Midlife is when you go to the doctor and you realize you are now so old, you have to pay someone to look at you naked.
The good news about midlife is that the glass is still half-full of course, the bad news is that it won't be long before your teeth are floating in it.
Midlife women no longer have upper arms, we have wingspans, we are no longer women in sleeveless shirts, we are flying squirrels in drag.
Midlife has hit you when you stand naked in front of a mirror and can see your rear end without turning around.
You know you are getting old when you go for a mammogram and you realize it is the only time someone will ask you to appear topless in film.
You know you've crossed the midlife threshold when you're in the grocery store and you hear a muzak version of "Stairway To Heaven" in the produce department.
Midlife is when you bounce (a lot), but you don't bounce back(its more like splat).
Midlife brings the wisdom that life throws you curves and that now you are sitting on your biggest ones.
Midlife is when your 1970's body by Jake now includes Legs-by-Rand McNally (more red and blue lines than an accurately scaled map of the State of Wisconsin).
Its very hard to get jiggy with it in midlife. Jiggly, yes, Jiggy, no.
Midlife is when you want to grab every firm young lovely in a tube top and scream, "Lester, honey, even the Roman Empire fell, and those things will too.
Midlfe can bring out your angry, bitter side. You look at your latte-swilling beeper wearing know it all teenager and think, "For all this I have stretch marks?"
Midlife is when you start to repeat yourself and your chins follow suit.
Midlife is when you realize that if you were a dog, you'd need a control top flea collar.
Midlife is when your memory starts to go - the only thing you still retain is water.
You become more reflective in midlife. You start pondering the big questions, what is life, why am I here, and how much Healthy Choice Ice Cream can I eat before its no longer a healthy choice?
Resurrection To Where?
A limited number of men and women will be resurrected to life in heaven. As kings and priests with Jesus they will share in undoing all the effects of death that mankind inherited from the first man, Adam. (Romans5:12; Revelation 5:9,10)How many will God take to heaven to rule with Christ? According to the Bible only 144,000. (Revelation7:4;1 14:1) Jehovah will give each of these resurrected ones a spirit body so that they can live in heaven, ICorinthians 15:35,38,42-45: IPeter
By far the majority of those who have died will be resurrected to a paradise earth.(Psalm37:11,29; Matthew 6:10) Part of the reason for resurrecting some to heaven is to complete God's purpose for the earth. Jesus Christ and the 144,000 in heaven will progressively bring obedient mankind back to the perfection that our original parents threw away. This will include resurrected ones, as indicated by Jesus when he told the dying man impaled next to him. "You will be with me in paradise." --Luke23:42,43.
On the paradise earth, death, which today produces such futility, will be removed. (Romans 8:19-21) The prophet Isaiah declared that Jehovah God "will actually swallow up death forever." (Isaiah 25:8) The apostle John was given a vision of the time when obedient mankind will experience freedom from pain and death. Yes, "God himself wil be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away." ---Revelation 21:1-4.
The Bible's clear teachings remove confusion about what happens to the dead. The Scriptures plainly state that death is "the last enemy" that will be destroyed. (I Corinthians 15:26) What strength and comfort we can draw from knowledge of the resurrection hope! And how glad we can be that our dead loved ones who are in God's memory will awaken from the sleep of death to enjoy all the good things he has in store for those who love him! (Psalm 145:16) Such blessings will be accomplished through God's Kingdom. But when was its rule to begin?
Next time: God's Kingdom Rules
A limited number of men and women will be resurrected to life in heaven. As kings and priests with Jesus they will share in undoing all the effects of death that mankind inherited from the first man, Adam. (Romans5:12; Revelation 5:9,10)How many will God take to heaven to rule with Christ? According to the Bible only 144,000. (Revelation7:4;1 14:1) Jehovah will give each of these resurrected ones a spirit body so that they can live in heaven, ICorinthians 15:35,38,42-45: IPeter
By far the majority of those who have died will be resurrected to a paradise earth.(Psalm37:11,29; Matthew 6:10) Part of the reason for resurrecting some to heaven is to complete God's purpose for the earth. Jesus Christ and the 144,000 in heaven will progressively bring obedient mankind back to the perfection that our original parents threw away. This will include resurrected ones, as indicated by Jesus when he told the dying man impaled next to him. "You will be with me in paradise." --Luke23:42,43.
On the paradise earth, death, which today produces such futility, will be removed. (Romans 8:19-21) The prophet Isaiah declared that Jehovah God "will actually swallow up death forever." (Isaiah 25:8) The apostle John was given a vision of the time when obedient mankind will experience freedom from pain and death. Yes, "God himself wil be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away." ---Revelation 21:1-4.
The Bible's clear teachings remove confusion about what happens to the dead. The Scriptures plainly state that death is "the last enemy" that will be destroyed. (I Corinthians 15:26) What strength and comfort we can draw from knowledge of the resurrection hope! And how glad we can be that our dead loved ones who are in God's memory will awaken from the sleep of death to enjoy all the good things he has in store for those who love him! (Psalm 145:16) Such blessings will be accomplished through God's Kingdom. But when was its rule to begin?
Next time: God's Kingdom Rules
"All Those In Memorial Tombs
The word that Jesus' disciples used for "resurrection" literally means "raising up" or "standing up." This is a raising up from the lifeless condition of death - as it were, a standing up out of the common grave of mankind. Jehovah God can easily resurrect a person. Why? Because Jehovah is the Originator of life. Today, humans can record the voices and images of men and women on videotape and can replay these recordings after the individuals die. Surely, then, our almight Creator can record the details of any individual and resurrect the same person, giving him or her a newly formed body.
Jesus Christ said: "The hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his [Jesus'] voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment." (John 2:28,29) All those in Jehovah's memory will be resurrected and instructed in his ways. For those who act in harmony with the knowledge of God, this will turn out to be a resurrection of life. However, it will turn out to be a resurrection of condemnatory judgment for those who reject God's teachings and rulership.
Naturally, those who have pursued a righteous course as Jehovah's servants will be resurrected. In fact, the resurrection hope strenghtened many to face death, even in cases of violent persecution. They knew that God could restore them to life. (Matthew 10:28) But millions of people have died without showing whether they would comply with God's righteous standards. they too will be resurrected. Confident in Jehovah's purpose in this regard, the apostle Paul said: " I have hope toward God.... that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous." -- Acts 24:15.
The apostle John received a thrilling vision of resurrected ones standing before God's throne. John then wrote: "The sea gave up those dead in it, and death and Hades gave up those dead in them, and they were judged individually according to their deeds. And death and Hades were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire." (Revelation 20:12-14) Think of that! All the dead who are in God's memory have the prospect of release from Hades (Greek, hai 'des), or Sheol, mankind's common grave. (Psalm 16:10; Acts 2:31) They have an opportunity to demonstrate by their deeds whether they will serve God. Then "death and Hades" will be hurled into what is called "the lake of fire, " symbolizing complete destruction, as does the term "Gehenna." (Luke 12:5) The common grave of mankind itself will have been emptied and will cease to exist when the resurrection is completed. How comforting it is to learn from the Bible that God does not torture anyone! -- Jeremiah 7:30,31.
Next time: Resurrection To Where?
The word that Jesus' disciples used for "resurrection" literally means "raising up" or "standing up." This is a raising up from the lifeless condition of death - as it were, a standing up out of the common grave of mankind. Jehovah God can easily resurrect a person. Why? Because Jehovah is the Originator of life. Today, humans can record the voices and images of men and women on videotape and can replay these recordings after the individuals die. Surely, then, our almight Creator can record the details of any individual and resurrect the same person, giving him or her a newly formed body.
Jesus Christ said: "The hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his [Jesus'] voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment." (John 2:28,29) All those in Jehovah's memory will be resurrected and instructed in his ways. For those who act in harmony with the knowledge of God, this will turn out to be a resurrection of life. However, it will turn out to be a resurrection of condemnatory judgment for those who reject God's teachings and rulership.
Naturally, those who have pursued a righteous course as Jehovah's servants will be resurrected. In fact, the resurrection hope strenghtened many to face death, even in cases of violent persecution. They knew that God could restore them to life. (Matthew 10:28) But millions of people have died without showing whether they would comply with God's righteous standards. they too will be resurrected. Confident in Jehovah's purpose in this regard, the apostle Paul said: " I have hope toward God.... that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous." -- Acts 24:15.
The apostle John received a thrilling vision of resurrected ones standing before God's throne. John then wrote: "The sea gave up those dead in it, and death and Hades gave up those dead in them, and they were judged individually according to their deeds. And death and Hades were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire." (Revelation 20:12-14) Think of that! All the dead who are in God's memory have the prospect of release from Hades (Greek, hai 'des), or Sheol, mankind's common grave. (Psalm 16:10; Acts 2:31) They have an opportunity to demonstrate by their deeds whether they will serve God. Then "death and Hades" will be hurled into what is called "the lake of fire, " symbolizing complete destruction, as does the term "Gehenna." (Luke 12:5) The common grave of mankind itself will have been emptied and will cease to exist when the resurrection is completed. How comforting it is to learn from the Bible that God does not torture anyone! -- Jeremiah 7:30,31.
Next time: Resurrection To Where?
Beauty Tips
For Attractive Lips,
Speak Words Of Kindness.
For Lovely Eyes,
Seek Out The Good In People.
For Beautiful Hair,
Let A Child Run His/Her Fingers Through It Once A Day.
For Poise,
Walk With The Knowledge You'll Never Walk Alone.
People, Even More Than Things, Have To Be Restored, Renewed, Revived,
Reclaimed And Redeemed. Never Throw Out Anybody.
Remember: If You Ever Need A Helping Hand, You'll Find One At
The End Of Your Arm.
As You Grow Older You Will Discover That You Have Two Hands. One
For Helping Yourself, The Other For Helping Others.
Audrey Hepburn
For Attractive Lips,
Speak Words Of Kindness.
For Lovely Eyes,
Seek Out The Good In People.
For Beautiful Hair,
Let A Child Run His/Her Fingers Through It Once A Day.
For Poise,
Walk With The Knowledge You'll Never Walk Alone.
People, Even More Than Things, Have To Be Restored, Renewed, Revived,
Reclaimed And Redeemed. Never Throw Out Anybody.
Remember: If You Ever Need A Helping Hand, You'll Find One At
The End Of Your Arm.
As You Grow Older You Will Discover That You Have Two Hands. One
For Helping Yourself, The Other For Helping Others.
Audrey Hepburn
"Gone To Rest"
It is Jehovah's purpose to rescue us and our dead loved ones from Adamic death. Therefore, God's Word refers to the dead as being asleep. For example, upon learning that his friend Lazarus had died, Jesus Christ told his disciples: "Lazarus our friend has gone to rest, but I am journeying there to awaken him from sleep." Since the disciples did not immediately grasp the meaning of his statement, Jesus said plainly: "Lazarus has died." (John 11:11,14) Jesus then went to the town of Bethany, where Lazarus' sisters Martha and Mary were mourning their brother's death. When Jesus told Martha, "Your brother will rise," she expressed her faith in God's purpose to reverse the effects of death on the human family. She said: "I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day." John 11:23,24.
Martha expressed no thought about an immortal soul living on elsewhere after death. she did not believe that Lazarus had already gone to some spirit realm to continue his existence. Martha had faith in the wonderful hope of a resurrection from the dead. She understood, not that an immortal soul had departed from the body of Lazarus, but that her dead brother had ceased to exist. The remedy would be the resurrection of her brother.
Jesus Christ is the one empowered by Jehovah God to redeem mankind. (Hosea 13:14) Hence, in response to Martha's statement, Jesus said: "I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life." (John 11:25) Jesus demonstrated his God given power in this regard when he went to the tomb of Lazarus, who had been dead for four days, and restored him to life. (John 11:38-44) Just imagine the joy of those who saw this resurrection or others performed by Jesus Christ! -- Mark 5:35-42; Luke 7:12-16.
"Pause for a moment to consider this: Nobody would need to be resurrected, or brought back to life, if an immortal soul survived death. In fact, it would be no kindness to resurrect someone like Lazarus back to imperfect life on earth if he had already passed on to a wonderful heavenly reward. Actually, the Bible never uses the expression "immortal soul." Instead, the Scriptures say that the sinning human soul does die. (Ezekiel 18:4,20) So the Bible points to the provision of a resurrection as the real remedy for death.
Next time: "All Those In the Memorial Tombs"
It is Jehovah's purpose to rescue us and our dead loved ones from Adamic death. Therefore, God's Word refers to the dead as being asleep. For example, upon learning that his friend Lazarus had died, Jesus Christ told his disciples: "Lazarus our friend has gone to rest, but I am journeying there to awaken him from sleep." Since the disciples did not immediately grasp the meaning of his statement, Jesus said plainly: "Lazarus has died." (John 11:11,14) Jesus then went to the town of Bethany, where Lazarus' sisters Martha and Mary were mourning their brother's death. When Jesus told Martha, "Your brother will rise," she expressed her faith in God's purpose to reverse the effects of death on the human family. She said: "I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day." John 11:23,24.
Martha expressed no thought about an immortal soul living on elsewhere after death. she did not believe that Lazarus had already gone to some spirit realm to continue his existence. Martha had faith in the wonderful hope of a resurrection from the dead. She understood, not that an immortal soul had departed from the body of Lazarus, but that her dead brother had ceased to exist. The remedy would be the resurrection of her brother.
Jesus Christ is the one empowered by Jehovah God to redeem mankind. (Hosea 13:14) Hence, in response to Martha's statement, Jesus said: "I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life." (John 11:25) Jesus demonstrated his God given power in this regard when he went to the tomb of Lazarus, who had been dead for four days, and restored him to life. (John 11:38-44) Just imagine the joy of those who saw this resurrection or others performed by Jesus Christ! -- Mark 5:35-42; Luke 7:12-16.
"Pause for a moment to consider this: Nobody would need to be resurrected, or brought back to life, if an immortal soul survived death. In fact, it would be no kindness to resurrect someone like Lazarus back to imperfect life on earth if he had already passed on to a wonderful heavenly reward. Actually, the Bible never uses the expression "immortal soul." Instead, the Scriptures say that the sinning human soul does die. (Ezekiel 18:4,20) So the Bible points to the provision of a resurrection as the real remedy for death.
Next time: "All Those In the Memorial Tombs"
"To Dust You Will Return"
Jehovah clearly explained what death would mean for the sinner Adam. God said: "In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return." (Genesis 3:19) Adam would return where? To the ground, to the dust from which he had created at death. At death Adam would simply cease to exist!
In this regard, human death does not differ from that of the animals. They too are souls, and the same spirit, or life force, energizes them. (Genesis 1:24) At Ecclesiastes 3:19, 20, the wise man Solomon tells us: "As the one dies, so the other dies; and they all have but one spirit, so that [in death] there is no superiority of the man over the beast....They have all come to be from the dust, and they are all returning to the dust." Man was superior to the beasts in that he was created in God's image, reflecting the qualities of Jehovah. (Genesis 1:26,27) Yet, at death humans and animals alike return to the dust.
Solomon further explained what death means, saying: "The living are conscious that they will die." But as for the dead they are conscious of nothing at all. Yes, the dead know absolutely nothing. In view of this, Solomon urged: "All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol, the place in which you are going." Ecclesiastes 9:5,10 Where do the dead go? To Sheol (Hebrew, she'ohl'), the common grave of mankind. Our dead loved ones are not conscious of anything. They are not suffering, and they cannot affect us in any way.
Must all of us and our loved ones live only a few years and then cease to exist forever? Not according to the Bible. At the time of Adam's rebellion, Jehovah God immediately instituted arrangements to reverse the terrible consequences of human sin. Death was not part of God's purpose for mankind (Ezekiel 33:11; 2 Peter 3:9) Hence, death does not have to be final for us or for our loved ones.
Next time: "Gone To Rest"
Jehovah clearly explained what death would mean for the sinner Adam. God said: "In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return." (Genesis 3:19) Adam would return where? To the ground, to the dust from which he had created at death. At death Adam would simply cease to exist!
In this regard, human death does not differ from that of the animals. They too are souls, and the same spirit, or life force, energizes them. (Genesis 1:24) At Ecclesiastes 3:19, 20, the wise man Solomon tells us: "As the one dies, so the other dies; and they all have but one spirit, so that [in death] there is no superiority of the man over the beast....They have all come to be from the dust, and they are all returning to the dust." Man was superior to the beasts in that he was created in God's image, reflecting the qualities of Jehovah. (Genesis 1:26,27) Yet, at death humans and animals alike return to the dust.
Solomon further explained what death means, saying: "The living are conscious that they will die." But as for the dead they are conscious of nothing at all. Yes, the dead know absolutely nothing. In view of this, Solomon urged: "All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol, the place in which you are going." Ecclesiastes 9:5,10 Where do the dead go? To Sheol (Hebrew, she'ohl'), the common grave of mankind. Our dead loved ones are not conscious of anything. They are not suffering, and they cannot affect us in any way.
Must all of us and our loved ones live only a few years and then cease to exist forever? Not according to the Bible. At the time of Adam's rebellion, Jehovah God immediately instituted arrangements to reverse the terrible consequences of human sin. Death was not part of God's purpose for mankind (Ezekiel 33:11; 2 Peter 3:9) Hence, death does not have to be final for us or for our loved ones.
Next time: "Gone To Rest"
What Happens To Our Dead Loved Ones?
"One suffers when a loved one dies because death is a loss to a void beyond all understanding." That is what one son said when hs father shortly and thereafter his mother died. His pain and sense of deep loss made him feel that he was "drowning emotionally." Perhaps you have suffered in a similar way. You may have wondered where your loved ones are and whether you will ever see them again.
Some grieving parents have been told, "God picks the most beautiful flowers to take to himself in heaven." Is that really so? Have our dead loved ones gone to a spirit realm? Is it what some call Nirvana, described as a blissful state of being free of all pain and desire? Have those we love passed through a doorway to immortal life in paradise? Or as others claim, is death a fall into neverending torment for those who have offended God? Can the dead affect our lives? To get truthful answers to such questions, we need to consult God's Word, the Bible.
What Is The "Spirit" In Humans?
The ancient Greek philosophers Socrates and Plato held that there must be something inherently immortal inside man and woman - a soul tht survives death and never really dies. Earth wide, millions believe this today. This belief often engenders as much fear of the dead as it does concern for their welfare. The Bible teaches us something quite different about the dead.
In considering the condition of the dead, we must remember that our original father, Adam, did not have a soul. He was a soul. In an awe - inspiring act of creation, God formed man - the soul- from the basic elements of the earth and then breathed into him "the breath of life." Genesis 2:7 tells us: "Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul." Adam's life was sustained by breathing. Yet, more than the blowing of air into the man's lungs was involved when God put the breath of life into Adam. The Bible speaks of "the force of life" that is active in earthly living creatures. - Genesis 7:22.
What is "the force of life?" It is a vital spark of life that God put into the lifeless body of Adam. This force was then sustained by the breathing process. But what is the "spirit" referred to at Psalm 146:4? That verse says of one who dies: "His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; in that day his thoughts do perish." When the Bible writers used the word "spirit" in this way, they did not have in mind a disembodied soul that continues living after the body dies.
The "spirit" that departs from humans at death is the life force that originated with our Creator. (Psalm 36:9; Acts 17:28) This life force does not have any of the characteristics of the creature it animates, just as electricity does not take on the features of the equipment it powers. When someone dies, the spirit (life force) ceases to animate the body cells, much as a light goes out when the electricity is turned off. When the life force stops sustaining the human body, man - the soul - dies - Psalm 104:29; Ecclesiastes 12:1,7.
Next time: "To Dust You Will Return"
"One suffers when a loved one dies because death is a loss to a void beyond all understanding." That is what one son said when hs father shortly and thereafter his mother died. His pain and sense of deep loss made him feel that he was "drowning emotionally." Perhaps you have suffered in a similar way. You may have wondered where your loved ones are and whether you will ever see them again.
Some grieving parents have been told, "God picks the most beautiful flowers to take to himself in heaven." Is that really so? Have our dead loved ones gone to a spirit realm? Is it what some call Nirvana, described as a blissful state of being free of all pain and desire? Have those we love passed through a doorway to immortal life in paradise? Or as others claim, is death a fall into neverending torment for those who have offended God? Can the dead affect our lives? To get truthful answers to such questions, we need to consult God's Word, the Bible.
What Is The "Spirit" In Humans?
The ancient Greek philosophers Socrates and Plato held that there must be something inherently immortal inside man and woman - a soul tht survives death and never really dies. Earth wide, millions believe this today. This belief often engenders as much fear of the dead as it does concern for their welfare. The Bible teaches us something quite different about the dead.
In considering the condition of the dead, we must remember that our original father, Adam, did not have a soul. He was a soul. In an awe - inspiring act of creation, God formed man - the soul- from the basic elements of the earth and then breathed into him "the breath of life." Genesis 2:7 tells us: "Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul." Adam's life was sustained by breathing. Yet, more than the blowing of air into the man's lungs was involved when God put the breath of life into Adam. The Bible speaks of "the force of life" that is active in earthly living creatures. - Genesis 7:22.
What is "the force of life?" It is a vital spark of life that God put into the lifeless body of Adam. This force was then sustained by the breathing process. But what is the "spirit" referred to at Psalm 146:4? That verse says of one who dies: "His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; in that day his thoughts do perish." When the Bible writers used the word "spirit" in this way, they did not have in mind a disembodied soul that continues living after the body dies.
The "spirit" that departs from humans at death is the life force that originated with our Creator. (Psalm 36:9; Acts 17:28) This life force does not have any of the characteristics of the creature it animates, just as electricity does not take on the features of the equipment it powers. When someone dies, the spirit (life force) ceases to animate the body cells, much as a light goes out when the electricity is turned off. When the life force stops sustaining the human body, man - the soul - dies - Psalm 104:29; Ecclesiastes 12:1,7.
Next time: "To Dust You Will Return"
How To Resist Wicked Spirits
What is one way that you can resist wicked spirits and protect yourself and your family from their snares?
First-century Christians in Ephesus who had practiced spiritism before becoming believers took positive steps.
We read that "quite a number of those who practiced magical arts brought their books together and burned them up before everybody." (Acts 19:19) Even if you have not practiced spiritism, get rid of anything having spiritistic uses or overtones. This includes books, magazines, videos, posters, musical recordings and objects used for spiritistic purposes. Also included are idols, amulets and other items for protection, and gifts received from practicers of spiritism. (Deuteronomy 7:25,26; I Corinthians 10:21 ) To illustrate: A married couple in Thailand had long been harassed by demons. Then they got rid of objects associated with spiritism. What was the result? They were relieved of the demonic attacks and thereafter made real spiritual progress.
In order to resist wicked spirits, another necessary step is to apply the apostle Paul's counsel to put on the complete suit of God-given spiritual armor. (Ephesians 6:11-17) Christians must fortify their defenses against wicked spirits. What does this step include? "Above all things," said Paul, "take up the large shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the wicked one's burning missiles." Indeed, the stronger your faith, the greater will be your ability to resist wicked spirit forces.- Matthew 17:14-20.
How can you strengthen your faith? By continuing to study the Bible and apply its counsel in your life. The strength of one's faith depends largely on the firmness of its base - the knowledge of God. Do you not agree that the accurate knowledge you have gained and taken to heart as you have studied the Bible has built up your faith? ( Romans 10:10,17) It will be mighty good start in preventing demon attacks.
What further steps might be taken by a person who is determined to resist wicked spirit forces? Ephesian Christians needed protection because they lived in a city infested with demonism. Hence, Paul told them: "Carry on prayer on every occasion in spirit." (Ephesians 6:18) Since we live in a demon infested world, praying intensely for God's protection is essential in resisting wicked spirits. (Matthew 6:13) Helpful in this regard is the spiritual assistance and prayers of appointed elders in the Christian congregation. - James 5:13-15.
Keep Up Your Fight Against Wicked Spirits
Even after taking these basic steps, however, some have been troubled by wicked spirits. For instance, one man in Cote d' Ivoire studied the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses and destroyed all his amulets. Thereafter, he made fine progress, dedicated his life to Jehovah God, and was baptized. But a week after his baptism, the demons began to trouble him again, and voices told him to abandon this new found faith. If this happened to you, would it mean that you had lost Jehovah's protection? No necessarily.
Though the perfect man Jesus Christ had divine protection, he heard the voice of the wicked spirit creature Satan the Devil, Jesus showed what to do in such a case. He told the Devil: "Go away, Satan!" (Matthew 4:3-10) In like manner, you should refuse to listen to voices from the spirit world. Resist wicked spirits by calling on Jehovah for help. Yes, pray aloud using God's name. Proverbs 18:10 says: "The name of Jehovah is a strong tower. Into it the righteous runs and is given protection." The Christian man in Cote d I'voire did this, and the wicked spirits stopped harassing him. - Psalm 124:8; 145:18.
Jehovah has allowed the wicked spirits to remain in existence, but he shows his power, particularly in behalf of his people, and his name is being declared in all the earth. (Exodus 9:16) If you stay close to God, you need not fear wicked spirits. (Numbers 23:21,23; James 4:7,8; 2 Peter 2:9) Their power is limited. They were punished in Noah's day, were cast out of heaven in recent times, and are now awaiting final judgment. (Jude 6; Revelation 12:9; 20:1-3, 7-10,14) In fact, they dread their coming destruction. (James 2:19) So whether wicked spirits try to attack you in any way, you can resist them. (2 Corinthians 2:11) Shun every form of spiritism, apply the counsel of God's Word, and seek Jehovah's approval. Do this without delay, for your life depends on your resisting wicked spirit forces.
What is one way that you can resist wicked spirits and protect yourself and your family from their snares?
First-century Christians in Ephesus who had practiced spiritism before becoming believers took positive steps.
We read that "quite a number of those who practiced magical arts brought their books together and burned them up before everybody." (Acts 19:19) Even if you have not practiced spiritism, get rid of anything having spiritistic uses or overtones. This includes books, magazines, videos, posters, musical recordings and objects used for spiritistic purposes. Also included are idols, amulets and other items for protection, and gifts received from practicers of spiritism. (Deuteronomy 7:25,26; I Corinthians 10:21 ) To illustrate: A married couple in Thailand had long been harassed by demons. Then they got rid of objects associated with spiritism. What was the result? They were relieved of the demonic attacks and thereafter made real spiritual progress.
In order to resist wicked spirits, another necessary step is to apply the apostle Paul's counsel to put on the complete suit of God-given spiritual armor. (Ephesians 6:11-17) Christians must fortify their defenses against wicked spirits. What does this step include? "Above all things," said Paul, "take up the large shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the wicked one's burning missiles." Indeed, the stronger your faith, the greater will be your ability to resist wicked spirit forces.- Matthew 17:14-20.
How can you strengthen your faith? By continuing to study the Bible and apply its counsel in your life. The strength of one's faith depends largely on the firmness of its base - the knowledge of God. Do you not agree that the accurate knowledge you have gained and taken to heart as you have studied the Bible has built up your faith? ( Romans 10:10,17) It will be mighty good start in preventing demon attacks.
What further steps might be taken by a person who is determined to resist wicked spirit forces? Ephesian Christians needed protection because they lived in a city infested with demonism. Hence, Paul told them: "Carry on prayer on every occasion in spirit." (Ephesians 6:18) Since we live in a demon infested world, praying intensely for God's protection is essential in resisting wicked spirits. (Matthew 6:13) Helpful in this regard is the spiritual assistance and prayers of appointed elders in the Christian congregation. - James 5:13-15.
Keep Up Your Fight Against Wicked Spirits
Even after taking these basic steps, however, some have been troubled by wicked spirits. For instance, one man in Cote d' Ivoire studied the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses and destroyed all his amulets. Thereafter, he made fine progress, dedicated his life to Jehovah God, and was baptized. But a week after his baptism, the demons began to trouble him again, and voices told him to abandon this new found faith. If this happened to you, would it mean that you had lost Jehovah's protection? No necessarily.
Though the perfect man Jesus Christ had divine protection, he heard the voice of the wicked spirit creature Satan the Devil, Jesus showed what to do in such a case. He told the Devil: "Go away, Satan!" (Matthew 4:3-10) In like manner, you should refuse to listen to voices from the spirit world. Resist wicked spirits by calling on Jehovah for help. Yes, pray aloud using God's name. Proverbs 18:10 says: "The name of Jehovah is a strong tower. Into it the righteous runs and is given protection." The Christian man in Cote d I'voire did this, and the wicked spirits stopped harassing him. - Psalm 124:8; 145:18.
Jehovah has allowed the wicked spirits to remain in existence, but he shows his power, particularly in behalf of his people, and his name is being declared in all the earth. (Exodus 9:16) If you stay close to God, you need not fear wicked spirits. (Numbers 23:21,23; James 4:7,8; 2 Peter 2:9) Their power is limited. They were punished in Noah's day, were cast out of heaven in recent times, and are now awaiting final judgment. (Jude 6; Revelation 12:9; 20:1-3, 7-10,14) In fact, they dread their coming destruction. (James 2:19) So whether wicked spirits try to attack you in any way, you can resist them. (2 Corinthians 2:11) Shun every form of spiritism, apply the counsel of God's Word, and seek Jehovah's approval. Do this without delay, for your life depends on your resisting wicked spirit forces.
Why Women Cry
A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?" "Because I'm a woman," she told him.
"I don't understand," he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, " And you never will."
Later the little boy asked his father. "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?"
All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say.
The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry.
Finally, he put in a call to God. When God got on the phone, he asked, "God, why do women cry so easily?"
God said:
"When I made the woman she had to be special.
I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort.
I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children.
I gave her hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining.
I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her very badly.
I gave her the strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.
I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.
And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed.
"You see my son," said God, "the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart -- the place where love resides."
A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?" "Because I'm a woman," she told him.
"I don't understand," he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, " And you never will."
Later the little boy asked his father. "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?"
All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say.
The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry.
Finally, he put in a call to God. When God got on the phone, he asked, "God, why do women cry so easily?"
God said:
"When I made the woman she had to be special.
I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort.
I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children.
I gave her hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining.
I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her very badly.
I gave her the strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.
I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.
And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed.
"You see my son," said God, "the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart -- the place where love resides."
Why The Bible Condemns The Practice Of Spiritism
If you have been taught that some forms of spiritism are means of contacting good spirits, you may be surprised to learn what the Bible says about spiritism. Jehovah's people were warned. "Do not turn yourselves to the spirit mediums, and do not consult professional foretellers of events, so as to become unclean by them." (Leviticus 19:31; 20:6, 27) The Bible book of Revelation gives the warning that "those practicing spiritism" will end up in "the lake that burns with fire and sulphur. This means the second [everlasting]death." (Revelation 21:8; 22:15) All forms of spiritism are disapproved by Jehovah God. (Deuteronomy 18:10-12) Why is that the case?
Jehovah sent good spirits, or righteous angels to communicate with some humans before the Bible was completed. Since its completion, God's Word has provided the guidance humans need to serve Jehovah acceptably. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17; Hebrews 1:1,2) He does not bypass his holy word by giving messages to mediums. All such present-day messages from the spirit world come from wicked spirits. The practice of spiritism can lead to demon harassment or even possession by wicked spirits. Therefore, God lovingly warns us not to get involved in any spiritistic practices. (Deuteronomy 18:14; Galatians 5:19-21) Moreover, if we continue to practice spiritism after knowing Jehovah's view of it, we would be siding with the rebellious wicked spirits and would be enemies of God. - I Samuel 15:23; I Chronicles 10:13, 14; Psalm 5:4.
One popular form of spiritism is divination - at- attempting to find out about the future or the unknown with the help of spirits. Some forms of divination are astrology, crystal-ball gazing, interpretation of dreams, palmistry, and fortune-telling with the use of tarot cards. Many view divination as harmless fun, but the Bible shows that fortune-tellers and wicked spirits go hand in hand. For example, Acts 16:16-19 mentions "a demon of divination" that enabled a certain girl to practice "the art of prediction." However, her abilty to foretell the future was lost when the demon was expelled. Clearly, divination is a bait used by the demons to lure people into their trap.
If you are grieving over the death of a beloved family member or a close friend, you could easily be enticed by another bait. A spirit medium may give you special information or may speak in a voice that seems to be that of the dead person. Beware! Attempts to communicate with the dead lead into a trap. Why? Because the dead cannot speak. As you no doubt recall, God's Word plainly says that at death a person "goes back to his ground; in that day his thoughts do perish." The dead "are conscious of nothing at all." (Psalm 146:4; Ecclesiastes 9:5,10) Moreover, it is actually the demons who have been known to imitate the voice of the deceased and give a spirit medium information about the one who has died. (I Samuel 28:3-19) So "anyone who inquires of the dead" is being entrapped by wicked spirits and is acting contrary to the will of Jehovah God. _ Deuteronomy 18:11,12; Isaiah 8:19.
From Attracting To Attacking
When you comply with the counsel of God's Word regarding spiritism, you spurn the bait of the demons. (Compare Psalm 141:9,10; Romans 12:9) Does this mean that wicked spirits will stop trying to capture you? By no means! After tempting Jesus three times, Satan "retired from him until another convenient time." (Luke 4:13) Similarly, obstinate spirits not only attract people but also attact them.
Recall our earlier consideration of Satan's attack on God's servant Job. The Devil caused the loss of his livestock and the death of most of his servants. Satan even killed Job's children. Next, he struck Job himself with a painful disease. But Job kept his integrity to God and was greatly blessed. (Job 1:7-19; 2:7,8; 42:12) Since then, the demons have made some people speechless or blind and have continued to revel in the suffering of humans. (Matthew 9:32,33; 12:22; Mark 5:2-5) Today, reports show that demons sexually harass some and drive others to insanity. They incite still others to murder and suicide, which are sins against God. (Deuteronomy 5:17; I John 3:15) Nonetheless, thousands of people once ensnared by these wicked spirits have been able to break free. How has this been possible for them? They have done so by taking vital steps.
Next Time: How To Resist Wicked Spirits
If you have been taught that some forms of spiritism are means of contacting good spirits, you may be surprised to learn what the Bible says about spiritism. Jehovah's people were warned. "Do not turn yourselves to the spirit mediums, and do not consult professional foretellers of events, so as to become unclean by them." (Leviticus 19:31; 20:6, 27) The Bible book of Revelation gives the warning that "those practicing spiritism" will end up in "the lake that burns with fire and sulphur. This means the second [everlasting]death." (Revelation 21:8; 22:15) All forms of spiritism are disapproved by Jehovah God. (Deuteronomy 18:10-12) Why is that the case?
Jehovah sent good spirits, or righteous angels to communicate with some humans before the Bible was completed. Since its completion, God's Word has provided the guidance humans need to serve Jehovah acceptably. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17; Hebrews 1:1,2) He does not bypass his holy word by giving messages to mediums. All such present-day messages from the spirit world come from wicked spirits. The practice of spiritism can lead to demon harassment or even possession by wicked spirits. Therefore, God lovingly warns us not to get involved in any spiritistic practices. (Deuteronomy 18:14; Galatians 5:19-21) Moreover, if we continue to practice spiritism after knowing Jehovah's view of it, we would be siding with the rebellious wicked spirits and would be enemies of God. - I Samuel 15:23; I Chronicles 10:13, 14; Psalm 5:4.
One popular form of spiritism is divination - at- attempting to find out about the future or the unknown with the help of spirits. Some forms of divination are astrology, crystal-ball gazing, interpretation of dreams, palmistry, and fortune-telling with the use of tarot cards. Many view divination as harmless fun, but the Bible shows that fortune-tellers and wicked spirits go hand in hand. For example, Acts 16:16-19 mentions "a demon of divination" that enabled a certain girl to practice "the art of prediction." However, her abilty to foretell the future was lost when the demon was expelled. Clearly, divination is a bait used by the demons to lure people into their trap.
If you are grieving over the death of a beloved family member or a close friend, you could easily be enticed by another bait. A spirit medium may give you special information or may speak in a voice that seems to be that of the dead person. Beware! Attempts to communicate with the dead lead into a trap. Why? Because the dead cannot speak. As you no doubt recall, God's Word plainly says that at death a person "goes back to his ground; in that day his thoughts do perish." The dead "are conscious of nothing at all." (Psalm 146:4; Ecclesiastes 9:5,10) Moreover, it is actually the demons who have been known to imitate the voice of the deceased and give a spirit medium information about the one who has died. (I Samuel 28:3-19) So "anyone who inquires of the dead" is being entrapped by wicked spirits and is acting contrary to the will of Jehovah God. _ Deuteronomy 18:11,12; Isaiah 8:19.
From Attracting To Attacking
When you comply with the counsel of God's Word regarding spiritism, you spurn the bait of the demons. (Compare Psalm 141:9,10; Romans 12:9) Does this mean that wicked spirits will stop trying to capture you? By no means! After tempting Jesus three times, Satan "retired from him until another convenient time." (Luke 4:13) Similarly, obstinate spirits not only attract people but also attact them.
Recall our earlier consideration of Satan's attack on God's servant Job. The Devil caused the loss of his livestock and the death of most of his servants. Satan even killed Job's children. Next, he struck Job himself with a painful disease. But Job kept his integrity to God and was greatly blessed. (Job 1:7-19; 2:7,8; 42:12) Since then, the demons have made some people speechless or blind and have continued to revel in the suffering of humans. (Matthew 9:32,33; 12:22; Mark 5:2-5) Today, reports show that demons sexually harass some and drive others to insanity. They incite still others to murder and suicide, which are sins against God. (Deuteronomy 5:17; I John 3:15) Nonetheless, thousands of people once ensnared by these wicked spirits have been able to break free. How has this been possible for them? They have done so by taking vital steps.
Next Time: How To Resist Wicked Spirits
Wicked Spirits - Their Origin And Target
Jehovah God made a multitude of spirit creatures long before he created humans. (Job 38:4,7) One of these angels had the desire to have humans worship him instead of worshiping Jehovah. Pursuing that objective, this wicked angel resisted and slandered the Creator, even suggesting to the first woman that God was a liar. Fittingly, then, this rebellious spirit creature became known as Satan (resister) the Devil (slanderer).
- Genesis 3:1-5; Job 1:6.
Later, other angels sided with Satan the Devil. In the days of the righteous man Noah, some of these abandoned their service in heaven and took on fleshly bodies to satisfy their lust for sexual relations with earthly women. Satan no doubt influenced those angels to take that disobedient course. It led to their fathering the hybrid offspring called Nephilim, who became violent bullies. When Jehovah caused the great Deluge, it destroyed corrupted mankind and this unnatural progeny of the disobedient angels. The rebellious angels escaped destruction by dematerializing their fleshly bodies and returning to the spirit realm. But God restrained these demons by treating them as outcasts in spiritual darkness. (Genesis 6:1-7,17; Jude 6) Satan, "the ruler of the demons," and his wicked angels nevertheless have pushed on with their rebellion. (Luke 11:15) What is their goal?
The evil objective of Satan and the demons is to turn people against Jehovah God. Hence, these wicked ones have been misleading, frightening and assaulting people throughout human history. (Revelation 12:9) Modern day examples confirm that demon aggression is more vicious now than it has ever been. To entrap people, the demons often use spiritism in all its forms. How do the demons use this bait, and how can you defend yourself?
How Wicked Spirits Try To Mislead You
What is spiritism? It is involvement with demons, or wicked spirits, either directly or through a human medium. Spiritism does for demons what bait does for hunters. It attracts prey. And just as a hunter uses a variety of baits to lure animals into his trap, so wicked spirits encourage various forms of spiritism to bring humans under their control. (Compare Psalm 119:110) Some of these forms are divination, magic, looking for omens, sorcery, binding with spells, consulting mediums (psychics) and inquiring of the dead.
The bait works, for spiritism attracts people around the world. Those living in jungle villages go to medicine men, and city office workers consult astrologers. Spiritism flourishes even in so-called Christian lands. Research indicates that in the United States alone, some 30 magazines with a combined circulation of over 10,000,000 are devoted to various forms of spiritism. Brazilians spend over 500 million dollars on spiritistic items each year. Yet, 80 percent of those frequenting spiritistic centers of worship in that country are baptized Catholics who also attend Mass. Inasmuch as some clergymen practice spiritism, many religous people think that practicing it is acceptable to God. But is it?
Next Time: Why The Bible Condemns The Practice Of Spiritism
Jehovah God made a multitude of spirit creatures long before he created humans. (Job 38:4,7) One of these angels had the desire to have humans worship him instead of worshiping Jehovah. Pursuing that objective, this wicked angel resisted and slandered the Creator, even suggesting to the first woman that God was a liar. Fittingly, then, this rebellious spirit creature became known as Satan (resister) the Devil (slanderer).
- Genesis 3:1-5; Job 1:6.
Later, other angels sided with Satan the Devil. In the days of the righteous man Noah, some of these abandoned their service in heaven and took on fleshly bodies to satisfy their lust for sexual relations with earthly women. Satan no doubt influenced those angels to take that disobedient course. It led to their fathering the hybrid offspring called Nephilim, who became violent bullies. When Jehovah caused the great Deluge, it destroyed corrupted mankind and this unnatural progeny of the disobedient angels. The rebellious angels escaped destruction by dematerializing their fleshly bodies and returning to the spirit realm. But God restrained these demons by treating them as outcasts in spiritual darkness. (Genesis 6:1-7,17; Jude 6) Satan, "the ruler of the demons," and his wicked angels nevertheless have pushed on with their rebellion. (Luke 11:15) What is their goal?
The evil objective of Satan and the demons is to turn people against Jehovah God. Hence, these wicked ones have been misleading, frightening and assaulting people throughout human history. (Revelation 12:9) Modern day examples confirm that demon aggression is more vicious now than it has ever been. To entrap people, the demons often use spiritism in all its forms. How do the demons use this bait, and how can you defend yourself?
How Wicked Spirits Try To Mislead You
What is spiritism? It is involvement with demons, or wicked spirits, either directly or through a human medium. Spiritism does for demons what bait does for hunters. It attracts prey. And just as a hunter uses a variety of baits to lure animals into his trap, so wicked spirits encourage various forms of spiritism to bring humans under their control. (Compare Psalm 119:110) Some of these forms are divination, magic, looking for omens, sorcery, binding with spells, consulting mediums (psychics) and inquiring of the dead.
The bait works, for spiritism attracts people around the world. Those living in jungle villages go to medicine men, and city office workers consult astrologers. Spiritism flourishes even in so-called Christian lands. Research indicates that in the United States alone, some 30 magazines with a combined circulation of over 10,000,000 are devoted to various forms of spiritism. Brazilians spend over 500 million dollars on spiritistic items each year. Yet, 80 percent of those frequenting spiritistic centers of worship in that country are baptized Catholics who also attend Mass. Inasmuch as some clergymen practice spiritism, many religous people think that practicing it is acceptable to God. But is it?
Next Time: Why The Bible Condemns The Practice Of Spiritism
True Christians Do Not Celebrate Christmas, Other Holidays or Birthdays
They do not observe holidays that idolize sinful humans or nations. They give Jehovah exclusive devotion. Also, the Bible does not mention the exact day of Jesus' birth, only that it was not the 25th of December; this was impossible because he died in the spring of 33ce at 32 1/2 years of age, moreover at the time of his birth shepherds were living out of doors and keeping watches in the night over their flocks. (Luke 2:8) In the land of Israel, late December is a cold, rainy season during which sheep would be kept in shelters overnight to protect them from the winter weather. Actually, December 25, was set aside by the Romans as the birthday of their sun god. Centuries after Jesus was on earth, Apostate Christians (those who abandoned religion) adopted this date for the celebration of Christ's birth.
The reason why Godly people do not hold birthday parties and why Christian children are happy anyway is because the Bible specifically mentions only two bithday observances, both involving men who did not serve God. (Genesis 40:20-22; Matthew 14:6-11) Since the scriptures do not reveal the birthdate of the perfect man Jesus Christ, why should we give special attention to the birthdays of imperfect humans? (Ecclesiastes 7:1) So, godly parents do not await a special day to show their children love. They are happy because they are very close to their parents, they have lots of fun, they celebrate all the time and give gifts all year long. Greater happiness results when gifts are given spontaneously.
What one annual observance does Jesus command his followers to keep and what does it remind us? The Lord's Evening Meal, often called the Memorial of Christ's Death (also the passover). Jesus said: Keep doing this in remembrance of me. (Luke22:19,20; I Corinthians 11:23-25) They remind us of the love shown by Jehovah God and Jesus Christ in the sin atoning ransom sacrifice that makes eternal life possible for those having divine favor.
Next time: The Origin Of Wicked Spirits
They do not observe holidays that idolize sinful humans or nations. They give Jehovah exclusive devotion. Also, the Bible does not mention the exact day of Jesus' birth, only that it was not the 25th of December; this was impossible because he died in the spring of 33ce at 32 1/2 years of age, moreover at the time of his birth shepherds were living out of doors and keeping watches in the night over their flocks. (Luke 2:8) In the land of Israel, late December is a cold, rainy season during which sheep would be kept in shelters overnight to protect them from the winter weather. Actually, December 25, was set aside by the Romans as the birthday of their sun god. Centuries after Jesus was on earth, Apostate Christians (those who abandoned religion) adopted this date for the celebration of Christ's birth.
The reason why Godly people do not hold birthday parties and why Christian children are happy anyway is because the Bible specifically mentions only two bithday observances, both involving men who did not serve God. (Genesis 40:20-22; Matthew 14:6-11) Since the scriptures do not reveal the birthdate of the perfect man Jesus Christ, why should we give special attention to the birthdays of imperfect humans? (Ecclesiastes 7:1) So, godly parents do not await a special day to show their children love. They are happy because they are very close to their parents, they have lots of fun, they celebrate all the time and give gifts all year long. Greater happiness results when gifts are given spontaneously.
What one annual observance does Jesus command his followers to keep and what does it remind us? The Lord's Evening Meal, often called the Memorial of Christ's Death (also the passover). Jesus said: Keep doing this in remembrance of me. (Luke22:19,20; I Corinthians 11:23-25) They remind us of the love shown by Jehovah God and Jesus Christ in the sin atoning ransom sacrifice that makes eternal life possible for those having divine favor.
Next time: The Origin Of Wicked Spirits
Beauty Tips
For Attractive Lips,
Speak Words Of Kindness.
For Lovely Eyes,
Seek Out The Good In People.
For Beautiful Hair,
Let A Child Run His Fingers Through It Once A Day.
For Poise,
Walk With The Knowledge You'll Never Walk Alone.
People, Even More Than Things, Have To Be Restored, Renewed,
Revived, Reclaimed and Redeemed. Never Throw Out Anybody.
Remember: If You Ever Need A Helping Hand, You'll Find One At The
End Of Your Arm.
As You Grow Older You Will Discover That You
Have Two Hands. One For Helping Yourself, The other For Helping
Audrey Hepburn
For Attractive Lips,
Speak Words Of Kindness.
For Lovely Eyes,
Seek Out The Good In People.
For Beautiful Hair,
Let A Child Run His Fingers Through It Once A Day.
For Poise,
Walk With The Knowledge You'll Never Walk Alone.
People, Even More Than Things, Have To Be Restored, Renewed,
Revived, Reclaimed and Redeemed. Never Throw Out Anybody.
Remember: If You Ever Need A Helping Hand, You'll Find One At The
End Of Your Arm.
As You Grow Older You Will Discover That You
Have Two Hands. One For Helping Yourself, The other For Helping
Audrey Hepburn
Verses To Ponder
Psalms 24:1-6 - (1) To Jehovah belong the earth and that which fills it, the productive land and those dwelling in it. (2) For upon the seas he himself has solidly fixed it, and upon the rivers he keeps it firmly established. (3) Who may ascend into the mountain of Jehovah, and who may rise up in his Holy Place? (4) Anyone innocent in his hands and clean in heart, who has not carried my soul to sheer worthlessness, nor taken an oath deceitfully. (5) He will carry away blessing from Jehovah and righteousness from his God of Salvation. (6) This is the generation of those seeking him, of those searching for your face, O [God of] Jacob. Se'lah.
Psalms 29:1-3 - (1) Ascribe to Jehovah, O you sons of strong ones, ascribe to Jehovah glory and strength. (2) Ascribe to Jehovah the glory of his name. Bow down to Jehovah in holy adornment. (3) The voice of Jehovah is over the waters; The Glorious God himself has thundered. Jehovah is over many waters.
Psalms 34:13 - Safeguard your tongue against what is bad, and your lips against speaking deception.
Psalms 34:19 - Many are the calamities of the righteous one, but out of them all, Jehovah delivers him.
Psalms 145:20 - Jehovah is guarding all those loving him, but all the wicked ones he will annihilate.
Psalms 146:4- His spirit goes out, (He stops breathing), he goes back into the ground; in that day his thoughts do perish.
Psalms 147:6 - Jehovah is relieving the meek ones; he is abasing the wicked ones to the earth.
Habakkuk 1:4 - Therefore law grows numb, and Justice never goes forth, because the wicked one is surrounding the righteous one for that reason Justice goes forth crooked.
Luke 10:27,28 - (27) In answer he said. "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole strength and with your whole mind, and your neighbor as yourself. (28) He said to him: "You answered correctly, keep on doing this and you will get life."
Genesis 9:12-14 - (12) And God added: "This is the sign of the convenant that I am giving between me and you and every living soul that is with you, for the generations to time indefinite. (13) My rainbow I do give in the cloud, and it must serve as a sign of the convenant between me and the earth. (14) And it shall occur tht when I bring a cloud over the earth then the rainbow will certainly appear in the cloud.
Psalms 9:3-5 - (3) When my enemies turn back, they will stumble and perish from before you. (4) For you have executed my judgment and my cause; you have sat on the throne judging with righteousness. (5) You have rebuked nations, you have destroyed the wicked one. their name you have wiped out to time indefinite, even forever.
Psalms 24:1-6 - (1) To Jehovah belong the earth and that which fills it, the productive land and those dwelling in it. (2) For upon the seas he himself has solidly fixed it, and upon the rivers he keeps it firmly established. (3) Who may ascend into the mountain of Jehovah, and who may rise up in his Holy Place? (4) Anyone innocent in his hands and clean in heart, who has not carried my soul to sheer worthlessness, nor taken an oath deceitfully. (5) He will carry away blessing from Jehovah and righteousness from his God of Salvation. (6) This is the generation of those seeking him, of those searching for your face, O [God of] Jacob. Se'lah.
Psalms 29:1-3 - (1) Ascribe to Jehovah, O you sons of strong ones, ascribe to Jehovah glory and strength. (2) Ascribe to Jehovah the glory of his name. Bow down to Jehovah in holy adornment. (3) The voice of Jehovah is over the waters; The Glorious God himself has thundered. Jehovah is over many waters.
Psalms 34:13 - Safeguard your tongue against what is bad, and your lips against speaking deception.
Psalms 34:19 - Many are the calamities of the righteous one, but out of them all, Jehovah delivers him.
Psalms 145:20 - Jehovah is guarding all those loving him, but all the wicked ones he will annihilate.
Psalms 146:4- His spirit goes out, (He stops breathing), he goes back into the ground; in that day his thoughts do perish.
Psalms 147:6 - Jehovah is relieving the meek ones; he is abasing the wicked ones to the earth.
Habakkuk 1:4 - Therefore law grows numb, and Justice never goes forth, because the wicked one is surrounding the righteous one for that reason Justice goes forth crooked.
Luke 10:27,28 - (27) In answer he said. "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole strength and with your whole mind, and your neighbor as yourself. (28) He said to him: "You answered correctly, keep on doing this and you will get life."
Genesis 9:12-14 - (12) And God added: "This is the sign of the convenant that I am giving between me and you and every living soul that is with you, for the generations to time indefinite. (13) My rainbow I do give in the cloud, and it must serve as a sign of the convenant between me and the earth. (14) And it shall occur tht when I bring a cloud over the earth then the rainbow will certainly appear in the cloud.
Psalms 9:3-5 - (3) When my enemies turn back, they will stumble and perish from before you. (4) For you have executed my judgment and my cause; you have sat on the throne judging with righteousness. (5) You have rebuked nations, you have destroyed the wicked one. their name you have wiped out to time indefinite, even forever.
"My Dream Come True"
You are my light, when everything gets dark.
You are my music, your voice to my heart
Sends a spark.
You are my lifeline when I am drowning.
You are my clown when I am frowning
You are the one who puts the spark in my eyes.
You are the stimulant that makes my heart fly.
I love you my darling and I need you so much.
I moan and sigh at your sweet, gentle touch.
You are my world and my dream come true.
Our love is so wonderful, sweet and still brand
My darling, you've made me the happiest wife
A woman could be, and it all started when you
Walked over one day and sat down beside me.
I'll love you my darling, for eternity. As long as
We are together, we can conquer the world, just
You wait and see.
copyright 7/31/94 M.E.K.
You are my light, when everything gets dark.
You are my music, your voice to my heart
Sends a spark.
You are my lifeline when I am drowning.
You are my clown when I am frowning
You are the one who puts the spark in my eyes.
You are the stimulant that makes my heart fly.
I love you my darling and I need you so much.
I moan and sigh at your sweet, gentle touch.
You are my world and my dream come true.
Our love is so wonderful, sweet and still brand
My darling, you've made me the happiest wife
A woman could be, and it all started when you
Walked over one day and sat down beside me.
I'll love you my darling, for eternity. As long as
We are together, we can conquer the world, just
You wait and see.
copyright 7/31/94 M.E.K.
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