
Treasure Your Privilege of Prayer - "You Must Pray, Then, This Way"

 Read Matthew 6:9, 10.  In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught his disciples how to pray in a way that pleases God. After saying "ypu must pray.  then. this way," Jesus first mentioned important matters that are directly related to Jehovah's purpose: the sanctification of His name; the coming of the Kingdom, which will destroy all of God's opposers; and the future blessings that He has in mind for the earth and for makind. By including such matters inour prayers, we show that God's will is more important to us.

In the next part of the prayer, Jesus showed that it is proper to pray about  personal matters. Wecan ask Jehovah  to give us our food for the day, to forgive us for our sins, to protect us from temptation, to deliver us from the wicked one. (Matthew 6:11-13)  When we ask Jehovah for these things, we are acknowleding our dependence on him and expressing our desire to obtain his approval. 

Next time: Treasure  Your Privilege of Prayer - "You Must Pray, Then, This Way"

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Treasure Your Privilege of Prayer

 "May mt prayer be as incense prepared before yoy." - PSALM 141:2

WE HAVE been granted a marvelous privilege-that of approaching the Maker of heaven and earth in prayer.  Just think: Weccan pour out our hearts to Jehovah at any time and in any language, eithout needing to make an appointment. We can pray to him from a hospital bed or from a prison cell, confident that our loving Fayher will listen to us. We do not take this privilege for granted.

King David treasured  the privilege of prayer. He sang to Jehovah: "May my prayer be asnncense prepared before ypu." (Psalm 141:1, 2) In David's yime, the sacred incense used in true worhip by the priests was prepared with great care. (Exodus 30:34, 35) David's reference to incense suggests that he wanted ro give careful yjought to what he was going to say to his heavenly Father, Thais our earnest desire too. Wewant our prayers to please Jehivah.

When we pray to Jehovah, we should being overly familiar .  Instead, we pray with an attitude of deep respect. think about the amazing vidsions that Isaiah, Ezekiel,  Daniel, and John received. Those visions differ one from the other, but they have something in common. They all depict Jehovah as a majestic King. Isaiah  "saw Jehovah sitting on a lofty and elevated throne." (Isaiah 6:1-3)  Ezekiel saw Jehovah sitted on his celestial chariot, surrouded by "a brilliance . . . like that of a rainbow." (Ezekiel 1:26-28)  Daniel  saw "the Ancient of Days" clothed in white garents, with flames of fire coming from his thronne . (Daniel 7:9, 10)  And John saw Jehovah seated on a throne surrouded by something like a beautiful emerald-green rainbow. (Revelations 4:2-4) As we relect on Jehovah's incomparable glory, we are reminded of the incredible privilege of approaching him in prayer and the importance of doing so with reverence. But how should we pray?

Next time: Treasure Your Privilege of Prayer - "YOU MMUST PRAY, THEN, THIS WAY."

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An Ancient Prophecy That Affects You - HOW ARE WE BENEFITING FROM THIS PROPHECY?

 A Sister in Bavaria named Ursula says that understanding Genesis 3:15 helped to convince her that the Bible is inspired of God. She saw how all the other prophecies are connected to this prophecy, and that deeply impressed her. She also says: "I was touched when I learned that Jehovah took actionimmediately so that mankind would not be left without hope."

Jessica from Micronesia says: "I can still remember how I felt when I first relized that I had truly found the truth! The prophecy  recorde at Genesis 3:15 was being fulfilled. It has helped me to remember that what we are experiencing  is not the real life. This prophecy has also strenthened ny belief  that serving Jehovah results in the best possible life I can hsave now snd sn even better life in the future." 

As we have seen, Genesis 3:15 is now undergoing fulfillment.  The offspring of the woman and the offspring of the serpent have been clearly identified. Jesus, the primary part of the offsprung of the woman, recovered from his heel wound and is now a glorious, immortal King. The selection of those  making up the secondary part of the offspring is nearing completion, Because the first part of the prophecy has been fulfilled, we have every reason to be confident that the final part, the crushing of the serpent's head, will also come true, What a relief it will be for faithful mankind when Satan comes to his end! Until then, do not give up. Our God is trustworth. Through the offspring of the woman, he will bring countless blessins to  "all the nations of the earth." - GENESIS 22:18.

Next time: Treasure Your Privilege of Prayer

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An Ancient Prophecy That Affects You - HOW ARE WE BENEFITING FROM THIS PROPHECY?

 Shortly after Jesus was installed as Messianuc King in 1914, Satan was cast out from heaven. He is now confined to the vicinity of the earth, awaiting his destruction. (Revelation 12:9, 12)  But he is not waiting passively. Satan is desperate and furious, venting his anger on God's people. (Revelations 12:13, 17) For that reason, the world's hatred of God's people have intensified. We have no reason, though, to fear Satan and hid followers. Instead, we can have the same conviction  as did the apostle Paul, who wrote: "If  God is for us, who will be against us? (Romans 8:31)   We can have complete confidence in Jehovah because as we have seen, much of the prophecy recorded at Genesis 3:15has already been fulfilled.

Jejovah's promise found at Genesis 3:15 can help us cope with whatever trials come our way. Curtis, who serves as a missionary in Guam, says: "At times, I have dealt with trials  and disappointments that tested my devotion  to Jehovah. But meditating on the prophecy at Genesis 3:15 has helped me to trust in my heavenly Father." Curtis looks forward to the day when Jehovah will bring an end to all our trials. 

Next time: An Ancient Prophecy That Affects You - HOW ARE WE BENEFITING FROM THIS PROPHECY?

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An Ancient Prophecy That Affects You - HOW ARE WE BENEFITING FROM THIS PROPHECY?

 If you are a dedicated servant of God, you are benefiting from yje fulfillment of  this prophecy. Jesus came down ro earth as a man. He has perfectly reflected his Father's personalty. (John 14:9) So through him we have come ypo know and love Jehovah God. We have also benefited  from Jesus' teachings and guidance as he directs  the true Christian congregation today. He has taught us how to live in a way that will help us to gain Jehovah's approval. And we all can benefit from Jesus' death-the bryising of hos heel. How? When Jesus was resurrected, he offered the value of his blood as a perfect sacrifice that "cleanses us from all sin." - 1 JOHN 1:7.

The words tha Jehovah pronounced in Eden implied that some tie would pass before the complete fulfillment  of th prophecy. It would take time for th woman to produce  thr promised offspring. For th Devil to gather his followers, and for enimty(or, hatred) to develop between thtwo groups. We benefit from knowing about the prophecy because it warns us that the world controlled by Satan will hate wirshippers of Jehovah. Jesus later gave hid disciples a similar warning. (Nark 13:13;John 17:14) We have certaintly seen the fulfillment of that part of the prophecy, especially during the last 100 years.. How so?

Next time" An Ancient Prophecy That Affects You - HOW ARE WE BENEFITING FROM THIS PROPHECY?

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An Ancient Prophecy That Affects You - Some Key Eventa in the Fulfillment of Geneaia 3:15

 A. 1943 B.C.E.

 god's promise that the primary offspring would be one of Abraham's descendants goes into effect.    GENESIS 12:1-3; 22:15-18.

B. 29 C.E. 

Jesus is anointed, becoming the primary part of the offspring of the woman. MATTHEW 3:16; GALATIANS 3:16.


Jesus is struck in the heel but recovers three days  later. MATTHEW 16:21; 26:1, 2.


 The first ones of the woman's offspring are anointed with holy spirit. ACTS 2:104; GALATIANS 3:29. 

E. ABOUT 1914

Satan is cast out of heaven, and persecution of the offspring of the woman intensifies. REVELATIAN12:9, 12, 17.


Satan is permantly crushed. REVELATIAN 20:7, 10.

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An Ancent Prophecy That Affects You - HOW HAS THE PROPHECY BEEN FULFILLED?

 According to the prophecy of Genesis 3:15, the serpent would strike the woman's offspring "in the heel." That was fulfilled when Satanincited the Jews and the Romans to put the Son of God to death. (Luke 23z;13, 20-24)  Just a literal heel  wound can temporary cripple someone, Jesus' death temporarily put him out of action and he lay lifeless in the grave for parts of three days. - MATTHEW 16:21.

If the prophecy of Genesis 3:15 was to be fulfilled, Jesus could not remain in the grave. Why not? Because according to the prophecy , the offpring would crush the serpent's head. This meant tha Jesus would need to recover from his heel wound. And indeed he did!  On the third day after his death, Jesus was resurrected as an immortal spirit creature. In God's due time , Jesus will crush Satan out oj exixtence. (Hebrews 2:14) Those who will rule with Christ  will share in the ridding of all of God's enemies- tthe offspring of the serpent. - REVELATIANS 17:14.

Next time: An Ancient Prophecy That Affects You - Some Key Events in the Fulfillment of Genesis 3:15.

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An Ancient Prophecy That affects You - WHO ARE THE CHARACTERS IN THIS PROPHECY


God's Word also helps us to identify the primary offspring of the woman. This offspring was to be a natural descendanrt of Abraham. (Read Genesis 22:15-18) True to the prophecy , Jesus was a direct descendant of that faithful patriarch. (Luke 3:23, 24) But th offspring would have to be more than human because he was to crush Satan the Devil out of existence. Accordingly,  when Jesus was about 30 years old, he was anointed as the spirit-begotten Son of God. At his anointing, Jesus became  the primary part of the offspring of the woman. (Galatians 3:16)  After Jesus' death and resurrection, God "crowned him  with glory and honor" and gave him "all authority "to break up the works of the devil." - HEBREWS 2:7; MATTHEW 28:18; 1JOHN 3:8.


But there  would be a secondary part of the offspring. The  apostle Paul identified this part of the offspring when he told both Jewish and Gentile  anointed Christians: "If you belong to Christ, you are really Abraham's offspring, heirs with reference to a promise. " (Galatians 3:28, 29) When Jehovah anoints  a Christian with holy spirit, that person becomes part of the offspring  of the woman. So the offspring is made up of Jesus Christ and his 144,000 corulers. (Revelatians 14:1) All of these reflect the spirit of their Father, Jehovah God. 

Now that we have identified the characters mentioned at Genesis 3:15, let os briefly review how Jehovah has progressively been fulfilling this prohecy and how we are benefiting. 

Next time: An Ancint Prophecy That Affects You - HOW HAS THE PROPHECY BEENFULFILLED?

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An Ancient Prophecy That ffects You - WHO ARE THE CHARACTERS IN THE PROPHECY?


Next, let us identify "the woman"  She coild not have been Eve. Why not? Consider just one reason. The prophecy states that th offspring of the woman would "crush" the serpent's head. As we just discussed, the serpent is the spirit creature Satan, anf no imperfect human offspring of Eve's would have the ability to crush him. Something more was needed.

The identity  of the woman mentioned at Genesis 3:15 is revealed in the last book of the Bible. Revelation 12:1, 2, 5, 10.) This is no oedinary woman! She has the moon at her feet and a crown of 12 stars on her head. She gives birth to a most unusual child- the Kingdom od God. The Kingdom is heavenly. She represents th heavenly part of jehovah's organization made up of his faithful spirit creatures. - GALATIANS 4:26.

Next time: An Ancient Prophecy That Affects You - WHO ARE THE CHARACTERS UN THE PROPHECY?

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An Ancient Prophecy That Affects You - WHO ARE THE CHARACTERS IN THE PROPHECY?

 The characters in the account recorded at Genesis 3:14, 15 include a "serpent," the "offspring of the serpent, a woman," and the "offspring of the woman. The Bible helps us to identify each of them. Let us begin with "the serpent."  A literal snake could not have understood what Jehovah said in the garden of Eden.  So the object of Jehovah's judgment must have been an intelligent creature. Who?  Revelation 12:9 leaves no doubt on this matter.  There "the original serpent" is clearly identified as Satan the Devil. But who make up the offspring off the serpent? 


When the Bible speaks of offspring of a figurative sense, it is referring to those who think and act like their symbolic father. So the offspring of the serpent is made up of spirit creatures and humans who, like Satan, resist Jehovah God and oppose His people.  That would include the angels who abandonded their assignments in heaven in N0oah's day as well as wicked humans who behave like their father the Devil. - GENESIS 6:1,2; JOHN 8:44; 1 JOHN5:19.

Next time: An Ancient Prophecy That Affects You - WHO ARE THE CHARACTERS IN THE PROPHECY?

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An Ancient Prophecy That Affects You

 "I will put emnity between uou and the woman." - GENESIS 3:15.

SOON afterAdam and Eve sinned, Jehpvah gave hope to their descendants by means of a remarkable prophecy.What he said is recorded at GENESIS 3:15. -Read.

The prophecy appears in the first book of the Bible. But in one way or another, all other books of the Bible relate to it. Just as the spine of a printed book bonds all the pages together, the words recorded at Genesis 3:15 bind the conyent of every book of the Bible into one united message, namely, that a Deliverer would be sent to drsytoy the Devil and all his wicked followers. What a blessing that will be for those who love Jehovah!

In this article, we will answer the following questions about the prophecy of Genesis 3:15: Who are the characters mentioned in it   / How is this prophecy fulfilled? And how are we benefiting from it?

Next time: An Ancient prophecy That Affects You - WHO ARE THE CHARACTERS IN THIS PROPHECY

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 * Some may have felt that the organization was being overly cautious with regard to the pandemic.  But time and time again, it became evident that the direction we received was well-founded. (Matthew 11:19) And as we meditate on the loving way in which Jesus us leading his people, we are assured that no matter what tomorrow may bring, Jehovah and his  beloved Son, will be with us. - Read HEBREWS 13:5, 6.

 How blessed We are to be working under Jesus' oversight!  We belong  to an organization that is overcoming all culteral, national, and linguistic barriers. We are spiritually well-nourished and equipped to carry out the preaching work. On a personal level, we are being helped to put on the new personality and we are learning to love one another. We have every reason to boast in our overseer Jesus! 

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* A  couple from Central America have lived in Europe for over 15 years. hen the pandemic broke out, the couple decided to preach to all their relatives and acquaintances back in Central America. To reach everyone, they sent more than 200 letters, using an electronic messaging application.  The followed with return visits and sent publiction and video links to those who showed interest. Jehovah blessed their effort. Within eight months, the couple were conducting 14 Bible studies.

*During the November 2020 campaign-in which we distributed The Watvhtower entitled "What Is God's Kingdom?"-a brother decided to call an old classmate from elementary school. The man accepted  the magazine and agreed  to discuss it with the brother the fokkowing week. During their next conversation, the man said: "Before you called, I had prayed to God, asking him to help me find out what he wants from me." The man accepted a Bible study, began attendings, and starting spplying what he was learning. He later told the brother: "In the past, I felt that something was missing in my life. Now I understand that it was Jehovah. I thank you every day for helping me to draw close ro him." 

Next time: Support Our Overseer Jesus - JEHOVAH BLESSES OUR PREACHING

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 By means of "the faithful and discreet slave," Jesus has built up a remarkable organization on rarth to promote pure worship. How do you feel about rhat organization? In response, prhaps you think of the words of the apostle Peter, who said to Jesus: Whom shall we go away to. "you have sayings of everlasting life." (John 6:68) Where would any of us be yoday if we had not come in contact with Jehopvah's orhanization? Through it , Christ makes sure that we arev well-fed spiritually. He also trains us to carry out our ministry effectivele. Further, he helps us to put on "the new persomalty," so that we are pleasing to Jehovah. - EPHESIANS 4:24.

Jesus provides wise directio in times of crisis. The benefits of tha directio were evident when the COVID-19 pamdemic broke out. While many in the world were uncertain about what course to take,   Jesus made sure that we received clear guidance to keep us safe. We were encouraged to wear face masks when out in public and to practice physical distancing. The elders were reminded to maintain  regular contact with all in the congregation and to be aware of their physical and spiritual needs. (Isaiah 32:1, 2) We received additional direction and encouragement by means of  Governing Body updates. 

During the pandemic, we also received vlear directio about how to hold congregation meetings and engage  in the preaching work. Almost overnight, we began attending Christian meetings, assemblies, and conventions by means of video conferencing tools. We also brgan witnessing almost entirely by letter and telephone. Jehovah blessed our efforts. Many branches have reported notable increases in the number of publishers. In fact, many have had encouraging experiences during this time. - See the box Jehovah Blesses Our Preaching."

Next time: Support Our Overseer Jesus- Jehovah Blesses Our Preaching

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Support Our Overseer Jesus - JESUS APPOINTS A SLAVE


Newly interested people are not the only ones who need dolid spiritual food. All of us do. The apostle Paul wrote: "Spiritual food belongs to mature people."  Paul added that applying such spiritual sustenance would help us distinguish both right and wrong." (Hebrewa 5:14)   In these difficult times are at an all time low, it can be a real challenge to adhere to Jehovah's standards. But Jesus sees to it that we obtain strengtj we need through appetizing spiritual food. The source of this food is God's inspired  Wor the Bible. The faithful slave prepares and distributes this food under Jesus' direction.

Like Jesus, we have given God's name the promunence that it deserves. (John 17:6, 26) For example, in 1931 we adopted a Scriptural name Jehovah's Witnesses, thus attaching ourselves in a very personal way to our hwavenly Father. (Isaiah 43:10-12) And  since October of that year, the divine name has appeared on the front cover of each issue of this magazine.In addition, The New World Translation of the Holy Scritures has restored God's name to its rightful place in his Word. What a contrast to the churches of Christendomthar have removed Jehovah's name from many of their Bible translations! 

Next time: Support Our Overseer Jesus - JESUS ORGANIZES HIS FOLLOWERS

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newly interested 

Support Our Overseer Jesus - JESUS APPOINTS A SLAVE

 Read Matthew 24:45-47.  Jesus foretold that during th time of the end, he would appoint a "faithful and discreet slave" to provide spiritual food. So we would expect that slave to be hard at work in our day. This has provef to be the case. Our overseer has used a small group of appointed men to provide God's people and intersted ones with spiritual "food at the proper time." These men do not view themselves as masters over the faith of others. (2 Corinthians 1:24)  Instead they recognize  that Jesus Christ is the "leader and commander" of his people. - Isaiah 55:4.

Since 1919 the faithful slave has prepared a variety of publications that have give newly interested ones  their first taste of nourishing spiritual food. In 1921 the slave prepared the book The Harp of God to hel[p interested ones to learn basic Bible teachongs. As times changed, additional publications were provided.  Which publication helped you to come to know and love our heavenly Father? Was it "Let God Be True," The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life, What life, You Can Live Foreverin Paradise on earth, Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life, What Does the Bible Really Teach? What Can the Bible Teach Us? or Enjoy Life Forever, our newest publication? All these publications were designed to meet a specific need at the time of their release.

Next time: Support Our Overseer Jesus - JESUS APPOINTS A SLAVE

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 AsKingdom preachers, we also face the challenge of overcoming a language barrier. In the revelation that he gave to the aposyle John, Jesus disclosed that in our day the good news would overcome the obstacle. (Read Revelation 14:6, 7) How so? We are giving as many people as possible a chance to respond to the Kingdom message. Today, people around the world  can read Bible-based material on our jw.org website because it contains information in over 1,000 languages! Approval was given to translate th Enjoy Life Forever! book-our main study tool for making disciples-into more than 700 languages! Spiral food has also been made available by means of video recordings for th deaf and publications in braille for th blind. We are seeing Bible prophecies being fulfilled. People "out of all the languages of the nations" are earning to speak the "pure language" of Bible truth. (Zechariah 8:23; Zephaniah 3:9) All of this is being accomplished under the capable oversight oj Jesus Christ.

Today, well over 8,000,000 people in 240 lands are associating with Jehovah's organization, and each year tens of thousands get baptized! More than numbers, however, are the spiritual qualities, "the new personality," that these new disciples have cultivated. (Colossians 3:8-10) Many stopped being immoral, violent, prejudiced, and nationalistic. The  prophecy recorded at Isaiah 2:4 is being fulfilled; they are not learning war anymore." As we work hard to put on the new personality, we help draw people to God's organization and we prove that we are folliowing our overseer Christ Jesu.  (John 13:35; 1 Peter 2:12) None of this happens by accident. Jesus is giving us the help we need.

Next time: Support Our Overseer Jesus - JESUS APPOINTS A SLAVE

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 Jesus was not worried  that there would be a shortage of workers during the conclusion of the system of things. He knew that the prophetic words of the psalmist would be fulfilled: "Your people  will offer themdelves willingly on the day of your military force." (Psalm 110:3)  If you are sharing the preaching work, You are supporting Jesus and the gaithful slave and are helping to fulfill that prophecy. The work is going ahead, but there are challenges.

One challenge that Kingdom preachers facee is opposition. Appostates, religious leaders, an politicians have given many the wrong impression about our work. If our relatives, acquaintances, and workmates are misled by propaganda, they may pressure us to stop serving Jehovah and to stop preaching. In some countries, the opposition takes the form of intimidation, threats, arrests, and even imprisonment. We are not surprised at this reaction. Jesus foretold: "You will be hated by all the nations on account of my name." (Matthew 24:9) The very fact that we are experencing such hatred is proof that we have Jehovah's approval. (Matthew 5:11, 12) The Devil is behind this opposition. But he is no match for Jesus! With Jesus' support, the good news is reachong people of all nations. Consider the evidence.

Next time: Support Our Overseer Jesus- JESUS OVERSEES THE PREACHING WORK

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 Jesus is overseeing the preaching work. How can we be sure of that? Shortly before he ascended yo heaven, Jesus met with a numbet of his faithful followerd on a mountain in Galilee. He told them: "All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth." Note his very next statement: "Go, therefoore, and make disciples of people of all the nations." (Matthew 28:18, 19)So, among other things, Jesus has been given the authority to direct the preaching work.

Jesus stated that the preaching and disciple making work would be accomplished in "all the nations" and that he would be with his followers "all the days until the conclusion of the system of things." (Matthew 28:20) Those statements clearly indicate that the preaching work  would continue under Jesus' supervision right down to our day.

Next time: Support Our Overseer Jesus - JESUS OVERSEES THE PREACHING WORK

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Support Our Overseer Jesus

 "Authorityhas been given me in heaven and on earth." - MATTHEW 28:18.

TODAY it is God's will that the good news of the Kingdom be preached in all the earth. - MARK 13:10; 1 Timothy 2;3, 4) This is Jehovah's work, and it is so important that he has placed it under the direction of his beloved Son. We can be sure that under Jesus' capable oversight, the preaching work will be completed to Jegovah's satisfaction before the end comes. - MATTHEW 24:14.

In this article, we will see how Jesus is using his "faithful and discreet slave" to provide spiritual food and to organize his followers for th greatest preaching campaign in history. ( Matthew 24:45) We will see what each one of us can do to support Jesus and the faithful slave.

Next time: Support Our Overseer Jesus - JESUS OVERSEES THE PREACHING WORK

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The Kingdom Is in Plce! - FACE THE FUTURE WITH CONFIDENCE- Conclusion

 Daniel foretold  that "true knowledge" would  "become abindant."  And indeed it has! We have received insight into prophecies about our time. (Daniel 12 ;4, 9, 10) The accuracy of thede prophecies leaves us in awe of Jehovah and his inspired Word. (Isaiah 46"10; 55:11) So continue to fortify your faith by diligently studying the Scriptures and by helping others to develop an approved relationship wih  Jehovah. He will safeguard all who fully lean on him, and he will give them "continous peace." -  ISAIAH 26:3.

In the next article, we will focus on prophecies about the Christian congregation in the time of the end. As we will learn, these prophecies fit perfectly into the overall pattern of prophecies about the last days. We will see further evidence that Jesus-our reigning King-is actively involved with his loyal followerd.

Next time: Support our overseer Jesus

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The Kingdom Is in Place! - Beware of the Clay!

 How do we know tht the end of Babylon the Great is near?  To answer that question, it is helpful to remember tha the ancient city of Babylon was partly protected by the waters of the mighty Eurphrates River. The book of Revelation compares the millions of supporters of Babylon the Great to protective "waters." (Revelations 17:15)  But it also reveals that the waters would 'dry up,' indicating that the world empire of false religion would lose many of its supporters. (Revelation 16:12)  In fulfillment of that prophecy, today a considerable number of people  have abandoned false religion and have begun looking elsewhere for answers.

How can these prophecies benefit us?  The appearance of the United Nations and the decline of support for false religion add to the evidence that we are living in the last days. Allthough Babylon's symbolic waters of support are drying up, the final end of false religious organizations will come by different means. As mentioned earlier, Jehovah will put it into the hearts of the "ten kings"-the political powers supporting the United Nations-"to carry out his thought" The end of false religion by those nations will come suddenly, catching  the world by surprise. (Revelation 18:8-10) The destruction of Babylon the Great will be world-shaking and may cause hardships, but God's people will have at least two reasons to rejoice. This long-standing  enemy of Jehovah  God will be gone forever, and our deliverancefrom this wicked system of things will be at hand! -  LUKE 21:28. 

Next time: The Kingdom Is in Place! FACE THE FUTURE WITH CINFIDENCE

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The Kingdom Is in Place! - Beware of th Clay!

 Read Revelation 17:9-12.  The destruction caused by World  WarI led to the fulfillment of yet another Bible prophecy about the last days.World leaders wanted to ensure future world peace. So in January 1920, they established the League of nations , which was replaced by the United Nations in October 1945. This organization is called "an eighth king." But it is not a world power. Its strength and influence depend on the political powers that support it. The Bible symbolically refers to those powers as "ten kings."

Read Revelation 17:3-5. Under divine inspuiration, the apostle John saw in a vision a prostitute, "Babylon the Great," which symbolizes the world empire of false religion. hat does the vision reveal?False religious organizations have ;ong cooperated closely with the world"s political powers and have given them their blessing. Soon, however, Jehovah will put into the hearts of the political powers "to carry out his thought." With what result? Those politicsl powers, the "ten kings," will turn on false religious organizations an destroy them.  -REVELATIONS 12:1, 2,16, 17.

Next time: The Kingdom Is in Place! - Beware of the Clay

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The kingdom Is in Place! - Beware of the Clay!


In Daniel's prophecy, the clay in the feet of the immense image symbolizes the common people. They have the power to influence political leaders and their policies. (Daniel 2:41-43) Could a danger lie there for us? Yes! If we do not safeguard our heart, we might compromise our neutrality. For example, we could be tempted to embrace the views of those who advocate change by means of protests or political endeavors. (Proverbs 4:23; 24:21)  How can we acoid that danger? We must remember that Satan is the world's ruler. (John 5 ;19)  and God's Kingdom is our only hope. - PSALM 146:3-5.

Second, as represented by the feet of the immense image, Anglo-America is the last world power foretold by the  Bible. It will not be succeeded by another political power. Rather, it will come to a swift end at Armageddon ehen God's zkingdom  crushes it and all other human governments. - REVELATION 16:13, 14, 16;  19:19, 20.

How can this prophecy benefit us?   Daniel's prophecy provides additional evidence that we are living  in the time of the end. More than 2,500 years ago, Daniel foretold tat after Babylon, four other world powers would have significant impact on God's people. Furthermore, he revealed that the Anglo-American World Power would be the last  of these. This gives us comfort and hope that soon God's Kingdom will sweep away every trace of human rule and take full charge of the earth. - Daniel 2:44.

Note: Remember, God's idea of time is not the same as ours, his is slower and wiser. Also, remember, Noah tried to warn people of the flood in his day, but no one would listen and look what happened. Also, most people don't believe this, but those people in the Bible actually existed back then. The Bible in not just a book.  It is real life with real people who actually existed back then. With real events, history. cities and  God's Son Jesus Christ who actually came down to earth, to be born in immaculent conceptiom by the virgin Mary, to take away our sin for the chance to later live in perfectio with everlasting life on a Paradise earth. But in order to do so, we must have the  true God, Jehovah in our life, not the tradional non-existent god, but the true God.  Neither God, Nor Jesus Christ ever observed any birthdays or holidays, nor got involved in politics of any kind. So, be warned as the Bible says, it, like God does not lie.

Next time: The Kingdom Is in Place! - Beware of the Clay!

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 ReadDaniel 2:28, 31-35.  We see this prophecy being fulfilled today. Nebuchadnezzar's dream pointed to what would happen "in the final part of the days," after the start of Christ's rule. Jesus' earthly enemies would include the final world power foretold in the Bible, the one represented by the "feet of iron and clay."  Thi world power has already appeared. It came into existence during World War I when Britain and the Unted States forged a special partnership, the Anglo-American alliance. Nebuchadnezzar's dream image also foretold at least two things about this world power that would distinguish it from the previous kingdoms.

First, unlike the previous world  powers mentioned in the vision, the Anglo-American alliance is symbolized, not by a solid metal like gold or silver, but by a mixture of iron and clay, Th clay represents "the offdpring of mankind," or the common  people. (Daniel 2:43)  As is plainly evident today, their influence in elections,civil rights campaigns, mass protests, and labor unions weakens the ability of this world power to implement its policies.

Next time: The Kingdom Is in Place! - Beware of the Clay!

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 Near the end of his earthly ministry, Jesus foretold cetain world events that would help his followers knoe that he had begun ruling in heaven. Among othrt things, he mentioned wars, famines, and earthquakes. He also foretold that there would be pestilences, or diseases, "in one place or another"-of which the recent COVID-19 pandemic is an example. These events are part of what the Bible calls "the sign" of Christ's presence. ( Matthew24:3, 7; Luke 21:7, 10, 11) Morethan 60 years after his death and return  to heaven, Jesus gave the apostle John  further information that these events would occur. (Read Revelation 6:2-8.) All these events have occurred  since JesusPower in 1914.

Why did world conditions take a tun for thev worse when Jeus became King? Revelation 6:2 gives an important detail-Jesus' first mission as Newly crowne King was to wage  war. Against whom? Against te Devil and his demons. According to Revelation  chapter 12, Satan lost the battle, and he and the demons  were hurled down to the earth. Enraged, Satan began to vent his anger on humankind, resulting in "woe for th earth." - REVELATION 12-7-12.

How can these prophecies benefit us? World events and the noticeable change in people's attitude would help us discern that Jesus has become King. So rather than become upset when we see people act selfishly and hatefully, we remember that  their actions are fulfulling Bible prophecy. The Kingdom is in place! (Psalm37:1)   and we can expect world distress to increase as Armageddon draws ever nearer (Mark 13:8; 2 Timothy 3:13) Are you not thankful to our loving heavenly Father for helping us make sense of our turbulent times.

Next time: The Kingdom Is in Place! - HOW ENEMIES GOD'S KINGDOM WILL COME TO THEIR END -

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 Read Daniel 4:10-17.  The "seven times"  represent a period of 2, 520 years. That time period  began in 607 B.C.E.  when the Babylonians removed the last king from Jehovah's throne in Jerusalem. It ended in 1914 C.E. when Jehovah enthroned Jesus-"the one who has the legal right"-as King of God's Kingdom." -EZEKIEL 21:25-27.

How can this prophecy benefit us?  Knowing about the "sevrn times" assures us that Jehovah fulfills his promisws right on time. Just as he set a definite time for the establishment of his Kingdom, he will also see to it that all the other prophecies will be fulfilled according to His timetable, not ours or our ideal of when he will do it. Yes, Jehovah's day "will not be late." - HABAKKUK 2:3.


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knowing about th "seven times" reassures us that Jehova fulfills 




 The prophecy found at Daniel 7:13, 14 assures us that Christ Jesus will be the ideal Ruler of God's Kingdom. People from every nation will gladly "serve him," and he will never be replaced as a Ruler. 

Another prophecy in the book of daniel foretold thar Jesus would receive his Kingdom at the end of the prophetic  period of seven times. Is it possible to know when that joyous event occurred?


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The Kingdom is in Place!

"The kingdom of the world has become the 

Kingdom of our Lord and Christ." - REVELATION 11:15.

When you look at world conditions, do you find it difficult to maintain a positive outlook? Family ties are fraying. People in general are becoming more and more violent, selfish, and aggressive. Many find it difficult to trust those in authority. But these very conditions can give you confidence. Why? Because people are acting exactly as was foretold in a remarkable prophecy about "the last days."( 2 Timothy 3:1-5) The fulfillment of this prophecy, which is impossible for any sincere and realistic person to deny, provides evidence that Christ Jesus has begun ruling as King of God's Kingdom. But this only one of the many prophecies concerning the Kingdom. It will be faith-strenghthening for us to review other prophecie that have been fulfilled in recent years.

In this article, we will consider (1)a prophecy that helps us discern when the Kingdom was established, (2)prophecies that help us perceive Jesus' invisible presence as King of God's Kingdom, and (3) prophecies that reveal how enemies of God's Kingdom will come to their end. We will see these prophecies fit together like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle to provide a clear picture of where we are in Jehovah's timetable of events.


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Can You Trust the News Media? - A Need for Balance

 * TIMELINESS:  Is the information recent enough to be acceptable? Something  thought to be correct 20 years may be discounted today. On the other hand, if the news item is a breaking story, it may lack compelete and comprehensive information. 

So can you trust the news media? Sound advice in the wisdom of Solomon, who wrote: "anyone inexperienced puts faith in every word, but the shrews one considers his steps." - PROVERBS 14:15.

About This Magazine

Awake!  magazine is carefully researched. We attempt to document every fact, figure and quotation. This journal is not influenced by activists, big business, or any human government. This  magazine is supported by voluntaer contributions. It's publishers believe that the Bible is the word of God and what the Bible says can be trusted.

Next time: The Kingdom Is in Place!

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Can You Trust the News Media? - A Need for Balance

* PURPOSE: Ask yourself: 'Is the news item  primarily to inform or entertain?  Is it trying to sell or support something?

* TONE: When the tone of a news item is angry, spiteful, or highly critical, it suggests that an attack is underway and not a reasoned argument.

* CONSISTENCY: Are the facts consistent with those in other articles or reports? If stories contradict one another, be careful!

Next time: Can You Trust the  News Media?  - A Need for Balance - Conclusion

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Can You Trust the News Media? - A Need for Balance

 * PROVIDER.  Does the report come from a credible, authoritive person or organization?  Does the program or publication have a reputation for seriousness or for sensationalism? Wh provide the funds for the news source?

* SOURCE.  Is there any evidence of thorough research?  Is the story based on just one source? Are the sources reliable, fair, and objective? Are they balanced, or have they been selected to convey one point of view?

Next time: Can You Trust the News Media? - A Need for Balance-Continue

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Can You Trust the News Media? - A Need for Balance

 While iy is wise not to believe everything we read in the news, it does not follow that there is nothing we can trust. The key may be to have a healthy skepticism, ehile keeping  an open mind.

The Bible says: "Does not the ear itself test out words as the palate tastes food?" ( Job 12:11)Here then are some tips that will help us totest out the words we hear and read.

Next time: Can You Trust the News Media? - A Need dfor Balance - Continue

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Can You Trust the News Media?

 . MISTAKES.  Because they are human, journalists make honest mistakes. A misspelled word, a misplaced comma, an error in grammar-these can all distort the meaning of a sentence. Facts may not e carefully checked. Numbers too can easily trip up a journalist who, in th scramble to  meet a deadline, might easily type 10,000 instead of 100,000.

. FALSE ASSUMPTIONS.  Accurate reporting is not as easy as some might think. what seems to be a fact today may be proved wrong tomorrow. The earth, for example, was once believed  the center of of our solar ayatem. Now we know that the earth circles the sun.

Next time: Can You Trust the News Media? - A Need for Balance

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Can You Trust the News Media?

. SPIN. Even if facts are as solid as bricks, how they are presented  on the judgment of the journalist. what facts should be included in a story, and which should be left out? A soccer team, for example, may have lost a match by two goals. That is a fact. But why he team lost is a tale that a journalist can tell in many  ways.

. OMISSION. In arranging facts to create a compelling story, journa;ost often exclude details that would introduce complications or unresolved issues. Tis causes some facts to be exaggerated and others to be diminished.Because television anchors and reporters may sometimes need to tell a complex story in a minute or so, important details can be skipped.

. COMPETITION. In recent decades, as the numberof television stations multiplied. the amount of time viewers spent watching just one station fell drastically. To keep viewers interested, news stations were compelled to offer something unique or entertaining. Commenting on this development, the book Media Bias states: "The [television] news became a running picture show, with images selected to shock or titillate, and stories shortened to match an [ever-shorter] attention span on the part of viewers.  

Next time: Can You Trust the News Media?

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Can You Trust the News Media?

 GOVERNMENTS.  Much of what we learn in the media has to do with the people and the affairs of the government. Governments want to convince the public to support their policies and their officials. And because the media draw on content from the government sources at times cooperate with one another.

ADVERTISING. Inmost lands, media outlets must make money in order to stay in business, and most of it comes from advertising. In the United States, magazines get between 50 and 60 percent of their revenue from advertising, newspapers between 80 percent, television and radio 100 percent. Understandably, advertisers do not want to sponser programs that cast an unfavorably light on their products or style of management. If they do not like what a newa outlet is producing, they can advertise elsewhere. Knowing tis, editors may suppress newa atories that cast a negatve light on sponsers.

DISHONESTY. Not all reporters are honest. Some journalists fabricate stories. A few years ago, fo example, a reporter in Japan wanted to document how divers were defacing coral in Okinawa. After not finding any vandalized coral,he defaced some himself and then took photos of it. Photos can also be manipulated to deceived th public. Phoyograph-altering technology has become more effective, and some manipulations are practically impossible to detect.

Next time: Can You Trust the Newa Media? - Continue

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Can You Trust the News Media?

 MANY people doubt what thy read  hear in the news. In the United States, for example, a 2012 Gallop poll asked people "how much trust and confidence " the had in the accuracy, fairness, and completeness of the news reports of the newspapers, TV, and radio. The answer from 6 out  of 10 people was either "not very much" or "none at all." Is such distrust justified?

Many journalists and the organizations they work for have expressed a commitment to producing accurate and iformative reports. Yet, there is reason for concern. Consider the following factors. 

MEDIA MOGULS.  A small but very powerful number of corporations own primary media outlets. Those outlets exert a strong influence on which stories get covered, how they are covered, and how prominently they are covered. Because most corporations are designed for profit, decisions made by media outlets can be motivated by economic interests. Stories that may hamper the profits of the owners of a news organization  may go unreported.

Next time: Can You Trust the News Media?

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