
'No Calamity Will Befall Us'

Although this world's security is breaking down, we put God first and take courage from the psalmist's words: " Because you said: 'Jehovah is my refuge,' you have made the Most High himself your dwelling; no calamity will befall you, and not even a plague will draw near to your tent." (Psalm 91:9, 10) Yes, Jehovah is our refuge. However, we also make the Most High God 'our dwelling,' Where we find safety. We laud Jehovah as the Universal Sovereign, 'dwell' in him as our Source of security, and declare the good news of his Kingdom. (Matthew 24:14) Therefore, 'no calamity will befall us' - none of the calamities described earlier in this psalm. Even when we share with others in such calamities as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, famines and ravages of warfare, these do destroy our faith or our spiritual security.

Anointed Christians are like alien residents living in tents apart from this system of things. (1Peter 2:11)) 'Not even a plague draws near their tent.' Whether our hope is heavenly or earthly, we are no part of the world, and we are not infected by such spiritually deadly plagues as it immorality, materialism, false religion and worship of the "the wild beast " and its "image,"the United Nations. - Revelation 9:20, 21; 13:1-18; John 17:16)

Regarding the protection we enjoy, the palmist adds: " He [Jehovah] will give his own angels a command concerning you, to guard you in all your ways. Upon their hands they will carry you , that you may not strike your foot against any stone." (Psalm 91:11, 12) Angels have been given power to protect us. (2Kings 6:17; Psalm 34:7-9; 104:4; Matthew 26:53; Luke 1:19) They guard us 'in all our ways.' (Matthew 18:10) We enjoy angelic guidance and guardianship as Kingdom proclaimers and do not stumble spiritually. (Revelation 14:6 ,7) Even 'stones' such as bans against our work have not caused us to stumble and fall out of divine favor.

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