
Ungodly Actions

In addition to teaching false doctrines , Christendom has betrayed God and the Bible by her actions. What the clergy and the churches have done in past centuries, and have continued to do in our time, is the opposite of what the God of the Bible requires and the opposite of what the Founder of Christianity Jesus Christ, taught and did.

For instance, Jesus taught his followers not to meddle in this world's political affairs nor to get involved in its wars. He also taught them to be peace-loving, to be law-abiding, to have love for their fellow humans free from any prejudice, even being willing to sacrifice their own lives rather than take the lives of others.- John 15:13; Acts 10:34, 35; 1 John 4:20,21.

Indeed, Jesus taught that love for other humans would be the mark that would identify true Christians from false Christians, pretenders. he said to those who would follow him: " I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves." - John 13:34; 15:12.

Yet, century after century, the clergy of Christendom have meddled in politics and have supported the wars of their nations. They have even supported the opposing sides in wars within Christendom, such as the two world wars of this century. In those conflicts the clergy on each side prayed for victory, and members of one religion from one country were killing members of the same religion from another country. But that is how the Bible says Satan's children, not God's, act. (1John 3:10-12, 15) Thus, while the clergy and their followers have claimed to be Christian, they have contradicted the teachings of Jesus Christ, who told his followers to 'put away the sword.' - Matthew 26:51,52.

For centuries the churches collaborated with the political powers of Christendom when those nations conquered, enslaved and humiliated other peoples during the age of imerialism. That was the case for centuries in Africa. China too experienced this, when Western nations carve out spheres of influence by force, as during the Opium Wars and the Boxer Rebellion.

The religions of Christendom have also been in the forefront of the persecuting, torturing and even killing of those who disagreed with them during those centuries of history called the Dark Ages. During the inquisition, which lasted for hundreds of years, fiendish practices, such as torture and murder, were authorized and carried out against decent, innocent people. The perpetrators were the clergy and their followers, all of whom claimed to be Christian. They even tried to stamp out the Bible so that the common people could not read it.

Continued - Next time: Not Christian

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