do so? 

"Do not be afraid," Jonathan told his young friend. He added his reassurance: "My father Saul will  not find you."  On w hat was the reassurance based?  On Jonathan's deep faith that Jehovah's purpose would succeed. He went on:  "You will be king over Israel."   The prophet Samuel had been commissioned to say that years earlier, and Jonathan now reminded David that Jehovah's word is always reliable.  And how did Jonathan see his own future?  "I will second to you."  What priceless humility the man showed!  He would be content to serve under the command of this man who was 30 years his junior, to serve as his supportive right hand!  Jonathan  concluded:  "My father Saul also knows that." (1 Samuel 23:17, 18) In his heart, Saul knew that he was doomed to lose this fight against the man Jehovah had chosen to be the next king! 

Next time: IMITATE THEIR FAITH/JONATHAN - "You Were Very Dear to Me

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 The Price of Loyalty

Jonathan tried again to reconcile Saul with David but had even less success.  David came to Jonathan in secret, revealing that he feared for his own life.  "There is only a step between me and death!"  he told his older friend.  Jonathan agreed to test out his father's feelings on the matter and to let David know where things stood.  While David hid, Jonathan would signal him the news by using a bow and arrows.  Jonathan asked only that David swear to this promise:  "Never withdraw your loyal love from my household, even when Jonathan wipes out all the enemies of David from the face of the earth."  David agreed that he would always look out for those of Jonathan's household. - 1 SAMUEL 20:3, 13-27.

Jonathan tried to speak well of David to Saul, but the king became more enraged!  He called Jonathan a "son of a rebellious  woman"  and derided his loyalty to David as shameful to the family.  He tried to appeal to Jonathan's self-interest:  "As long as the son of Jesse is alive on the earth, you and your kingship  will not be firmly established." Unmoved, Jonathan again pleaded with his father:  "Why should he be put to death?  What has he done?"  Saul exploded  in violence! Though aged, Saul  was still a mighty warrior. He hurled a spear at his son! Practiced though he may have been, he missed. Deeply hurt and humiliated, Jonathan left in anger. - 1 SAMUEL 20:224-34.

The next morning, Jonathan went to the field near David's hiding place. He fired off an arrow as agreed, letting David know that Saul was still intent on killing him.  Then Jonathan  sent his attendant back into the city. He and David were alone, so they had a fleeting chance to talk. Both men wept, and Jonathan sadly saw his young friend off as David started his new life as a refugee. - 1 SAMUEL 20:35-42. 

Jonathan's loyalty passed the test of self-interest. Satan, the enemy  of all faithful people, would surely have loved to see Jonathan follow in Saul's steps and put his own ambitions for power or glory first.  Remember, Satan loves to appeal to the selfish inclinations of humans.  He succeeded with Adam and Eve, our first parents.  (Genesis 3:1-6)  Yet, he failed with Jonathan.  How frustrated Satan must have been! Will you resist similar attempts!  We live in time when selfishness is epidemic.  (2 Timothy 3:1-5)  Will we learn from Jonathan's selfless spirit? 

Note: That is the sad thing, a lot of people  don't believe in the true God, only a traditional god. That god isn't going to help anyone, hear any prayers, or answer them.   And others don't even believe he exists at all, they don't believe everything in the Bible, they think its just a book by some writer.  That is so sad. So why would they even think about imitating Jonathan.   These people seem basically all for themselves, except maybe family, and for some, not even family.  It is a very sad time indeed. 😔😞 I have a habit of observing people when I go out, which is not far or for very long.  And I do not see much in the way of empathy or compassion.  They look like the ones in the movie the Stepford woman, but with brainwashed men in it too.  That is my observation. 

Next time: IMITATE THEIR FAITH/JONATHAN - "You Were Very Dear to Me

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 The Challenge of Conflicting Loyalties

At first, Saul was very fond of David and placed him in charge of his army. Before long, though, Saul fell victim to the very enemy that failed to conquer Jonathan-jealousy.  David met with victory after victory against Israel's enemies, the Philistines.  David thus won praise and admiration.  Some women  of Israel even sang:  "Saul has struck down his thousands, and David his tens of thousands."  Saul did not like that song.  "From that day on,"  we read, "Saul was always looking at David suspiciously." ( 1 Samuel 18:7, 9)  He feared that David would try to take the kingship from him. That was foolish on Saul's part. True, David knew that he was to succeed Saul, but he never even considered supplanting Jehovah's anointed king while the man still reigned!

Saul schemed to get David killed in battle, but nothing worked. David kept winning battles and growing in the esteem of the people.  Saul's next move was to try to unite his household -all his servants and his eldest son-in a plot to kill David!  Imagine how sick at heart Jonathan must have been to see his father act that way!  (1 Samuel 18:25-30; 19:1)  Jonathan was a loyal son, but he was also loyal to his friend. Now that those two loyalties seemed to be in conflict which one would win out? 

Jonathan spoke up : "The king should not be against his servant David, for he has not sinned against you and what he has done for you has benefited you. He risked his life to strike down the Philistine, so that Jehovah  brought about a great victory for all Israel. You saw it, and you were overjoyed.  So why should you sin against blood in having David put to death for no reason?"  In a rare moment of reasonableness, Saul listened to Jonathan and even swore not to harm David.  But Saul was not man of his  word. After David had more successes, Saul was so full of jealous rage that he hurled a spear at him!  (1 Samuel 19:4-6, 9, 10)  But David escaped and fled Saul's court.

Have you ever faced conflicting loyalties?  It can be painful. In such situations, some would advise you that family should always come first. But Jonathan   knew better. How could his loyalty to  Jehovah  rule his decision.  That was why he stood up for David.  Still, although Jonathan's loyalty to God came  first, he proved loyal to his father, by counseling him honestly instead of telling him what he wanted to hear.  Each one of us would benefit by imitating the way Jonathan showed loyalty. 

Next time: IMITATE THEIR FAITH/JONATHAN - The Price of Loyalty

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 Years earlier, Jonathan had reasoned   similarly.  He was sure that two men -he was sure that two men-he and his armor-bearer could attack and defeat an entire garrison of armed soldiers.  Why?  Nothing  can hinder Jehovah," Jonathan said.  (1 Samuel 14:6)   So Jonathan and David had much in common: strong faith in Jehovah, and deep love for him.  That was the ideal basis for friendship between the two men. Even though Jonathan was mighty prince and nearing 50 years of age, while David was a humble shepherd and likely not yet 20 years old, those differences between them did not matter.

The convenant they made  was a  real protection for their friendship. How so?  You see, David knew what Jehovah had in store for him.  He was to become the next king of Israel!  Did he withhold that knowledge from Jonathan?  Hardly! A good friendship such as theirs thrives on open communication, not on secrets and lies.  How might learning of David's prospects have affected Jonathan? What if Jonathan had cherished a hope of becoming king one day and righting his father's wrongs?   The Bible tells us nothing  about any internal struggle Jonathan may have had; it tells only of what truly matters, Jonathan's  loyalty and his faith.  He could see  that Jehovah's spirit was with David.  (1 Samuel 16:1, 11-13) So Jonathan fulfilled his oath and continued to view David, not as his rival, but as his friend, Jonathan wanted to see Jehovah's will done.

That friendship turned out to be a great blessing. What can we learn from Jonathan's faith?  Any servant of God does well to see the value of friendship.  Our friends need not match our age of background, but  they can do us enormous good if they have genuine faith.  Jonathan and David were able to strengthen and encourage each other many times. And they would both need such help, for their friendship was about to face even greater tests.

Next time: IMITATE THEIR FAITH/JONATHAN - The Challenge of Conflicting Loyalties

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IMITATE THEIR FAITH/JONATHAN -The Foundation of Friendship

 How could such a friendship form so quickly?  The answer has to do with the basis for that friendship. Consider  some background.  Jonathan  was living through a difficult time.  His father, King Saul, had been changing over the years, and ever  for the worse.  One a humble obedient man of faith, Saul had become and arrogant, disobedient king. - 1 SAMUEL 15:17-19, 26.

The changes in Saul must have troubled Jonathan deeply, for he was close to his father.  (1 Samuel 20:2)  Jonathan likely wondered what harm Saul could bring on Jehovah's chosen nation. Might the king's disobedience lead his subjects astray and cost them Jehovah's favor?  Without a doubt, those were hard times for man of faith like Jonathan.

That background may help us to understand what drew Jonathan to young David.  Jonathan  saw David's great faith. Remember, unlike those in Saul's army, David was undaunted by Goliath's colossal size.  He reasoned that going into battle bearing Jehovah's  name made him more powerful than Goliath with his weaponry. - 1 SAMUEL 17:45-47. 

Next time: IMITATE THEIR FAITH/JONATHAN - The Foundation of Friendship -Conclusion

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 "Bound Together in Close Friendship"

The battle was over, quiet descended over the valley of Elah. As  the tents of the army encampment rustled in the afternoon breeze, King Saul held an audience.  His eldest son, Jonathan, was in attendance, and a youthful shepherd was excitedly recounting his tale.  The youth was David, and he was full  of zeal and enthusiasm. Saul listened with rapt  attention hanging  on to David's every word. How, though, did Jonathan feel?  He had won victories  in his long career of serving in Jehovah's army. But today's victory did  not belong to Jonathan; it belonged to his youth.  David had killed the giant Goliath! Was Jonathan  jealous of the glory being heaped on David?

Jonathan's reaction might surprise  you. We read: "As soon as David had finished speaking to Saul, Jonathan and David became bound together in close friendship, and Jonathan began to love him as himself."  Jonathan gave David his own fighting gear; including his bow-quite a gift, for Jonathan was a well-known archer.  What is more, Jonathan and David made a covenant, a solemn agreement, that bound them together as friends who would support each other." - 1 SAMUEL 18:1-5. 

Thus began one of the greatest friendships described in the Bible.  Friendship is more important to people of faith.  If we chose friends wisely and become supportive, loyal friend, we can strengthen our faith during these unloving times. (Proverbs 27:17)   So let us see what we can learn about friendship from Jonathan.

Next time: IMITATE THEIR FAITH/JONATHAN- The Foundation of Friendship

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 Despite Saul's faults, Jonathan kept fighting loyally at his father's side through the years. We can only imagine his dismay as he saw his father develop a disobedient and proud spirit.  A darkness was growing in his father, and Jonathan was powerless to stop it.

 The problem came to a head when Jehovah assigned Saul to wage war against the Amalekites, a people so immersed in wickedness that back in Moses' day, Jehovah had foretold the destruction of the entire nation.  (Exodus 17:14)  Saul was told to destroy  all their livestock and to execute their king, Agag.  Saul won the battle, no doubt with Jonathan fighting bravely under his father's command as usual.  But Saul flagrantly disobeyed Jehovah sparing Agag and keeping the wealth, the livestock intact. The prophet Samuel pronounced  Jehovah final judgment on Saul:  "Because you have  rejected the word of Jehovah, he has rejected you from being king. - 1 SAMUEL 15:2, 3, 9, 10, 23.

It was not long thereafter that Jehovah withdrew his holy spirit from Saul.  Without Jehovah's loving influence, Saul was subject to wild mood swings, fits of temper, and overwhelming fears.  It was as if a bad spirit from God had replaced the good one. (1 Samuel 16:14; 18:10-12)  How it must have distressed Jonathan to see his once noble father so terribly changed! Nonetheless, Jonathan never swerved from his loyal service to Jehovah.  He supported his father as best he could, even speaking to him quite frankly at times, but he kept his focus on his unchanging God and Father, Jehovah. - 1 SAMUEL 19:4, 5. 

Have you ever watched someone you love, perhaps a close family member, change drastically for the worse? It can be a  profoundly  painful experience.  Jonathan's example reminds us of what the psalmist wrote: "Even if my own father and mother abandon me, Jehovah himself will take me in." (Psalm 27:10) Jehovah is loyal.  He will take you in too and be the best father imaginable, not matter how imperfect humans may do to disappoint you or let you down.

Jonathan likely learned that Jehovah intended to take the kingship away from Saul.  How did Jonathan react?  Did he ever   wonder what kind of ruler he might prove to be?  Did he cherish hopes of righting some of his father's wrongs, setting a better example as a loyal and obedient king.  We do not know his inner thoughts; we oly know that any such hopes were never to be realized. Does this  mean  that Jehovah abandoned that faithful man?  On the contrary, he used Jonathan   to set one of the greatest examples of loyal friendship contained in the entire Bible record!  That friendship  will the focus of a further articles on Jonathan.

Next time: IMITATE THEIR FAITH/JONATHAN - "Bound Together in Close Friendship

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IMITATE THEIR FAITH/JONATHAN- "It Was With God That He Acted" -Conclusion

 When Saul learned that Jonathan had violated the ban, he still refused to see the folly of his command.  Instead, he actually believed that his own son should be  put to death! Jonathan did not argue or beg for mercy.  Note his remarkable reply.  He selflessly said:  "Here I am!  I am ready to die!"  However the Israelites spoke up:  "Should Jonathan die-the one who brought  this great victory to Israel?  It is unthinkable! As surely as Jehovah is alive, not even a single hair of his head should fall to the ground, for it was with God that he acted this day."  The result?  Saul gave in to reason.  The account says: "With that the people rescued Jonathan, and he did  not die." - 1 SAMUEL 14:43-45. 

Through his courage, hard work, and selfless spirit, Jonathan had built a good reputation.  When he was in danger, he reputation came to his aid.  We do well to contemplate  the name or reputation, that we are making for ourselves day by day.  The Bible tells us that a good name is very precious.  (Ecclesiastes 7:1)  If, like Jonathan, we take care to make a good name with Jehovah, our reputation will be a great treasure.

Next time: IMITATE THEIR FAITH/JONATHAN - A Growing Darkness

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For Saul, the victory did not as well as it did for Jonathan. Saul had made some grave mistakes. He disobeyed Jehovah's appointed prophet Samuel by offering a sacrifice that the prophet, who was also a Levite, was suppose to offer.  When Samuel arrived, he told Saul that because of such disobedience, his kingdom would not last.  Then when Saul sent his men into battle, he first put them under an ill-advised oath;  "Cursed is the man who eats any food before the evening and until I have taken vengeance on my enemies!" - 1 SAMUEL 13:10-14; 14:24. 

Saul's words hint at a sad change in the man. Was the humble. spiritual man becoming an ambitious egotist?   After all, Jehovah never directed that such an unreasonable restriction be put on those brave, hardworking soldiers.  And what about Saul's words "until I have vengeance on my enemies"-do they suggest that Saul through that this war was all about him?  Was he forgetting that is was Jehovah's justice that matter and not Saul's hunger for vengeance, glory, or conquest?

Jonathan knew nothing about his father's  ill-conceived oath. Exhausted from the heated battle, he dipped his staff into a honeycomb and tasted some honey, he immediately felt his strength revive.  Then one of his men told him about his father's prohibition against eating.  Jonathan responded: "My father has brought  great trouble on the land. Look at how my eyes brightened because I tasted this little bit of honey. How much better if the people had eaten freely today from the spoil of their enemies that they found? For then the slaughter of the Philistines would have been even greater."   (1 Samuel 14:25, 30)  He was right, Jonathan was a loyal son, but his loyalty was not blind. he did not mindlessly agree with everything his father did or said, and that balanced view earned the respect of others.

Next time: IMITATE THEIR FAITH/JONATHAN - Conclusion of "It Was With God That He Acted"

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IMITATE THEIR FAITH/JONATHAN -Conclusion of Loyal Son and Brave Soldier

 Jonathan evidently  knew his God well.  He no doubt knew that in the past, Jehovah had helped his people defeat enemies who vastly outnumbered them.  Sometimes he even  used a single individual to bring victory.  (Judges 3:31; 4:1-23; 16:223-30)  So Jonathan knew that it was neither the numbers nor the strength nor the weaponry of God's servants that mattered; it was their faith.  In faith, then, Jonathan had let Jehovah determine whether he and his armor-bearer should attack the outpost; he chose a sign by which Jehovah could signal approval.  With that approval, Jonathan fearlessly forged ahead. 

Note two facets of Jonathan's faith.  First, had profound awe for his God, Jehovah.  He knew that God Almighty does not depend on human strength in order to accomplish his purposes, Jehovah delights in blessing faithful humans who serve him.  (2 Chronicles 16:9)   Second, Jonathan sought evidence of Jehovah's approval before he took action.   Today, we do not seek supernatural signs from our God in order to vilify that he approves of our courses of action.  With the inspired Word of God at hand, we have all we need in order to discern God's will.  (2 Timothy 3:16. 17)  Do we consult the Bible carefully before making important decisions?  IF so, we show that we care about God's will more than our own-much like Jonathan.


So the two men, warrior and armor-bearer, charged up the steep slope toward the outpost. The Philistines, finally realizing that were under attack, sent men out to fight off the two invaders.  The Philistines had not only the superior numbers  but also the advantage of holding the higher ground, so they should have been able to make short work of two attackers.  But Jonathan struck down one soldier after another. Behind him, the armor-bearer put them to death  In just a small patch of ground, the two men dispatched 20 enemy soldiers!  And Jehovah did something further.  We read: "Then terror spread in the field camp and among all the people of the outpost, and even the raiding parties were terrified.  The earth began quaking, and a terror from God ensued." - 1 SAMUEL 14:15.

From a distance, Saul and his men watched as chaos and panic spread amont the Philistines who even began to turn against one another.  (1 Samuel  14:16,20)  The Israelites took courage and attacked, perhaps  taking weapons away from the fallen Philistines.  Jehovah gave his people a great victory that day. And he has not changed since those exciting times.  If we today put faith in him, as did Jonathan and his unnamed armor-bearer, we will never have reason to regret our choice.  - MALACHI 3:6; Romans 10:11.

Next time: IMITATE THEIR FAITH/JONATHAN - "It Was With God That He Acted"

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To  understand why Jonathan charged against that outpost, we need to look at his background.  Jonathan was the eldest son of Saul, the first king of Israel.  When Saul was anointed as king, Jonathan was already a man, perhaps 20 years of age or even older.  It seems that Jonathan maintained a close bond with his father, who would often confide in his son. In those early days, Jonathan knew his father not only as a tall, handsome man  and courageous warrior but also as something much more important-a man of faith and humility.  Jonathan could see why Jehovah chose Saul to be king.  Even the prophet Samuel said that there was no one like Saul in the land! - 1 SAMUEL 9:1, 2, 21; 10:20-24; 20:2.

Jonathan must have felt honored to fight under his father's command against the enemies  of Jehovah's people.  Those wars were not like the nationalistic clashes of today.  Back then, Jehovah chose the nation of Israel to represent him, and it was under constant attack by nations that worshipped  false gods.  The Philistines, corrupted by the worship of such gods as Dagon, often tried to oppress or even destroy Jehovah's people.

For men like Jonathan, then fighting was a matter of loyal service to Jehovah God.  And Jehovah blessed Jonathan's efforts.  Soon after Saul became king, he appointed his son to command 1,000 soldiers, and Jonathan led them to attack a Philistine garrison at Geba. Poorly armed though his men were, with Jehovah's help Jonathan won the day.  In response however, the Philistines amassed a huge force.  Many of Saul's soldiers were terrified.  Some ran and hid, and few even switched sides!  But Jonathan's courage  never faded. - 1 SAMUEL 13:2-7; 14:21.

On the day described at the outset, Jonathan decided to slip away with only his armor-bearer  at his side.  As they approached the Philistine outpost at Michmash, Jonathan revealed his plan to his armor-bearer.  They would show themselves plainly to the Philistine soldiers up there.  If the Philistines  challenged the two men to come up against them, this would be a sign that Jehovah would help his servants.  The armor-bearer  readily agreed, perhaps moved by Jonathan's powerful words:  "Nothing can hinder Jehovah from saving by man or my few." (1 Samuel 1:6-10)  What did he mean? 

Next time: IMITATE THEIR FAITH/JONATHAN- Conclusion of Loyal Son and Brave Soldier

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 "Nothing Can Hinder Jehovah"

Picture a solitary military outpost overlooking an arid and craggy landscape.  The Philistine soldiers posted there have found something of interest in the mountainous view: Two men, Israelites, are standing in plain sight across the ravine.  The soldiers are amused -they see no threat there.  The Philistines have long dominated the Israelites, who cannot even get their  metal farm implements sharpened without going to their Philistine enemies for help.  Israelite soldiers are thus poorly armed  Furthermore, these are only two men!  Eve if they were armed warriors, what harm could they possibly do?  Sneering , the Philistines call out:  "Come up to us, and we will teach you a lesson!" - 1 Samuel 13:19-23; 14:11, 12. 

In fact, a lesson was in the making, but those Philistines would find themselves on the receiving end of it.  The two Israelites ran down the ravine, crossed it, and then began climbing up the near side. It was so steep that they had to use their hands and feet, but they kept coming, scrambling over the rocks, heading straight toward the outpost!  (1 Samuel 14:13) The Philistines could now see that the man taking the lead was armed;  his armor-bearer followed.  But was he actually leading a two-man attack on an entire garrison?  Was the man mad?

He was not mad; he was a man of great faith.  His name was Jonathan, and his story is still alive with lessons for true Christians today. Though, we do not engage in physical warfare, we can learn a great deal from Jonathan about his courage, loyalty, and selflessness that we need in order to  build genuine faith. -  ISAIAH 2:4; MATTHEW  26:51, 52.

Next time: IMITATE THEIR FAITH/JONATHAN - Loyal Son and Brave Soldier

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 One of the Canaanite enemies escaped-the worst of them all Sisera.  The great oppressor of God's people, fled the battlefield on foot Leaving his men to die in the mire, he slipped past the Israelite soldiers and made his way to firmer ground, heading toward  the nearest allies he could think of.  Scurrying across miles of open terrain, ever terrified that the Israelite soldiers might find him, he headed to the tents of Heber, a Kenite who had broken away from the rest of his nomadic people to the south and established some king of accord with King Jabin. - JUDGES 4:11. 17.

Exhausted, Sisera arrived at Heber's encampment. He found that Heber was not at home.  But the man's wife, Jael, was there.   Sisera evidently assumed that Jael would honor her husband's accord with Jabin.  Perhaps it was inconceivable  to him that a  woman could act or even  think differently from her husband.  Sisera  obviously did not know Jael!  Clearly, she had a choice before her. Either she aid this wicked man or she throw in her lot with Jehovah and strike a blow against this enemy of His people .  But  what could she do?  How could a woman vanquish such a powerful , battled-hardened warrior?

Jael had to think fast. She offered Sisera a place to rest. He ordered her to conceal his presence from any man who might come looking for him. She covered him when he lay down, and when he asked her for water, she gave him creamy milk. Soon Sisera sank into a deep sleep.  Jael then took  a pair of household implements that tent-dwelling women used often and skillfully-a tent pin with a mallet . Crouching near Sisera's head, she now faced the terrifying task of acting ass an executioner for Jehovah.  Even an instant of uncertainty or hesitation could have meant disaster. Did she think of God's people and of how this man had brutalized them for decades?  Or did she think of the privilege of taking her stand for Jehovah?  The record does not say.  We only know that the deed was soon done.  Sisera was dead! - JUDGES 4:18-21; 5:24-27.

Later, Barak came in search of his quarry.  When Jael showed him the corpse with  the tent pin through the temples, he knew that Deborah's prophecy had come true.  A woman had killed the mighty warrior Sisera!  Modern-day critics and skeptics have called Jael all manner of vile names.  But Barak and Deborah know better.  In their song, they were inspired to praise Jael as "most beloved of all women" for her courageous deed.  (Judges 4:22; 5:24)  Note the generosity of Deborah's spirit.  She did not begrudge Jael such praise, rather, she cared only that Jehovah's word had come true.

With Sisera gone, King Jabin's power was broken.  The Canaanite  oppression was over at last.  Peace prevailed for 40 years. (Judges 4:24; 5:31)   How blessed  were Deborah, Barak, and Jael for putting faith in Jehovah God!  If we imitate the faith of Deborah, bolding taking our stand for Jehovah and encouraging others to do the same, Jehovah will bless us with victories-and lasting peace.

Next time: IMITATE THEIR FAITH/JONATHAN -"Nothing Can Hinder Jehovah"

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What would Barak and Deborah do as the enemy approached?  If they remained on the slopes if Mount Tabor, they might have advantage over the advancing Canaanite forces, for those chariots needed flat open country  to fight effectively. But Barak was going to fight as Jehovah directed, so he waited for word from Deborah.  At last, the moment came.  She said: "Rise up for this is the day that Jehovah will give Sisera into your hand.  Is Jehovah not going  out before you?" Next, we read:  Barak descended from Mount Tabor with 10,000 men following him." -  JUDGES 4:14.

The forces of Israel charged down the mountain and out onto the open, flat ground, heading right toward those fearsome machines of war.  Did Jehovah go out before them, as Deborah had promised? The answer came very soon.  "The earth shook,  and the heaven's poured,"  we read.  Sisera's proud army  were thrown into confusion. And down came the rain!  It came in such torrents, it seems that the ground was quickly swamped. Soon, the heaven iron-bearing chariots were more of a liability than an asset.  They sank into the mud  and became hopelessly bogged down. - JUDGES 5:14,15; 5:4.

Barak and his men  were  not troubled by the storm. They knew where it was coming from.  They ran right at the Canaanite forces. Acting as God's executioners, the Israelites left none of Sisera's army alive. The Kishon River   surged and flooded, washing the corpses  downstream toward the Great Sea. - JUDGEs 4:16;  5:21. 

Today, Jehovah no longer sends his servants into physical battles. Yet, he does ask his people  to engage in spiritual warfare.  (Matthew 26:52; 2 Corinthians 10:4) If we try to obey God in today's world, we  are taking our stand in that war. We need courage, for those who side with God today may face fierce opposition.  But Jehovah has not changed. He still comes to the defense of those who, like Deborah, Barak, and the brave soldiers of ancient Israel, put their faith and trust in him. 


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 Barak went to muster his army.  He gathered 10,000 men who were brave enough to go up against Sisera's daunting forces. As Barak led his men up to Mount Tabor, he was glad to have  a way to boost their courage.  We read: "Deborah also went  up with him." ( Judges 4:10)  Imagine how  it lifted the spirits of those soldiers to see that brave woman join them in their march toward Mount Tabor, willing to risk her life at their side because  of her faith in Jehovah God!

When Sisera learned that Israel had dared to muster an army against him, he acted quickly . A number of Canaanite kings joined forces with King Jabin, who have have been the most powerful among them. Then Sisera's great squadrons  of chariots mad the earth shake as  the rumbled  in formation across the plain.  The Canaanites were sure that  they would make quick work of  the pathetic army of Israel. - JUDGES 4:12, 13, 13:5, 19. 


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IMITATE THEIR FAITH/DEBORAH - Conclusion of "Go and March to Mount Tabor

 "Go and march to Mount Tabor," Jehovah ordered through Deborah.  Barak was to muster 10.000 men from two of Israel's tribes. Deborah conveyed God's promise that they would defeat the mighty Sisera and his 900 chariots!  The promise surely astounded Barak.  Israel had no army and virtually no weaponry.  Still, Barak agreed to go into battle-but only If Deborah came to Mount Tabor too. -JUDGES 4:6-8; 5:6-8.

Barak had been called faithless because of this request, but unfairly so. After all, he did not ask God for more weapons.  Rather, as a man of faith, Barak saw the value in having Jehovah's representative there to strengthen him and his men.  (Hebrews 11:32, 33)  Jehovah responded favorably . He allowed  Deborah to go, as Barak had requested.  However, Jehovah also inspired her to prophesy that the battle's final glory would not go to a man.  (Judges 4:9)  God had decided that a woman would execute wicked Sisera!

In today's world, a great deal of injustice, violence, and abuse is heaped upon women.  Rarely are they accorded the dignity that God wants them to receive.  However, God grants women and men equal value and standing before him. (Romans 2:11; Galatians 3:28)  Deborah's example reminds us that he also blesses women with privileges and signs of his particular trust and favor. It is vital that we never adopt the bigotry so common in this world.


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IMITATE THEIR FAITH/DEBORAH -" Go and March to Mount Tabor"

 When the Bible first introduces  Deborah, it refers to  her as "a prophetess."  That designation makes Deborah unusual in the Bible record but hardly unique.  Deborah had another responsibility.  She was also evidently settling disputes by giving Jehovah's answer to problems that came up. -JUDGES 4:4, 5. 

Deborah lived in the mountainous region of Ephraim, between the towns of Bethel and Ramah.  There she would sit beneath a palm tree and serve  people as Jehovah directed. Her assignment was surely challenging, but Deborah did not allow it to daunt  her. There was a dire need for her services. In fact, she later took part in composing an inspired song, and it included this comment abut her unfaithful people: "They chose new gods; then there was war in the gates."(Judges 5:8)  Because  the Israelites left Jehovah to serve other gods.  Jehovah abandoned them to their enemies. Canaanite King Jabin dominated them, using a mighty general named Sisera. 

Sisera!  the very named caused terror and panic in Israel.  The Canaanite religion and culture were brutal, featuring child sacrifice and temple prostitution. What was it like to have a Canaanite general and his army dominating the land?  Deborah's song reveals  that  travel was nearly impossible in the land and village life had all but ended.  (Judges 5:6, 7)  We may imagine people cowering in the woods and hills, afraid to farm or to live in unwalled villages and terrified to travel on the open roads lest they may be attacked,  their children taken, and their women raped.

Terror reigned for 20 years, until Jehovah saw evidence that his stubborn peoples were ready to change or, as the inspired record of the song of Deborah and Barak says, "Until I, Deborah, rose up, until I rose as a mother in Israel."  We do not know if Deborah, the wife of a man named Lappidoth, was a mothers  in a literal sense, but this expression was intended figuratively.  In effect, Jehovah assigned Deborah to provide the nation  with motherly protection.  He commissioned her to summon a strong man of faith, Judge Barak, and direct him to rise up against Sisera. - JUDGES 4:3, 6, 7; 5:7. 

Next time: IMITATE THEIR FAITH/DEBORAH -Conclusion of "Go and March to Mount Tabor" 

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 "I Arose as a Mother in Israel"

DEBORAH looked around at the soldiers who were gathered atop Mount Tabor. It was touching to see them there.  In the morning light, she contemplated their bravery and the faith of their leader, Barak.  Though they were 10,000 strong, their faith and courage would face a great test this day.  They were going against a vicious foe, and they were outnumbered and poorly armed.  But they came here anyway-largely because of the encouragement of this one woman.

Picture Deborah, her garments rustling in the breeze as she and Barak looked out over a sweeping vista. Mount Tabor resembled a great cone with its top blunted.  It's flat summit commanded a view of the Plain of Esdraelon, some 1,300 feet (400m) below, which fanned out to the southwest. The Kishon River wound through the flat grassland, leading  out  to the Great Sea by Mount Carmel. The riverbed may have been dry that morning, but something else glistened on that broad plain. Sisera's forces -some 900 chariots, which may have been equipped with iron scythes protruding from the axles. Sisera intended to cut down the ill-equipped Israelites as if he were harvesting barley!

Deborah knew that Barak and his men were waiting for some word, some signal, from her.  Was she the only woman there?  What was it like for her to bear so much responsibility in such a  setting? Did she wonder what she was doing there? Evidently not! Jehovah, her God had told her to start this war; he had also revealed that he would use a woman to bring it to any end.  (Judges 4:5)  What can Deborah and these courageous fighters teach us about faith?

Next time: IMITATE THEIR FAITH/DEBORAH - "Go and March to Mount Tabor"

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How to Keep Technology in It's Place

 What couple say

"Time in the evening that could be spent talking about our day could spoiled if we constantly have our eyes on the phones. We have so many legitimate demands in life as it is that we don't need to forfeit quality time with our mate for screen time." -  Trista, with her husband, Georgel.

Your spouse deserves your full attention. There will always be a text message, an e-mail, or a news alert to check.  But it can almost wait. If  you wouldn't text while driving because it would cause you harm, why use your device in way that could harm your marriage?" - Jonathan, with his wife, Katelyn

Discussion guide

First each of you can consider the following questions separately.  Then, discuss your answers with each other.

* In what ways, if any, has your use of technology enhanced the  quality of your marriage relationship?

* Do you feel that your spouse's use of technology creates difficulties in the marriage relationship? If so, how.

*  Do you think your spouse would say that your use of technology creates difficulties in the marriage relationship?  If so, how?

* Are there reasons why always need to be available to receive and respond to messages? If so, how can  any difficulty that this present be resolved?

* What changes, if any, would  your or your spouse like to see with regard to technology use? 

Next time: IMITATE THEIR FAITH/DEBORAH - "I  Arose as a Mother in Israel"

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