
Ten Kings For One Hour

In the previous chapter of Revelation, the sixth and seventh angels poured out bowls of anger of God. Thus we were advised that earth's kings are being gathered to God's war at Armageddon and that 'Babylon the Great is to be remembered in the sight of God.' (Revelation 16:1, 14, 19) Now we will learn in greater detail how God's judgments on these are to be executed. Listen again to Jehovah's angel as he speaks to John: " And the ten horns that you saw mean ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast. these have one thought, and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast. These will battle with the Lamb, but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those called and chosen faithful with him will do so." -Revelation 17:12-14.

The ten horns depict all the political powers that presently hold away on the world scene and that support the image of the wild beast. Very few of the countries that now exist were known in John's day. And those that were, such as Egypt and Persia (Iran), today have an entirely different political setup. Hence, in the first century, the 'ten horns had not yet received a kingdom.' But now in the Lord's day, they have "a kingdom," or political authority. With the collapse of the great colonial empires, particularly since the second world war, many new nations have been born. These, as well as the longer-established powers, must rule with the wild beast for a short period- just "one hour"-before Jehovah brings an end to all worldly political authority at Armageddon.

Today, nationalism is one of the strongest forces motivating these ten horns. they have "one thought" in that they want to preserve their national sovereignty rather than accept God's Kingdom. This was their purpose in subscribing to the League of Nations and the United Nations organization in the first place- to preserve world peace and thus safeguard their own existence. Such an attitude ensures that the horns will oppose the Lamb, the "Lord of lords and King of kings," because Jehovah has purposed that his Kingdom under Jesus Christ will shortly replace all these kingdoms. - Daniel 7:13, 14; Matthew 24:30; 25:31-33, 46.

Of course, there is nothing that the rulers of this world can do against Jesus himself. He is in heaven, far out of their reach. But Jesus' brothers, the remaining ones of the woman's seed, are still on earth and apparently vulnerable. (Revelation 12:17) Many of the horns have already demonstrated bitter hostility toward them, and in this way they have battled with the Lamb. (Matthew 25:40, 45) Soon, though, the time will come for God's Kingdom to "crush and put and end to all these kingdoms." (Daniel 2:44) Then, the kings of the earth will be in a fight to the finish with the Lamb, as we shall soon see. (Revelation 19:11-21) But here we learn enough to realize that the nations will not succeed. Though they and the UN scarlet-colored wild beast have their "one thought," they cannot defeat the great "Lord of lords and King of kings," nor can they defeat "those called and chosen and faithful with him," which includes his anointed followers still on earth. These too will have conquered by keeping integrity in answer to Satan's vile accusations. -Romans 8:37-39; Revelations 12:10, 11.

Next time: Devastating The Harlot.

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