
Be Courageous Like Zadok -HELP YOUR BROTHERS -Conclusion

 Consider and Vicktor and Vitalii, two spiritual brothers who worked to deliver food and water to their fellow believers in Ukraine. "We looked everywhere for food," says Viktor." Often there was shooting around us. One brother donated food from his store. This donation gave many publishers what they needed to survive for some time. As we were loading items into our truck, a rocket landed about 20 meters (66 ft) away from us. Throughout the day, I implored Jehovah to give me the courage I needed to continue to help the publishers." 

"It called for a lot of courage, "says Vitalii. . "My first trip took 12 hours. I prayed to Jehovah the whole way." Vitalii was courageous, but he was cautious. He adds: "I kept asking Jehovah for wisdom and modesety. I drove only on the roads approved by the authorities. I have benefited from seeing firsthand how the brothers and sisters worked together. They cleared obstacles from the road, collected and loaded humanitarian aid, and provided us with food and places to rest along the way." 

Next time: Be Courageous Like Zadok -REMAIN LOYAL TO JEHOVAH

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Be Courageous Like Zadok - HELP YOUR BROTHERS - Continue

 David worked out a plan that involved Zadok and Hushai, another loyal friend of David's. (2 Samuel 15:32-37) Following the plan, Hushai won the confidence of Absalom and recommended a military strategy that would give David time to prepare for an attack. Next Hushai informed Zadok and Abiathar of the plan. (2 Samuel 17:8-16) The two men were then able to send a message to David. (2 Samuel 17:17) With Jehovah's help, Zadok and his fellow priests played an important role in protecting David's life. -2 SAMUEL 17:21, 22.

If we are called to help our brothers during dangerous times, how can we show courage like that of Zadok? (1) Follow direction. In such circumstances, it is important that we remain united. Cooperate with the direction from your local branch office. (Hebrews 13:17) Elders should regularly review local arrangements for disaster preparedness as well as organizational direction on what to do when a disaster is imminent. (1 Corinthians 14:33, 40) (2) Be courageous but cautious. (Proverbs 22:3) Use common sense. Do not take unnecessary risks. (3.) Rely on Jehovah. Remember that Jehovah is deeply interested in the well-being of both you and your brothers. He can help you assist your brothers safely.

Next time: Be Courageous Like Zadok - HELP YOUR BROTHERS - Conclusion

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Be Courageous Like Zadok - HELP YOUR BROTHERS

 Jehovah's people love to help one another. (2 Corinthians 8:4) However, at times, it takes courage to do so. For example, when a war breaks out, the local elders realize that their brothers and sisters need encouragement and support, and perhaps spiritual or physical provisions. Our of love for the sheep, the elders put away their own safety at risk in order to provide what is needed. (John 15:12, 13) In this regard, they follow Zadok's courageous example.

David's life was in danger.  His son Absalom was determined to steal the kingdom from him. (2 Samuel 15:12, 13) David had to leave Jerusalem at once! He called out to his servants: "Get up, and let us run away, for none of us will escape from Absalom!" (2 Samuel 15:14) As the servants were leaving, David realized that someone needed to stay to keep him informed of Absalom's plans.  So he sent Zadok and other priests back into the city to serve as informants. (Read 2 Samuel 15:27-29.) They had to proceed cautiously. What David told those priests was risky and even life -threatening. Imagine what Absalom -egotistical, vengeful, and treacherous man-would have done to Zadok and the other priests if he had found out that they were spying on him to protect David!

Next time: Be Courageous Like Zadok - HELP YOUR BROTHERS -Continue

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Be Courageous Like Zadok - SUPPORT GOD'S KINGDOM - Conclusion

 Where did a priest like Zadok learn to be so courageous?  He was surrounded by men who were strong and courageous. No doubt he benefited from their example. For instance, David's example of courageously "leading Israel on its campaigns " moved all of Israel to support him wholeheartedly. (Chronicles 11:1, 2) David always relied on Jehovah for help against his enemies. (Psalm 28:7; Read Psalm 138:3) Zadok had other inspiring examples right by his side-men such as Jehoida and his warrior Benaiah as well as the 22 other tribal chiefs who rallied to David's side. (Chronicles 11:22-25; 12:26-28) These men all took decisive action to support David's kingship.

We gain strength and courage when we consider the examples of those who have courageously support Jehovah's rulership. Our King, Jesus Christ, firmly resisted pressure to become involved in Satan's political system of things. (Matthew 4:8-11; John 6:14, 15) He always relied on Jehovah for strength. We always have countless modern-day examples of young men who have taken a stand as conscientious objectors or who have refused to participate in political activities. Why not look up some of their experiences on jw.org?

Next time: Be Courageous Like Zadok - HELP YOUR BROTHERS

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Be Courageous Like Zadok - SUPPORT GOD'S KINGDOM

 As Jehovah's people, we wholeheartedly support God's Kingdom, but we often need courage to do so. (Matthew 6:33) For example, in this wicked world, we need courage to live by Jehovah's standards and to preach the Kingdom good news. (1 Thessalonians 2:2) And it often takes courage to remain politically neutral in this increasingly divided system of things. (John 18:36) Many among Jehovah's people have suffered financial loss, have been abused, or have been imprisoned because of refusing to participate in political or military activity. 

Zadok did not go to Hebron just to celebrate David's kingship. He went there armed and ready for battle.  (1 Chronicles 12:38) He was willing to follow David into battle and to defend Israel from its enemies. What Zadok lacked in experience as a warrior, he made up for in courage.

Next time: Be Courageous Like Zadok - SUPPORT GOD'S KINGDOM

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Be Courageous Like Zadok

 "Zadok [was]a mighty and courageous young man." - 1 CHRONICLES 12:28.


How Zadok's example can help us be courageous.

PICTURE the scene. A crowd of over 340,000 men had gathered to make David king over all Israel. For three days, the sounds of animated conversation, joyful songs of praise, and lighthearted laughter echoed throughout the rocky hills near Hebron. (1 Chronicles 12:39) A young man named Zadok would not likely have stood out in that large crowd. However, Jehovah made sure that we would know that Zadok was there. (1 Chronicles 12:22. 26-28.) Who was Zadok? 

Zadok was a priest who worked closely with Abiathar. Zadok was also a seer who was able to discern the divine will and who was granted extraordinary insight. ((2 Samuel 15:27) People would turn to Zadok when they needed wise advice. He was also a man of courage. It is this aspect of his personality that we will focus on in this article. 

During these last days, Satan is intensifying his attacks of God's people. (1 Peter 5:8) We need to be courageous as we wait on Jehovah to put an end to Satan and his wicked system. (Psalm31:24) Let us consider three ways that we can imitate Zadok's courage. 


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The Bible is filled with similar descriptions and titles to help us to deepen our relationship with Jehovah. Use the research tools available in your language to do the following. 

. Examine the context. Who said it? What were the circumstances? Why might that description have been used?

. Search the Scriptures. Where else was that description used? What do those accounts have in common?

. Answer the questions. What does the description tell me about Jehovah? How have I seen Jehovah is worthy of that descriptive title? How does that description affect the way I view Jehovah? How can I apply what I have learned? 

Next time: Be Courageous Like Zadok

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 As a personal study project, you can examine the titles below more closely:

. Almighty - Genesis 17:1

. Ancient of Days - Daniel 7:9

. Creator - Isaiah 40:28

. Father -Isaiah 64:8

. Instructor - Job 36:22; Isaiah 30:20

. Shepherd - Psalm 23:1


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 Be stable. We can be a good influence on others if we are firm for what is right and if we make decisions that are solidly based on Bible principles. As we grow in faith and accurate knowledge, we become more steadfast in the truth. We are not indecisive, unsteady, or easily swayed by false teachings and worldly thinking. (Ephesians 4:14; James 1:6-8) Our faith in Jehovah and in his promises keeps us balanced when we receive bad news. (Psalm 112:7, 8) We are also able to assist those who may be facing trials. -1 THESSALONIANS 3:2, 3. 

Elders are to be moderate in habits, sound in mind, orderly, and reasonable. These men are a stabilizing influence on others and strengthen the congregation by "holding firmly to the faithful word." (Titus 1:9; 1 Timothy 3:1-3) By their example and their shepherding, elders help publishers to be regular in their meeting attendance, field service, and personal study. When brothers and sisters face unsettling events, elders can do much by encouraging them to keep their focus on Jehovah and his purposes.

After considering Jehovah's marvelous qualities, we can say as did King David: "May Jehovah, my Rock, be praised." (Psalm 144:1) Jehovah will never fail to be a God we can rely on. Throughout life, even into old age, we have reason to declare: "He is my Rock, confident that he will always help us to thrive spiritually. - PSALM 92:14, 15. 


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. Be reliable. We want others to be able to count on us, especially during difficult times. (Proverbs 17:17) How can we develop a reputation for being reliable? We can strive to display godly qualities consistently, such as by keeping our promises and by doing our best to be punctual. (Matthew 5:37) We can also offer practical help when there is a need. In addition, we make sure that we complete our assignments according to the instructions we receive. 

Reliable elders are a benefit to the congregation. How? Publishers feel supported when they can readily contact their elders, such as their field service groups overseer. Publishers also feel well cared for when they know that the elders are willing to help them. And as elders base their counsel on the Bible and the publications of the faithful slave rather than on their own opinions, fellow worshippers trust them. Brothers and sisters have further reason to have confidence and who follows through by doing what he says he will do.

Next time: A GOAL FOR YOUNG BROTHERS - Continue

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 Be a refuge. At times, we may be able to offer our brothers literal refuge from natural disasters, civil unrest, or war. As conditions in "the last days" get worse, we will no doubt have more opportunities to render aid to one another. (2 Timothy 3:1) We also provide an emotional and spiritual haven for our brothers. One way we do that is by making them feel welcome at the Kingdom Hall, contributing to the warm atmosphere in the congregation. We live in a harsh, cold, and stressful world. So when our brothers and sisters attend meetings, we want to do all we can to make them feel loved, refreshed and secure. 

Elders can become a refuge to those in the congregation who endure literal or figurative storms. During disasters and medical emergencies, elders take the initiative to arrange practical assistance.  They also offer spiritual help. Brothers and sisters will be inclined to approach an elder if he is known to be gentle, empathetic, and willing to listen. Such qualities help others to feel cared for; thus, it is easier for them to apply any Bible-based guidance an elder may provide. - 1 THESSALONIANS 2:7, 8, 11.

Next time:  A GOAL FOR YOUNG BROTHERS - Continue

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 Why not imitate Jehovah's rocklike qualities now? You will thus develop the qualities that you will need to serve as an elder, perhaps by the time you are in your early or mid-20's.

. Be a refuge. Make others feel welcome at the meetings thus talking with them. Show personal interest in older ones. 

. Be reliable. Volunteer to help at the Kingdom Hall. When given an assignment, follow instructions on how to do it.

. Be stable. Read the Bible every day and think about what you read. Learn how to make decisions using Bible principles. 

Next time: A GOAL FOR YOUR BROTHERS -  Conclusion

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 We have noted how Jehovah proves to be like a rock. Now consider how we can imitate his rocklike qualities.  The better we do so, the better equipped we will be to build up the congregation. For example, Jesus gave Simon the name Cephas (translated "Peter"), which means "A Piece of Rock." (John 1:42) This indicated that he would become a source of comfort and stability in the congregation.   Congregation elders are described as "the shadow of a massive crag." That illustrates how they protect those in the congregation. (Isaiah 32:2) Of course, the congregation benefits when all-brothers and sisters-imitate Jehovah's rocklike qualities. - EPHESIANS 5:1.


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 We make Jehovah our Rock by focusing on the kind of Person he is and by keeping his purpose fixed firmly in our mind. Doing so can help us to retain stable emotionally while we endure trials. (Psalm 16:8) That was true of a sister named Tatyana, who was placed under house arrest because of her faith. "I found myself literally on my own," she said. "It was challenging at first. I was often discouraged." However, when she saw how her trial was related to Jehovah and his purpose, she was able to cope and regain emotional strength. She said:  "Understanding why this is happening helped me to remember that it is for Jehovah that I find myself in these circumstances. That has helped me to stop thinking about myself." 

In the days ahead, we will encounter trials that will require us to lean on Jehovah as never before. Now is the time to strengthen our conviction that he will provide whatever we need to endure faithfully. How can we do that? Read Bible accounts and experiences of modern-day Witnesses. Discern how God has displayed rocklike qualities to support his servants. Think deeply about those accounts. Doing so can help you to make Jehovah your Rock.


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 We make Jehovah our rock when we rely fully on him. We trust that by obeying him even during difficult times, we will benefit. (Isaiah48:17, 18) As we experience his support, our confidence in him will grow. We will then be better prepared to face trials that only Jehovah can get us through. Often during situations in which there is no one else to turn to for help, we come to realize just how reliable Jehovah is. "The time I spent in the detention center was the very best period in my relationship with God," said Vladimir. "I learned to have greater trust in Jehovah because I was all alone and had no control of the situation."

Jehovah is stable. Similar to a massive rock, Jehovah is firm and stable. He is consistent in his personality and unshakable in his purpose.  (Malachi 3:6) When faced with the rebellion in Eden, Jehovah did not waver. As the apostle Paul wrote, Jehovah "cannot deny himself." (2 Timothy 2:13) This means that no matter what happens or what others do, will never deviate from his qualities, his purpose, or his standards. With confidence in our stable God, we can look to him for salvation and for help to cope during turbulent times. - Read PSALM 62:6, 7. 

Next time: WHY JEHOVAH IS A ROCK - Conclusion

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 One way we make Jehovah our rocklike Refuge is by praying to him. When we pray, Jehovah gives us "the peace of God" that safeguards our heart and mind. (Philippians 4:6, 7) Consider the experience of Artem a brother who was imprisoned for his faith. He was repeatedly interrogated by a harsh investigator who pressured and humiliate him. "I found it stressful whenever the investigator summoned me. . . .I always prayed to Jehovah. I asked for peace in my heart and for wisdom, "said Artem. "The investigator's tactics did not work on me. . . . With Jehovah's help, it was like I was standing behind a stone wall."

Jehovah is reliable. Like a rock that is immovable, Jehovah is always there for us. We can trust him because he is "the eternal Rock." (Read Isaiah 26:3, 4.) He will always be alive to keep his promises, hear our prayers, and give us the support we need. We ca always depend on Jehovah because he is loyal to those who serve him. (2 Samuel 22:26) He will never forget what we do, and he will always reward us. - Hebrews 6:10; 11:6.

Next time: WHY JEHOVAH IS A ROCK - Continue

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 The Bible uses the term "rock" as word picture to help us grasp qualities that Jehovah possesses. It often appears in passages that praise him as a God who is without equal. The first reference to Jehovah as "the Rock" is found at Deuteronomy 32:4. In prayer, Hannah said that "there is no rock like our God." (1 Samuel 2:2) Habakkuk called Jehovah "my Rock." (Habakkuk 1:12) The writer of Psalm 73 called God "the rock of my heart." (Psalm 73:26) And even Jehovah referred to himself as a rock. (Isaiah 44:8) Let us discuss three rocklike qualities that Jehovah displays and learn how we can make him "our Rock." - DEUTERONOMY 32:31.

Jehovah is a refuge. Just as a huge rock can be a person's hiding place from a threatening storm, Jehovah safeguards us when we face situations that threaten our well-being. (Read Psalm 94:22.) He keeps us safe and prevents us from suffering last harm. And he promises even more: He will eventually eliminate whatever threatens our peace and security. - EZEKIEL 34:25, 26.

Next time: WHY JEHOVAH IS A ROCK - Continue

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Make Jehovah Your Rock

 "There is no rock like our God." - 1 SAMUEL 2:2. 


Learn why Jehovah is referred to as a rock and how we can imitate his rocklike qualities.

WE LIVINE in a world where unexpected changes can disrupt-or even completely change-our lives.  How thankful we are that we can turn to Jehovah God for help! In the preceding article, we were reminded that Jehovah is the living God and that he is always ready to help us. When we receive his support, that experience reassures us that "Jehovah is alive!" (Read Psalm 18:46) However, right after making that declaration, David called God "my Rock." Why would he liken Jehovah, the living God, to an inanimate object-a rock? 

In this article, we will consider why Jehovah is referred to as a rock and what that metaphor teaches us about him. We will also learn how we can come to view him as our Rock. Finally, we will discuss ways that we can imitate Jehovah's rocklike qualities. 


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Questions From Readers - Who is the "woman" mentioned at Isaiah 60;1, and how does she "arise" and "shed light"? - Conclusion

In the future, anointed Christians will reflect divine light in an even great way. How so? when they finish their course, they will become part of "New Jerusalem," or Christ's  bride of 144,000 fellow kings and priests. - REVELATION 14:1; 21:1, 2, 9-11, 22: 3-5.

New Jerusalem will play a key role in fulfilling Isaiah 60:1. (Compare Isaiah 60:1, 3, 5, 11, 19, 20 with REVELATION 21:2, 9-11, 22-26.) Just as earthy Jerusalem was the seat of government in ancient Israel, so New Jerusalem ad Christ will become the government of the new system if things, how does New Jerusalem "[come] down out of heaven from God"? By directing its attention to the earth. God-fearing people out of all nations "will walk by means of its light." They will even be set free from sin and death. (Revelation 21:3, 4, 24) The result will be the complete "restoration of all things," as Isaiah and other prophets foretold. (Acts 3:21) That grand restoration began when Christ became King and will conclude at the end of his Thousand Year Reign.

Next time: Make Jehovah Your Rock

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Questions From Readers

 Who is the "woman" mentioned at Isaiah 60:1, and how does she "arise" and "shed light"? 

How did the Jerusalem above "arise" and "shed light"?  She did so through the earthly anointed children. Compare their experiences with what was prophesied in Isaiah chapter 60.

The anointed Christians had to "arise" because they had gone into a spiritual dark state when the foretold weeds of apostasy overwhelmed them in the second century C.E.  (Matthew 13:37-43) They thus became captives to Babylon the Great, the world system of false religion. The anointed remained captive until "the conclusion of system of things," a period that began in the year 1914. (Matthew 1339, 40) Soon thereafter, in 1919m they were set free and immediately shed spiritual light by throwing themselves into the preaching work.  Over the years, people from all nations have come to that light, including the remaining ones of the Israel of God-the "kings" mentioned at. Isaiah 60:3. - REVELATIONS 5:9, 10. 

Next time: Questions From Readers - Who is the "woman" mentioned at ISAIAH 60:1, and how does she "arise" and "shed light"? -Conclusion

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Questions From Readers

 Who is the "woman" mentioned at Isaiah 60:1, and how does she "arise" and "shed light"? - Continue

Jehovah fulfilled that tragic outcome. (Daniel 9:24-27) Clearly, it was not his purpose for earth Jerusalem to fulfill every aspect of the restoration prophecies in Isaiah chapter 60.

Are Isaiah's words having a greater fulfillment in our time? Yes, but in regard to another symbolic woman-"the Jerusalem above." The apostle Paul wrote about her: "She is our mother." (Galatians 4:26) Jerusalem above is the heavenly part of God's organization, which is made up of loyal spirit creatures. Her children include Jesus and the 144,000 spirit anointed Christians, who like Paul have a heavenly hope. The anointed Christians make up "a holy nation"-"the Israel of God." - 1 PETER 2:9; Galatians 6:16.

Next time: Questions From Readers - Who is the "woman" mentioned at Isaiah 60:1, and how does she "arise" and "shed light" - Continue

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Questions From Readers

 Who is the "woman" mentioned at Isaiah 60:1, and how does she "arise" and "shed light"'? 

Isaiah 60:1 reads: "Arise, O woman, shed light, for your light has come. The glory of Jehovah shines on your." The context shows that the "woman" was Zion, or Jerusalem, the capital of Judah at that time. (Isaiah60:14; 62:1, 2) The city stands for the entire nation. Isaiah's words raise two questions: First, when and how did Jerusalem "arise" and shed spiritual light?  Second, are Isaiah's words having a greater fulfillment in our time?

When and how did Jerusalem "arise" and shed spiritual light? Jerusalem and its temple lay in ruins while the Jews were in exile in Babylon for 70 years. But fell to the Medes and the Persians, Israelites from all over the Babylon Empire were free to return to their homeland and restore pure worship. (Ezra 1:1-4) Beginning in 537 B.C.E., a faithful remnant from all 12 tribes did so. (Isaiah 60:4) They began to offer sacrifices to Jehovah, to celebrate the festivals and to rebuild the temple. (Ezra 3:1-4, 7-11: 6:16-22) Once again, Jehovah's glory started to shine on Jerusalem-that is God's restored people. They, in turn, became a source of enlightenment to the nations, which were in spiritual darkness.

However, Isaiah's restoration prophecies were only partially fulfilled on ancient Jerusalem. The Israelites in general did not continue to obey God. (Nehemiah 13:27; Malachi 1:6-8; 2:13, 14; Matthew 15:7-9) Later, they even rejected the Messiah, Jesus Christ. (Matthew 27:1, 2) In 70 C.E., Jerusalem and its temple were destroyed the second time. 

Next time: Questions From Readers - Who is the "woman" mentioned at Isaiah 60:1, and how does she "arise" and "shed light"? - Continue

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 The world makes it challenging for us to remain close to Jehovah. Many reject the idea that God exists. Often, those who ignore what God requires seem to prosper. When we see that happen, our faith can be tested. While we would not deny that God exists, we could begin to wonder whether he will act in our behalf. The write of Psalm 73 found himself wondering about this. He saw that those around him ignoring God's laws and still enjoying life. As result, he began to question whether it was worth serving God. -PSALM 73:11-13. 

What eventually helped the psalmist to correct his view? He meditated on what would happen to those who forget Jehovah. (Psalm 73:18, 19, 27) He also considered the benefits that come from serving God. (Psalm 73:24) We too can reflect on the blessings that Jehovah has given us.  Contrast that hour our life would be if were not serving Jehovah. Doing so can help us to stick to a faithful course and concluded as the psalmist: "As for me, drawing near to God is good for me." - PSALM 73:28.

We can face whatever challenges come our way during these last days because we "slave for a living and true God." (1 Thessalonians 1:9) Our God is a real Person who acts in behalf of those who worship him. He proved to be with his servants in the past, and he is with us today. We will soon face the great tribulation to occur on earth. But we will not face it alone. (Isaiah 41:10) May we all "be of good courage and say: 'Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid."' - HEBREWS 13:5, 6. 

Next time: Questions From Readers - Who is the "woman" mentioned at Isaiah 60:1, and how does she  "arise" and "shed light"?

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 If Jehovah is real to us, we will find it easier to stay faithful to him.  That was true of Joseph. He firmly refused to commit immorality. God was real to him, and he didn't want to displease Him. (Genesis 39:9) For Jehovah to be real to us, we need to make time to pray to him and to study His Word. Our friendship with him will thus grow. When, like Joseph, we have a close friendship with Jehovah, we will not want to do anything that displeases Him. - JAMES 4:8. 

Those who forget that Jehovah is the living God can easily draw away from him. Consider what happened to the Israelites when they were in the wilderness. They were aware that Jehovah existed, but they began to doubt that he would provide for them. They even asked: "Is Jehovah in our midst or now?" (Exodus17:2, 7) Thereafter, they rebelled against God. Surely, we want to avoid following their disobedient course, which stands as a warning example for us. - Read HEBREWS 3:12.

Next time: REMAIN CLOSE TO THE LIVING GOD - Conclusion

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 Today, elders too can be certain that Jehovah sees and values their fine work. In addition to shepherding, teaching, and preaching, many elders support construction projects and disaster relief efforts. Others serve on Patient Visitation Groups or Hospital Liaison Committees. Elders who make themselves available for such work see the congregation as Jehovah's arrangement, not as man-made institution. As a result, they are whole-souled in their assignments and have full trust that God will reward them for what they do. -COLOSSIANS 3:23. 24.

Not all can be elders. But all of us have something to offer Jehovah. Our God appreciates it when we do our best to serve him.  He notices our contributions to the worldwide work, no matter how modest.  He is pleased when we work hard to overcome our shyness and raise our hand to comment at meetings, and he rejoices when we overlook an offense and extend forgiveness. Even if you feel that you cannot do as much as you would like, trust that Jehovah values what you can do. He loves you for it, and he will reward you.  - LUKE 21:1-4. 


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 Jehovah is the Rewarder of those who worship him. (Hebrews 11:6) He gives us peace and contentment now and will give us everlasting life in the future. We can place our hope in Jehovah, convinced that he has both the desire and the power to reward us. And that conviction moves us to stay busy in our worship, just as faithful servants of God in the past were moved to do. This proved true Of Timothy in the first century. - HEBREWS 6:10-12. 

Read 1 Timothy 4:10. Timothy puts his hope in the living God. Therefore, he had good reason to work hard and exert himself. In what ways? The apostle Paul encouraged him to make progress as a teacher and a public speaker. Timothy was also to set a good example for fellow believers, both young and old. And he was assigned some difficult tasks, which included giving firm but loving counsel to those who needed it. (1 Timothy 4:11-16; 2 Timothy 4:1-5) Timothy could be sure that even at times his work went unseen or was not appreciated by others, Jehovah would reward him. - ROMANS 2:6.

Next time: THE LIVING GOD WILL REWARD YOU - Conclusion

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 Later, likely while he was still a teenager, David visited the army camp of the Israelites. He found that soldiers were terrified because a giant Philistine named Goliath had come out to "taunt the battle of Israel." (1 Samuel 17:10, 11) The soldier's fear was a result of their focusing on the giant and the taunts they had heard on the battlefield. (Samuel 17:24, 25) David, however, viewed the situation from a different perspective. He viewed what was happening as a challenge, not merely against the battle line of Israel but against "the battle line of the living God." (1 Samuel 17:26) David had Jehovah foremost in mind. David trusted that the God who had helped him when he was a shepherd would help him again in this situation. Certain of God's backing, David faced Goliath and, of course, he won!  - 1 SAMUEL 17:45-51. 

We too can face trials successfully if we remember that the living God is ready to assist us. (Psalm 118:16) We can build our confidence in that fact by considering what he has done in the past. Read Bible accounts that remind you of how Jehovah saved his worshippers. (Isaiah 37:17, 33-37) Also, consider reports on our jw.org website that illustrate how Jehovah has supported our brothers and sisters in modern times. Furthermore, recall times when Jehovah has acted in your behalf. Do not worry if you cannot point to some spectacular experience, such as fighting off a bear or a lion. Why not? The fact is, Jehovah has been involved in your life! He has drawn you into a relationship with him. (John 6:44) Even now, it is only thanks to his help that you are still in the truth. Why not ask him to help you to remember moments when he answered your prayers, gave you support at just the right time, or sustained you through a difficult situation? Reflecting on such experiences will strengthen your conviction that Jehovah will continue to act in your behalf.

Seeing Jehovah as a living Person will allow us to view our trials properly. How so? We begin to see our trials as part of a bigger issue between Jehovah and Satan. The Devil claims that when we suffer hardship, we will abandon Jehovah. (Job 1:10, 11; read Proverbs 27:11.) But when we deal with our trials successfully, we show our love for Jehovah and prove the Devil a liar. Are you facing government opposition, economic hardship, negative responses to your preaching, or some other trial? If so, remember that your situation gives you an opportunity to make Jehovah's heart rejoice. Remember too, that he will never let you be tested beyond your limits. (1 Corinthians 10:13) He will give you the strength to endure.


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 We will be able to endure any trial, great or small, if we remember that Jehovah is alive and that he is there to sustain us. After all, any problem we face is no match for our God. He is the Almighty, and he can give the power to endure. (Read Philippians 4:13.) We have every reason, therefore, to face our trials with confidence. Our experiencing Jehovah's support during smaller trials convinces us that he will also help us during greater trials.

Consider two personal experiences that increased David's confidence in Jehovah. When David was a young shepherd, a bear and a lion each carried off one of his father's sheep. On both occasions, David courageously chased after the animals and saved the sheep. Yet. he did not claim the victory for himself. He knew that Jehovah was behind it. (1 Samuel 17:34-37) David never forgot those experiences. By meditating on them, he gained confidence that the living God would strengthen him in the future. 


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Remember that Jehovah Is "the Living God" - Conclusion

 David knew Jehovah and relied on Him. When pursued by his enemies, including King Saul, David prayed to Jehovah for help. (Psalm 18:6) After God answered his prayer and rescued him, David declared: "Jehovah is alive!" (Psalm 18:46) With these words, David was not merely acknowledging that God exists. One reference work notes that David was expressing confidence in Jehovah "as a living god who constantly acts on the behalf of his people." Yes, David knew from personal experience that his God was alive, and that conviction renewed his determination to serve and praise Jehovah. -PSALM 18:28, 29, 49.

Our being convinced that Jehovah is the living God can help us to serve him with zeal. We will have the strength to endure trials and the motivation to continue working hard in his service We will also be determined to remain close to Jehovah.

Next time: Remember That Jehovah Is "the Living God" -THE LIVING GOD WILL STRENGTHEN YOU

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Remember That Jehovah Is "the Living God"

 "CRITICAL times hard to deal with"-that is how the Bible describes the days we live in. (2 Timothy 3:1) In addition to the challenges that everyone faces in this system of things, Jehovah's people have to deal with opposition and persecution. What helps us to keep worshipping Jehovah despite these problems? One main thing is that we have come to know Jehovah as "the living God." - JEREMIAH 10:10; 2 TIMOTHY 1:12.

Jehovah is a real Person who sustains us during our trials and looks for opportunities to support us. (2 Chronicles 16:9; Psalm 23:4) Viewing him as the living God can help us to face successfully any trial that comes our way. Consider how that was true for King David.

Next time: Remember That Jehovah Is "the Living God" - Conclusion

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Do You Possess Faith?

 To please Jehovah, we must have faith. Yet, the Bible says that ""Faith is not a possession of all people." (2 Thessalonians 3:2) The apostle Paul spoke about his persecutors, "harmful and wicked men," from whom he needed rescue. But his comment about faith has a wider application.  Some people choose to ignore clear evidence that there is a Creator-God. (Romans 1:20) Others may claim to have some faith in that they sense a higher power. But that belief alone is not the faith needed to please Jehovah. 

We need to be convinced that Jehovah exists and that he is "the rewarder" of those with solid faith. (Hebrews 11:6) Faith is an aspect of the fruitage of the holy spirit. Turning to Jehovah in prayer can help a person to receive holy spirit. (Luke 11:9, 10, 13) A key way to receive that spirit is by reading God's inspired Word. Then we can think about what we read and try to apply what we learn. Jehovah's spirit can then influence our life, helping us to have faith that pleases Him.

Next time: Remember That Jehovah Is "the Living God"

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 After being married for almost 58 years, I lost my dear Elly in 2011. Jehovah comforted me as I shared my grief with him in prayer. I also drew comfort from sharing the Kingdom good news with my neighbors.

Though being in my 90's, I still share in the Christian ministry each week. It is also a joy to assist the Legal Department here at the Belgium branch, to share my experience with others, and to shepherd young ones in the Bethel family.

Some 84 years ago, I said my first prayer to Jehovah. It was the start of a wonderful journey that has drawn me ever closer to him. How grateful I am that throughout my life Jehovah has paid attention to my prayers. - PSALM 66:19. 

Next time: Do You Possess Faith? 

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 In 1994 more than 1,000,000 people were slaughtered in a genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. Tragically, some of our brothers and sisters were also killed. Soon a group of brothers were asked to arrange humanitarian relief for our country. 

When our group arrived in Kigali, the capital, we found the translation office and literature depot riddled with bullets. We heard many tragic stories of our brothers and sisters who had been murdered with machetes. But we also heard accounts of Christian love in action. For example, we met a Tutsi brother who had hidden in a hole under the ground for 28 days, protected by a Hutu Witnesses. During a meeting in Kigali, we provided spiritual comfort to over 900 brothers and sisters. 

We next crossed the border in Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the Congo) to search for a large number of Rwandan Witnesses who had fled to refugee camps near the city of Goma. We could not find them, so we prayed, asking Jehovah to guide us to them. We then saw someone walking toward us, and we asked him if he knew any Jehovah's Witnesses. "Yes, I'm a Witness," he replied. "I would be glad to bring you to the relief committed." After an upbuilding meeting with the relief committee, we met with some 1,600 refugees to provide them spiritual comfort and encouragement. We also shared the contents of a letter from the Governing Body. The brothers and sisters were deeply touched to hear the assurance. "You are constantly in our prayers. We know that Jehovah will not forsake you."  How true those words were from the Governing body proved to be. Today, over 30,000 Witnesses are thriving in Rwanda.


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 During the 1990's, I worked along Brother Philip Brumley, from world headquarters, and Brother Valter Farneti, from Italy, to secure greater religious freedom for our brothers in Cuba, where our Christian work was restricted. I wrote to the Cuban embassy in Belgium and then met with an official appointed to handle our request. During our first meetings, we made little progress toward resolving the misunderstandings that had led to our restrictions.

After seeking Jehovah's direction in prayer, we asked for and received permission to ship 5,000 Bibles to Cuba. The Bibles arrived safely and were distributed to the brothers, so we concluded that Jehovah was blessing our efforts. We then sought permission to send 27,000 additional Bibles. This too was granted. Helping our dear brothers and sisters in Cuba to have a personal copy of the Bible gave me much joy.

I have visited Cuba on many occasions to help improve the legal situation of our work. In the process, I was able to establish good relationships with many government officials.


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 Over the years I have had the privilege of using my legal background to help defend our freedom of worship in Europe and elsewhere. (Philippians 1:7) This brought me in contact with officials from than 55 countries where our work was restricted or banned. Rather than emphasize my legal experience, I introduced myself as "as a man of God." I always looked for Jehovah's guidance in prayer, acknowledging that "a king's [or judge's] heart is like streams of water in Jehovah's hand. He directs it wherever He pleases." - PROVERBS 21:1.

One experience that a left a particular impression on me was my interaction with a member of the European Parliament. I had made requests to him, and he finally agreed to meet. He said, "I'll give you five minutes, and not one minute more." I bowed my head and starting praying. The parliamentarian nervously asked me what I was doing. Raising my head, I said, "I thanked God because you are one of his ministers." He asked, "What do you mean?" I showed him Romans 13:4. He was a protestant, so this Bible caught his attention. The result, He gave me a half an hour, and we had a most productive meeting. He even expressed his respect for our work.

Over the years Jehovah's people have fought many legal battles in Europe regarding Christian neutrality, child custody, taxation, and more. It has been my privilege to share in many of them and to see firsthand how Jehovah gave us success and victory. Jehovah's Witnesses have won more than 140 cases in the European court of Human Rights!


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 In October 1961, I was able to find part-time work that would allow me to pioneer. That same day, though, I received a phone call from the branch servant in Belgium. He asked me if I was available to start serving as a circuit servant (now called a circuit overseer. "Couldn't we serve as pioneers first before accepting the assignment?" I asked. My request was granted. After serving as pioneers for eight months, we began circuit work in September 1962. 

Two years into circuit work, we were invited to serve at Bethel in Brussels. We started serving there in October 1964. This new assignment brought us many blessings. Shortly after Brother Knorr visited our Bethel in 1965, I surprised to be appointed as branch servant. Later, Elly and I were invited to Attend the 41st class of Gilead School. Brother Knorr's words spoken 13 years earlier had become true! After graduating, we returned to Belgium Bethel.


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 After the war, we managed to have a regular contact with a congregation in Liege, some 90 kilometers (56 mi) north of us.  In time, we were able go establish a small study group in Bastogne. I started to work in the tax administration and had the opportunity to study law. Later, I worked as a notary's clerk. In 1951 we organized a small circuit assembly in Bastogne. About a hundred people were present, including a very zealous pioneer sister, Elly Reuter. She had cycled 50 kilometers (31) to attend. Soon we fell in love and got engaged. Elly had received an invitation to Gilead School in the United States. She wrote to world headquarters to explain why she had to decline the invitation. Brother Knorr, who was then taking the lead among Jehovah's people, kindly replied that perhaps one day she might attend Gilead with her husband. We got married in February 1953.

That same year, Elly and I attended the New World Society Assembly that was held at Yankee Stadium, New York. While there, I met a brother who offered me a good job and invited e to immigrate to the United States. After taking the matter to Jehovah in prayer, Elly and I declined the offer and returned to Belgium to support the small group of some ten publishers in Bastogne. The following year we were blessed with a little boy, Serge. Sadly, seven months later, Serge fell sick and died. We shared our grief with Jehovah in prayer, and we were strengthened by the sure hope of the resurrection. 


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 Even before the war ended, our family enjoyed more regular contacts with the brothers. In August 1943, Brother Jose'-Nicolas Minet visited our farm to give a talk.  He asked, "Who wants to get baptized?" My dad raised his hand, and so did I. We got baptized in a small river near our farm.

In December 1944 the German army launched its last assault on its western front-widely known as the Battle of the Bulge. We lived near where the battle was taking place, and we were confined to our cellar for about a month. One day when I stepped out to feed the animals, artillery shells struck the farm, blowing away the barn roof. An American soldier in the stable near me cried out, "Lie down!" I ran and lay down near him, and he place his helmet on my head to protect me.


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 Nazi Germany invaded Belgium on May 10m 1940, triggering an exodus of civilians. Our family fled to southern France. Along the way, we found ourselves caught in fierce battles between the German forces an the French forces.

When we returned our farm, we discovered that it had been looted of most of our belongings. Only our dog Bobbie, was there to welcome us. Such experiences led me to wonder, why do war and misery exist?

Around that time, we benefited greatly from the visits of Brother Emile Schrantz, a faithful pioneer elder. He clearly explained from the Bible why suffering exists and answered my other questions about life. I developed a deeper relationship with Jehovah and became convinced that he is a God of love.


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 I was born on December 22, 1929, in Norville, a small hamlet of nine farms close to Bastogne, in the Belgian Ardennes.  I have fond memories of my childhood on the farm with my parents. My younger brother, Raymond and I milked the cows by hand each day and helped to bring in each harvest. There was a deep sense of solidarity in our village, where we all pitched in to help one another.

My parents, Emile and Alice, were devout Catholics. They attended Mass every Sunday. However, about 1939, pioneers from England came to our village and offered my dad a subscription to the Consolation magazine, (now called Awake!) My father quickly recognized the ring of truth and started reading the Bible.  When he stopped attending Mass, our neighbors, who had been friendly, turned into fiery opposers. They pressured my father to remain Catholic, leading to many heated discussions.

It pained me a lot to see my father under severe pressure. That prompted me to seek God's help in the heartfelt prayer mentioned at the beginning of this article. When the opposition of our neighbors ebbed away, my heart swelled with joy. I became convinced that Jehovah is the "Hearer of prayer." 


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