
REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND! - Babylon the Great- Conclusion

 The glorified Jesus Christ now serves at God's right hand, judging Jehovah's enemies.  He has already taken action against Satan and his angels hurling them down and confining their activity  to this earth-which accounts for the multiplying  of woes in this 20th century.  (Revelation 12:9, 12) But there will be foretold removal of Satan's earthly seed  when God executes judgment  on Babylon the Great and all other segments of Satan's  organization on earth. Finally, the seed of God's woman, Jesus Christ, will bruise Satan, that wily old Serpent "in the head," and that will mean his complete annihilation and his total removal from the affairs of mankind. - ROMANS 16:20.

How will all this come about? That is what is unveiled for us in the Bible book of Revelation.  It is revealed to us in a series of visions, highlighted by striking signs and symbols.  Eagerly, let us examine this powerful prophecy.  Happy, indeed, are we  if we hear and observe the words  of Revelation!  By so doing, we will share in bringing honor  to the name of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah and inherit his eternal blessings.  Please read on and wisely apply what you learn.  It can mean your salvation at this time of climax in mankind's history. 

Next time: REVLEATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAD!/Chapter Three - Things That Must Shortly Take Place

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 The building of the original Babylon was more than personal enterprise.  Since that city was established in defiance of Jehovah's sovereignty, religion was involved. Indeed, ancient  Babylon became a fountain of religious idolatry. Its priests taught God-dishonoring doctrines such as survival of a human soul  after death and that the  hereafter is a place of eternal horror and torment resided over by demons.  They fostered the  worship of creatures and of a multitude of  gods and goddesses.  They fabricated myths  to explain the origin of the earth and man upon it and performed degrading rituals and sacrifices, supposedly to ensure fertility in childbearing and crop raising and victory in war. 

As the various language groups from Babylon spread out over the earth, they took Babylonish religion with the.  Thus, rites and beliefs similar to those  of ancient Babylon flourished  among the original inhabitants of Europe, Africa, and the Americas, the Far East, and the South Seas; and many of these beliefs persist down to this day.  Appropriately, then,   Revelation refers to the world empire of false religion  as a city named Babylon the Great. (Revelation , chapters 17,18( Wherever it has been sown, false religion has sprouted  oppressive priesthoods, superstition, ignorance, and immorality.  It has been a powerful tool in Satan's hand.  Babylon the Great has always fought fiercely against the true worship; of the sovereign Lord Jehovah.

As a most reprehensible part of the seed of the Serpent, the scribes and the Pharisees in first-century Judaism took the lead in persecuting and finally murdering the primary representative of the seed of the woman. Thus, the Serpent was able to  "bruise him [the seed] in the heel." (Genesis 3:15; John 8:39-44; Acts 3:12, 15) Why is this described as only a heel wound?  It is because this wounding touched him only briefly here on earth. It was not permanent because Jehovah resurrected Jesus on the third day and exalted him to spirit life. - ACTS 2:32, 33; 1 PETER 3:18.

Next time: REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND! - Babylon the Great -Conclusion

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND! - Selfish Commercial Traffickers

 Closely allied to political leaders, there came into view dishonest traffickers in material goods. Records unearthed in the ruins of ancient Babylon show that business   transactions exploiting the unfortunate  circumstances of fellow humans were very much in vogue bac there.  The world's merchants have continue to work for selfish profit down to this very day, when in many lands a few have become very rich while the majority of the population languishes   in poverty.  In this 2th-century industrial age, the merchants and manufacturers have  made great gain by supplying the political powers with stockpiles of devilish military weapons of destruction, including the nuclear arsenals that now threaten mankind with annihilation.  Such greedy business magnates and others of their kind  must be included with the "military commanders" and "strong men" as belonging to Satan's wicked seed.  They are all a part of the earthly organization that God and Christ judge as deserving of execution. - REVELATION 19:18.

To corrupt politics and greedy commercialism there must be added a third element of human society that merits God's adverse judgment. What is that? You may be surprised by what Revelation says  about this well-known global structure. 

Next time: REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND! - Babylon the Great

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 In Babylon there appeared features of human society that developed in defiance of Jehovah's sovereignty.  One of these was political. As mankind multiplied, other ambitious humans followed Nimrod's example in seizing power. Man began to dominate man to his injury.  (Ecclesiastes 8:9) During the days of Abraham, for instance Sodom, Gomorrah,  and nearby cities  fell under the control of Kings from Shinar and other far-distant lands. (Genesis 14:1-4) Eventually, military and organizational geniuses carved out huge empires for their own enrichment and glory.  Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome.

Jehovah tolerated the existence of those political powers, and his people rendered relative obedience to them when they lived in lands under their control.  (Romans 13:1, 2) Sometimes, political authorities even served for the furtherance of God's purposes or as a protection for his people.  (Ezra 1:1-4;7:12-26; Acts 25:11, 12; Revelation 12:15, 16)  Nevertheless, many political rulers have viciously opposed true worship, showing themselves to be part of the seed of Satan  the Serpent.

For the most part, man-made rule has failed miserably to bring happiness  to us humans or to solve our problems.  Jehovah has permitted mankind to experiment with every form of government, but he does not approve of corruption or the way governments have misruled the people.  (Proverbs 22:22, 23) Revelation portrays  oppressive world powers as making up a proud and monstrous wild beast. - REVELATION 13:1, 2.

Next time: REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND! - Selfish Commercial Traffickers

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Satan's human seed began to be manifested  very early  in mankind's history  For example, there was Cain, the first human born, "who originated with the wicked one and slaughtered his brother" Abel. (1 John 3:12)  Later, Enoch spoke of Jehovah's coming "with his holy myriads, to execute judgment against all and to convict all the ungodly  concerning all the shocking  things that ungodly sinners spoke against him." (Jude 14, 15)  Moreover, rebellious angels joined Satan and became part of his seed.  These "forsook their own proper dwelling place" in the heavens in order to materialize fleshly bodies  and marry the daughters of men. They produced a super hybrid offspring of bullies. That world became filled with violence and badness, so that God destroyed it the Deluge, faithful Noah and his family being  the only human flesh to survive. The disobedient angels-now demons under Satan's control-were forced to abandon their doomed human wives and children. They dematerialized, returning to the spirit realm where they await God's fast-approaching execution  judgment on Satan and his seed.  JUDE 6; GENESIS  6:4-12; 7:21-23; 2 PETER 2:4, 5.

Shortly after the great Deluge,  a tyrant named Nimrod appeared on Earth. The Bible describes him as "a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah"-truly part of  the Serpent's seed.  Like Satan, he showed a spirit of rebellion and build the city of Babel, or Babylon.  In defiance of Jehovah's purpose to have mankind spread out to fill the earth.  Babylon's centerpiece   was to have been a great tower "with its top in the heavens." God thwarted the would-be-builders  of that tower. He confused their language and scattered them from there  over all the surface of the earth" but allowed Babylon itself to remain. - GENESIS 9:1; 108:12; 11:1-9.

Next time: REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND! -Political Powers Appear

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND! - The Seed of the Woman Identified - Conclusion

 Would the woman's seed be simply one prominent person? Well, what of Satan's seed? The Bible identifies  Satan's seed as including a host of wicked angels and God dishonoring humans. It should not surprise us, then,  to learn of God's purpose to select 144,000 integrity keepers from among mankind to become priestly corulers  with the Messianic Seed, Jesus Christ.  Revelation refers to  these when it says that the Devil, in his enmity toward God's womanly organization "went off to wage war with the remaining ones of her seed." - REVELATION 12:17; 14:1-4.

In the Bible anointed Christians are called Jesus' brothers, and as his brothers, they share the same Father and the same mother. (Hebrews 2:11) Their Father is Jehovah God.  Hence,  their mother must be "the woman."  God's wifelike celestial organization.  They become a secondary part of the seed, Christ Jesus being the primary part. The congregation  of these spirit-begotten Christians  on earth make up God's visible organization in the heavens, where they will be united With Christ Jesus  at their resurrection.  (Romans 8:14-17; Galatians 3:16, 29)  Though not part of the seed, millions of other sheep out  of all nations are being united to serve with God's organization on earth. Are you one of these sheep?  Then your happy hope is everlasting life on paradise earth. - JOHN 10:16; 17:1-3.

Next time: REVLATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND! - How Enmity Developed

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND! - The Seed of the Woman Identified

 The prophecy at Genesis 3:15 refers finally to the seed of the woman. While Satan was developing his seed, Jehovah was preparing for his "woman," or wifelike celestial organization, to produce a seed. For some 4000 years, Jehovah progressively revealed to obedient God-fearing humans details related to the coming of the seed.  (Isaiah 46:9, 10) Abraham, Isaac, and others could thus build faith in the promise that the seed would appear  in their genealogical line.  (Genesis 22:1-18; 26:4; 28:14) Satan and his henchmen often persecuted such servants of Jehovah because of their unswerving faith. - HEBREWS 11:1, 2, 32-38.

At last, in the year 29 of our Common Era, the perfect man Jesus presented himself at the Jordan River and was baptized.  Jehovah there begot Jesus with holy spirit. saying: "This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved." (Matthew 3:17) Jesus was there identified as having been sent forth from God's spiritual organization in heaven.  He was also anointed as the King-Designate of the heavenly Kingdom that would restore rulership over the earth in Jehovah's name, thus settling once and for all the issue of sovereignty.  (Revelation 11:15) Jesus, then, is the principal One of the seed of the woman, the foretold Messiah. - Compare GALATIANS 2:16; DANIEL 9:25.

Next time: REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND! - The Seed of the Woman Identified -Conclusion

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Two seeds appear next at Genesis 3:15.We should be deeply interested in these, for they are related to the great issue of rightful sovereignty over this earth. This involves each one of us, whether young or old .  Which of these seeds do you favor?

First, there is the seed, or offspring of the Serpent. What is this? It surely includes those other spirit creatures who joined Satan in his rebellion and who were finally "hurled down with him" to the realm of the earth.  (Revelation 12:9) Since Satan, or  Beelzebub, is "the ruler of  the demons," it is apparent that they make up his invisible organization. - MARK 3:22; EPHESIANS 6:12.

Further, Jesus told Jewish religious leaders of his day: "You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father." (John 8:44)  By their opposition to God's Son, Jesus, those religious leaders allowed that  showed that they too were part of Satan's seed, serving him as their figurative father.  Many other humans throughout history  have similarly identified themselves  by doing Satan's will, particularly in opposing  and persecuting the disciples of Jesus Christ. Collectively, these humans may be described as making up Satan's visible organization on earth. - See JOHN 15:20; 16:33; 17:15.

Next time: REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND! -The Seed of the Woman Identified

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND! - The Principals in the Drama

 The prophecy of Genesis 3:15 was addressed to the serpent that had lied to Eve, suggesting to her that she would not die for her disobedience but that she would become independent, a goddess.  The serpent thus made Jehovah out to be a liar and insinuated that humans could improve their lot by rejecting His supreme rulership.  (Genesis 3:1-5)  Jehovah's sovereignty was challenged and his good name besmirched. The book of Revelation describes how the righteous Judge, Jehovah, uses the Kingdom rule of his Son, Jesus Christ, to vindicate his sovereignty and clear all reproach from his name. - REVELATION 1e2:10; 14:7. 

As for that term "serpent," does it apply only to a literal snake? Not at all!  Revelation identifies for us the infamous spirit creature that spoke through that snake. It was the great dragon . . . , the original serpent , the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth," that seduced Eve by its cunning." -REVELATION 12:9; 2 CORINTHIANS 11:3.

Genesis 3:15  speaks next of "the woman."  Was this Eve?  Possibly, she thought so.  (Genesis 4:1)  But a long-lasting enmity between Eve and Satan became impossible when Eve died more than 5,000 years ago. Further, since  the Serpent addressed by  Jehovah is an invisible spirit, we should expect that the woman also belongs to the spirit realm. Revelation 12:1, 2 confirms this, indicating that this figurative woman is Jehovah's heavenly organization of spirit creatures.- See also ISAIAH54:1, 5, 13.

Next time: REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND! - Two Seeds in Opposition

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND! - The Grand Theme of the Bible - Conclusion

 The Bible's first book, Genesis, tells of  "the beginning" and describes God's creative works, including his crowning earthly creation man.  Genesis also sets out the first divine prophecy uttered by God himself in the garden of Eden some 6,000 years ago.  A serpent had just been used to deceive the first woman, Eve; she in turn had persuaded  her husband, Adam, to join her in violating Jehovah' law by eating from "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad." In passing judgment on the sinful couple,  God said to the serpent:  "I shall put enmity between you and her seed.  He will bruise you in the head and  you will bruise him in the heel." (Genesis 1:1 2:17; 3:1-6, 14, 15)  The prophecy set the theme for the whole Bible, including Revelation.

Immediately after uttering the prophecy, expelled our first parents from Eden.  No longer could they look forward to everlasting life in Paradise; they would have to live out their lives in the unprepared earth outside.  Under sentence of death, they would produce sin-laden children.  (Genesis 3:23-4:1; Romans 5:12) What, though, does the Edenic prophecy mean? Who are involved? How does it it link  up with Revelation? What message does it have for us today? In order to gain personal relief from the effects of the tragic event that led to Jehovah's uttering the prophecy, it is of vital concern that we know the answers to these questions.

Next time: REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAXA AT HAND! - The Principals in the Drama

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND! - Chapter Two - The Grand Theme of the Bible

 A Bible proverb says: "Better is the end afterward of a matter than its beginning." (Ecclesiastes 7:8) It is the book of Revelation that we read if the dramatic culmination of Jehovah's grand purpose to sanctify his name and before all creation. As God declared time and time again by one of his earlier prophets.  "They will have to know that I am Jehovah." -EZEKIEL 25:17; 38:23.

Just as Revelation spells out the triumphant end of matters, so their beginning is described for us in earlier books of the Bible. By examining this record, we are enabled to understand the issues involve and an overall view of God's purposes' How satisfying this is! Further, it should rouse us to action, so that we mays share in the marvelous future that awaits mankind.  (Psalm 145:16:20)  At this it seems appropriate  to discuss the background and theme of the entire Bible, in order that we may have in mind the paramount issue that now faces  all humankind, as well as God's clearly stated purpose to resolve that issue.

Next time: REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND! -The Grand Theme of the Bible -Conclusion

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND! /Chapter One - Searching Out Divine Secrets

An even stronger reason for publishing this book is the need to keep up-to-date with present truth.  Jehovah is continually shedding greater light on the meaning of his Word, and we can expect  that our understanding of Revelation, along with other prophecies, will be sharpened as we draw closes to the great tribulation. (Matthew 24:21; Revelation 7:14) It is important that we be well informed. As the apostle Peter wrote concerning divine prophecy: "You are doing well in paying attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until day dawns and a daystar rises, in your hearts. - 2 PETER 1:19.

Revelation adds it testimony to many other Bible prophecies, showing that Jehovah God purposes to create new heavens and a new earth.  (Isiah 65:17; 66:22; 2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1-5) Primarily, its message is addressed to anointed Christians, whom Jesus has bought with his blood to become corulers with him in the new heavens. (Revelation 5:9, 10)  Nevertheless, this good news will also fortify the faith of those millions who look forward to everlasting life under Christ's Kingdom.  Are you one of these? Then Revelation will strengthen your hope of living in Paradise, as part of the new earth, with the enjoyment of an abundance of peace, vibrant health, and an overflow of God's provisions that will never end.  (Psalm 37:11,29, 34; 7:21, 7, 8, 16) If you want  to survive into that new world, it is urgent, yes, mandatory, that  you pay attention to Revelation's  graphic description of the epoch-making climax now at hand. - ZEPHANIAH 2:3; JOHN 13:17.

Next time:  REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX IS AT HAND! - The Grand Theme of the Bible

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 As early as 1917, the Watch Tower Society published the book The Finished Mystery.  This  was a verse-by-verse commentary on the Bible books of Ezekiel and Revelation. Then, as  world events continued to unfold in fulfillment of Bible prophecy, a timely two-volume work entitled Light was prepared, being released in 1930.  This offered an update study of Revelation. Light continued to 'flash up for the righteous,' so that in 1963, the society published the 704-page book "Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. and it was climaxed wit a discussion of the final nine chapters of Revelation.  As 'the path of the righteous ones grew brighter, 'particularly with regard with congregational activity, there followed  in 1969 "Then Is Finished the Mystery of God," which discussed the first 13 chapters of Revelation. - PSALM 97:11; PROVERBS 4:18. 

Why should another book of Revelation published at this present time? Much of the information that has already appeared is very detailed, and it has not been possible to translate and publish worldwide in many languages. Hence,  it was seen fit to provide a book on Revelation in just one volume and in a form that can be readily produced in a number of languages. Further, the opportunity is taken in this volume to provide teaching aids, including illustrations, charts, and summaries that should help readers to grasp clearly the thrilling import of this marvelous prophecy. 

Next time: REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND! -Searching Out Divine Secrets -Conclusion 

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 Is not Revelation also called Apocalypse?  That is so "revelation" being the English translation of apo-ka'ly-psis in the Greek text, Many people equate Apocalypse with world destruction by nuclear warfare.  In  a Texas, U.S.A. city where great numbers of nuclear warheads are made, religiously  inclined people have been saying. "We'll be  the first to go." Clergymen in that area are reported to have  "become convinced that Armageddon  is not only inevitable but also close at hand, and the final battle  between the forces of good and bad of God and Satan, will take place as a nuclear holocaust. 

Note: This is not true. Jehovah God and his angels will be fighting not just Satan himself, but the wicked people of the the whole world, such at the Governments of the countries, including all dignitaries, queens, kings, etc.. And Jehovah God and Jesus Christ are MUCH MORE POWERFUL than Satan or any ignorant government official etc. in any position, in any country.  Man has been wrong with all their so-called predictions, thoughts and feelings.  Just at this whole universe today. Do  you actually see anything good about this world anymore. Have you experience any true peace or peace of mind? NO! NO ONE HAS And NO ONE EVER WILL IN THIS WICKED, IMMORAL, GREEDY and DECEITFUL WORLD/UNIVERSE! 

But really is an apocalypse? Though dictionaries define it by using terms such as "an imminent cosmic cataclysm."  the Greek a-oi-ka'ly-psis basically means "unveiling" or uncovering." Thus, the last book of the Bible is properly entitled "A Revelation." Here we find, not a mere fatalistic message of world doom, but an uncovering of divine truths that should build in our hearts a radiant hope and an immovable faith.

True, Armageddon is described in the last book of the Bible as   'the war of the great day of God Almighty." (Revelation16:14, 16) But it will be far different from a nuclear holocaust! Such a holocaust would likely mean the annihilation of  all life on earth. On the contrary, God Word gives the happy assurance that only wicked opposers of God will be destroyed-by forces under God's control.  (Psalm 37:9, 10; 145:20)  a great crowd of humans, out of all nations,  will survive the climax of divine judgment at Armageddon. Christ Jesus will then shepherd and guide these to everlasting life in a paradise earth.  Do you want to be one of them?  Happily, Revelation shows that you may be! - REVELATION 7:9, 14, 17.

Next time: REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND! - Searching Out Divine Secrets

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 A REVELATION TO JOHN -this thrilling book of the Bible brings the divine record to a happy climax, Why do we say "happy"? Well, the Author of the Bible is described as "the happy God." who entrusts "glorious  good news" to those who love him wants  us to be happy too.  Thus, at the outset Revelation assures us: "Happy is he who reads . . . the words of  the prophecy. "In its final chapter were are told: "Happy is anyone   observing the words of the prophecy of this scroll." - 1 TIMOTHY 1:11; REVELATION 1:3: 22:7. 

How do we find happiness through the book of Revelation? We do so by searching out the meaning of its vivid signs, or symbols,  and acting in harmony therewith.  Mankind's turbulent history will soon reach a catastrophic  climax, as God and  Jesus Christ execute  judgment on today's wicked system, replacing it with "a new heaven and a new earth, "where even  "death will be no more." (Revelation 21:1, 4) Do not all of us want to live in such a world, in true peace and security? We can if we build up our faith through the study of Gods Word, including the stirring prophecy of Revelation.

Next time: REVELATION ITS HAPPY CLIMAX AT HAND! - Apocalypse-What Is It? 

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"By This All Will Know That You Are My Disciples" - HOW CAN WE IMITATE JESUS' EXAMPLE? -Conclusion

 We may at times feel the need to approach a fellow believer who has offended us.  First, though, we do well to ask ourselves such questions as: 'Do I have enough facts?' (Proverbs 18:13) 'Could it be that the offense was not intentional?' (Ecclesiastes 7:20)  'Have i ever made a similar mistake?' (Ecclesiastes 7:21, 22)  'By approaching the person, will I create a bigger issue than the one I am trying to resolve? (Read Proverbs 26:20.) When we take time to consider such questions, we may conclude that our love for our brother can move us simply to overlook the offense.

As a group, Jehovah's Witnesses are proving to be Jesus' true disciples. We individually prove that we are real followers of Jesus when we show unselfish love toward our brothers and sisters despite their imperfections.  In the process, we may help others to recognize the true religion and to join us in worshipping Jehovah, the God of love. Let us be determined to continue demonstrating the love that identifies true Christians.

Next time: REVELATION-ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/ Revelation-Its Happy Climax!

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"By This All Will Know That You Are My Disciples" - HOW CAN WE IMITATE JESUS EXAMPLE?

 We can learn much from the incident involving James and John.  They were  wrong to ask for positions of prominence in the kingdom. But the other apostles were also wrong to allow the situation to disrupt their unity.  Jesus, though, dealt with 12 apostles in a kind and loving way.  The lesson for us? What matters is not only what other people do  but also how we react to their mistakes and shortcomings. What can help us? When we are upset with a fellow believer, we can ask ourselves: 'Why does what he did bother me so much?  Does it reveal a negative trait that I need to work on?  Could it be that the person who upset me is dealing with a difficulty?  Even if I feel that I am justified for being upset, can I show unselfish love by overlooking the offense?' The more we deal with others in a loving way, the more we prove to be Jesus's true followers.

Jesus' example also teaches us to try to understand our fellow believers.  (Proverbs 20:5) Granted, Jesus could read hearts. We cannot. But we can make allowances for the imperfections of our brothers and sisters.  (Ephesians 4:1, 2; 1 Peter 3:8)  Is is easier to do so if we learn about their background. Consider an example.

A Traveling overseer serving in East Africa recalls a brother who felt has an abrasive personality.  How did the circuit overseer  respond?  He says: "Instead  of avoiding the brother, I resolve to get to know him better."  In doing so, the circuit overseer learned some things about the brother's background that I had influenced had influence his personality.  The circuit overseer continues:  "Once I understood how hard the brother had struggled to overcome his background and how far he had come, I admired him. We became good friends."  Indeed, when we try to understand our brothers and sisters, we often find it easier to show them love.

Next time: "By This All Will Know That You Are My Disciples" -HOW CAN WE IMITATE JESUS ' EXAMPLE -Conclusion

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"By This All Will Know That You Are My Disciples" - HOW DID JESUS SHOW LOVE TO HIS APOSTLES? -Conclusion

 How did Jesus deal with the situation?  He did not become indignant.  He did not say that he was going to look for better apostles, men who had greater humility ad who would always treat one another with love. Rather, Jesus patiently reasoned with these sincere men.  (Read Matthew 20:25-28.) He continued to deal with them in a loving way, even though this was neither that first nor the last time that the apostles tried to determine who among them was the greatest. - MARK 9:34; LUKE 22:24. 

No doubt Jesus took into consideration the apostles' background.  (John 2:24, 24) They had grown up in the environment  where the religious leaders placed great emphasis on prominence and position.  (Matthew 23:6 Compare the video The Front Seats in the Synagogue in study note Matthew 23:6.) The Jewish religious leaders were also self-righteous. (Luke 18:9-12) Jesus understood that such an environment could affect the apostle's view of themselves and others.  (Proverbs 19:11)  He was realistic in what he expected of his disciples and did not overreact when they fell short.  He knew they had good hearts, so he patiently helped them  overcome their pride and ambition and replace those with love. 

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"By This All Will Know That You Are My Disciples" - HOW DID JESUS SHOW LOVE TO HIS APOSTLES?

 Jesus did not expect perfection from his followers.  Rather, he lovingly helped them to correct their undesirable personality traits so that they could gain Jehovah's approval. On one occasion, two of the apostles James and John, had their mother ask Jesus to give them prominent positions in the Kingdom.  (Matthew 20:20, 21) James and  John were thus displaying the traits of pride and ambition. - PROVERBS  16:18.

James and John were not the only ones who displayed bad traits.   Note how the other apostles reacted: "When ten others heard about it, they became indignant at the two brothers." ( Matthew 20:24)  We can imagine that sharp words were exchanged among James, John, and other apostles.  Perhaps the others said something like this: 'Who do you think you are to ask for positions of prominence in the Kingdom? You are not the only ones who have worked hard with Jesus.  We are just as qualified as you are for special privileges!' Whatever the case, the apostles temporarily allowed this situation to disrupt their brotherly affection for each other. 

Next time: "By This All Will Know That You Are My Disciples" - HOW DID JESUS SHOW LOVE FOR HIS APOSTLES? -Conclusion

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 A Brother named John had a similar first impression when he started attending congregation meetings:  "I was impressed by the friendliness . . . of everyone there-they seemed like saints,  Their genuine love convinced me that I had found the true religion." Time and time again, such experiences underscore that Jehovah's people are proving to be true Christians.

As noted at the outset, none of our fellow believers are perfect. At times, they will say or do things that upset us. (James 3:2) On such occasions, we especially have an opportunity to demonstrate Christian love by the way we react.  In that regard, what can we learn from the example set by Jesus? - JOHN 13:15.

Next time: "By This All Will Know That You Are My Disciples -HOW DID JESUS SHOW LOVE TO HIS APOSTLES?

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 Many people ask: 'How is it possible to identify the true religion? All religions claim to teach the truth, but each one teaches something different about God.' Satan has managed to confuse people by creating a multitude of counterfeit religious organizations.  But he can never create a worldwide brotherhood of Christians who love one another. Only Jehovah can do that. That is reasonable because genuine love comes from Jehovah-from having his spirit and blessing on a group of worshippers.  (John 4:7)  Is it any wonder, then, that Jesus said that unselfish love would identify his true followers? 

Just as Jesus foretold, man have recognized his true followers by the genuine love they show among themselves.  For example, a brother named Ian recalls the first convention he attended, which was held at a sports stadium near his home.  Ian  had been to that stadium a few earlier for a sporting event. He says:  "The contrast with this convention was enormous.  The Witnesses were polite  and well-dressed, and their children were well-behaved." He adds:  "Above all, these people  seemed to have a feeling of contentment and peace-something I yearned for. I don't remember any of the talks that were given that day,  but the conduct of the Witnesses made a lasting impression." Such conduct of course, is a result of the genuine love we have for one another. Because we love our brothers and sisters, we treat them with kindness and respect.

Next time: "By This All Will Know That You Are My Disciples" - WHY DOES LOVE UNIQUELY IDENTIFY JESUS' TRUE FOLLOWERS? 

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 Jesus made clear that a special kind of love would identify his followers.  (Read John 15:12, 13.) Notice that Jesus commanded them: "Love one another just as I have loved you." What does that mean? As Jesus went on to explain, this is self-sacrificing love-love that  moves a Christian even to die for a fellow believer if necessary.

God's Word places a lot of emphasis on love. Many people include among their favorite Bible verses the following:  "God is love." (1 John 4:8)  "You must love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:39) "Love covers a multitude of sins." (1 Peter 4:8) "Love never fails." (1 Corinthians 13:8) These verses and others should make it plain to anyone how important it is to cultivate and display this beautiful quality.

Next time: "By This All Will Know That You Are My Disciples" - WHY DOES LOVE UNIQUELY IDENTIFY JESUS' TRUE FOLLOWERS?

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"By This All Will Know That You Are My Disciples"

 Look again at the theme text for this article . (Read John 13:34, 35.) What is the identifying mark of Christ's true followers?  It is love, not perfection. Notice, too, that Jesus did not say: 'By this you will know that you are my disciples," He said: "By this all will know that you are my disciples." Jesus thus indicated that not only his followers but also those outside the Christian congregation would recognized his true followers by the unselfish love they have for one another. 

Some who are not Jehovah's Witnesses might wonder: 'How does love identify Jesus' true followers?  How did Jesus demonstrate love toward his apostles? And how is it possible to imitate Jesus' example today? Witnesses do well to reflect on the answers to those questions. Doing so may help us to display love more fully, especially when dealing with the imperfections of one another. - EPHESIANS 5:2.

Next time: "By This All Will Know That You Are My Disciples" - WHY DOES LOVE UNIQUELY IDENTIFY JESUS' TRUE FOLLOWERS?

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"By This All Will Know That You Are My Disciples"

 "By This all will know you are my disciples-if you have love among yourselves." - JOHN 13:35.

IMAGINE a married couple attending their first meeting at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah' s Witnesses.  They are deeply impressed by the warm welcome they receive and the love among those in the congregation. On the way home from the meeting, the wife says to her husband,  'There is something different about Jehovah's Witnesses-in a good way.' 

The love that exists among those in the Christian congregation is indeed remarkable.  Of course, Jehovah's Witnesses are not perfect.  (1 John 1:8)  So the more we get to know those in the congregation, the more likely we are to see some of their flaws.  (Romans 3:23)  Sadly, some have allowed their imperfections of others to stumble them. 

Next time: "By This All Will Know That You Are My Disciples"

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Use Creation to Teach Your Children - ENJOY JEHOVAH'S CREATION AS A FAMILY

 At times, parents may find it hard to get their children to talk about the problems they face.  If that is your situation, you may need to draw out your children's thoughts. (Read Proverbs 20:5.) Some parents find it easier to do so when they are  enjoying nature with their children. Why?  One reason is that there are fewer distractions for children and for parents. A  father in Taiwan named Masahiko mentions another reason: "When we spend time outdoors with our children-hiking in the mountains or walking along the beach-they usually feel more relaxed.  We thus find it easier to draw them out and learn what is on their mind." Katya, quoted earlier, says:  "After school, my mother would take me to a beautiful part.  In such a relaxed atmosphere, I found it easier to tell her what happened at school or what worried me. 

Jehovah's creation can also provide families with a means to relax and have fun, thus strengthening family ties.  The Bible says that there is "a time to laugh" and "a time to skip about." (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4) Through his handiwork, Jehovah has given us  wonderful  settings to enjoy wholesome activities.  Many families like being together at a nature reserve, in the countryside, in the mountains, or at the beach.  Some children love to run and play in a park, to observe animals, or to swim in a river, a lake, or the sea.  What excellent opportunities  we have for recreation when we are out in the open, surrounded by what Jehovah has made!

In God's new world, parents and children will enjoy Jehovah's creation as never before. Unlike today, we will have no reason to fear animals; nor will they fear us.  (Isaiah 11:6-9) We will have endless time to enjoy what Jehovah has made.  (Psalm 22:26)  But parents, do not wait until then to help your children to begin enjoying creation. As you use creation to teach your children about Jehovah, they likely come to agree with what King David said: "O Jehovah there are no works like  yours. - PSALM 86:8.

Next time: "By This All Will Know That You Are My Disciples"

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 Jehovah invites us to lift up our eyes to the heavens and think about how his amazing power keeps the universe in place.  (Read Isaiah 40:26.) You can encourage your children to look up at the sky and reflect.  Note what Tingling, a sister from Taiwan, recalls from her childhood.  "Once,  my mom took me camping, and we looked at the night sky undisturbed by city lights.  That was a period when I was worried about peer pressure and wondered if I would able to keep serving Jehovah faithfully.  My mom encouraged me to think about the power Jehovah used to create all those stars and to remember that He can certainly use that power to help face any test. After observing creation on that trip, I was moved to get to know Jehovah better, and I strengthened my resolve  to serve him." 

Jehovah's creation reveals his joy as well as his sense of humor. Scientists have observed that most animals play, including birds and fish.  (Job 40:20) Have  your children ever laughed as they watched an animal play? Perhaps they have seen a kitten chasing a ball of yarn of puppies wrestling together .  The next time your children laugh as they watch the antics of an animal, why not remind them that we serve a happy God? - 1 TIMOTHY 1:11. 

Next time: Use Creation to Teach Your Children About Jehovah - ENJOY JEHOVAH'S CREATION AS A FAMILY

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 To help your children perceive Jehovah's love, you could point out the tender way in which many animals care for their young. (Matthew 23:37) You could also highlight the wonderful variety that we enjoy so much in creation. Karina, quoted earlier, says: "When we were out on walks, my mom would encourage me to stop and observe how each flower is unique and how its beauty reflects Jehovah's love. Years, later, I still look carefully at flowers-at their variety, design, and color. They continue to remind me of how much Jehovah loves us." 

Help your children discern God's wisdom.  Jehovah is certainly far wiser than we are. (Romans 11:33)  For example, you could point out how the water that forms clouds float away effortlessly from one place to another.  (Job 38:36, 37)  You could also highlight the amazing design of the human body.  (Read Psalm 139:14.) Consider how a father named Vladimir did so.  He says: "One day, our so fell  off his bike and hurt himself.  After a few days, the wound healed.  My wide and I explained that Jehovah created our cells with the ability  to repair themselves. We pointed out that we don't see anything like this in the things that humans make.  For example a car does not repair itself after an accident. This experience helped our son understand Jehovah's wisdom.

Next time: Use Creation to Teach Your Children About Jehovah - JEHOVAH'S 'INVISIBLE QUALITIES ARE CLEARLY SEEN"

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 Israelite parents were urged to teach their children the words of Jehovah's commandments when walking "on the road." (Deuteronomy 11:19) Roads ran through the countryside of Israel. A variety of animals, birds, and flowers could be seen. As Israelite families traveled on the road, the parents had the opportunity to spark their children's interests in Jehovah's creation. You parents have likely had similar opportunities  to use creation to teach your children. Consider how some parents have done that.

A mother named Punitha, who lives in a large city in India, says: "When we visit family in the countryside, we view it as an opportunity to help our children learn about Jehovah's marvelous creation.  I feel that my children understand creation better when they are  away from the crowded  streets and city traffic." Parents, your children will likely never forget the time they spend with you in a beautiful setting. Katya, sister from Moldova, says:  "My most vivid childhood memories are those spent  with my parents in the countryside. I am grateful to them for teaching me from a young age to stop and observe what Jehovah has made and to see him through his creation. 

What if it is not possible for you to travel to the countryside?  Amol, who also lives in India, says:  "Where I live, parents have to work long hours, and a trip to the countryside can be expensive.  However, a small park or rooftop terrace can serve as a place to observe creation and talk about Jehovah's qualities."  When you look carefully, you will likely also discover near your home many features of creation you can show your  children.  (Psalm 104:24 You will probably find birds, insects, plants, and more.  Karina, from Germany, says: "My mom loves flowers, so when I was a young girl, she would point out pretty flowers  whenever we took a walk together."  Parents, you can also use the many videos and publications about creation  that our organization had produced to teach your children. Yes, whatever your circumstances, you can help your children to observe what God has made. Now let us consider some of Jehovah's qualities that  you could point out to your children. 

Next time:  Use Creation to Teach Your Children - JEHOVAH'S "INVISIBLE QUALITIES ARE CLEARLY SEEN"

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Use Creation to Teach Your Children About Jehovah - USE CREATION TO TEACH YOUR CHILDREN- HOW? -Continue

 Do parents have to spend a lot time researching a particular animal or plant before discussing what that creative work reveals about Jehovah?  Not necessarily.  Jesus did not give a long explanation regarding the feeding habits of ravens or the cellular composition of lilies. Granted, your child may occasionally  enjoy a deeper discussion about nature, but sometimes a simple observation or question is enough to make a point.  Note what a brother named Christopher remembers fr0m his childhood:  "My mom would simple comments to help us appreciate the creation around us. For example, when were near the mountains, she might say: 'Look at  how huge and beautiful those trees are!  Isn't Jehovah amazing?' Or when we were near the ocean, she might say: 'Look at the power of those waves!  Isn't God powerful?" Christopher says:  "Those simple, thought provoking comments had a bit impact on us." 

As your children grow older, you can train them to give more thought to creation and to draw conclusion about Jehovah's personality. You can highlight one of God's creative works ask your children,  "What does this teach you about Jehovah?" You may be surprised to hear what they have to says. - MATTHEW 21:26.

Next time: Use Creation to Teach Your Children About Jehovah  - WHEN CAN YOU USE CREATION TO TEACH YOUR CHILDREN?

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Use Creation to Teach Your Children About Jehovah - USE CREATION TO TEACH YOUR CHILDREN - HOW?

 The Bible says that God's 'invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made."  (Romans 1:20) Parents, you likely enjoy spending time outdoors with your young ones. Use that time to help your children see the connection between  "the things made" and Jehovah's marvelous qualities.  In this regard, let us see what parent Jesus' example. 

Note how Jesus uses creation to teach. On one occasion, he asked his disciples to observe the ravens and the lilies.  (Read Luke 12:24, 27-30.)  Jesus could have mentioned any animal or plant, but he chose a bird and a flower that his disciple knew well.  The disciples might have seen ravens flying overhead  and flowers blooming in the field.  Can you imagine  Jesus gesturing toward these things as he spoke? And what did he do after mentioning these examples?  He taught his disciples  a powerful lesson about their heavenly Father's generosity and kindness: Jehovah will feed and clothe his faithful servants as he does the ravens and the flowers in the field.

Parents, will you imitate Jesus' way of teaching?  You might tell your child about an aspect of creation that you personally appreciate, such as your favorite animal or plant.  As you do, be sure to explain what that example reveals about Jehovah. You might then ask your child about his favorite animal or plant. If you use and aspect of creation that already appeals to him, he will probably pay even closer attention when you talk about Jehovah's qualities.

Next time: Use Creation to Teach Your Children About Jehovah - USE CREATION TO TEACH YOUR CHILDREN - HOW?

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Use Creation to Teach Your Children About Jehovah

 "Who has created these things?" -ISAIAH 40:26. 

PARENTS, we know that you want to help your children come to know and love Jehovah.  But God is invisible. How can you help your children to see him as a real Person and to draw  close to him? - JAMES 4:8.

An important way to help children draw close to Jehovah is by studying the Bible with them.  (2 Timothy 3:14-17) Yet, the Bible reveals another way that young ones can learn about Jehovah. In the book of Proverbs, a fatherly evidently reminds his son never to lose sight of Jehovah's qualities, which are revealed in creation.  (Proverbs 3:19-21) We will consider some ways that parents can use creation to help their children learn about Jehovah's personality.

Next time: Use Creation to Teach Your Children About Jehovah - USE CREATION TO TEACH YOUR CHILDREN - HOW?

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Questions From Readers

Why did the man called "So-and-so" say it would ruin his own inheritance if he  married Ruth? (Ruth 4:1, 6) 

If So-and-so o r someone else married Ruth and she gave birth to a son, that son would inherit Elimelech's land. How would this "ruin" So-and-so's inheritance"?  The Bible does not say, but there are some possible ways.

. First, the money he spent would seem to be a waste, for Elimelech's land ultimately would not be his. It would go to Ruth's son

. Second, he would have the responsibility to feed and care for both Naomi and Ruth.

. Third, if Ruth bore other children by So-and-so, they would share in the inheritance with any children he had.

. Fourth, if So-and-so did not have other children of his own, a son Ruth bore would have rights to Elimelech's and So-and-so's land. He would thus lose his inheritance to help Naomi.  He preferred to allow the next repurchaser in line, Boaz, to take on that responsibility.  Boaz did so because he wanted "to restore the name of of the dead man to his inheritance." - RUTH 4:10.

So-and-so was apparently more interested in maintaining his own  name and inheritance. Selfishness dominated his thinking. But rather than preserve his name, So-and-so's name  became lost to history. He also missed out on the special privilege that Boaz received, to be listed in the line of descent leading to the Messiah, Jesus Christ.  What a sad result for So-and-so because he selfishly avoided the opportunity to help someone in need! - MATTHEW 1:5; LUKE 3:23, 32. 

Next time: Use Creation to Teach Your Children About Jehovah

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Questions From Readers

 Why did the man called s0-and-s0 say it would "ruin" his own inheritance if he married Ruth?  (Ruth 4:1, 6) 

Consider the example of Naomi  She was married to a man named Elimelech. When he and their two sons died, she was left without a breadwinner to care for her. (Ruth1:1-5)  Once back in Judah, Naomi directed her daughter-in-law Ruth to ask Boaz to act as a repurchaser  of the land. He was a close relative of Elimelech.  (Ruth 2:1, 19, 20; 3:1-4)  But Boaz realized that another relative, whom the Bible calls "So-and-so" was a closer relative. He thus had first claim to act as repurchaser. - Ruth 3:9, 12, 13. 

Initially, "So-and-so" was willing to help. (Ruth 4:1-4) Although it would involve some expense he realized that Naomi would be unable to bear a child who would inherit the land from Elimelech. The land would, in effect, be added to So-and-so's land inheritance, so this could be a good investment. 

But So-and-so changed his mind when he realized that Ruth was available for remarriage.  He said: "I am unable to repurchase it, for I may ruin my own inheritance." (Ruth 4:5, 6) Why did he change his mind?

Next time: Questions From Readers -Conclusion of Above Subject

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Questions From Readers - Why Did the Man Called S0-and-So Say It Would "Ruin" His Own Inheritance If He Married Ruth? (Ruth 4:1, 6)

 If a married man in Bible times died childless, some questions needed answering: What would happen to any land he owned? Would his family name be lost forever?  The Mosaic Law addressed such questions. 

What happened to the land of a man who died or who became poor and sold his land? A brother or a close relative could redeem, or repurchase, that land.  This would keep it within the family. - LEVITICUS 25:23-28; NUMBERS 27:8-11. 

How was the deceased man's  family named preserved? By means of levirate, or brother-in-law, marriage, which was used in the case of Ruth.  A man would marry his brother's widow to produce and heir who could take on the dead man's name and inherit his property.  This loving arrangement also cared for the widow. - DEUTERONOMY 25:5-7; MATTHEW 22:23-28. 

Next time: Questions From Readers -Continue Above Subject

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