
The Main Issue - Sovereignty

When Adam and Eve rebelled against God, they challenged his sovereignty, that is, his right to rule. Jehovah could have destroyed them and started over with another couple, but that would not have settled the issue of whose rulership is right and best for the people. Granted time to develop their societies according to their own ideas, humans would demonstrate beyond any doubt whether rulership independent from God could ever bee successful.

What do thousands of years of human history tell us? For all those centuries, people have tried many kinds of social, economic, political, and religious systems. However, wickedness and suffering have continued. In fact,'wicked men have advanced from bad to worse.' especially in our time. - 2Timothy 3:13.

The 20th century saw a peak of scientific and industrial achievements. But it also saw the worse suffering in the entire history of the human race. And no matter what medical advances are made, the law of God still holds true: Humans separated from God -the source of life - gets sick, grow old, and die. How clearly it had been proved that humans cannot direct their own steps.'

Next time: God's Sovereignty Asserted

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