
REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Ten - "That Woman Jezebel"- Conclusion

 "All the congregations must come to know that Jesus searches "the kidneys," the deepest emotions, and the 'heart,'  the innermost person, including the underlying  motives  To this e nd, he uses trusted stars, or elders, in handling certain  problems, such as any Jezebel influence that appears.  (Revelation 1:20)  After these elders have fully examined a matter of this kind and judgment has been rendered, it is not for individuals to probe into the whys and wherefores. of the action taken. All should humbly  accept the elders' disposal of matters and continue to be supportive of these congregation stars. Loyalty to Jehovah and his organizational arrangements will be rewarded .  (Psalm 37:27-29; Hebrews 13:7, 17) For your own part, may your share be a blessing when Jesus gives to each one individually according to his deeds. -See also GALATIANS 5:19-24, 6:7-9.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Ten -"That Woman Jezebel" - Continue

 As Jehovah's Messenger and Judge the Son of God acts rightly in identifying the modern Jezebel and throwing her into a sickbed, for her spiritual sickness and is indeed a chronic one.  (Malachi 3:1, 5) Those who have succumbed to this wrongful  female influence will suffer great tribulation-the sorrow of being disfellowshipped, cut off from the Christian congregation as though dead.  Unless these repent, turn around, and are accepted back into the congregation they also face physical death by "deadly plague"-at the latest, in the great tribulation.  Meanwhile, restoration is possible if they fully repent of their wrong deeds. - MATTHEW 24:21, 22; 2 CORINTHIANS 7:10.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Ten -"That Woman Jezebel" -Continue

Happily, most congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses today are awake to this danger. Elders are watchful of trends toward untheocratic attitudes  and wrongdoing.  They try to help both males and females who are in danger's way so that these may build spirituality and be readjusted before it is too late.  (Galatians 5:16; 6:1)  Lovingly and firmly, these Christian overseers restrain any female effort to form cliques for promoting moves similar to women's liberation.  Moreover, timely counsel is periodically given in the Watch Tower Society's publication.

However, where there has been gross immorality, and especially where this becomes a practice, unrepentant sinners must  be disfellowshipped.  We recall Jehu's zeal in getting rid of all traces of Jezebel's influence in Israel. Likewise, the John class today take firm action, setting an example for their "Jehonadab" companions  and showing themselves to be far different from Christendom's permissive ministers. - 2 KINGS 9:22, 30-37; 10:12-17. 

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Ten -"That Woman Jezebel"-Continue

  Referring to "that woman Jezebel," Jesus continues: "And her children I will kill with deadly plague, so that all the congregations will know that I am he who searches the kidneys and the hearts, and I will give  to you individually according to your deeds."  (Revelation 2:23) Jesus has allowed Jezebel  ad her children time to repent, but they persist in their immoral ways and hence must receive judgment.  There is a powerful message here for Christians today.  Those who imitate Jezebel, whether men or women, and thus become her children by violating Bible principles on headship  and morality or by being headstrong so as to ignore theocratic order, are spiritually in a dangerous sick condition. True, if such a one calls upon the elders in the congregation to pray over him,  "the prayer of faith will make the indisposed one  well, and Jehovah will raise him up"-provided he humbly acts in harmony with those prayers . But let no one think that he (or she) can fool God or Christ by attempting to conceal immoral acts or by putting on an outward show of zealous service. - JAMES 5:14, 15.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Ten -"That Woman Jezebel" -Continue

 This in no way reflects unfavorably on faithful women in the Christian congregation.  Nowadays, a great part of the winepress  work is being accomplished by faithful sisters, through the home Bible studies of new ones in the congregation. God himself blesses this arrangement, as is indicated by Psalm  68:11: "Jehovah himself gives the saying: The women telling the good news are a large army."  Husbands may be influenced for good by the mild, respectful conduct of their wives, which "is of great value in the eyes of God." (1 Peter 3:1-4)   The capable, and industrious wife is praised by King Lemuel.  (Proverbs 31:10-31)  It is only when woman step out of line by seducing men or by challenging or ignoring  headship that  a Jezebel influence arises. - EPHESIANS 5:22, 23;  1 CORINTHIANS 11:3. 

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Ten -"That Woman Jezebel" - Continue

Jesus goes on to tell the elders in Thyatira: "And I gave her time to repent, but she is not willing to repent of her fornication. Look! I am about to throw her into a sickbed, and those committing adultery  with her into great tribulation, unless they repent  of her deeds." (Revelation 2:21, 22) Just as the original Jezebel dominated Ahab and then defiled God's executioner, Jehu, so this female influence  may be trying to manipulate husbands and elders.  Its seems  that the elders in Thyatira are tolerating this immodest Jezebel influence. Jesus here sounds  a strong warning for them, as well as for the global congregation of Jehovah's people to day.  In modern times, some such strong-willed women have induced their husbands to become apostates  and even instigated court action against Jehovah's faithful servants. - JUDE 5-8. 

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Ten -"That Woman Jezebel"

 Plainly, then, "that woman Jezebel" who claims to be a prophetess in Thyatira is a sham. She has no backing of God's spirit. Who is she?  Likely, she is a woman or group of women acting as shameless corrupting influence in the congregation.  Some associated women may have been involving congregation members in immorality, while brazenly justifying their self-willed course by misapply scriptures. False prophesying indeed! They would influence others to fall into their own ways of "fornication, uncleanness, and covetousness, which is idolatry." (COLOSSIANS 3:5)  They would have those in the congregation indulge in an immoral, self-seeking life-style  of the kind that is now countenanced or winked at, in most of Christendom's religions. 

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Ten - "That Woman Jezebel"

 Jesus' fiery eyes have pierced further.   He notes something that needs immediate attention. "I do hold this against you, that you  tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and misleads  my slaves to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed to idols." (Revelation 2:20) In the tenth century B.C.E., Queen Jezebel, the Baal worshipping wife of King Ahab of Israel, had become notorious for her murderous, adulterous, dominating ways. Jehu, as Jehovah's anointed one, had her executed.  (1 Kings 16:31; 18:4; 21:11-16; 2 Kings  9:1-7, 22, 30, 33)  The idolatrous Jezebel had no claim to being a prophetess. She was not like Miriam and Deborah, who served as faithful  prophetesses in Israel.  (Exodus 15:20, 21; Judges 4:4; 5:1-31) And Jehovah's spirit did not not move her to prophesy as it moved the Anna and the four daughters of Philip the evangelizer. - LUKE 2:36 -38; ACTS 21:9.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Ten -Abhorring the "Deep Things of Satan" -Conclusion

 For decades, many faithful ones, both of the anointed remnant and of the great crowd, have been showing exemplary endurance in God's service, while the world around them has  been plunging deeper and deeper into a hopeless gloom.  But let us be of good courage! Revelation confirms the testimony of God's earlier prophets.  "The great day of Jehovah is near. It is near, and there is hurrying of it very much." -  ZEPHANIAH 1:14; JOEL2:1; HABAKKUK 2:3; REVELATION 7:9; 22:12, 13.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Ten - Abhorring the "Deep Things of Satan" -Continue

 Happily, Jesus can commend those in Thyatira.  He says: "I know your deeds, and  your love and faith and ministry and endurance, and that your deeds of late are more than those formerly." (Revelation 2:19)  Unlike the Ephesians, the anointed Christians there have not lose their love for Jehovah.  Their faith is strong. Furthermore,  their deeds are more than those formerly, and like the three preceding congregations, the Christians in Thyatira are enduring.  How typical of the 54,000 and more congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses throughout the earth today!  Love for Jehovah shines through, as a spirit of zeal  in the ministry permeates the organization, stimulating young and old. An increasing number expend themselves as pioneers, thus using wisely the yet remaining time to proclaim the glorious hope of God's incoming Kingdom! -MATTHEW 24:14;  MARK 13:10.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Ten -Abhorring the "Deep Things of Satan" - Continue

 This is the only time the expression "Son of God" appears in Revelation, although in other places Jesus does not refer to Jehovah as "my Father." (Revelation 2:27; 3:5, 21) The use of the title here likely reminds the Thyatiran Christians of Jesus' intimacy with Jehovah.  This Son  "has eyes like fiery flame"-a warning to Christians in Thyatira that his judgment ill blaze against anything  that he sees to be defiling in the congregation. By referring for a second time to his glowing copperlike  feet, he emphasizes his own shining example of faithfulness while walking this earth. The Christians in Thyatira no doubt heeded his counsel, and so we must today! - 1 PETER 2:21. 

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Ten -Abhorring the "Deep Things of Satan"

 About 40 miles southeast of Bergama (Pergamum) is the thriving Turkish town of Akhisar. Some 1,900 years ago, this town was the site of Thyatira. A traveling overseer could readily reach Thyatira by an inland road from Pergamum and then move  in a circuit to the remaining congregations of Revelation chapter 3-Sardis, Philadelphia,  and Laodicea.  Unlike Pergamum, Thyatira does not seem to have been an important center of emperor worship, but it did have shrines and temples dedicated to pagan gods. Thyatira was noteworthy as a commercial trading center.

When Paul was preaching to Macedonia, he met up with a Thyatiran woman named Lydia,  a seller of purple. Lydia and all her household gladly accepted the message Paul was preaching and showed extraordinary hospitality.  (Acts 16:14, 15) She became the first Thyatiran on record to accept  Christianity. In due course of time, the city itself came to have a congregation of Christians.  Jesus directs his longest message there: "And to  the angel of the congregation in Thyatira write: These are the things that the Son of God says. he who has his eyes like a fiery flame, and his fee are like fine copper." - REVELATION 2:18.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Nine -"Hidden Manna and a White Pebble" - Conclusion

 Does this mean that you are left unconsidered if you are one of the great crowd of companion worshippers? Not at all! While not receiving the white pebble of admittance into heaven, you may, if you endure, come out of the great tribulation to have a part in the joyful work of restoring Paradise on earth. Sharing with you in this will be resurrected faithful ones from pre-Christian times and those of the other sheep who may have died  recently. Eventually, all the other redeemed dead will be favored wit a resurrection to life on a paradise earth. - PSALM 45:16; JOHN 10:16; REVELATION 7:9, 14. 

What is the new name written on the pebble? A name is a means of identifying a person and distinguishing that one from others.  These anointed Christians receive the pebble after they have finished their earthly course as conquerors.  Clearly, then,  the name on the pebble has to do with their privilege of being united with Jesus in heaven-a most intimate position of royal service  to be fully appreciated and enjoyed only by those who inherit the heavenly  Kingdom.  Hence, it is a name, or a designation of office, "which no one knows except the one receiving it." - Compare REVELATION 3:12. 

What an inducement for the John class to "hear what the spirit says to the congregations" and apply it! And how this encourages their associates, the great crowd, to serve faithfully with them while they can enjoy their companionship here on earth and share with them in making known Jehovah's  Kingdom!

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Nine -"Hidden Manna and a White Pebble- Continue

 What a fitting symbol!  This manna was hidden in the Most Holy compartment of the tabernacle, where the miraculous light that hovered over the Ark's cover symbolized the very presence of Jehovah.  (Exodus 26:34) No one was permitted  to penetrate that sacred place in order to eat the hidden manna.  However, Jesus said that his anointed follower who conquer would eat "the hidden manna." Like Christ before them, they get to enter, "not into a holy place made with hands, which is a copy of the reality, but into heaven itself." (Hebrews 9:12, 24)  At their resurrection, they put on incorruption and immorality-a marvelous provision of Jehovah, symbolized by their being given the imperishable "hidden manna." How privileged that small group of overcomers is! - 1 CORINTHIANS 15:53-57. 

These also receive "a white pebble."  In Roman courts, pebbles were used in passing judgment. A white pebble meant acquittal, whereas a black pebble meant condemnation, often to death.  Jesus' giving "a white pebble"  to the Christians in Pergamum would indicate that he adjudges them innocent, pure and clean. But Jesus' words may have a further meaning. In Roman times, pebbles were also used like tickets to gain entry to important events.  So the white pebble may indicate something very special for the  conquering anointed Christians-his being admitted to an honored place in heaven at the marriage of the Lamb.  Only 144,000 such pebbles are provided. - REVELATION 14:1; 19:7-9. 

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Nine -"Hidden Manna and a White Pebble"

 A grand reward awaits all who heed Jesus' counsel, given by direction of Jehovah's holy spirit. Listen!  "Let the one who has an ear hear what the spirit says to the congregation: To him that conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white pebble, and upon the pebble a new name written which no one knows except the one receiving it." (Revelation 2:17) Thus, the Christians in Pergamum, like the Christians in Smyrna, are encouraged to 'conquer.'  If they are to succeed, those in Pergamum, where the throne of Satan is, must shun idolatry.  They must overcome the immorality, the sectarianism, and the apostasy linked with Balak, Balaam, and sect of Nicolaus. So doing, those anointed Christians will be invited to eat some of "the hidden manna."  What does this mean?

In Moses' day, Jehovah provided manna to sustain the Israelites during their wilderness journey.  That manna was not hidden, for each morning-except on the Sabbath-it appeared miraculously, like a flaky hoarfrost covering the earth.  It was a divine  provision to keep the Israelites alive. As a memorial, Jehovah commanded Moses to keep some of this "bread" in a golden jar inside the ark of the covenant "throughout [Israel's] generations." - EXODUS 16:14, `5, 23, 26, 33; HEBREWS 9:3, 4.  

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Nine -Avoid Sectarianism!

 Any who waver because of apostate influence should be swift to heed Jesus' call to repent! Apostate propaganda must be rejected as the poison that it is!  Its basis is envy and hatred, in contrast  with the righteous, chaste, and  lovable truths that Jesus feeds to his congregation. (Luke 12:42; Philippians 1:15, 16; 4:8, 9)   As to those who refuse  to repent the Lord  Jesus does indeed "war with  them with the long sword of [his] mouth."  He is sifting his people in order to preserve the unity for which he prayed during his last evening with his disciples on earth.  (John 17:20-23, 26)   Since apostate ones refuse the loving counsel and help offered by the stars  in his right hand, Jesus judges and punishes them "with the greatest severity," consigning them to "the darkness outside."  They are disfellowshipped, no more to act as leaven among God's people. - MATTHEW 24:48-51; 25:30; 1 CORINTHIANS 5:6, 9, 13; REVELATION 1:16. 

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Nine -Avoid Sectarianism! - Continue

 How does sectarianism get started? Perhaps a self-styled teacher sows doubts, disputing some Bible truth (such as our being in the last days). and so a splinter group breaks off and follows him.  (2 Timothy 3:1; 2 Peter 3:3, 4) Or someone criticizes the way Jehovah is having his work done and appeals to a self-sparing spirit by claiming that it is neither Scriptural nor necessary to go from house to house with the Kingdom message. Sharing in such service after the example of Jesus  and his apostles would keep these ones humble yet, they prefer to split off and take it easy, perhaps only reading the Bible occasionally as a private group.  (Matthew 10:7, 11-13; Acts 5:42; 20:20, 21) Such one concoct their own ideas about the Memorial of Jesus' death, the Scriptural command to abstain from blood, celebration of holidays, and the use of tobacco.  Moreover, they downgrade Jehovah's name; very soon they fall right back into the permissive ways of Babylon the Great. Even worse,  some are moved by Satan to turn upon and 'beat their  fellow slaves,' by their onetime brothers. - MATTHEW 24:49; Acts 15:29; Revelation 17:5. 

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Nine - Avoid Sectarianism!

Jesus further reproves the Christians in Pergamum, saying: "So you, also, have those holding fast the sect of Nicolaus likewise." (Revelation 2:15) Previously, Jesus has commended the Ephesians for their hatred of the deeds of this sect. But the Christians in Pergamum need counsel on keeping the congregation free from sectarianism. More firmness is needed   in upholding Christians standards so that the unity for which Jesus prayed at John 17:20-23 may be preserved. It is necessary  "both to exhort by the teaching that is healthful and to reprove those who contradict." - Titus  1:9.

From early days, the Christian congregation has had to contend with proud apostates, who by smooth, deceptive speech "cause divisions  and occasions for stumbling contrary to the teaching" provided through  Jehovah's channel. (Romans  16:17, 18) The apostle Paul warned of this threat in almost all his letters.  In modern times, when Jesus  has restored the true congregation to its Christian purity and unity, the danger of sectarianism remains.  Hence, any who may have become inclined to follow a breakaway group, thus forming a sect, should heed Jesus' next  words: "Therefore repent. If you do not, I am coming to you quickly, and I will war with them with the long sword of my mouth." - REVELATION 2:16.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Nine -Corrupting Influences -Conclusion

 Jesus also reprimands the Christians in Pergamum for 'eating things sacrificed to idols' what would this involve?  In view of Paul's words to the Corinthians,  perhaps some were abusing their Christian  freedom and deliberately offending the consciences of others.  More likely, though, they were taking part somehow in actual idol ceremonies. (1 Corinthians 8:4-13 ; 10:25-30) Faithful Christians today must show unselfish love  in their exercise of Christians freedom, being careful not to stumble others. Certainly, they must avoid modern  forms of idolatry, such as worshipping TV, the movies and sports, or making a god out of money, or even out of their own belly! -  MATTHEW 6:24; PHILIPPIANS 1:9, 10; 3:17-19.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Nine -Corrupting Influences -Continue

 Similarly today, Christians must guard against "turning the undeserved kindness of our God into an excuse for loose conduct." (Jude 4) We are obliged to hate what is bad and to 'pummel our bodies in order to purge a  course of Christian virtue. (1 Corinthians 9:27; Psalm 97:10; Romans 8:6)  We should never think that zeal in God's service and integrity under persecution  give us a license to get involved in sexual misconduct. Over the years, offenders disfellowshipped  from the worldwide Christian congregation, mostly on grounds  of sexual immorality, have numbered into the tens of thousands.  In some years there have been even  more than fell in ancient Israel because of the Baal of Peor.  May we keep our guard so that we never fall into that company! - ROMANS 11:20; 1 CORINTHIANS 10:12.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Nine -Corrupting Influences -Continue

 In Moses' day, King Balak of Moab had hired Balaam, a non-Israelite prophet who knew something about Jehovah's ways, to curse Israel.  Jehovah blessed Balaam, compelling him to pronounce blessings for the Israelites and woes for their enemies. Balaam pacified Balak's resultant resentment by suggesting a more subtle attack: Let Moab's women seduce Israel's men into gross sexual immorality and idolatrous worship of the false god Baal of Peor!  This tactic worked. Jehovah's righteous anger blazed, as he sent a scourge that killed 24,00 of those Israelite  fornicators-a scourge that was stayed  only when Priest Phinehas took positive action  to remove badness from Israel. - NUMBERS24:10, 11; 25:3, 76-9; 31:16. 

Now in John's day, are there similar stumbling blocks in Pergamum?  There are!  Immorality, and Idolatry have infiltrated the congregation.  Those Christians have not heeded God's warnings given through the apostle Paul.  (1 Corinthians 10:6-11) Since they have endured persecution, perhaps they feel that Jehovah will overlook their sexual transgressions. So Jesus makes it plain that they must shun such wickedness.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Nine -Corrupting Influences

 Yes, the Christians in Pergamum are integrity keepers. "Nevertheless," says Jesus, "I have  a few things against you."  What have they done to deserve censure? Jesus tells us:  "You have there holding fast the teaching of Balaam, who went teaching Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit fornication." - REVELATION 2:14.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Nine -Holding Fast to Jesus' Name -Conclusion

 Youngsters in school have faced similar  issues. In the state of Kerala, India, three  young children of Jehovah's Witnesses refused to compromise  their Bible-based faith, declining to sing the national anthem.  They stood respectfully while others sang, but they were nonetheless expelled from school.  Their father appealed  this action right up to the Supreme Court of India, where the two judges decided in favor of the children, courageously stating "Our tradition teaches tolerance, our philosophy teaches tolerance, our constitution teaches tolerance; let us not dilute it."  Newspaper publicity and favorable editorials resulting from this case informed the entire nation of close to one fifth of the earth's population that there are Christians in that land who worship the true God Jehovah and that these stand loyally by Bible principles.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Nine -Holding Fast to Jesus' Name -Continuee

 Such counsel has been urgently needed in the face of unreasoning patriotic fervor, Jehovah's Witnesses, both anointed ones and their companions, have had to stand firm in the faith.  In the United States, hundreds of children and teachers were dismissed  from schools because they did not salute the national flag, while in Germany the Witnesses were viciously persecuted for refusing to salute the swastika. As already noted, Hitler's  Nazis killed thousands of Jehovah's loyal servants because they refused to share in such nationalistic idolatry.  In the 1930's, during Japan's heyday of Shinto emperor worship, two pioneer ministers sowed much Kingdom seed in Japanese -occupied  Taiwan.  the military rulers threw them  into prison where one of them died because of the harsh treatment. The other was later released, only to be shot in the back-a modern-day Antipas. To this day, there are lands  where worship of nationalistic symbols  and exclusive devotion to the State are demanded.  Many youthful Witnesses have been imprisoned, and not a few executed, because of their courageous stand as Christian neutrals.  If  you are a youth who faces such issues, study God's Word daily so that you may "have faith to the preserving   alive of the soul," with everlasting life in view. - HEBREWS 10:39-11:1; MATTHEW 10:28-31. 

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Nine -Holding Fast to Jesus' Name -Continue

 On various occasions, Jesus had made known that Satan rules this present world, but because of Jesus' integrity, Satan has no hold on him.  (Matthew 4:8-11; John 14:30)  In this 20th century, powerful nations, notably  "the king of the  north" and "the king of the south" have been struggling for world domination. (Daniel 11:40) Patriotic fervor has been whipped up, and the cult of emperor worship has a modern-day counterpart in the wave of nationalism that has swept the earth/ Articles on neutrality in The Watchtower of November 1, 1939, and again of November 1, 1979, and September , 1986, have clearly stated the Bible's teaching on this issue, providing guidelines for those Christians who want to walk in the name of Jehovah and conquer the world, as Jesus so courageously did. - MICAH 4:1, 3, 5; JOHN 16:33; 17:4, 6; 18:36, 37; ACTS 5:29.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Nine -Holding Fast to Jesus' Name

Yes, "throne of Satan" is right there in Pergamum.  "And yet, Jesus continues,  "you keep  holding fast to my name, and you did not deny your faith in me even in the days of Antipas, my witness, the faithful one, who was killed by your side, where Satan is dwelling." (Revelation 2:13b) What soul-stirring  commendation!  No doubt the mardyrdom of Antipas resulted from his refusal to go along with demonistic practices  and the worship of the Roman emperor.   Not long after Joehn received this prophecy, Pliny the Younger, personal legate to Emperor Trajan of  Rome, wrote Trajan and explained his procedure for handling persons accused of being Christians - a procedure that the emperor approved. Those who denied being Christians were being released  when, as Pliny said, "they had repeated after me an invocation to the gods, offered incense and wine to your [Trajan's] image . . . and, in addition, cursed Christ." Any found to be Christians were executed. Even though  face by such danger, the Christians in Pergamum did not deny their faith.  They 'held fast to Jesus' name' in that they continued to honor his high position as Jehovah's Vindicator and appointed Judge. Loyally, they followed Jesus' footsteps as Kingdom witnesses.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Nine - Holding Fast to Jesus' Name -Continue

 Jesus now tells the congregation: "I know where you are dwelling, that is, where the throne of Satan is." (Revelation 2:13a)  Truly. those Christians were surrounded by satanic worship. In addition to the temple of Zeus, there was a shrine to Aesculapius, the god of healing. Pergamum  was also renowned as a center for the cult of emperor  worship. The Hebrew word translated  "Satan" means "Resister," and his "throne"  represents his world rulership as divinely permitted for a season. (Job 1:6, New World Translation Reference Bible) The profusion of idolatry in Pergamum  showed that Satan's  "throne" was firmly asserted in the city. How angry Satan must have felt that the Christians there did not bow to him in nationalistic worship!

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Nine -Holding Fast to Jesus' Name -Continue

 First, Jesus establishes his identity, saying "And the angel of the congregation in Pergamum write: These are the things that he says who has the sharp, long two-edged sword." (Revelation 2:12) Jesus here repeats the description given of him at Revelation 1:16. As Judge and Executioner, he will strike down those who persecute his disciples.  How comforting that assurance! Regarding judgment however, let those within the congregation also be warned  that Jehovah acting through this "messenger of the covenant," Jesus Christ, "will become a speedy witness "against all professing  Christians who practice idolatry, immorality, lying, and dishonesty and who fail to care for the needy. (Malachi 3:1, 5; Hebrews 13:1-3) The counsel  and reproof that God causes Jesus to give must be heeded!

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Nine -Holding Fast to Jesus' Name

Traveling 50 miles north up the coastal road from Smyrna and then 15 miles inland through the Caicus River valleym we come to Pergamum, now called Bergama. The city was renowned for its temple of Zeus or Jupiter.  In the 1800's, archaeologists transported the altar of that temple to Germany, where it  nay still be viewed, along with many statues and reliefs of pagan gods, at the Pergamon Museum  in East Berlin.  What message would the Lord Jesus send to the congregation living amid all t hat idolatry?

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Eight -"Tribulation Ten Days" -Conclusion

 Truly, the Christian witnesses of Jehovah are suffering physical persecution and other testings for  symbolic ten days,  Like the Christians back in Smyrna, they have not been afraid; nor do any of us need to be afraid as troubles worsen here on earth. We are prepared to endure under sufferings and take even 'the plundering of our belongings' joyfully.  (Hebrews 10:32-34)  By studying God's Word and making it our very own, we will be equipped to stand solid in the faith. Be assured that Jehovah can and will guard you in your integrity. "Throw all  your anxiety upon him, because he cares for  you." - 1 PETER 6:6-11.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Eight -"Tribulation Ten Days" -Continue

 To fortify God's people against tribulation, the John class has continually reminded them of the substance of Jesus' words to the Christians in Smyrna.  For example, as Nazi persecution  started, the Watchtower in 1933 an d1934 carried articles  such as "Fear Them Not," which discussed Matthew 3:17, 18; and "Lions' Mouths," with Daniel 6:22 as the key text.  In the 1980's, during which decade Jehovah's Witnesses have suffered vicious persecution in more than 40 lands, The Watchtower has fortified God's people with articles as "Happy Though Persecuted!"  and "Christians Meet Persecution With Endurance." 

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Eight - "Tribulation Ten Days" -Continue

 No other group has been so conscientious in obeying Jesus' command to pay back Caesar's things to Caesar. (Luke 20:25; Romans 13:1, 7) Yet, no other group has had members imprisoned in so many  lands under so many different forms of government, and this continues  to the present time in the Americas, in Europe, in Africa, and in Asia.  Jesus' great prophecy concerning the sign of his presence will deliver  you up  to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be objects  of hatred by all nations on account of your name."  (Matthew 24:3, 9) This has certainly been fulfilled upon the Christian witnesses of Jehovah during the Lord's day.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Eight - "Tribulation Ten Days" -Continue

 As the Lord's day has proceeded, the Serpent and is seed have never ceased to fight against the anointed Christians and their companions.  Many of these have been imprisoned and viciously persecuted.  (Revelation 12:17) Those enemies have continued to 'frame mischief by law,' but Jehovah's people steadfastly insist:  "We must obey God as ruler rather than men. (Psalm 94:20, King James Version; Acts 5:29) In 1954 the Watchtower magazine reported: "More than seventy countries at one time or another during the past forty years have made restrictive decrees and have persecuted Jehovah's Witnesses."   Where it has been possible to fight for religious freedom in the courts, these Christians  have done so and have come through with resounding victories in a number of countries.  In the United States Supreme Court alone, Jehovah's Witnesses have won 23 favorable decisions.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Eight -"Tribulation Ten Days"- Continue

 During Nazi rule in Germany, Hitler completely  banned the preaching work of Jehovah's Witnesses. For years, thousands of Witnesses were cruelly confined in concentration camps, where many died, while hundreds of young men who refused to fight  in Hitler's army were executed.  The clergy's  support of all of this is evidenced   by the words of a Catholic priest, published in the newspaper The German of May29, 1938.  In part, he said: "There is only one country on earth where the so-called  . . . Bible Students [Jehovah's Witnesses] are forbidden.  That is Germany! . . When Adolph Hitler came to power, and the German Catholic Episcopate repeated their request, Hitler said: 'These so-called  Earnest Bible Students [Jehovah's Witnesses]  are troublemakers; . . . I consider them quack, I do not tolerate that the German Catholics shall be besmirched in such a manner by this American Judge Rutherford; I dissolve  [Jehovah's Witnesses] in Germany.'" To this the priest added: "Bravo!"

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Eight - "Tribulation Ten Days" -Continue

 A wave of persecution in the United States of America was climaxed  when the new president of the Watch Tower Society Joseph F. Rutherford and seven associates were sent to prison on June 22, 1918, most of them with  20-year sentences.  They were  released on bail nine months later.  On May 14, 1919, the appeal court reversed their erroneous convictions; there were shown to be 135 errors in the trial.  Roman Catholic Judge  Manton, a knight of the order of St. Gregory the Great, who in 1918 had refused bail  to these Christians, was sentenced later, in  1939, to two years' imprisonment  and a fine of $10,000 on six charges of soliciting and accepting bribes. 

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Eight - "Tribulation Ten Days"

 Much like the Christians in Smyrna, the John class and their companions today have been and continue to be "fully put to the test." Their faithfulness under trial marks them as God's own people .  (Mark 13:9, 10) Shortly after the Lord's day got  under way, Jesus's words to the Christians  in Smyrna brought real comfort to the small international group of Jehovah's pe0ple. (Revelation 1:10)  Ever since 1879, these had been digging from God's Word spiritual riches that they freely shared  with others. But during World War I, they met up with intense hatred and opposition, partly because they did not get caught up in the war fever and partly because they were fearlessly exposing the errors of Christendom.  The persecution that they received at the instigation of some of Christendom's leaders  came to a head in 1918 and was comparable to what the Christians in Smyrna received from the Jewish community there.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Eight - Striving to Be Conquerors -Conclusion

 Nevertheless, the Christians in Smyrna should not be afraid or compromise.  If they remain faithful to the end, there is laid up for them as a reward  "the crown of life," in their case immortal  life in the heavens.  (1 Corinthians 9L25; 2 Timothy 4:6-8) The apostle Paul viewed this  precious prize as worth the sacrifice  of everything else, even his earthly life.  (Philippians  3:8)  Evidently, those faithful ones in Smyrna feel the same way. Jesus concludes his message by saying: "Let the one who has ear hear what the spirit says to the congregation: He that conquers will by no means be harmed by death." (Revelation 2:11) The conquerors are assured of immortal heavenly life that cannot be touched by death. - 1 CORINTHIANS 15:52, 54.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Eight -Striving to Be Conquerors - Continue

 Faced with such hatred, the Christians in Smyrna are comforted by  Jesus: "Do not be afraid of the things you are about to suffer. Look! The Devil will keep on throwing some of  You in prison that You may be fully put to the test. and that You may have tribulation ten days.  Prove yourself faithful even to death, and I will give  you the crown of life." (Revelation 2:10) Here Jesus three times uses the Greek plural form of "you" showing that his words embrace the congregation as a whole.  Jesus cannot promise that the trials of Christians in Smyrna will soo end.  Some of them will continue to be persecuted and cast into prison .  They will have tribulation for "ten days." Ten is a number that symbolizes  earthly completeness  or entirety.  Even those spiritually rich integrity keepers will receive  a thorough testing while in the flesh.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Eight -Striving to Be Conquerors

 Jesus notes particularly that the Christians in Smyrna have put up with so much opposition at the hands of fleshly Jews.   In earlier days, many of this religion determinedly opposed the spread of Christianity. (Acts 13:44, 45; 14:19)  Now, just a few decades after the fall of Jerusalem, those Jews in Smyrna are showing the same satanic spirit.  No wonder Jesus views them as "a synagogue of Satan"! 

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Eight -Striving to Be Conquerors -Continue

 Jesus led the way in enduring persecution for righteousness sake, and he received the due reward.  His faithfulness to the death  and subsequent resurrection are the basis of hope for all Christians. (Acts 17:31) The fact that Jesus  "became dead and came to life again" proves that whatever has to be endured in the cause of truth  is not in vain.  Jesus' resurrection is a source of profound encouragement for Christians, especially when they are called on to suffer for their faith.  Is this your situation?  Then you can take courage also from Jesus' next words to the congregation in Smyrna. 

"I know your tribulation and poverty-but you are rich-and the blasphemy by those who say themselves are Jews, and yet they are not but are a synagogue of Satan." (Revelation 2:9)  Jesus had no criticism for his brothers in Smyrna, only warm commendation.  They have suffered much tribulation because of their faith. Materially they are poor, likely because of  their faithfulness.  (Hebrews 10:34) Their main concern, however. is with spiritual things, and they have stored up treasures in heaven as Jesus advised. (Matthew 6:19, 20) Hence, the Chief Shepherd views them as being "rich." - Compare JAMES 2:5.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Eight - Striving to Be Conquerors

 Today, ancient Ephesus lies in ruins. But the destination of Jesus' second message is still the site of a bustling city.  About 35 miles north of the ruins  of Ephesus is the Turkish city of Izmir, where a zealous congregation of  Jehovah's Witnesses is to be found even today.  Here, in the first century, was Smyrna. Note, now Jesus' next words: "And to the  angel of the congregation in Smyrna write: These are the things that he says,  'the First and the Last,' who became dead and came to life again." (Revelation 2:8) By stating this to those Christians in Smyrna, Jesus reminds them that he was the first integrity keeper that Jehovah directly resurrected to immortal spirit life and the last to be raised. Jesus  himself would resurrect all other anointed Christians. He is thus well qualified to give  counsel to his brothers. who hope to share immortal heavenly life with him. 

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Seven -"To Him That Conquers" -Conclusion

 What, then, of the loyal earthly supporters of the 144,000 anointed ones? A great crowd of these companion Witnesses are also conquering. But their hope rests on entering an earthly paradise, where they will drink from "a river of water of life" and find healing from "the leaves of the trees" planted alongside that river.  (Revelation 7:4, 9, 127; 22:1, 2)  If you are one of this group,  may you too express your warm love for Jehovah and win out in the conquest of faith.  Thus you may attain to the happiness of everlasting life in the Paradise earth. - Compare  1 JOHN 2:13, 14. 

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Seven -"To Him That Conquers" -Continue

 Since they have no prospect of living in an earthly paradise, how is it  that anointed Christians, such as those Ephesians are rewarded with eating "of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God"?  This could not be the restored paradise on earth, since the 144,000 anointed Christians, including those of the congregation of Ephesus are bought from mankind rule with the heavenly Lamb, Jesus Christ, on the heavenly Mount Zion as spirit sons.  (Ephesians 1:5-12; Revelation 1:1, 4)  Hence the reference here must be to the heavenly gardenlike realm inherited by these conquerors.  There, "in the paradise of God," yes, in the very presence of Jehovah himself, these overcomers who have been granted immortality will continue to live eternally of the tree of life. 

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Seven - "To Him That Conquers"

 Finally, as he does also in his other messages, Jesus calls attention to God's spirit as making known through Jesus the rewards for faithfulness.  To the Ephesians he says: "Let the one who has an ear hear  what the spirit says to the congregations: To him that conquers I will grant to eat  of the tree of life which is in the paradise of God." (Revelation 2:7) Those with hearing ears would  be eager to heed that vital message, knowing  that it did not come  on Jesus' initiative  but that it flowed from the Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself through His holy spirit, or active force. How would they 'conquer'? By following closely in the steps of Jesus, who kept integrity to the death and so could say: "Take courage! I have conquered the world" - JOHN 8:28; 16:33; see also 1 JOHN 5:4.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Seven - "Do the Former Deeds" -Conclusion

 At a historic convention attended by 18,000 of these Christians, at Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A., September 5-13, 1922, the call went out:  "Back  to the field, O ye sons of the most High God! . . . The world must know that Jehovah God is God and that Jesus Christi is King of kings and Lord of lords. . . .Therefore advertise, advertise, advertise, the King and his Kingdom."  Jehovah's precious name was being made prominent.  In 1931 these Christians assembled in convention at Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A., rejoiced to embrace and take the name indicated by God in Isaiah's prophecy- Jehovah's Witnesses.  (Isaiah 43:10, 12) With its issue of March 1, 1939, the name of the organization's principal journal was changed to the Watchtower Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom, thus giving primary honor to our Creator and his royal government. Jehovah's Witnesses, with renewed love for Jehovah have repented of any possible  previous failure to honor  and magnify his illustrious name and Kingdom. - PSALM 106:6, 47, 48.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Seven -"Do the Former Deeds"

The John class, however, emerged from the tumultuous days of the first world war with a love for Jehovah and for the truth that impelled them to serve him  with flaming zeal.  They  resisted those who tried to introduce sectarianism through practically idolizing the first president of the Watch Tower Society, Charles T. Russel, following his death in 1916.  Disciplined by persecutions and adversities, this Christian group  clearly received  a judgment of "well done" from their Master and an invitation to enter into his joy. (Matthew 25:21, 23)  They recognized in the course of world events, and in their own experiences, the fulfillment  of Jesus' great prophecy: "And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached  in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations and then the end will come." (Matthew 6:9, 10; 24:3-14)  If their love for Jehovah had been in some way lacking, it was fanned into a flame from that time onward.

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Seven - "Do the Former Deeds"

 When  judgment started with the house of God in 1918, the sectarian clergy of Christendom  were giving open support to World War I, urging Catholics and Protestants on both sides to slaughter one another. (1 Peter 4:17) Unlike the Ephesian congregation that hated what the sect of Nicolaus was doing, Christendom's religions has long been riddled with conflicting, and anti-God doctrines, and their clergy had thrown their lot in with the world of which Jesus said his disciples must no part.  (John 15:17-19) Their congregations, ignorant of the Bible's theme, God's Kingdom, were not lampstands beaming forth.  Scriptural truth, were not their members part of the scriptural temple  of Jehovah.  Their leading men (and women) were not stars but were revealed to be members of "the man of lawlessness." - 2 THESSALONIANS 2:3; MALACHI 3:1-3. 

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REVELATION ITS GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND!/Chapter Seven - "Do the Former Deeds" -Continue

 Nevertheless, Jesus has this encouraging word for the Ephesians: "Still, you do have this, that you hate the deeds of the sect of Nicolaus, which I also hate." (Revelation 2:6) At least they hated sectarian division, just as the Lord Jesus Christ hates it. As the years went by, however, many congregations failed to heed those words of Jesus.  Lack of love for Jehovah, for the truth, and for one another resulted in their drifting  into spiritual darkness.  They became fragmented into numerous quarreling sects.  "Christians" copyists who had no  love for Jehovah removed God's name from Greek manuscripts of the Bible. Lack of love also allowed room for teaching Babylonish  and Grecian doctrines, such as hellfire, purgatory, and the Trinity, in the name of Christianity.  Having no love for God and the truth, most of these who claimed to be Christian ceased to preach the good news of God's Kingdom.  They came to be dominated by a selfish clergy class  that made its own kingdom here on earth. - Compare  1 CORINTHIANS 4:8. 

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