
Building Up The Heart

The family study should be a time not merely to fill heads with knowledge but also to build up hearts. This requires both an awareness of the problems that confront family members and a loving concern for each one. Jehovah is "an examiner of the heart."- 1 Chronicles 29:17.

What does Jehovah find when he examines the hearts of our children? Most of them would say that they love God, and that is commendable. Yet, one who is young or who is newly learning about Jehovah has limited experience in Jehovah's ways. Because he is inexperienced, he may be "in want of heart," as the Bible expresses it. Perhaps not all his motives are bad, but it takes time to bring one's heart into a condition that will really please God. This involves bringing one's thoughts, desires, affections,emotions and goals in life into harmony with what God approves, to the extent that this is possible for imperfect humans. When someone does such molding of the inner person in a godly way, he is acquiring heart."-Proverbs9:4; 19:8.

Can parents help their children to 'acquire heart'? True, no human can put a good condition of heart into another person. Each one of us is endowed with free will, and much depends on what we allow ourselves to think about. With discernment, however, parents can often draw their child our, learning what is in the heart and where help is needed. Use such questions as 'How do you feel about this?' And 'what would you really like to do?' Then, listen patiently. Do not overact. (Proverbs 20:5) An atmosphere of kindness, understanding and love is important if you want to reach the heart..

To fortify wholesome inclinations, frequently discuss the fruitage of the spirit - each aspect of it-and work together as a family to cultivate it. (Galatians 5:22, 23) Buld up love for Jehovah and for Jesus Christ, not merely by saying that we should love them but by discussing the reasons why we love them and how we can express that love. (2Corinthians 5:14, 15) Strengthen the desire to do what is right by reasoning on the benefits that will result. Build up the desire to shun wrong thoughts, speech and conduct by discussing the bad effects of such things. (Amos 5:15; 3John 11) Show how thoughts, speech and conduct -whether good or bad- can affect one's relationship with Jehovah.

When a child has a problem or needs to make an important decision, we could ask him: 'How do you think Jehovah views this What do you know about Jehovah that makes you say that? Have you prayed to him about it? Starting as early as possible, help your children to build a pattern of life in which an earnest effort is always made to ascertain God's will and then do it. As they come to have a close, personal relationship with Jehovah, they will find pleasure in walking in his paths. (Psalm 119:34, 35) This will build within them appreciation for the privilege of being associated with the congregation of the true God.

Next time: Preparation For Congregation Meetings

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