
The Conquerors' Blessings

The John class today have 'kept the word about Jesus' endurance,' that is, they have followed his example and endured. (Hebrews 12:2, 3; 1Peter 2:21) They have thus been greatly encouraged by Jesus' further words to the congregation in Philadelphia: " The one that conquers-I will make him a pillar in the Temple of my God, and he will by no means go out from it anymore."-Revelation 3:12a.

What a privilege it is for one to be a pillar in the temple of Jehovah! In ancient Jerusalem, the literal Temple was the center of Jehovah's worship. Within the temple, the high priest offered the blood of sacrificial animals, one day each year, before the miraculous light that represented Jehovah's presence in "the Most Holy." (Hebrews 9:1-7) At Jesus' baptism, there came into existence another temple, a great spiritual, templelike arrangement of worshiping Jehovah. The holy of holies of this temple is in heaven, where Jesus duly appeared "before the person of God." (Hebrews 9:24) Jesus is the High Priest, and there is only one sacrifice offered for the complete covering of sins: the shed blood of the perfect man Jesus. (Hebrews 7:26, 27; 9:25-28; 10:1-5, 12-14) As long as they remain faithful, anointed Christians on earth serve as under priests in the earthly courtyards of this temple. (1 Peter 2:9) But once they have conquered, they too enter that heavenly body of holies and become immovable supports, like pillars of the temple like arrangement for worship. (Hebrews 10:19; Revelation 20:6) There is no danger that they will "go out from it anymore."

Next time: Continue with the above subject.

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