

 The answer involves these four important facts:

1. The Kingdom will not operate or be represented by the political leaders of the present world.

2. The world's political leaders, in an attempt to cling to power, will foolishly defy rule by God's Kingdom. -PSALM 2:2-9.

3. God's Kingdom will need to destroy the political kingdoms that want to continue dominating mankind.(Daniel 2:44; Revelation 19:17-21) This final global conflict is called Armageddon. - REVELATION 16:14, 16. 

4. All who willing submit to God's Kingdom will be preserved through Armageddon into a peaceful new world.  They will make up "a great crowd," likely numbering into the millions.- REVELATION 7:9, 10, 13, 14.

Note: Remember, Jehovah God knows what is in your heart, your mind and he knows if you are being sincere when he gives you that one chance to have him in your life forever. You may not think so, but he does. He is like some people's mother when they are kids, if you do something thinking your mother does not know it, believe me, She does!  She will ask you and she will know if you lie. It is her intuition/instinct as a parent.  That is Jehovah God.  AMEN! 


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 The Bible foretold a number of striking events that would signal that God's Kingdom is coming soon. Those events make up a composite "sign" that includes international warfare, famine, disease,  many earthquakes, and an increase of lawlessness. - MATTHEW 24:3, 7, 12; LUKE 21:11; REVELATION 6:2-8.

Another prophecy states: "In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.  For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, . . . disobedient to parents, ungrateful, disloyal. having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, . . . puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God." (1 Timothy 3:1-4) Traits such as these have always been manifest to some extent. But now they are commonplace.

Those prophecies began to be fulfilled in 1914.  Indeed, historians, statesmen, and writers have commented on how the world changed after that year.  For example, Danish historian Peter Munch wrote: "The outbreak of the war in 1914 is the great turning point in the history of humanity.  From a bright epoch of progress, , , , we entered an age of disaster, horror, and hatred, with insecurity everywhere.

On the positive side, those conditions are like a storm before the calm. They show that Kingdom rule over all the earth is near. In fact, Jesus included this positive element in his sign of the end.  "This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." -  MATTHEW 24:14. 

Note: Keep in mind that God's view of time is not our view of time. We are, though, in Revelation, so if you do not have God in your life, worship, work, trust, etc, in him, then you may be lost for sure. Because I can feel that the time is very close. For me, the sooner the better.😂

That good news is a central theme of the message of Jehovah's Witnesses. Indeed, their leading journal is entitled The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom. Now available in more than 338 languages, The Watchtower regularly discusses the wonderful things that God's Kingdom will  do for mankind and the earth.


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HOW THE CHALLENGE WILL BE FULLY OVERCOME - Under God's Kingdom "Peace Will Abound

Note: Sorry, this is so short, but I have bursitis in the arm I type with and I can only do so much.  When will God's Kingdom come is longer and with this one, it is a bit much.

 Soon the long-awaited Kingdom of God-a world government set up by God-will bring global peace and harmony to the earth. "Peace will abound," as promised at Psalm 72:7.  But when will the Kingdom take charge? How will it do so? And how can you benefit from Kingdom rule?


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 Jesus Christ had God's Kingdom in mind when he said in his model prayer: "Let your Kingdom come. Let your will be done . . . on earth as it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:9, 10) Yes, God's Kingdom will ensure that God's will is done on earth, not the will of power-hungry or selfish humans.

God's Kingdom is also called "The Kingdom of the heavens." (Matthew 5:3) The reason? While it will ruler over the earth, it will not rule from the earth but will rule from heaven. Think what that means.  This world government will not require material or financial support. What  a relief that will be to its human subjects!

As the term "kingdom" suggests, God Kingdom is a royal government. It has a King-Jesus Christ-who  received his authority from God.  Concerning Jesus, the Bible says:

* "The government shall be upon his shoulder . . . of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end." - ISAIAH 9:6, 7. King James Version. 

* "To him there were give rulership, honor, and a kingdom, that the peoples, nations, and language groups should all serve him.  His rulership  . . . will not pass away." - DANIEL 7:14.

* "The kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord [God] and of his Christ." - REVELATION 11:15. 

In fulfillment of Jesus' model prayer, God's Kingdom will fully accomplish God's will on earth.  Under it, all mankind will learn how to care for the planet so that it will be healthy again and teem with life.

Above all, God's Kingdom will educate its subjects. All will be taught the same standards. There will be no discord or division. "They will not cause any harm or any ruin . . . because the earth will certainly be filled with knowledge of Jehovah as the waters cover the sea," says ISAIAH 11:9.

Earth's inhabitants will truly be what the United Nations would like people to be-peace-loving citizens.  "They will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace," says Psalm 37:11, In time. word's like "crime," "pollution," "poverty," and "war" will disappear from our vocabulary. But when will this happen?  Yes, when will God's Kingdom take charge? How will it do so? And how can you benefit from its rule? Let us see. 

Next time: HOW THE CHALLENGE WILL BE FULLY OVERCOME - Under God's Kingdom "Peace Will Abound"

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 The United Nations is promoting the concept of "global citizenship." Goals included encouraging international, respecting human rights, and protecting our planet.  The reason? As expressed by Maher Nasser in the UN Chronicle, "climate change, organized crime, rising inequalities, unresolved conflicts, mass displacement of people, global terrorism, infectious diseases, and similar threats do not recognize . . . borders."

 Others have gone even further, advocating a world government.  They include the Italian philosopher, poet and statesman Dante (1265-1321) and they physicist Albert Einstein ( 1879-1955). Dante believed that peace could not last in a politically divided world.  A "kingdom divided against itself comes to ruin," he said, quoting Jesus Christ. -LUKE 11:17.

Shortly after World War II, which saw the use of two atomic bombs. Albert Einstein wrote and open letter to the General Assembly of the United Nations.  "The United Nations" he said, "must act with utmost speed to create the necessary conditions for international security by layng the foundations for a real world government."

But could the politicians who would make up such a powerful government be immune to corruption, incompetence, and oppression? (Note: No! Because Satan is ruling the world and rules them to do what he wants them to do.)  Or would they be just as prone to those dark traits as others have been?  (Note: Just look at this world, what is happening to everyone and tell me. I see it all. I am realistic and I don't wear rose colored glasses, nor do I have my head up my butt. Just telling it like it is)  These questions call to mind the words of British historian  Lord Acton, who said: "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." 

Note: People who believe in this government needs to open their eyes to see what is going on and smell the corruption, greed,  dishonesty, etc. Because this government will be done away with never to exist again!  YES!  Amen! 

Even so, if the human family is to enjoy true peace and harmony, we have to be united. But how can that goal be achieved?  Is it even realistic?  The Bible's answer is yes. It can and will be achieved. How? Not by a world government made up of corruptible politicians. Rather, it will be a government of God's making. What is more, that government will express his right to rule over his creation. What is that government? The Bible even gives its name-"the Kingdom of God," or God's Kingdom. - LUKE 4:43.


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After Armageddon, a Paradise Earth; Conclusion

 After Armageddon, in the paradise earth, a grand miracle by God will change all of that, for the Bible/God's promise is: "No resident will say "I am sick." (Isaiah 33:24) When Jesus was on the earth he proved his power to heal all kinds of sicknesses and disease, which result because of the sin we inherited from Adam. (Mark 2:1-12; Matthew 15:30, 31) Aging will also be stopped under Kingdom rule. The old will even grow young again. Yes, 'a man's flesh will become fresher than in his youth.' (Job 33:25) What a thrill it will be then to wake up each morning and realize that you are in better health than you were the day before!

Surely no one living in youthful, perfect health in the paradise earth will ever want to die. And nobody will need to die!  Their receiving the benefits of the ransom sacrifice will mean at last enjoying God's grand gift  of "everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23) As the Bible says, Christ "must rule as king until God has put all his enemies under his feet. As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing." - 1 CORINTHIANS 15:25, 26; ISAIAH 25:8

Even persons now dead will enjoy the paradise earth. They will return to life!  So, at that time, instead of  announcements of deaths, there will be joyful reports  about these who have been resurrected. How wonderful to welcome back from the grave dead fathers, mothers, children, and other loved ones! No funeral parlors, graveyards, or tombstones will remain to spoil the beauty of the paradise earth.

Who will govern or direct activities on the paradise earth? All laws and instructions will come from the "new heavens above.  Bot on earth there will be faithful men appointed to see that these laws and instructions are carried out. Because these men represent the heavenly kingdom in a special way, the Bible calls them "princes." (Isaiah 32:1, 2; Psalm 45:16) Even in the Christian congregation today men are appointed by God's holy spirit to care for and direct his activities.  (Acts 20:28) After Armageddon we can be confident that Christ will see to it that the right men are appointed to represent the Kingdom government, for then he will be taking a direct hand in earth's affairs. How can you show that you are eagerly awaiting God's "new heavens" and a "new earth"? By doing everything you can to meet the requirements for living in that righteous new system. - 2 PETER 3:14.

Next time: A GOVERNMENT THAT WILL MEET THE CHALLENGE / "OF . . .Peace There Shall Be No End"

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After Armageddon, a Paradise Earth; Continued

 For over 1,900 years there was a gathering together of the "little flock" of 144,000 Christians who will rule with Christ. Only  a few of these are left on earth; more are already ruling with Christ  in heaven. (Luke 12:32; Revelation 20:6) But speaking of other Christian, Jesus said: "I have other sheep, which are not of the fold [of the "little flock"]; Those also I must bring, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd." (John 10:16) A "great crowd" of these "other sheep" are now being gathered.  They will also make up the first ones of the "new earth." Jehovah will protect them through "the great tribulation" at the end of this wicked system to live on the earthly paradise. - REVELATION 7:9, 10, 13-15.

After Armageddon, another  miracle will add to the paradise conditions. Animals such lions, tigers, and leopards, and bears, which now can be dangerous, will be at peace. How fine then to take a walk in the woods and to be joined for awhile by a lion at your side, and perhaps by a big bear!  Never again will anybody need to fear another living thing. 

Note: Good, because I every time I see any animal wild or otherwise, I want to hug them and kiss them. I love animals! 

Yet no matter how beautiful the homes and gardens, how kind and loving the people, or how friendly the animals, if we grew sick, grew old and died there would still be sadness. But who can bring perfect health to all? Human governments have failed to wipe out cancer, heart troubles and other diseases. Yet even if they were to do so, doctors admit that this would not stop people from aging. We would still grow old. In time our eyes would grow dim, our muscles would weaken, our skin would wrinkle and the organs inside our bodies would break down. Death would follow. How sad!

Next time: After Armageddon, a Paradise Earth; Conclusion

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After Armageddon, a Paradise Earth; Continued


"The time is coming in which those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out." -JOHN 5:28, 29.

How much better the  paradise under God's Kingdom will be than anything this old system can bring!  True, some people today have made the place where they live into what looks like paradise. But the people who live together in these places may be mean and selfish, and may even hate one another.  And, in time, they get sick, grow old and die. After Armageddon, however, the paradise on earth will include much more than simply beautiful homes, gardens and parks.

Think of it. People of all races and nationalities will learn to live together as one family of brothers and sisters. They will truly love one another. None will be selfish or unkind.  No one will hate another person just because of his race, color, or  the place that he comes from. Prejudice will cease to exist. Everyone on earth will become a true friend and neighbor of everyone else.  Truly, it will be a paradise in a  spiritual way.   Would you like to live in paradise under the "new heavens"?

Today, people talk a lot about living together in peace, and have even set up a "United Nations" organization. Yet people and nations are divided as never before. Meaning they can talk a good talk, but can't walk the walk. It is all hot air. What is needed?  The hearts of people need to change. But it is simply impossible for the governments of this world to perform such a miracle.  The Bible's message about God's love, however, is doing it.

Upon learning about the righteous new system, the hearts of many people are being moved to love God. And so they brought to act also in a loving way toward others, just as God does.  (John 4:9-11, 20) This means a big change in their lives.  Many who were mean and hateful, like vicious animals, thus have become meek and peaceable. Like obedient sheep, they are gathered into the Christian flock.

Next time:  After Armageddon, a Paradise Earth

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After Armageddon, a Paradise Earth; Continued


"God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him." - ACTS 10:34, 35.

"Look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations, and tribes and peoples and tongues . . . They will hunger no more not thirst anymore." - REVELATION 7:9, 16. 


"The wolf will actually reside for  a while with the male lamb, and with the kid the leopard itself will lied down, and the calf and the maned young lion and the well-fed animal all together; and a mere little boy will be leader over them." - ISAIAH 11:6; ISAIAH 65:25. 


"All that time the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the very ears of the deaf ones will be unstopped. At that time the lame one will climb up as a stag does, and the tongue of the speechless one will cry out in gladness." - ISAIAH 35:5, 6.

"And God himself will be with them. And he wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away." - REVELATION 21:3. 4.

Note: Sorry, but this is a long subject, so please be patient and if you want to, follow along.  Thank you.

Next time: After Armageddon, a Paradise Earth; Continued

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After Armageddon, a Paradise Earth; Continued

This promise of the loving Creator, as given through the Bible psalmist, will be fulfilled: "You are opening your hand and satisfying the desire of every living thing.  (Psalm 145:16) Yes, all the proper desires of God-fearing persons will be completely satisfied.  We cannot even imagine how wonderful life will be in paradise on earth. Telling about God's arrangement for blessing his people, the apostle Peter wrote: "There are new  heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to [God's] promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell."- 2 PETER 3:13; ISAIAH 65:17; 66:22.

What are these "new heavens"?  They are not new physical heavens. God made our physical heavens perfect, and they bring him glory. (Psalm 8:3; 19:1)  The "new heavens refer to a new rulership over the earth. "The heavens now are made up of man-made governments. At Armageddon these will pass away.  (2 Peter 3:7)"The new heavens that will replace them will be God's heavenly government. Its king will be Jesus Christ. But ruling with him as part of the "new heavens" will be 144,000 of his faithful followers.- REVELATION 5:9, 10; 14:1, 3. 

What, then, is the "new earth"? Is it not a new planet. God made this planet  Earth just right for humans to live on, and it is his will that it remain forever. (Psalm 104:5) The "new earth" refers to a new group or society of  people.  The Bible often uses  the word "earth" in such a way. For example, it says: "All the earth [meaning, the people] continued to be of one language." (Genesis 11:1) The "earth" that will be destroyed are the people that make themselves part of this wicked system of things.  (2 Peter 3:7) The "new earth" that replaces them will be made up of true servants of God who have separated themselves from this world of wicked people. - JOHN 17:14; 1 JOHN 2:17.

Right now people of all races and nationalities who make up a part of the "new earth" are being gathered into the Christian congregation. The unity and peace that exist among them is only a small preview of what will make living on the paradise earth after Armageddon such a pleasure. Truly, God's Kingdom will bring to pass what no human government could even hope to do. Just consider a few of such blessings on the following pages.

Next time: After Armageddon, a Paradise Earth;  Continued

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After Armageddon, a Paradise Earth; Continued


"Jehovah of armies will certainly make for all the peoples . . .a banquet of well-oiled dishes, a banquet of wine kept on the dregs, of well-oiled dishes filled with marrow." - ISAIAH 25:6

"There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth, on top of the mountains there will be an overflow." The earth itself will certainly give its produce; God, our God, will bless us." -  PSALM72:16; 67:6.

Surely you want to live on the paradise earth like the garden in which Adam and Eve  was created.  (Genesis 2:8; Luke 23:43) Think of it-no more war, crime, or violence. You will able to walk anywhere  at any time of the day or night without fear of being harmed.  The wicked simply will no longer be. - PSALM 37:35-38.

This means that there will be no dishonest politicians and greedy business leaders to oppress the people.  Nor will people be burdened with high taxes to pay for military weapons. Never again will anyone be without good food and comfortable housing because cannot afford them.  Unemployment, inflation and high prices will be no more.  The troubles that cause suffering to families today will no longer exist. All will have pleasant work to do, and hey will able to see and enjoy the results of their labors.

First of all, those who survive the Armageddon will have the work of cleaning up the earth and clearing away the ruins of the old system. ( Note: Excuse me! I have seen nothing in the Bible that even hints at that. What it says is Jehovah will restore paradise, not that others will cleaning it up.) And then they have the privilege, under the direction of the Kingdom rule, of cultivating the earth and making a beautiful place in which to live.  (Note: Again, it says nothing about  that, just that Jehovah will turn it again into a paradise. He did it without anyone before, unless he made the angels first and then they helped, but it says nothing about that either. The jury is still out on that one. And I saw no verse that mentions that particular matter either.) What a happy work that will be! God will bless everything that is done. He will provide the right kind of climate to grow crops and raise livestock, and he will see to it that these are protected from disease and harm.

Note: I am not saying that cleaning up the earth is a bad thing, just that it is not mentioned in the Bible, just that we will enjoy work and doesn't say anything about cleaning it up to do so.  We will be perfect with new bodies, so  if we do have to clean it up, we will not mind. I just have not seen anything in the Bible about the cleaning of it.  Jehovah can perform miracles and he can make a paradise as he did for Adam and Eve.  He said himself, He can do what he what to do when he want to do it anytime he wants to it etc. I just take some of the information I read with a grain of salt until I see what happens for real. I am a person who usually believes it when I see or have to do it.

Next time: After Armageddon, a Paradise Earth; Continued

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After Armageddon. a Paradise Earth; Continued


"They will certainly build homes and have occupancy . . . They will not build and someone have occupancy; they will not plant and have someone else do the eating . . . the work of their own hands my chosen ones will use to the full.  They will not toil for nothing, nor will they bring to birth for disturbance; because they are the offspring made up of chosen ones of  Jehovah, and their descendants  with them." - ISAIAH 65:21-23.


"For evildoers themselves will be cut off . . . And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; and you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be ." - PSALM 37:9, 10.


"Jesus said: "You will be with me in Paradise." -LUKE 23:43

"The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it."
 - PSALM 27:29. 

Next time: After Armageddon, a Paradise Earth; Continued

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After Armageddon, a Paradise Earth; Continued


"There has been a child born to us, there has been a son given to us; and the princely rule will come to be upon his shoulder. And his name will be called . . . Prince of Peace.  To the abundance  of the princely rule and to peace there will be no end." - ISAIAH 9:6, 7. 

"In his days the righteous one will sprout, and the abundance of peace until the moon is no more. And he will have subjects from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of  earth


"Come you people, behold the activities of Jehovah, how he has set astonishing events on the earth. He is making wars to cease to the extremity of the earth. -PSALM 46:8,9. 

Next time: After Armageddon, a Paradise Earth; Continued

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After Armageddon, a Paradise Earth

 ARMAGEDDON is a frightening word to many.  Often world leaders use it to refer to a possible World War III. However, the  speaks of Armageddon as the place of a righteous war fought by God.  (Revelation 16:14, 16, King James Version) This war of God will prepare the way for a righteous new world. 

Unlike the wars of men, which kill both the good and the bad, Armageddon will destroy only the bad. (Psalm 92:7)  Jehovah God will be the Judge, and he will remove any who willfully refuse to obey his righteous laws. Today many persons see nothing wrong with such things as fornication, getting drunk, lying or cheating.  But, according to God, these things are wrong. So at Armageddon he will not save those who continue to do them. (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10; Revelation 21:8) Knowing God's Laws on these matters, it is important for persons who may be practicing such bad things to change their ways.

After Armageddon no part of this wicked world will remain.  Only persons who serve God will continue to live.  (1 John 2:17) Jesus Christ compared the situation to that of Noah's day. (Matthew 24:37-39; 2 Peter 3:5-7, 13, 2:5) After Armageddon, God's Kingdom will be the only government ruling over the earth. Satan and is demons will be gone. (Revelation 20:1-3) Consider, on the following pages, some of the blessings that the Bible indicates obedient people will enjoy. 

Next time: After Armageddon, a Paradise Earth

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Our Readers Ask . . . Will Everlasting Life in Paradise Be Boring? -Conclusion

 Consider, too, that Jehovah God will not allow just anyone to live in Paradise. He offers the gift of everlasting life only to those who imitate his Son, Jesus. (John 17:3)  While on earth, Jesus delighted to do his Father's will. He taught his followers both by word and by example that lasting happiness comes more from giving than receiving.  (Acts 20:35)  In the restored Paradise, all will live by the two greatest commandments - those that call for love of God and love of neighbor.  (Matthew 22:36-40) Imagine being surrounded b y unselfish people who love you and who love their work!  Do you think you would become bored in such company? 

Note: In the new Paradise, our minds will be rejuvenated, we will have new bodies, we will perfect, so no, I would not be bored.  This world, now, yes because most of what they have on TV is a bunch of crap! I don't want to even know its on TV, much less watch it! 

What else will life be like in Paradise involve? Each day, we will be able to learn something new about our Creator. Researchers have already made many remarkable discoveries about Jehovah's creative works. (Romans 1:20) So, far, though, we have hardly scratched the surface. Thousands of years ago, the faithful man  Job reviewed what he knew about God's creative works, and his conclusion is still true.  "These are the fringes of [God's] was," Job said," and what a whisper of  a matter has been heard of him! But of his mighty thunder who can show and understanding?" - JOB 26:14.

No matter how long we live, we will never discover all there is to know about Jehovah God and his works. The Bible states that God has put the desire to live forever in our hearts.  But it also says that we will "never find out the work that the true God has made from the start to the finish." (Ecclesiastes 3:10, 11) Do you think you will ever get bored with learning new things about your Creator?

Even now, those who busy doing work that benefits  others and brings glory to God seldom find that they are bored. We can be sure that if we remain busy doing similar work, we will never become bored-even if we live forever. 

Next time: After Armageddon, a Paradise Earth

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Our Readers Ask . . . Will Everlasting Life in Paradise Be Boring?

 The Bible/God offers the hope that we can live forever in Paradise on earth. (Psalm 37:29; Luke 23:43)  Will living endlessly in a perfect environment become boring?

That is a worthwhile question. Researchers have found that chronic boredom may cause a person to become anxious, depressed, and prone to taking risks. Those who see no purpose in life or who tire of their daily routine succumb to boredom. Will the lives of those in Paradise lack purpose?  Will the daily routine  be dull?

First, consider that it is Jehovah God, the Author of the Bible, who makes the offer of everlasting life.  (John 3:16; 2 Timothy3:16) God's primary quality is love. (1 John 4:8) Jehovah loves us deeply and has give us all the good things that we now enjoy. - JAMES 1:17. 

Our Creator knows that in order for us to be happy, we need purposeful work. (Psalm 139:14-16; Ecclesiastes 3:12) In Paradise, workers will not feel like insignificant clogs in some massive machine. The work they do will directly  benefit them and those they love.  (Isaiah 65:22-24) If you had interesting, challenging, full-time work to do, would you find life boring?  

Note: This work being talked about is the work of people building their own home, plant and eat from their own garden, drink from their own fruit trees, pure water from their resource, or drink from their vineyards etc.  I am not exactly convinced of this as yet, as the Bible does not go into anymore detail on that or the fact of what we do after everything is planted or build. Or the fact of anyone working at all. My feeling and it could be wrong; is that after everyone who has worked their entire lives for employers that believed that there should be no outside activities or family in which to go home to, but work 24/7, should not die and start over, with exception of being perfect this time and not living in a house that someone else built and eating what we plant etc. Do you know what I mean? But the fact that we will perfect and have a new body and see either all of most of our family back alive, may make us feel more alive and want to do this.  Being perfect, with no pain, sickness, disease of any kind, no wars, no wickedness and no human government.  Just God's government. That is more appetizing to me than this world right now that is so wicked, corrupt, immoral, greedy, ungrateful, disrespectful etc.

Next time: Our Readers Ask . . . Will Everlasting Life in Paradise Be Boring? -Conclusion 

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Is Mary the Mother of God?

 Why do some consider Mary the mother of God?

The earliest evidence of devotion to Mary dates from the late fourth century C.E. at that time, the Catholic Church became the state religion of the Roman Empire.  As a result, many wo had a pagan background became nominal Christians. The church had also adopted the unscriptural teaching of the Trinity.

The doctrine of the Trinity led many in the church to conclude that if Jesus were God, then Mary must be the mother of God. In 431 C.E.,  a church council in Ephesus officially proclaimed Mary the "Mother of God." Mariolatry-the excessive veneration of Mary-flourished after this Council of Ephesus. And those from a pagan background joined the church, images and icons  of the Virgin Mary gradually took place of their fertility goddesses, such as Artemis (Diana, to the Romans) and Isis.

In 432 C.E. Pope Sixtus III ordered a church to be built in Rome in Rome in honor of the "Mother of God." It was built near the site of an earlier temple erected in honor of Lucina, the Roman goddess of childbirth.  One author described this church as "an enduring symbol of the assimilation of the Great Mother of the pagan cult of Mary the  after the Christianization of Rome." - Mary-The Complete Resource.

Note: Remember, Mary is the mother of Jesus and the Trinity does not exist in the Bible. 

Next time: Will Everlasting Life in Paradise Be Boring? - Our Readers Ask

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Was Mary the Mother of God? - Mary-Mother of Jesus not "Mother of God"

 Was was Jewish by birth, and she was a direct descendant of King David. (Luke 3:23-31) She was highly favored by God for her faith and devotion.  (Luke 1:28) God chose her to become the mother of Jesus. (Luke 1:31, 35) Along with her husband, Joseph, Mary had other children. -MARK 6:3.

Although the Bible shows that Mary became a disciple of Jesus, not much additional information is given about her. - ACTS 1:14. 

Why do some consider Mary the mother of God?

Next time: Was Mary the Mother of God? - Why Do Some Consider Mary the "Mother of God?

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Was Mary the Mother of God?

 No, the Bible does not teach that Mary is the mother of God, nor does it suggest that Christians should either worship or venerate Mary. Consider:

* Mary never claimed that she was the mother of God. The Bible explains that she gave birth to "the Son of God," not God himself. - MARK1:1; LUKE 1:32.

* Jesus Christ never said that Mary was God's mother or that she was worthy of special devotion. In fact, he corrected a woman who gave special attention to Mary's happy role as his mother, saying: "No, rather, happy are those hearing the world of God and keeping it!" - LUKE 11:27, 28.  

* The terms "Mother of God" and "Theotokos" (God bearer) are not found in the Bible.

*The expression "Queen of Heaven" in the Bible refers, not to Mary, but to a false goddess worshipped by apostate Israelites. (Jeremiah 44:15-19)  The "Queen of Heaven" may have been Ishtar (Astarte), a Babylonian goddess. 

* Early Christians did not worship Mary, nor did they give her any special honor.  One historian states that early Christians "would have rejected cults and probably feared that undue  attention to Mary might evoke a suspicion of goddess worship." - In Quest of the Jewish Mary.

* The Bible says that God has always existed. (Psalm 90:1, 2; Isaiah 40:28) Since he had no beginning, he cannot have a mother.  Furthermore, Mary could not have held God in her womb; the Bible makes that clear that even the heavens cannot contain him. - 1 KINGS 8:27.

Next time: Was Mary the Mother of God? - Mary-Mother of Jesus not "Mother of God"

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Was Jesus a Good Man? /The Bible's Answer

 Jesus was more than just a good man. At the very least, he had proved to be the most influential man in human history. Note what these famous historians and writers have said about him: 

"Jesus of Nazareth . . . is easily the dominant figure in history." -H.G.Wells, English.

"[Jesus'] life is the most influential ever lived on this planet and its effect continues to mount." -Kenneth Scott Latourette, American historian and author.

The Bible identifies why Jesus has a greater impact than any other good man who ever lived. When Jesus asked his closest followers who they thought he was, one of them correctly answered; "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God." - MATTHEW 16:16. 

Next time: Is Mary the Mother of God?

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Did Jesus Really Exist? - WHY DOES IT MATTER?

 The question of Jesus' existence matters because his teachings matter. For example, Jesus taught people how to live happy, fulfilling lives. He also promised a time when mankind will live in true peace and security, united under a single world government called "The Kingdom of God." - LUKE 4:43.

The designation "the Kingdom of God" is appropriate because this world government will express God's sovereignty  over the earth. (Revelation 11:15) Jesus made that fact clear when he said in his model prayer: "Our Father who art in heaven, . . . .Let your Kingdom come. Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  (Matthew 6:9, 10) What will Kingdom rule mean for mankind?  Consider the following:

* Warfare and strife will cease. - PSALM 46:8-11.

* Wickedness, including greed and corruption, will be gone forever, along with ungodly people. -PSALM 37:10, 11.

* The Kingdom subjects will enjoy meaningful, productive work. - ISAIAH 65:21-22.

* The earth will fully recover from its present sick state and produce bountiful crops. -PSALM 72:16; ISAIAH 11:9.

Some people may consider those promises wishful thinking. But is it not wishful thinking to trust in human efforts? Consider: Even in spite of spectacular advances in education, science, and technology, millions feel deeply insecure and uncertain about  tomorrow.  And daily, we see evidence of economic, political. and religious oppression, as well as greed and corruption. Yes, to the reality that human  rule is a failure! - ECCLESIASTES 8:9.

At the very least, the question of Jesus' existence merits our consideration.  As 2 Corinthians 1:19, 20 states: "No matter how many the promises of God are, they have become 'yes' by means of [Christ]."

Next time: Was Jesus a Good Man? /The Bible's Answer

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Did Jesus Really Exist? - EVIDENCE FROM THE BIBLE

 The Gospels give us a comprehensive account of Jesus' life and ministry, including specific details about people, places, and times-the hallmarks of authentic history.  An example is found at Luke 3:2, 2, which helps us to establish the exact date when a man named John the Baptist, a forerunner of Jesus, commenced his work.

Luke wrote: "In the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, Herod was district ruler of Galilee, Philip his brother was district ruler of Iturae and Tachonitis, and lysanias was district ruler of Abilene, in the days of chief priest Annas and of Caiaphas, God's declaration came to John the son of Zechariah in the wilderness."  This  detailed, precise list enables us to establish that "God's declaration came to John" in the year 29 C.E. 

The seven public figures Luke names are well-known to historians.  That said, for a time certain critics did question the existence of Pontius Pilate and Lysanias.  But the critics spoke too soon. Ancient inscriptions bearing the names of those two officials have been discovered, confirming Luke's accuracy." 

Next time: Did Jesus Really Exist? - WHY DOES IT MATTTER?

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Did Jesus Really Exist? - What Does History Reveal?

 The most detailed record of Jesus' life and ministry is recorded in the Bible accounts known for the Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John-named after the men who wrote them. In addition, a number of early non-Christian sources name him.


(c. 56-120 =C.E., or Common Era) Tacitus is considered to be one of the greatest of the ancient Roman historians.  His Annals deal with  the  Roman Empire from 14 C.E. to 68 C.E. (Jesus died  in 33 C.E.) Tacitus wrote that when a great fire devastated Rome in 64 C.E., Emperor Nero was considered responsible. But Tacitus wrote that Nero accused the Christians in order to "scotch the rumour."  Then Tacitus said:  "Christus, the founder of the name [Christian], had undergone the death penalty in the reign of Tiberius, by sentence of the procurator Pontius Pilatus." -Annals XV, 44. 


(69-a. 122 C.E.) In his Lives of the Caesars, this Roman historian recorded events during the reigns of the first 11 Roman emperors.  The section on Claudius refers to turmoil among the Jews in Rome that was likely caused by disputes over Jesus. (Acts 18:2) Suetonius wrote: "Since the Jews constantly made disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus [Christus, He [Claudius] expelled them from Rome."  (The deified Claudius, XXV,  4) Although wrongly accusing Jesus of creating disturbances, Suetonius did not doubt his existence. 

Pliny the Younger

(c. 61-113 C.E) This Roman author and administrator in Bithynia (modern Turkey) wrote to Roman Emperor Trajan about how to deal with the Christians in that province.  Pliny said that he tried to force Christians to recant, executing any man who refused to do so.  He explained: "Those who . . .repeated after me an invocation to the [pagan] Gods, and offered adoration, with wine and frankincense, to your image . . . and who finally cursed Christ . . . , I thought it proper to discharge Pliny -Letters, Book X, XCVI. 

Flavius Joesephus

(c. 37-100 C.E.) This Jewish priest and historian states that Annas, a Jewish high priest who continued to wield political influence , "convened the judges of the Sanhedrin [the Jewish high court] and brought before them a man named James, the brother of Jesus who was called the Christ." - Jewish Antiquities, XX, 200.

The Talmud

This collection of Jewish rabbinic writings, dating from the third to the sixth centuries C.E., shows that even Jesus' enemies affirmed his existence. One passage says that on "the Passover Yeshu [Jesus]  the Nazarean was hanged," which historically correct.  (Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 43a, Munich Codex, see John 19:14-16) Another states: "May we produce no son or pupil who disgraces himself in public like the Nazarene"-a title often applied to Jesus. -Babylonian Talmud, Berakoth 17b, Munich Codex.  See. LUKE 18:37.

 Next time: Does Jesus Really Exist? - EVIDENCE FROM THE BIBLE

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Did Jesus Really Exist?

 HE WAS neither rich nor powerful. He did not even have a home that he could call his own. Yet, his teachings have influenced millions. Did Jesus Christ really exist? What do both modern and ancient authorities say? 

* Michael Grant. a historian and an expert on ancient classical civilization, noted:  "If we apply to the New Testament, was we should, the same sort of criteria ass we should apply to other ancient writings containing historical material, we can no more reject Jesus' existence than we can reject the existence of a mass pagan personages whose reality as historical figures is never questioned.

* Rudolf Bultmann, a professor of New Testament studies, stated: "The doubt as to whether Jesus really existed is unfounded and not worth refutation. No sane person can doubt that Jesus stands  as found behind the historical movement whose first distance stage is represented by the oldest Palestinian community [of Christians.] 

* Will Durant, a historian, writer, and philosopher, wrote:  "That a few simple men {the Gospel writers] should in one generation have invented so powerful and appealing a personality, so lofty and ethic and so inspiring a vision of human brotherhood, would be a miracle far more incredible than any recorded in the Gospels.

*Albert Einstein, a German-born Jewish physicist, stated:  "I a a Jew, but I am enthralled by the luminous figure of the Nazarene."  When  asked if he viewed Jesus  as a historical person, he responded:  "Unquestionably! No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence of Jesus.  His personality pulsates in every word. No myth is filled with such life." 

Next time: Does Jesus Really Exist? - What Does History Reveal?

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What Does God's Kingdom Accomplish?

 The Bible's answer

God's Kingdom will replace all human governments and rule all over the earth. (Daniel 2:44; Revelation 16:14)  Once that happens, God's Kingdom will . . .

* Remove the wicked, whose selfishness harms us all.  "As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth." - PROVERBS 2:22.

* End all wars.  [God] is making wars to cease to the extremity of the earth." - PSALM 46:9.

* Bring prosperity and security to the earth.  "Everyone will live in peace among their own vineyards and fig trees, and no one will make them afraid." - MICAH 4:4, Good News Translations

* Make the earth into a paradise.  "Thirsty deserts will be glad; barren lands will celebrate and blossom with flowers." - ISAIAH 35:1, Contemporary English Version.


* Provide everyone with meaningful, enjoyable work. "The work of their own hands [God's]chosen ones will use to the full.  They will not toil for nothing." - ISAIAH 65:21-23.

* Eliminate disease. "No resident will say: 'I am sick." - ISAIAH 33:24.

* Set us free from the aging process.  "Let his flesh become fresher than in youth; let him return to the days of his younger vigor." - JOB 33:25.

* Bring the dead back to life.  "All those in the memorial tombs will hear [Jesus'] voice and come out." - JOHN 5:28, 29.

Next time: Did Jesus Really Exist?

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What Does Bible Chronology Indicate About the Year 1914? Conclusion

 What does the tree of Daniel chapter 4 represent?  In the Bible, trees sometimes represent rulership.  (Ezekiel 17:22-24; 31:2-5) In the greater fulfillment of Daniel chapter 4, the immense tree symbolizes God's rulership.

What does the tree's being chopped down mean? Just as the chopping down of a tree represented an interruption in Nebuchadnezzar's kingship, it also represented an interruption in God's rulership on earth. This happened when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem, where the kings of Israel sat  on "Jehovah's throne" as representatives of God himself. - 1 CHRONOCLES 29:23.

What do the "seven times" represent? The "seven times" represent the period during which God allowed the nations to rule over the earth with out interference from any kingdom that he had set up. The "seven times" being in October B.C.E., when according to Bible chronology, Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonians. - 2 KINGS 25:1, 8-10.

How long are the "seven times"?  They could not be merely seven years as in Nebuchadnezzar's case. Jesus indicated the answer when he said that "Jerusalem is  [a symbol of God's rulership]will be trampled on by the nations until the appointed times of the nation." (Luke 21:24) "The appointed times of the nations," the period during which God allowed his rulership to be  "trampled on by the nations," are the same as the "seven times of Daniel chapter 4.  This means that the "seven times" were still under way even when Jesus was on earth.

The Bible provides the way to determine the length of those prophetic "seven times."  It says that three and a  half "times equal 1,250 days, so "seven times" equal that number, or 2, 520 days represent 2,520 years.  Therefore, the "seven times," or 2,520 years, would end in October 1914. - NUMBERS 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6. 

Next time: What Will God's Kingdom Accomplish? / The Bible's Answer

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What Does Bible Chronology Indicate About the Year 1914?

 The Bible's Answer

Bible chronology indicates that God's Kingdom was established in heaven in 1914.  This is shown by a prophecy in chapter 4 of the Bible book of Daniel.

Overview of the prophecy. God caused King Nebuchadnezzar  of Babylon to have a prophetic dream about an immense tree that was chopped down. Its stump was prevented from regrowing for a period of "seven times," after which the tree would grow again. - DANIEL 4:1, 10-16. 

The prophecies initial fulfillment.  The great tree represented King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon himself.  (Daniel 4:20-22)  He was figuratively  'chopped down' when he temporarily lost his sanity and kingship; for a period of seven years.  (Daniel 4:25) When God restored his sanity, Nebuchadnezzar regained his throne and acknowledged God's rulership. - DANIEL 4:34-36.

Evidence that the prophecy has a greater fulfillment. The whole purpose of the prophecy was that "people living may know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind and that he gives it to whomever he wants, and he sets up over it the lowliest of men." (Daniel 4:17) Was proud Nebuchadnezzar  the one whom God ultimately wanted to give such rulership? No, for God had earlier given me another prophetic dream showing that neither he nor any other political ruler would fill the role. Instead, God would himself "set up the kingdom that will never be destroyed."- DANIEL 2:31-44. 

Previously, God had set up a kingdom to represent his rulership on earth: the ancient nation of Israel. God allowed that kingdom to be made  "a ruin" because its rulers had become unfaithful, but he foretold that he would give the kingship  to "the one who had the legal right." (Ezekiel 21:25-27) The Bible identifies Jesus Christ as the one legally authorized to receive this everlasting kingdom. (Luke 1:30-33) Unlike Nebuchadnezzar, Jesus is "lowly in heart," just as it was prophesied. - MATTHEW 11:29.

Next time:  Conclusion of What Does the Bible Indicate About the Year 1914?

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What Are "the Keys of the Kingdom"? - What Does It Mean to "enter into the Kingdom"?

 Those who actually "enter into the Kingdom" become co-rulers with Jesus in heaven.  The Bible foretold that they would  "sit on thrones" and "rule as kings over the earth." - LUKE 22:29, 30; REVELATION 5:9, 10.

Misconceptions about the key of the Kingdom

Misconception: Peter decides who may enter heaven.

Fact: The Bible says that Christ, not Peter, "is to judge the living and the dead." (2 Timothy 4:1, 8; John 5:22)  In fact, Peter himself said that Jesus "is the one who decreed by God to be judged of the living and the dead." - ACTS 10:34, 42. 

Misconception: Heaven waited on Peter to decide when to use the keys of the Kingdom.

Fact: When Jesus spoke about the keys of the Kingdom, he told Peter:  "Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."  (Matthew 16:19, The New American Bible) Although some understand  this statement to mean that Peter dictated decisions to heaven, the original Greek verbs show that Peter's decisions would follow those made in heaven rather than precede them.

The Bible elsewhere shows that Peter was subject to heaven when using the keys of the Kingdom. For example, he responded to instructions from God when using the third key. - ACTS 10:19, 20. 

Next time: What Does Bible Chronology Indicate About the Year 1914?/The Bible's Answer

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What Are "the Keys of the Kingdom"? The Bible's Answer

"The Keys of the Kingdom," sometimes called the "the Keys to the Kingdom," represent the authority to open the way for people to "enter into the Kingdom of God." (Matthew 16:19,  The New American Bible;  Acts 14:22) Jesus gave Peter "the keys of the Kingdom of the heavens."  This means that Peter received the authority to unlock information about how faithful people, by receiving God's holy spirit, could enjoy the privilege of entering the Kingdom of the heaven.

For whom were the  keys used?  

Peter used the authority from God to open the way for three groups to enter the Kingdom: 

1. Jews and Jewish converts. Shortly after Jesus' death, Peter encouraged a crowd of Jewish believers to accept Jesus as the one selected by God to rule the Kingdom. Peter showed them what they must do to get saved. He thus opened the way for them to enter the Kingdom, and thousands  "accepted his Word." - ACTS 2:38-41. 

2. Samaritans.  Peter was later sent to the Samaritans.  He again uses a key to of the Kingdom when he, along with the apostle John, "prayed for them to get holy spirit." (Acts 8:14-17) This opened the way for the Samaritans to enter the Kingdom.

3. Gentiles. Three and a half years after Jesus' death, God revealed to Peter that Gentiles (non-Jews) would also have the opportunity to enter the Kingdom. In response, Peter used one of his keys by preaching to the Gentiles, thus opening the door for them to receive the holy spirit, became Christians, and be prospective members of the Kingdom. - ACTS  10:30-35, 44, 45.

Next time: What Are "the Keys of the Kingdom"? - What Does it Mean to "enter into the Kingdom"? 

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What Is the Kingdom of God? / The Bible's Answer

God's Kingdom is a real government established by Jehovah God.  "The Kingdom of God" is also called "the Kingdom of heaven" in the Bible, since it rules from  heaven.  (Mark 1:14, 15; Matthew 4:17, King James Version) It shares many attributes of human governments, yet it is superior to them in every way.

* Rulers.  God has appointed  Jesus Christ as King of the Kingdom and has given him more authority than any human ruler could ever have.  (Matthew 28:18) Jesus uses this power only for good, since he has already proved to be a reliable and compassionate Leader. (Matthew 4:23;  Mark 1:40, 41; 6:31-34; Luke 7:11-17) Under God's direction, Jesus has selected persons from all nations who will "rule as kings over the earth" with him in heaven. - REVELATION 5:9, 10.

* Duration. Unlike human governments, which come and go, God's Kingdom "will never be brought to ruin." - DANIEL 2:44.

* Subjects.  Anyone who does what God requires can be a subject of God's Kingdom, without regard for ancestry or birthplace. - ACTS 10:34, 35. 

* Laws. The laws (or commandments) of God's Kingdom do more than just prohibit wrong behavior. They raise the moral character of it subjects. For example, the Bible says: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole mind, and your whole soul.'  This is the greatest and first commandment. The second, like it, is this, ' You must love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37-39) Love of God and neighbors moves subjects of the Kingdom to act in the best interests of others.

* Education.  While God's Kingdom set high standards for it subjects, it also teaches people how to meet those standards. - ISAIAH 48:17, 18. 

* Mission.  The Kingdom of God doesn't enrich its rulers at the expense of it subjects. Instead, it will accomplish God's will, including the promise that those who love him will live forever on a paradise earth. - ISAIAH 35:1, 5, 6; MATTHEW 21:1-4.

Next time: What Are "the Keys of the Kingdom? /The Bible's Answer

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Be Courageous-Jehovah Is With You - REMEMBER, JEHOVAH IS WITH US!

We now have the wonderful opportunity to preach about the Kingdom and to make disciples. This is the greatest work God has ever given to his servants on earth.  (Matthew 24:14;  28:19,  20)  We are very grateful for Jesus' perfect example. He  "went journeying from city to city and from village to village, preaching and declaring the good news of the kingdom of God." (Luke 8:1)  Like him, we need faith and courage to preach about the Kingdom . With God's help;, we can be as courageous as Noah. He was "a preacher of righteousness" in "a world of ungodly people" who were going to be destroyed in a flood. -  2 PETER 2:4, 5.

Prayer helps us to do the preaching work. Some of Jesus' disciples who were being persecuted prayed that they might continue "speaking the word of God with boldness," and their prayer was answered.  (Read Acts 4:29-31.)  If you are afraid  of preaching from house to house, pray to Jehovah for greater faith and courage, and he will help you. - PSALM 66:19,20.

It is not easy to keep doing God's will in this wicked system world. But we are not alone.  God is with us. His Son, the Head of the congregation, is helping us too.  There are also morte than 7,000,000 other Witnesses of Jehovah around the world. Let us all continue to show faith and preach the good news.  The words of out 2013 year-text will help us do that: "Be courageous and strong. . . .Jehovah your God is with you." - JOSHUA 1:9.

Next time:What Is the Kingdom of God?/The Bible's Answer

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Be Courageous-Jehovah Is With You - MANY RISKED THEIR LIVES!

The Bible says that Aquila and Priscilla risked their lives for Paul.  (Acts 18:2; Romans 26:3, 4)   They showed courage and did what Jesus commanded:  "I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love another." ( John 13:34) The Law of Moses required that a person love others  just as he loved himself.  (Leviticus 19:18)  So why was Jesus' commandment "new"? Because it requires  us to show love by being willing to give our life for others, as he did. Many Christians have shown love by risking their lives to protect their brothers from being hurt or killed by enemies. - Read 1 JOHN 3:16. 

Like Jesus, the first Christian worshipped only Jehovah.   (Matthew 4:8-10)  They refused to burn incense in honor of the Roman emperor.  Daniel P. Mannix wrote in his book Those About to Die that an altar with a fire burning on it was usually kept  in the arena. He said that all a prisoner had to do was sprinkle some incense on the flame and he would be freed. It was explained to the prisoner that he would not be worshipping the emperor.  The prisoner was told that he wold simply be agreeing that the Roman emperor was a god. Even so, very few Christians accepted this offer to escape.

Christian who were put in Nazi concentration camps were given several opportunities to e free again and avoid death. All they had to do was sign a document that said they no longer worshipped Jehovah.  But only a few signed. During a war in Rwanda, Tutsi and Hutu Witnesses risked their lives to protect one another. God's people need courage and faith in situations like these. 

Next time: Be Courageous-Jehovah Is With You - REMEMBER, JEHOVAH IS WITH US!

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