
Pioneers in Medicine

 AT AGE 61, Jose, a Belgian from the small town of Oupeye, was told that he would need a  liver transplant.  "It was the shock of my life," he says.  Just four decades  ago, liver transplants were unthinkable.  Even in the 1970's , the survival rate was only about 30 percent.  Today, however, liver transplants are routinely performed, with a much higher success rate.

But there is still a major drawback .  Since liver transplants often inovlve  excessive bleeding, doctors usually administer blood transfusion during the operation.  Because of his religious convictions, Jose did not want blood.  But he did want the liver transplant.  Impossible?  Some might think so, but the chief surgeon felt that he and his colleagues  had good chance of operating successfully without blood. And that is precisely what they did! Just 25 days his  operation, Jose was back home with his wife and daughter. 

Thanks to the skills of those whom Time magazine calls: "heroes of medicine," bloodless medicine and surgery is now more common than ever. But why is there such a demand for it?  To answer that question, let us examine the troubled history of blood transfusions.  

Next time:  Blood Transfusions - A Long History of Controversy

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Can the Devil Control Humans? - The Bible's Answer

 The Devil and the demons influence mankind so much that the Bible says:  "The Evil One controls the whole world." (1 John 5:19, New Century Version) The Bible idenfies ways that the Devil exerts his influence on people. 

* Deception.  The Bible encourages Christians to "fight against the devil's evil tricks." (Ephesians 6:11, NCV)  One of his tricks is to deceive people into believing that his agents are actually serving God. - 2 CORINTHIANS 11:13-15. 

* Spiritism. The Devil misleads people through spirit mediums, fortune-tellers, and thsoe who practice divination or astrology.  (Deuteronomy 18:10-12) Drug use, hypnotism, and mediation techniques that empty the mind also expose a person to demon control. - LUKE 11:24-26.

* False religion.  Religions that teach false doctrines mislead people into disobeying God.  (1 Corinthians 10:20)  The Bible calls such false beliefs  "teachings of demons." - 1 TIMOTHY 4:1. 

* Possession.   The Bible records cases of evil spirits taking control of individuals.  Somethings demon-possessed people were struck blind or mute or even injured themselves. - MATTHEW 12:22; MARK 5:2-5. 

How to Avid the Devil's Influence

You need not live in dread of demon control, for the Bible shows how you can successfully oppose the Devil.

*  Learn to recognize the Devil's methods so that you are "not ignorant of his designs." - 2 CORINTHIANS 2:11.

* Take in knowledge from the Bible, and then apply what  you learn.  Applying Bible principles will protect you from the Devil's influence. - EPHESIANS 6:11-18.

* Get rid of anything connected with demon  activity.  (Acts 19:19)  That includes music, books, magazines, posters, an videos that encourage spiritism. 

Next time: Pioneers in Medicine

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Did Our Languages Come From the "Tower of Babel"? - LEGENDS THAT ECHO THE BIBLE'S ACCOUNT

"Once upon a time all the people lived in one large village and spoke with one tongue," according to a story told by a hill tribe in Myanmar.  While building a great tower, the builders "gradually acquired different manners, customs, and way of speech, [eventually] being scattered all over the land."  Similar legends are found among indigenous peoples of Africa, East Asia, Mexico, and elsewhere. 

If the Babel account had been an invention by Moses, the  Hebrew writer of Genesis, would it have cropped up in the legends so far-flung national  and language groups?  That is very unlikely.  Thus, the existence of such diverse legends and tales testifies to the credibility of the Babel account in the Bible.

Next time: Can the Devil Control Humans?/The Bible's Answer

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Did Our Languages Come From the "Tower of Babel"? - THE FUTURE OF LANGUAGE

 After reviewing the location of linguistic "fossils," the fundanmental differences  between language groups, and the complexity of ancient languages, what reasonable conclusion  could we draw?   Many concluded that the Bible's account of what took place at Babel is a fully credible explanation.

The Bible  tells us that Jehovah God confused the people's language at Babel because they rebelled against him.  (Genesis 11:4-7) However, he promised that he would "give to  peoples the change to pure language, in order for them all to call upon the name of Jehovah, in order to serve him shoulder to shoulder." (Zephaniah 3:9)  This "pure language," the truth from God's Word, draws together a people from around the world today.  It seems logical tha tin the future God would unite mankind further by giving them one common language, undoing the confusion at Babel. 

Next time: Did Our Languages Come From the "Tower of Babel"? - LEGENDS THAT ECHO THE BIBLE'S ACCOUNT

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Did Our Languages Come From the "Tower of Babel"? - GRUNTS OR COMPLEX SPEECH?

 What was mankind's original language like?  The Bible reports that the first man Adam, was able to coin new words when he named all the animals and flying creatures.  (Genesis 2:20)  Adam also composed poetry to express his feelings for his wife, and she clearly described what God had commanded and the consequences of disobeying Him.  (Genesis 2:23; 3:1-3)  The first language, then enabled humans to communicated fully and to express themselves creatively. 

This confusion of languages at Babel hindered mankind's ability  to combine their intellectual and physical powers.  Yet, their new languag, like the first language, were complex. Within a few centuries, men built bustling cities, assembled powerful armies, and engaged in international trade.  (Genesis 13:12; 14:1-11; 37:25)  Could they have made such progress  without the use of an extensive vocabulary and grammar?  According to the Bible, the original human tongue  and the tongues introduced at Babel were, not primitive grunts and growls, but complex languages.

Modern research supports this conclusion.  The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language states:  "Every culture which has been investigated, no matter how 'primitive' it may be in cultural terms, turns out to have  a fully developed language, with a complexity comparable to those of the So-called 'civilized nations.'  Similarly, this boook The Language  Instinct, Harvar College Professor Steven Pinker states:  "There  is no such thing as a Stone Age language.

Next time: Did Our Language Come From the "Tower of Babel"? - THE FUTURE OF LANGUAGE

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Did Our Languages Come From the "Tower of Babel"? - DIFFERENT LANGUAGES, DIFFERENT THINKING

The Bible account says that at Babel, God acted to "confuse their language that they may not listen to {"understand,"] one anothers' languaghe." (Genesis 11:7)  As a result, the workers" left off building the city"  of Babel and were scattered "over all the surface of the earth."  (Genesis 11: 8, 9)  Thus, the Bible does not say that alal modern languages can be traced to a single "mother tongue."  Rather, it describes the sudden appearance of several apparently fully developed new languages, each capable of expressing the range of human feeligng and thought and each different and distinct from the others. 

What about the language  groups of the world today?  Are they fundamentally similar or different?  Congnitive scientists Lera Borodisky wrote; "As linguists probed deeper into the world's languages (7,000 or so,  only a fraction of them analyzed), innumerable unpredictable different emerged."  Yes, although tongues and dialects  of one language family, such as Cantonese and Hakka in southern China, may be similar to one another, they are fundamentally different from those of another language family, say West Catalan or Valencian in Spain.

Languages shpe the people think about and describe the world around them -color, quantity, location, direction. For example, in one language a person says, "There is a bug on your right hand." But in another language. one would say.  "There is a bug on your southwest hand."  Such differences would be confusing, to say the least.  No wonder the builders at Babel found it impossible to continue their project.

Next time: Did Our Languages Come From the "Tower of Babel"? - GRUNTS OR COMPLEX SPEECH?

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Did Our Languages Come From the "Tower of Babel"? - WHERE AND WHEN DID IT HAPPEN?

 The Bible states that the confusion of the language and disperson of the people took place "in the land of Shinar," later called Babylonia. (Genesis 11:2)  When did that happen?  "The earth ["earth's population,"] was divided," says the Bible, in the days of Peleg, who was born about 250 years before Abraham.  So the events of Babel evidently took place some 4,200 years ago. - GENESIS 10:25; 11:18-26. 

Some scholars theorize that modern languages stem from one original language nearly 100,000 years ago.  Others claim that today's languages are related to several root languages spoken at least 6,000 years ago.  But how do linguists reconstruct the development  of extinct languages?  "That is tricky," says the Ecobomist magazine.  "Unlike biolgists, linguists do not have fossils to guide them through the past."  The magazine adds that one evolutionaly linguist arrives at his conclusions by mathematically infromed guesswork.'

Nevertheless, "linguistic fossils" do exist.  What are these fossils, and what do they reveal regarding the origin of human languages? The New Encyclopedia Britannica explains:  "The earliest records  of written language , the only linguistic fossils man can hope to have, go back no more than about 4,000 or 5,000 years."  Where did archaelologists discover these "linguistic fossils," or records of written language?  In lower Mesopotamia-the site of ancient Shinar."  Hence, the available physical evidence is in agreement with the facts stated in the Bible. 

Next time: Did Our Languages Come From the "Tower of Babel"? - DIFFERENT LANGUAGES, DIFFERENT THINKING

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Did Our Languages Come From the "Tower of Babel"?

 "Jehovah scattered them from there over all the surface of the earth, and they gradually left off building the city.  That is why its name is called Babel, because there Jehovah had confused the language of all the earth. - GENESIS 11:8, 9. 

DID that event recorded in the Bible really happen? Did people start speaking different languages all at once, as described?  Some scoff at the Bible's account of how human languages began and spread.  On author claims:  "The Tower of Babel mythin is definitely one of the most obsured stories ever told." Even a Jewish rabbi called it "a naive attempt to explain the origin of nations."

 Why do people reject the Babel account?  Simply put, it contradicts certain theories regarding the origin of language.  For example,  some scholars suggest that language groups dd not appear suddenly but evolved gradually from one "mother tongue."  Others believe that several original languages develop0ed independently, advancing from  simply grunts  to complex speech.  These and other conflictying theories have caused man to agree with Professor W.T. Fitch, who wrote  in his book, the Evolution of Language: "We do not yet have fully convincing anwers."  

What have Archeologists and researchers uncovered regarding the origin  and development of human languages?  Do their dicoveries confirm any of the proposed theories?  Or do the finding support the Babel acccount?  First let us take a closer look at that Bible account. 

Next time: Did Our Languages Come From the "Tower of Babel"? - WHERE AND WHEN DID IT HAPPEN?

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Have Jehovah's Witnesses Changed the Bible to Fit Their Beliefs? -Conclusion

 2. What we believe:  There is no eternal torment in a fiery hell.  Quoting from Romans 6:23 in the King James Version, Zion's Watch Tower entitled its issue of June 1982 "The Wges of Sin Is Death," stating: "How clear and simple is this statement.  How strange it is that so many who profess to receive the Bible as the Word of God persist in contradicting this positive statement, and affirm they believe, and the Bible teaches, that the wages of sin is everlasting life in torment. 

What the Bible says: "The soul that sinneth, it shall die."  (Ezekiel 18:4, 20, King James Version) The final punishment for those who oppose God is, not eternal torment, but "everlasting destruction." - 2 THESSALONIANS 1:9, King James Version.

3. What we believe:  God's Kingdom is a real government, not just  a condition of the heart.  Regarding God's Kingdom, the December  1981 issue of Zion's Watch Tower said:  "The setting up of this kingdom will, of course, involvee the overthrow of all the kingdms of earth." 

What the Bible says: "In the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in peaces and consume all these kingsoms, and it shall stand forever." - DANIEL 2:44, King James Version. 

Do Jehovah's Witnesses depend on the New World Translation to support their beliefs?

No, for we continue to use many translations of the Bible in our witnessing work. In fact, while we provide a copy of the New World Translation at no charge as part of our free Bible study program, we are also happy to study with those who perfer to use other translations. 

Note: I will say this again.  We all should only go by the what teh Bible says and not what the preachers etc,  do in other religions and that is read certain scriptures that please them in order to mislead their congregations, because they are not teaching the Bible truth.  These are people that are wolves in sheep's clothing/false prophets. 

Next time:  Did Our Languages Come From the "Tower of Babel"? 

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Have Jehovah's Witnesses Changed the Bible to Fit Their Beliefs?

 No, we haven't. On the contrary, when we have discovered that our beliefs were not completely in line with the Bible, we have changed  our beliefs. 

Long before we started producing the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures in 1950, we examimed the Bible.  We used whatever  translation was available and formed our beliefes  accordingly.  Consider a few examples of long-standing beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses, and decide for yourself whether they match what the Bible really teaches. 

1. What we believe:  God is not a Trinity.   The July 1982  issue of Zion's Watch Tower said:  "Our readers are aware that while believe in Jehovah and Jesus, and the holy Spirit, we reject as totally unscriptural that these three are Gods in one person or, as some put it, one God in three persons. 

What the Bible says:  "Jehovah our God is one Jehovah." (Deuteronomy 6:4, The Holy Bible, by Robert Young)  "There is but one God, the Father of whom are all things, and we unto him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.' ( 1 Corinthians 8:6,  Americal Bible Union Version) Jesus himself stated: The Father is greater than I." - JOHN 14:28, Douay-Rheims  Version. 

Next time: Have Jehovah's Witnesses Changed the Bible to Fit Their Beliefs? -Conclusion

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"My Kingdom Is No Part of This World" - "RETURN YOUR SWORD TO ITS PLACE" - Conclusion

 The sister in southern Europe mentioned that she learned the same lesson.  She says:  "I have seen that violence does not bring justice.  I saw that those who resort to violence often end up dead.   And many others end up embittered.  I was so happy to learn from the Bible that only God can bring true justice to the earth.   For the last 25 years that is the message I have been preaching."  The brotehr in souther Africa replaced his spear with  "the sword of the spirit ," God's Word.  (Ephesians 6:17)  Now he preaches a message of peace to all kinds of people, no matter what tribe they are from.  And after the sister in central Europe  became one of Jehovah's Witnesses, she married  a brother from an ethnic group she use to hate.  All three made these changes because they wanted to be like Christ.  

It is very important to make these changes! The Bible says that mankind is like the sea that tosses and turns and is never peaceful.  (Isaiah 17:12; 57:20, 21; Revelation 13:1) Political issues provoke people, divide them, and lead to violence.  But we are peaceful and united. When Jehovah sees how divided people in the world are, he must be very happy to see how united his people are.  - Read ZEPHANIAH 3:17.

In this article, we have learned that we can promote unity in three ways: (1) We trust that God's Kingdom will correct all injustices, (2) We never take sides in political issues, and (3) We reject violence. But something else that can threaten the unity is prejudice. In the next article, we will learn how we can overcome prejudice, as the early Christians did.

Next time: Have Jehovah's Witnesses Changed the Bible to Fit Their Beliefs? 

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"My Kingdom Is No Part of This World - "RETURN YOUR SWORD TO ITS PLACE"

 In Jesus' time, religious leaders often supported political groups.  For example, the book Daily Life in Palestine at the Time of Christ says that the Jews were divided into religious groups that were similar to political parties.  So Jesus warned his disciples: "Keep your eyes open; look out for the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod." (Mark 8:15) When Jesus mentioned Herod, he was probably referring to the part followers of Herod.  The other group, the Pharisees, wanted the Jews  to become independent from the Roman Empire.  According to Matthew's account, Jesus also warned his disciples agaisnt the Sadducees.  The Sadducees wanted Rome to continue ruling becaue this allowed them to have powerful positions. Jesus warned  his disciples to avoid the "leaven," or the teachings, of these three groups.  (Matthew 16:6, 12)  And it is interesting that Jesus gave this warning soon after people wanted to make him king. 

When religions take sides in political issues, it often leads to violence.  Jesus taught his disciples to remain completely neutral.  That is one reason why the chief priests and the Parisees wanted to kill Jesus.  They were afraid that the peple would listen to him and stop following them. If that happened, they would lose their religious and political power.  They said:  "If we let him go on this way, they put faith in him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation." (John 11:48)  So High Priest Caiaphas organized a plan to kill Jesus. - JOHN 11:49-5; 18:14. 

Caiaphas waited until it was nighttime and then sent soldiers t arrest Jesus.  But Jesus knew about the plan to kill him.  So during his last meal with the apostles, he told them to get some sword.  Two swords would be enough to teach them and important lesson.  (Luke 18:10)   But Jesus told Peter: "Return your sword to its place, for all those who take up the sword will perish by the sword." (Matthew 26:52, 53)  What powerful lesson did Jesus teach his disciples?  That they must be no part of this world. This is what Jesus had prayed for earlier that night.  (Read John 17:16.) Only God has the right to fight injustice.

Next time:"My Kingdom Is No Part of this World" - "RETURN YOUR SWORD TO ITS PLACE" - CONCLUSION

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"My Kingdom Is No Part of This World"


When people see injustices happening around them, they often become more involved in politics.  In Jesus' day, paying taxes was an issue that caused many people to take sides in politics.  In fact, Judas the Galilean rebelled against Rome because the Romans were registering people to make sure that they would pay taxes. And there were many taxes to pay, such as  on possessions, land, and houses.  Also, tax collectors were very corrupt, which made the problem worse.  They sometimes paid government officials to get a position and then used their power to make a lot of money.  Zacchaeus, the chief tax collector in Jericho became rich because  he made people pay a lot. - LUKE 19:2, 8. 

Jesus' enemies  tried to get him involved in the issue of paying taxes. They asked him about the "head tax," a tax of one denarius that all Jews had to pay.   (Read Matthew 22:16-18.)  The Jews really hated this tax because it reminded them that the Roman government controlled them.  The "party followers of Herod," that is, those who supported Harod's political ideas, hoped that Jesus sais they they should not pay the tax, they could accuse hom of being an enemy of the Roman Empire.  But if Jesus said they had to pay the tax, people might stop following him. So, what did Jesus do?

Jesus was careful to remain neutral on this issue.  He said: "Pay back, therefore, Caesar's things to Caesar, but God's things to God." (Matthew 22:21)  Jesus knew that many tax collectors were corruprt, but he did not focus on that.  Instead, he focused on the real solution to mankind's problems, God's Kingdom.  Jesus set the example for us. We should not take sides in any political issue, even if one side seems right and fair and the other side seems  wrong and unjust.  Christians focus on God's Kingdom and on what God says is right. For that reason, we do not have strong opinions about injustices or speak  out against them. - MATTHEW 6:33.

Many of Jehovah's Witnesses have been successful in getting rid of strong political opinions they used to have.  For example, before she learned the truth, one sister in Great Britain took social studies classes at a university and developed strong extreme political opinions.  She says:  "I wanted to champion the rights of black people, since we had suffered so much injustices.  Although I was good at winning arguments, I still ended up feeling frustrated. I did not realize that the cuses of radical injustice had to be uprooted from people's hearts.  When I began to study the Bible, however, I realized that i had to start with my own heart."  And it was a white sister who helped her change the way she felt in her heart.  She adds: "Now I am serving as a regular pioneer in a sign-language congregation, and I am learning to reach out to all kinds of people." 

Next time: "My Kingdom Is No Part of This World" - "RETURN YOUR SWORD TO ITS PLACE

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"My Kingdom Is No Part of This World" - DID JESUS SUPPORT THOSE WHO WANTED INDEPENDENCE? -Concluson

 The Jew expected that the Messiah would solve their problems.  That is probably why the people of Galilee wanted Jesus to become their king.  They must have thought that he would be the best leader. He was an excellent speaker, cure the sick, and could even provide food for those who were hungry.  After Jesus fed about 5,000 men, the people were amazed.  Jesus realized what they wanted him to do.  The Bible says: "Jesus knowing that they were about to come and seize him to make him king, withdrew again to the mountain all alone."  (John 6:10-15) The next day, the people had likely calmed down. Jesus then explained to them that he had not come to provide for their material needs but to teach them about God's Kingdom.   He told them: "Work, not for the food that perishes, but for the food that remains for everlasting life." - JOHN 6:25-27.

Shortly before his death, Jesus realized that some of his followers believed that he would start ruling as king in Jerusalem.  Jesus told them the illustration of the minas to help them uderstand that this would happen.  That illustration was about "a man of noble birth," Jesus, who would have to go away for a long time. (Luke 19:11-13, 15)  Jesus also clearly told the Roman official Pontius Pilate that he did not take sides in the world's politics.  Pilate asked Jesus: "Are you the King of the Jews."  (John 18:33)  Pilate may have been afraid that Jesus would make people revolt against the Romans.  But Jesus answered:  "My Kingdom is no part of this world." (John 18:36) Jesus refused to get involved with politics, because his Kingdom  would be in heaven. He said that his work on earth was to "bear witnesses to the truth." -Read JOHN 18:37.

Jesus understood what his assignment was.  When we understand what out assignment is, we will avoid supporting any poltical group, even in our heart.  This is not always easy.  One traveling overseer says that people in his area are becoming more extreme. They are very proud of their nation and believe that their lives would be better if their own people ruled over them.  He adds: "Thankfully, the brothers have safeguarded their Christian unity by concentrating on preaching the good news of the Kingdom.  They look to God to solve injustice and  the other problems we face." 

Next  time: "My Kingdom Is No Part of This World" -  HOW DID JESUS REMAIN NEUTRAL IN POLITICAL ISSUES?

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 Many Jews to whome Jesus preached really wanted to be free from the Romans.  Jewish Zealots, a fanatical group, did all they could to make these feelings even stronger.  Many of the Zealots  followed a man named Judas the Galilean, who lived about the time of Jesus.  Judas was a false messiah, who misled many.  The Jewish historian  Josephus said that Judas urged the Jews to fight against Rome and called those who agreed to pay taxes to the Romans "cowards." The Romans eventually put Judas to death.  (Acts 5:37)  Some of the Zealots even became violent to achieve their goals.

Most of the Jews were eagerly waiting for the Messiah to come.  They thought that the Messiah would free them from the Romans and would make Israel  a great nation again.  ( Luke 2:38; 3:15)  Many  believed that the Messiah would establish a kingdom on earth in Israel.  When that happened, all the Jews who lived in different placers around the world would return to Issrael.  Even John the Baptist once asked Jesus:  "Are you the Coming One, or are we to expect a different one?  (Matthew 11:2, 3)   Perhaps Josh wondered whether someonw else would come to free the Jews.  Later, two disciples met Jesus on the road to Emmaus after he was resurrected. They said they had hoped that Jesus was the one whgo wouldl free Israel.  (Read Luke 24:21.) Soon  after that, the apostles asked Jesus:  "Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?" - ACTS 1:6.

Next time: "My Kingdom Is No Part of This World" - DID JESUS SUPPORT THOSE WHO WANTED INDEPENDENCE? 

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"My Kingdom Is No Part of This World"

 "For this I have into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth." -JOHN 18:37.

"FROM an early age, I saw only injustice," says a sister in southern Europe about her past.  "So I rejected the political system in my country, and I supported what many viewed as radical ideas.  In fact, for many years I was the girlfriend of a terrorist."  A brother in southern Africa explains why he used to be violent:  "I believed that my tribe was superior to all others, and I joined political party. We were taught to kill our opponents with spears-even those of our own tribe who supported other political parties."  A sister in central Europe admits:  "I was prejudiced, and I hated anyone wh owas of a different nationality or who had a religion that was different from mine." 

Today, more and more people have attitudes like those three once had.  Many political groups used violence to gain independence. It is common for people to fight about politics.  And in many countries, people mistreat foreigners more and more.  Just as the Bible foretold, people are "not open to any agreement" during these last days. (2 Timothy 3:1, 3)  How can Christians remain united while the world becomes more divided?  We can learn much  from Jesus' example.  People in his day were also divided by strong political opinions.  In this article, we will learn the answers to three questions:  "Why did Jesus refuse to get involved in any political group?  How did Jesus show that God's people must not take sides on political issues? And how did Jesus teach us that we should never use violence?

Next time: "My Kingdom Is No Part of This World" - DID JESUS SUPPORT THOSE WHO WANTED INDEPENDENCE?

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Why Don't Jehoah's Witnesses Go to War?

For the following reasons, Jehovah's Witnesses don't go to war:

1. Obedience to God.   The Bible says that God's servants would "beat their swords into plowshares" and not "learn war anymore."  - ISAIAH 2:4.

2. Obedience to Jesus. The apostle Peter was told by Jesus: "Return your sword to its place, for all those who take the sword will perish by the sword." (Matthew 26:52) Jesus thus showed that his followers would not take up weapons of warfare. 

Jesus' disciples obey his command to be "no part of this world" by remaining strictly neutral in political matters.  (John 17:16)  They do not protest against military actions or interfere with those who choose to serve in the armed forces.

3. Love for others. Jesus commanded his disciples to "love one another." (John 13:34, 35) They would thus form an international brotherhood in which  no one would ever wage war against his brother or sister. -1 JOHN 3:10-12. 

4. The example of early Christians.  The Encyclopedia of Religion and War states:  "The earliest followers of Jesus rejected war and military service," recognizing those practices as "incompatible with the love ethic of Jesus and the injunction to love one's enemies." Likewise, German theologian Peter Meinhold said of those early disciples of Jesus:  "Being a Christian and a soldier was considered irreconcilable." 

Contributions to the Community

Jehovah's Witnesses are useful members of society and pose no threat to the security of the countries where they live.  We respect governmental authority, in harmony with these Bible commands: 

* "Be in sujections to the superior authorities." - ROMANS 13:1

* "Pay back, therefore, Caesar's things to Caesar, but God's things to God." - MATTHEW 22:21.

Thus we obey the law, pay our taxes, and cooperated with ther governments efforts to provide for the public welfare. 

Next time:  "My Kingdom Is No Part of This World"

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Maintain Your Neutrality in a Divided World


A fourth thing that helps us stay neutral is to think abot the examples of faithful servants of Jehovah.  Many in Bible times had courage, and they made wise decisions that helped them to stay neutral.  Think of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abedenego, who refused to worshiup and image that represented the government of Babylon.  (Read Daniel 3:16-18.)  This Bible account helps many Witnesses today to be courageous and refuse to worship the flag of the country where they live.  Jesus did not get involved with politics or other issues that divide people.  He knew that his good example would help his disciples.  He said:  "Take Courage! I have conquered the world." - JOHN 16:33.

Many Witnesses in our time have remained neutral.  Some of them have been tortured, put in prison, and even killed because they stayed faith to Jehovah.  Their examples can help us to have courage.  One brother from Turlley said:  "Franz Reiter was a young brother who was exectued because he refused to join Hitler's army.  The letter he wrote to his mother the night before he died showed tremendous faith and confidence in Jehovah, and I wanted to follow his example if I faced such a trial. 

The brothers and sisters in your congregation can help you to stay neutral.  Let the elders know if you are in a difficult situation.  They can give you good advice from the Bible.  Also, if members of the congregatio  know what your situation is, they can encourage you .  Ask them to pray for you.  But we too should support our brothers and pray for them. (Matthew 7:12)  To find lists of names of brothers who are in prison, see the article on jw.org called "Jehovah's Witnesses Imprisoned for Their Faith-By Location,"  which can be found  under Newsroom Legal Developments.  Choose a few names, and ask Jehovah to help these brothers and sisters to be courageous and stay loyal to him. - EPHESIANS   6:19, 20.

As we close to the end, we can expect the governments to put more and more pressure on us to take sides.  That is why it is important for us to prepare now to stay neutral in his divided world!

Next time:  Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Go to War?

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Maintain Your Neutrality in a Dividee World


A third way to stay neutral is to rely on Jehovah.  Pray for holy spirit, which can give you patience and self-control.  These qualities will help you if the government does something that is dishonest or unjust.  Ask Jehovah for wisdom to recognize a situation that might make it difficult for you to stay neutral.  And ask him to help you to do the right thing in that situation.  (James 1:5)  You may be sent to prison or punhished in some other way because of being disloyal to Jehovah. If so, pray for courage so that you can explain to others in  clear way why you are neutral.  You can be sure that Jehovah will help you to endure. - Read ACTS 4:27-31. 

Jehovah has give us the Bible to strengthen  us. Meditate on verses that will help you to remain neutral.  Try to learn these verses and remember them, because they will help you if ever you do not have a Bible with you.  The Bible can also strengthen your hope in what God says about the future.  We need this hope to endure persecution.  (Romans 8:25)  Choose verses that describe the things you especially wish to enjoy in the new world, and imagine yourself there. 

Next time: Maintain Your Neutrality in a Divided World - BENEFIT FROM FAITHFUL SERVANTS OF JEHOVAH 

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Maintain Your Neutrality in a Divided World - BE "CAUTIOUS" YET "INNOCENT"

 A second way to remain neutral is to be "cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves." (Read Matthew 10:16, 17) We are "cautious" when we think of difficulties ahead of time. And we remain "innocent" when we stay neutral in those difficult situations.  Let us discuss some of those situations and what we can do to remain neutral.

Conversations.  We must be very careful when people start discussing political issues.  For example, when we are talking with someone about God's Kingdom, we would not say that we  agree or disagree with the ideas or opinions of a particular group or leader. Instead of discussing what humans want to do to solve problems. show from the Bible how God's Kingdo will permanently fix them.  If people want to argue about a topic, such as same-sex marriage or abortion, tell them what God's Word says and how to you try to follow it in your life.  If someone says that certain laws  should be removed or changed, we do not take sides, and we do not insist that  the person change his opinion. 

The media.  Sometimes a news story is told in a way that strongly supporrts  one side of an issue.  This is especially true in countries where the news is controlled by the government. If news organizations or reporters take sides, we must be careful nto start thinking the way they do.  For example, ask yourself, 'Do I enjoy listening to a certain reporteer because I agree with what he says about politics?  To help you remian neutral, avoid watching or reading many reports that take sides in political issues. Instead, try to find reports that do not take sides. and always compare what you hear with "the standard wholesome words" found in the Bible. - 2 TIMOTHY 1:13. 

Materialism. When money and the things we own are very important to us, we may find it hard to stay neutral. After 1970 many Witnesses in Malawi had to give up everything  they owned because they refused to join a political group.  Sadly, some would not give up their comfortable life.  A sister named Ruth remembers:  "Some went into exile with us but later joined the political party and returned home because they did not want to put up with the discomforts of life in the refugee camp." But most of God's people are not like that.  They remain neutral, even if as a  result they have less money or lost everything they own. -HEBREWS 10:34.

Pride.  It is common for people to be proud and boast about their race, tribe, culture, city or country. But Jehovah does not think that the one person or group of people is better than the another.  To him, we are all equal. Of  course, Jehovcah made us all different from one another, and we can enjoy and admire this variety.  He does not want us to give up our culture.  But he also does not want us to think that we are better than others. -ROMANS 10:12.

We should never be so proud of our country or nation that we think it is better than any other. If we feel that way, it may become very difficult for us to stay neutral.  This happened in the first century.  Some Hebrew brothers did not treat the Greek widows fairly.  (Acts 6:1)  How can we tell if we are starting to develop  that kind of pride?  If a brotehrs or a sister from another place givers you a suggestion, do you immediately think,  'We do things better here,'  and then reject it?  If so, remember this important counsel: "With humility consider others superior to you." - PHILIPPIANS 2:3. 

Next time: Maintain Your Neutrality in a Divided World - JEHOVAH WILL HELP YOU

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Maintain Your Neutrality in a Divided World


One way we can prepare now to remain neutral is to think of human governments the way Jehovah does.  Jehovah did not give humans the right to rule over other humans when he created them.  (Jeremiah 10:23) He views all humans as one family. But human governments have divided people by claiming their nation is the best.  Even when governments seem to be good, they cannot solve all problems. Also, they have become enemies of God's Kingdom, which began ruling in 1914.  Very soon the Kingdom will remove all human governments. - Read PSALM 2:2, 7-9.

God allows human goverrnments to exist because they can maintain some peace and order.  This helps us to preach the good news about God's Kingdom. (Romans 13:3, 4) God even tells us to pray about those who have authority so that we can worship him in peace. (1 Timothy 2:1, 2) Whe  we are not treated fairly, we may ask those who have authority in the government for help. That is why Paul did.  (Acts 25:11) Although  the Bible says that Satan controls human governmewnts, it never says that he controls each individual who has authority in a government.  (Luke 4:5, 6)  So we should never given anyone the idea that a certaian government official is controlled by the Devil. The Bible explains thaty we should not insult others. -  TITUS 3:1, 2.

We obey God's law by not favoring any politician or political group, even when their ideas or opinions could benefit us. At times, this may be not be easy for each of us.  For example, imagine that people rebell against  a government that has caused much suffering, even for Jehovah's Witnesses.  Of course, you would jopind those who are rebelling, bu would you think that the rebels are right and hope that they are successful? (Ephesians 2:2)  If we want to remain neutral, we should avoid feeling that one side is right or wrong or is better than another. This will be evident by what we say and what we do.

Next time: Maintain Your Neutrality in a Divided World -  BE "CAUTIOUS" YET "INNOCENT" 

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Maintain Your Neiutrality in a Divided World

 "Pay back . . . God's things to God." - MATTHEW 22:21.

THE BIBLE teaches  us to obey human governments, but it also tell us that we must always obey God.  (Acts 5:29; Titus 3:1)  How is this possible? Jesus explained a principle that helps us to known whom we should obey.  He said thaty we should pay back Caesar's things to Caesar,  but God's things to God."  (Matthew 22:21)  We pay back Caesar's things to Caesar when we obey the laws of the government, treat government officials with respect, and pay taxes.  (Romans 13:7)  Yet if the government tells us to do something that God does not want us to do, we refuse to do so, but always in a respectful way. 

One way we pay back "God's things to God"  is by not taking sides in the political issues of this world.  We are neutral in  these matters.  (Isaiah 2:4)  Since Jehovah allows human governments to rule, we do no oppose them. We also don't get involved in any patriotic or nationalistic activity.  (Romans 13:1, 2)  We do not try to change the government or try to influence politician, and we do not vote  in political elections or become  politicians. 

Note:  We don't salute the flag or sing the national anthem, because Jehovah views that as idolatry. We don't believe in abortion, because they minute that child is conceived it is life and  that is how Jehovah God views it and opposes abortion as well.   We don't use rosearies or have pictures of the virgin Mary  or crosses or wear them. That, Jehovah also views as idolatry. 

There are many reasons why God tells us to be neutral. One reason is that we imitate Jesus, who was "no part of this world." He never took sides in politics or in wars.  (John 6:15; 17:16) Another reason is that we support God's Kingdom.  Because we do nor support human governments, we have a clearn conscience when we preach that God's Kingdom will solve all mankind's problems.  False religions  take sides in politics, and this divides people.  But because we are neutral, we are united with our brothers and sisters around the world. -1 PETER 2:17. 

We may live in a place where people do not expect us to take sides in politics.  But the closer we get to the end of Satan's  system, the more difficult it will be for us to remain neutral.  People today are already "not open to any agreement" and "headstrong," and they will  become even more divided.  (2 Timothy 3:3, 4) Some of our brothers have already beene affected by sudden political changes in their country.  That is why we need to prepare ourselves now to stay neutral even in a difficult situation.  Let us consider four things we can do to prepare.

Next time:  Maintain Your Neutrality in a Divided World - THINK OF HUMAN GOVERNMENTS THE WAY JEHOVAH DOES

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Why Do Jehovah's Witnesses Maintain Political Neutality?

Respect for governments.  Although we do not take part in politics, we respect the authority of the governments under which we live.  This is in harmony with the Bible's/God's command:  "Let everyone be in subjection to the superior authorities." (Romans 13:1)  We obey the law, pay taxes, and cooperate with efforts  of the government to provide for the welfare of its citizens.  Rather than participate in any attempts to subvert the government, we follow the Bible's counsel to par for "kings and all those who are in positions of authority," especially when they are making decisions that affect freedom of worship. - 1 TIMOTHY 2:1, 2. 

We also respect the rights of others to make their own decisions in political matters. For example, we do not disrupt elections or interfere with those who choose to vote. 

Is our neutrality a modern innovation? No. The apostles and other first-century Christians took an identical stand toward governmental authority. The book Beyond Good Intentions states:  "Though   they believed they were obligated to honor the governing authorities, the early Christians did not not belive in participatings in political affairs."  Similarly, the book On the Road to Civilization says that early Christians  "would not hold political office." 

Is our political neutrality a threat to national security?  No. We are peace -loving citizens from whom governmental authorities have nothing to fear.  Consider a 2001 report produced by the National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine.  Commenting on our political neutrality, the report stated:  "Today some may dislike this stand of Jehovah's Witnesses; it was a basic reason for their being accused by the totalitarian Nazi and Communist regimes of the past." Yet, even under Soviet repression, the Witnesses "remained law-abiding citizens.  They honestly and selfishly worked in collective farms and  at industrial plants and presented no threat to the Communist regime."  Likewise today, the beliefs and practices of Jehovah's Witnesses do not, the report concluded , "undermine the security and intergrity of any state."

Next time: Maintain Your Neutrality in a Divided World

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Why Do Jehovah's Witnesses Maintain Political Neutrality?

 Jehovah's  Witnesses remain political neutral for religious reasons,  based on what the Bible/God teaches.  We do not lobby, vote for political leaders  or candidates, run for government office or participate in any action to change governments.  We believe that the Bible/God gives solid reasons for following this course.

* We follow the example of Jesuis, who refused to accept political office.  (John 6:15)  He taught his disciples to be "no part of this world" and made it clear that they should not take sides in political issues. - JOHN 17:14, 16; 18:36; MARK 12:13-17.

* We are loyal to God's Kingdom, which Jesus spoke of when he said:  "This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth." (Matthew 24:14)  As representatives of God's Kingdom, commissioned to proclaim its coming, we remain neutral in the political affairs of all countries, including the one where we live. - 2 CORINTHIANS 5:20; EPHESIANS 6:20. 

* By remaining neutral, we are able to speak freely to people of all political persuassions about the good news of God's Kingdom.  We try to show by our words and practices that we rely on God's Kingdom to solcve the world's problems . - PSALM 56:11.

* Since we avoid political divisions,we are united as an international brotherhood. (Colossians 3:14; 1 PETER 2:17)  In contrast , religions that meddle in political divide their members. - 1  CORINTHIANS 1:10. 

Next time: Why Do Jehovah's Witnesses Maintain Political Neutrality? - Respect for Governments

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Why Jesus Did Not Get Involved in Politics

 Do Jehovah's Witnesses Help the Community?

Jehovah's Witnesses are politically neutral.  They are, however, deeping involved in helping people of all races and backgrounds in their community.  Consider a few facts: 

*Jehovah's Witnesses include over seven million volunteers who spend a total of more than 1.5 billion hours annually teaching people what the Bible contains and how it can help them  overcome harmful habits and practices, build happy families, and otherwise improve their lives.

* They print and distribute literature free of charge in over 500 languages, including some in which no other printed literature exists.

* They conduct public speaking courses that have helped millions to learn to express themselves clearly and tactfully.  

* They sponsor  literacy programs that have helped tens of thousands of people worldwide learn to read and write. 

* They have organized over 400 Regional Building Committees worldwide to train volunteers in construction skills so that they can build centers of Bible education.  In the past decade, oer 20,00 houeses  of worship, or Kingdom Halls, have been built.

* They are involved in disaster relief around the world, rendering aid to Witnesses and non-Witnesses. In a two-year period following a recent spate of hurricanes that struck the United States, Witness volunteers rebuilt over 90 Kingdom Halls and 5,500 homes. 

Next time: Why Do Jehovah's Witnesses Maintain Political Neutrality?

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Why Jesus Did Not Get involved in Politics

 Recall Jesus' reference to the second-greatest of God's commandments- "You must love your neighbor as yourself."  Clearly, no genuine follower of Christ is free to hate mankind.  Jesus loved people, expended himself for them, and helped them even with the most practical mundance problems. -MARK  5:25-34; JOHN 2:1-10.

For what, though, was Jesus primarily known?  He was addressed , not as Healer,  not as Feeder of  Thousands, and not even as Resurrector  of the Dead-although he did fill all those remarkable roles.  But people called him Teacher, and rightly so.  (John 1:38; 13:13)  Jesus  explained that a major reason he cam to the earth was to teach people about the Kingdom of God. - LUKE 4:43.

That is why Christ's genuine followers devote themselves to the ame work that occupied their Master  when  he walked the earth-teaching people the good news about God's Kingdom.  Jesus Christ commissioned all true Christians to teach people worldwide about that subject. (Matthew 24:14, 28:19, 20)  That incorruptible heavenly governmenrt wil rule over all of God's creation, according to the law of love.  It will accomplish God's  will, even eliminating suffering and death. (Matthew 6:9, 10; Revelation 21:3, 4)  No wonder the Bible refers to Christ's message as "good news"! - LUKE 8:1.

So if you are looking for the genuine followers of Jesus Christ on earth today, how can you identify them? Will  they be mixing in the politics of this world?  Or are they making their main mission the same as that of Jesus-preaching and teaching about the Kingdom of God?

Would you like to kearn about the Kingdom of God and  how it can affect your life now?  We invite you to contact Jehova's Witnesses locally or to visit their official website.   www. watchtower.org, also jw.org pubications.

Next time: Next time: Why Jesus Did Not Get Involved in Politics - Do Jehovah's Witnesses Help the Community 

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Why Did Jesus Not Get Involved in Politics?

 How Jesus Gave "God's Things to God"

Jesus was asked which was the greatest of all the laws God gave to man.  Christ answered:  "You must love Jehovah, your God with your whole heart, your whole soul, and your whole mind.'   This is the greatest  and first commandment.  The second, like it, is this,"You must love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37-39) Jesus taught that  when it comes to paying "God's things to God," the first thing we own Him is lovee-which involves our wholehearted complete allegience.

Can such love be divided?   Can our loyalty be split, with some going to Jehovah God and his heavenly government and some going to earthly government?  Jesus himself stated the principle: "No one can slave for two masters; for either he will hate the one and  and love the other, or he will stick to the one and despise the others." (Matthew 6:24)  Jesus was there speaking about dividing one's loyalty between God and riches, but he clearlyy felt that the same principle applied to involvement in politicss-as did his followers in the first century.

The oldest available records show that Jesus' followers in the ancient world did not take any active part in politics.  Beccause they gave all their worshiup to the One whom Christ worshipped, they refused to pledge allegience to Rome and its emperor, to take up military service, and to accept public office.  They suffered all manner and hostility as a result.  Their enemies sometimes accused them of hatred against manking.  What that accusation a fair one? 

Next time: Why Did Jesus Not Get Involved in Politics? - True Christians Care About People

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