
Jehovah's Sovereignty Vindicated

By the end of the thousand years of Kingdom rule, the human family will have been restored to perfection of mind and body. The earth will be a global garden of Eden, a paradise. Peace, happiness, security and a loving human society will have been attained. Never in human history before Kingdom rule was anything like this seen. What a vast contrast will then have been demonstrated between the previous thousands of years of miserable rulership by humans and the magnificent rulership by God's heavenly Kingdom of a thousand years! The rule of God through his Kingdom will have been shown to be completely superior in every respect. God's right to rule, his sovereignty, will have been totally vindicated .

At the end of the thousand years, Jehovah will allow perfect humans to exercise their free choice as to whom they want to serve. The Bible shows that "Satan will be let loose out of his prison." He will again try to mislead humans, some of whom will choose independence from God. To prevent 'distress from rising up a second time,' Jehovah will annihilate Satan, his demons, and all who rebel against Jehovah's sovereignty. No one could object that any humans who are destroyed eternally at that time did not have a chance or that their wrong course was due to imperfection. No, they will be like perfect Adam and Eve, who willingly chose to rebel against Jehovah's righteous rule. - Revelation 20:7-10; Nahum 1:9.

On the other hand, likely the vast majority of people will choose to uphold Jehovah's sovereignty. With every rebel annihilated, the righteous will stand before Jehovah, having passed the final test of loyalty. These loyal ones will then be accepted by Jehovah as his sons and daughters. They therefore come back into the relationship that Adam and Eve had with God before they rebelled. Hence, Romans 8:21 will be fulfilled: " The creation itself [humankind] also will be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God." The prophet Isaiah foretells: "[God] will actually swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will certainly wipe the tears from all faces." - Isaiah 25:8.

Next time: The Hope Of Everlasting Life

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