
"Wonderfully Made"

In the Bible the palmist David acknowledged: "In a fear - inspiring way I am wonderfully made." (Psalm 139:14) Surely that is the truth, for the human brain and body were marvelously designed by the Supreme Designer.

For instance, your brain is far more complex than any computer. The New Encyclopedia Britannica notes: "Transmission of information within the nervous system is more complex than the largest telephone exchanges; problem solving by human brain exceeds by far the capacity of the most powerful computers."

Hundreds of millions of facts and mental images are stored in your brain, but it is not merely a storehouse of facts. With it you can learn how to whistle, bake bread, speak foreign languages, use a computer, or fly an airplane. You can imagine what a vacation would be like or how delicious a fruit will taste. You can analyze and make things. You can also plan, appreciate, love and relate your thoughts to the past, the present, and the future. Since we humans cannot design such a thing as the awesome human brain, then the one who designed it obviously has wisdom and ability far greater than that of any human.

Regarding the brain, scientist admit: "How these functions are carried out by this magnificiently patterned, orderly and fantastically complex piece of machinery is quite obscure... Human beings may never solve all the separate individual puzzles the brain presents." Scientific American and physics professor Raymo says: " If the truth be told, we still don't know much about how the human brain stores information, or how it is able to call up memories at will...There are as many as a hundred billion nerve cells in the human brain. Each cell is in communication, through a treelike array of synapses, with thousands of other cells. The possibilties of interconnecton are staggeringly intricate."

Your eyes are more precise and adaptable than any camera; in fact, they are fully automatic, self-focusing, color motion-picture cameras. Your ears can detect a variety of sounds and give you a sense of direction and balance. Your heart is a pump with capabilties that the best engineers have not been able to duplicate. Also magnificent are other body parts: your nose, tongue, and hands as well as your circulatory and digestive systems, to name a few.

Thus, an engineer who was hired to design and build a large computer reasoned: "If my computer required a designer, how much more so did that complex physio-chemical-biological machine which is my human body - which in turn is but an extremely minute part of the well-nigh infinite cosmos?"

Just as people hava purpose in mind when they make airplanes, computers, bicycles and other devices, so the Designer fo the brain and body of humans must have had a purpose in designing us. And this Designer has to have wisdom superior to that of humans, since none of us can duplicate his designs. It is logical, then, that he is the One who can tell us why he designed us, why he puts us on earth, and where we are going.

When we learn those things, then the wonderful brain and body God gave us can be used toward fulfilling our purpose in life. But where can we learn about his purposes? Where does he give us that information?

Continue- Next time: A Unique Source Of Superior Wisdom

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