
Associations Affect Your Conscience

As Children, Neil and Franz enjoyed wholesome association with sincere Christians. But, in time, said Neil, "I began hanging out with the wrong crowd."
The end result, much to his regret, was crime and prison. Franz' story is similar. "I thought that I could handle being around young people of the world without being affected by them, ' God is not one to be mocked.

For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap.' I found out the hard way that I was wrong and Jehovah was right. I am faced with a life sentence for the wrong I have done."

People like Neil and Franz do not normally turn to crime overnight; at first, they would recoil at the thought. The slide tends to occur in stages, the first often being bad associations. (1Corinthians 15:33) Drug or alcohol abuse my follow. The conscience, in fact, has aptly been described as that "part of the personality which is soluble in alcohol."

From there, it is just a small step to crime or immorality.
Why then, take that first step? Instead, associate with wise people who truly love God.

They will help you to fortify your conscience so that it will guide you properly, sparing you many pains. (Proverbs 13:20) Though still incarcerated, Neil and Franz now see their conscience as a divine gift to be properly trained and, yes, cherished. Furthermore, they are working hard to build a good relationship with their God, Jehovah. Be wise, and learn from their mistakes. - Proverbs 22:3

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