
The Real Jesus And Your Future

Besides giving a real-life picture of Jesus while he was on earth, the Bible shows that he had a prehuman existence as the only begotten Son of God, "the first born of all creation." (Colossians 1:15 )Twenty centuries ago, God transferred the life of his heavenly Son to the womb of a Jewish virgin for him to be born as a human. (Matthew 1:18) During his earthly ministry, Jesus proclaimed God's Kingdom as the only hope for distressed humanity, and he trained his disciples to continue this preaching work. - Matthew 4:17; 10:5; 28:19, 20.

On Nisan 14 (about April 1), 33 C.E.,Jesus was arrested, tried, sentenced, and executed on the false charge of sedition. (Matthew 26:18-20,48-27:50)Jesus' death serves as a ransom, releasing believing mankind from their sinful state and thus opening the way to eternal life for all who exercise faith in him. (Romans 3:23. 24; 1John 2:2) On Nisan 16, Jesus was resurrected, and shortly thereafter he ascended back to heaven. (Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:50-53; Acts 1:6-9) As Jehovah's appointed King, the resurrected Jesus has full authority to carry out God's original purpose for man. (Isaiah 9:6, 7; Luke 1:32, 33) Yes, the Bible presents Jesus as the key figure in the outworking of God's purposes.

In the first century, multitudes accepted Jesus for what he was-the promisd Messiah, or Christ, sent to earth to vindicate Jehovah's sovereignty and to die as a ransom for mankind. (Matthew 20:28; Luke 2:25-32; John 17:25, 26; 18:37) In the face of fierce persecution, people would hardly have been motivated to become Jesus' disciples if they had been unsure of his identity. Courageously and zealously, they took up the commission he gave them to "make disciples of people of all the nations." - Matthew 28:19.

Today, millions of sincere and informed Christians know that Jesus is no legendary figure. They accept him as the enthroned King of God's established Kingdom in heaven, who is about to take full control of the earth and its affairs. This divine government is welcome news because it promises relief from world problems. True Christians manifest their loyal support of Jehovah's chosen King by declaring "this good news of the kingdom " to others. - Matthew 24:14.

Those who support the Kingdom arrangement through Christ, the Son of the living God , will live to enjoy eternal blessing. These blessings can be yours too! The publishers of this journal will be happy to help you know the real Jesus.

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