Why does the Bible repeat itself?
BIBLE writers occasionally repeated the same phrases word for word. Consider three factors that might have influenced the writers to do so:
The time period when it was written. In ancient Israel, most people did not have personal copies of the Law. They primarily heard the Law read when the nation gathered together at the tabernacle. (Deuteronomy 31:10-12) Very likely there were distractions as they listened and stood for several hours in the large crowd. (Nehemiah 8:2, 3, 7) On such occasions, repeating key phrases would have made it easier for the people to remember the scriptures and apply them. Such as God's regulations and judicial decisions. - LEVITICUS 18:4-22; DEUTERONOMY 5:1.
The type of writing. About 10 percent of the Bible is composed of songs-including the books of Psalms, Song of Solomon, and Lamentations. Sometimes songs contained a refrain, which unified the composition and helped the listeners to memorize the words. For example, note the words found at Psalm 115:9-11: "O Israel, trust in Jehovah-He is their help and their shield. O house of Aaron, trust in Jehovah-He is their help and their shield. You who fear Jehovah trust in Jehovah-He is their help and their shield." Can you see how repeating those words would have helped to sound down precious truths into the mind and heart of the singers?
Next time: Did You Know? -Conclusion
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