
The Origin Of Selfishness

God's law for his people is: "You must love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:39) This means we are obliged to be caring, selfless, sensitive to the needs of others. Nevertheless, we do not always measure up to this shining ideal, and the Bible helps us to understand why. At Genesis 8:21 it says: "The inclination of the heart of man is bad from his youth up."

Our forefather Adam cared little how his rebellious deed would affect others. It should not surprise us, then, that we, his offspring, are born with a selfish streak. (Compare Psalm 51:5) This becomes manifest surprisingly early in life. Parents magazine observes: " All toddlers are self-centered... They're interested in you but only when you're doing something for them." Left unchecked, selfishness may become a persisting character trait.

Another trait that hinders one from putting oneself out for others is laziness. (Proverbs 21:25) Indeed, when laziness reigns, one will concoct outlandish excuses to avoid doing things. Says Proverbs 22:13: "The lazy one has said: 'There is a lion outside! In the midst of the public squares I shall be murdered!"

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