
God Soon To Intervene

Having allowed an ample demonstration of the failure of human rule during centuries of time, God can now proceed to intervene in human affairs and bring a halt to suffering, sorrow, sickness and death. Having allowed humans to come to the peak of their achievements in science, industry, medicine and other fields, there is no longer any need for God to allow more centuries of time for humans independent of their Creator to demonstrate whether they can bring about a peaceful, paradisaic world. They have not and cannot. Independence from God has resulted in a very ugly, hateful death-dealing world.

While there have been sincere rulers who have desired to help mankind, their efforts have not succeeded. Everywhere today there is evidence of a breakdown in human rulership. That is why the Bible counsels: "Do not put your trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs." Psalm 146:3.

Continued- Next time: God's Purpose Soon To Be Realized


Wh So Long?

Why has God allowed humans to have their own way for so long? Why has he allowed suffering to exist all these many centuries? One vital reason is that a very important issue was raised: "Who has the right to rule? Should God be the ruler of humans, or can they rule themselves successfully apart from him?

Humans were created with free will, that is, with the ability to choose. They were not made like robots or like animals, who are guided mainly by instinct. So humans can choose whom they will serve. (Deuteronomy 30:19; 2 Corinthians 3:17) Thus, God's Word counsels: " Be as free people, and yet holding your freedom, not as a blind for badness, but as slaves of God." (1Peter 2:16) However, while humans have the wonderful gift of free choice, they must accept the consequences of their choice of action.

Our first parents made the wrong choice. They chose the course of independence from God. True, God could have put the first rebellious pair to death immediately after they misused their free will. Buy that would not have settled the question regarding God's right to rule over humans. Since the first pair wanted independence from God, the question must be answered: Could that course result in a happy successful life? The only way to find out was to let out first parents and their offspring to go their own way, since that was their choice. Time would demonstrate whether humans were created to be successful in ruling themselves independent of their Creator.

The Bible writer Jeremiah knew what the result would be. Directed by God's powerful holy spirit, or active force, he truthfully wrote: "I well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. Correct me, O Jehovah." (Jeremiah 10:23, 24) He knew that humans must have the guidance of God's heavenly wisdom. Why? Simply because God did not create humans to be successful apart from his guidance.

The results of thousands fo years of human rule show beyond any doubt that it is not in humans to direct their own affairs apart from their Creator. Having tried it, they have only themselves to blame for the catastrophic results. The Bible makes this clear: " The Rock [God], perfect is his activity, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness, with whom their is no injustice; righteous and upright is he. They have acted ruinously on their own part; they are not his children, the defect is their own way." - Deuteronomy 32:4, 5.

Continued- Next time: God Soon To Intervene


What Went Wrong

From the early Bible record, we learn that it was not God's purpose for people to suffer or to die. Our first parents, Adam and Eve, died only because they disobeyed God. (Genesis, chapter 2 and 3 ) When they disobeyed, they were no longer doing God's will. They pulled out from under God's care. In effect, they disconnected themselves from God, "the source of life." - Psalm 36:9.

Like a machine that slows down and stops when disconnected from its power source, their bodies and minds degenerated. As a result, Adam and Eve deteriorated, grew old, and eventually died. What happened then? They went back to where they came from: " Dust you are and to dust you will return." God had warned them that death would be the consequence for disobedience to his laws: "You will positively die." - Genesis 2:17,; 3:19.

Not only did our first parents die but all their descendants, the entire human race, have also been subjected to death. Why? Because according to the laws of genetics, children inherit the characteristics of their parents. And what all the children of our first parents inherited was imperfection and death. Romans 5:12 tells us: " Through one man [Adam, mankind's forefather] sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned [by inheriting imperfection, that is, sinful tendencies]." And since sin, imperfection and death are the only things people know, some view them as natural and inevitable. Yet, the original humans were created with the capacity and desire to live forever. That is why most people find the prospect that their life will be cut short by death so frustrating.

Continued-Next time: Why So Long?


Why So Much Suffering And Injustice?

However, if the Supreme Being purposed that perfect couple live on earth forever amid paradise conditions and if that is still his purpose, why is there no paradise now? Why, instead has mankind experience so many centuries of suffering and injustice?

Without question, human history is filled with misery caused by war, imperialistic conquest, exploitation, poverty, disaster, sickness and death. Why have so many bad things happened to so many innocent victims? If God is all-powerful, why has he allowed this enormous amount of suffering for thousands of years? Since God designed and ordered the universe so well, why would he allow disorder and destruction on earth?

An Example

Let us us an example to illustrate why a God of order would allow disorder on earth. Imagine if you will, walking into a forest and coming upon a house. As you inspect the house, you see that it is in disorder. The windows are broken, the roof has serious damage, the wooden porch is full of holes, the door is hanging on one hinge and the plumbing does not work.

In the face of all these defectss, would you conclude that no intelligent designer could possibly have designed that house? Would the disorder convince you that only chance could have produced the house? Or if you concluded that someone did design and construct it, would you feel that this person was not skilled and not thoughtful?

When you more thoroughly examine the structure, you see that it was originally put together well and gives evidence of much thoughtful care. But it was now simply run down andon the way to ruin. What could the defects and problems indicate? They could suggest that (1)the owner died; (2) he is a capable builder but is no longer interested in the house; or (3)he temporarily leased his property to unappreciative tenants. The latter is similar to the situation regarding this earth.

Continued-Next time: What Went Wrong


Still God's Purpose

This, from the beginning it was God's purpose for a perfect human family to dwell on earth forever in a paradise. And it is still his purpose! Without fail, that purpose will be fulfilled. The Bible states: " Jehovah of armies has sworn, saying: ' Surely just as I have figured, so it must occur; and just as I have counseled, that is what will come true.' "I have even spoken it; I shall also bring it in. I have formed it, I shall also do it." - Isaiah 14:24; 46:11.

Jesus Christ spoke about God's purpose to restore a paradise on earth when he told a certain man who wanted hope for the future: "You will be with me in Paradise." (Luke 23:43) The apostle Peter too spoke of the coming new world when he foretold: "There are new heavens [a new governmental arrangement ruling from heaven] and a new earth [ a new earthly society] that we are awaiting according to [God's]promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell."- 2 Peter 3:13.

The psalmist David also wrote about the incoming new world and how long it would endure. He foretold: " The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it." (Psalm 37:29) That is why Jesus promised: "Happy are the mild tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth." Matthew 5:5.

What a grand prospect that is, living forever on a paradise earth free from all wickedness, crime, sickness, sorrow and pain! In the final book of the Bible, God's prophetic Word summarizes this grand purpose by declaring: "[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning, nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away." It adds: "And the one seated on the throne said: ' Look! I am making all things new.' Also, he says: ' Write, because these words are faithful and true .' " - Revelation 21:4, 5

Yes, God has a grand purpose in mind. It will be a new world of righteousness, an eternal paradise, foretold by the One who can and will do what he promises, for his "words are faithful and true."

Continued-Next time: Why So Much Suffering And Injustice?


Why God Created Humans

The Bible shows that God prepared the earth especially with humans in mind. Isaiah 45:18 says regarding the earth that God "did not create it simply for nothing [but] formed it even to be inhabited." And he provided the earth with everygthing that people would need not just to exist, but to enjoy life to the full. - Genesis, chapters 1 and 2.

In his Word, God tells of creating the first humans. Adam and Eve, and reveals what he had in mind for the human family. He said: " Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth." (Genesis 1:26) Humans were to have oversight of "all the earth" and its animal creation.

God made a large, parklike garden in an area called Eden, located in the Middle East. Then he "proceeded to take the man and settle him in the garden of Eden to cultivate it and to take care of it." It was a paradise that contained all that the first humans would need to eat. And it included "every tree desirable to one's sight and good for food." as well as other vegetation and the many interesting kinds of animal life. - Genesis 2:7-9, 15.

The bodies of the first humans were created perfect, so they would not get sick, grow old, or die. They were also endowed wih other qualities, such as that of free choice. The way they were made is explained at Genesis 1:27: "God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God's image he created him; male and female he created them." Since we are created in God's image , we were given not only physical and mental attributes but also moral and spiritual aspects, and these must be satisfied if we are to be truly happy. God would provide the means for filling those needs as well as the need for food, water, and air. As Jesus Christ said. "man must live, not on bread alone, but on every utterance coming forth through Jehovah's mouth." - Matthew 4:4.

Moreover, God gave a wonderful mandate to the first pair while they were in Eden: "Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth." (Genesis 1:28) SO they would be able to reproduce and bring forth perfect children. And as the human population increased, they would have the delightful work of expanding the boundaries of the original parklike, paradise area of Eden. Ultimately, the entire earth would be developed into a paradise, inhabited by perfect happy people who could live forever. The Bible informs us that after setting all of this in motion, "God saw everything he had made and, look! it was very good." - Genesis1:31; see also Psalm 118:17.

It is evident that humans were to use the subdued earth for their benefit. But this was to be done in a responsible way. Humans were to be respectful stewards of the earth that we witness today is against God's will, and those who share in it are going contrary to the purpose of life on earth. They will have to pay the penalty for that , for the Bible says that God will "bring to ruin those ruining the earth." - Revelation 11:18.

Continued- Next time: Still God's Purpose


Life Has A Grand Purpose

The way the earth and its living things were made shows that their Creator is a God of love who really cares. And his Word, the Bible, shows that he cares; it gives us the ultimate answers regarding the questions: "Why are we here on earth? And, where are we going?

We need to search the Bible for those answers, God's Word says: " If you search for him, he will let himself be found by you, but if you leave him he will leave you." (2 Chronicles 15:2) So then, what does a search of God's Word reveal about his purpose for us?

Continued- Next time: Why God Created Humans


Not Christian

No, the nations and churches of Christendom were not, and are not, Christian. They are not God's servants. His inspired word says of them: " They publicly declare they know God, but they disown him by their works, because they are detestable and disobedient and not approved for good work of any sort." - Titus 1:16.

Jesus said that false religion could be identified by what it produced, its fruitage. He said: "Be on the watch for the false prophets that come to you in sheep's clothing, but inside they are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you will recognize them.... Every good tree produces fine fruit, but every rotten tree produces worthless fruit; a good tree cannot bear worthless fruit, neither can a rotten tree produce fine fruit. Every tree not producing fine fruit gets cut down and thrown into the fire. Really, then, by their fruits you will recognize those [false prophets]." - Matthew 7:15-20.

Thus, by what they have taught and what they have done, the religions of Christendom have demonstrated that their claim of believing in the Bible and of being God-fearing and Christian is a lie. They have betrayed God and the Bible. In doing so, they have disgusted millions of people and caused them to turn away from belief in a Supreme Being.

However, the failure of the clergy and churches of Christendom, as well as the failure of other religions outside Christendom, does not mean the failure of the Bible. Nor does it mean that God has failed. Rather, the Bible tells us about the Supreme Being who does exist and who does care about us and our future. It shows how he will reward honesthearted people who want to do what is right, who want to see justice and peace prevail throughout the earth. It also shows why God has allowed wickedness and suffering to exist and how he will rid the earth of those who harm their fellowman, as well as those who claim to serve him but do not.

Continued- Next time: Life Has A Grand Purpose


Ungodly Actions

In addition to teaching false doctrines , Christendom has betrayed God and the Bible by her actions. What the clergy and the churches have done in past centuries, and have continued to do in our time, is the opposite of what the God of the Bible requires and the opposite of what the Founder of Christianity Jesus Christ, taught and did.

For instance, Jesus taught his followers not to meddle in this world's political affairs nor to get involved in its wars. He also taught them to be peace-loving, to be law-abiding, to have love for their fellow humans free from any prejudice, even being willing to sacrifice their own lives rather than take the lives of others.- John 15:13; Acts 10:34, 35; 1 John 4:20,21.

Indeed, Jesus taught that love for other humans would be the mark that would identify true Christians from false Christians, pretenders. he said to those who would follow him: " I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves." - John 13:34; 15:12.

Yet, century after century, the clergy of Christendom have meddled in politics and have supported the wars of their nations. They have even supported the opposing sides in wars within Christendom, such as the two world wars of this century. In those conflicts the clergy on each side prayed for victory, and members of one religion from one country were killing members of the same religion from another country. But that is how the Bible says Satan's children, not God's, act. (1John 3:10-12, 15) Thus, while the clergy and their followers have claimed to be Christian, they have contradicted the teachings of Jesus Christ, who told his followers to 'put away the sword.' - Matthew 26:51,52.

For centuries the churches collaborated with the political powers of Christendom when those nations conquered, enslaved and humiliated other peoples during the age of imerialism. That was the case for centuries in Africa. China too experienced this, when Western nations carve out spheres of influence by force, as during the Opium Wars and the Boxer Rebellion.

The religions of Christendom have also been in the forefront of the persecuting, torturing and even killing of those who disagreed with them during those centuries of history called the Dark Ages. During the inquisition, which lasted for hundreds of years, fiendish practices, such as torture and murder, were authorized and carried out against decent, innocent people. The perpetrators were the clergy and their followers, all of whom claimed to be Christian. They even tried to stamp out the Bible so that the common people could not read it.

Continued - Next time: Not Christian