
The conclusion of An Appalling Bloodguilt

One way is that many wars are related to religious differences. For example, the violence in India between Muslim and Hindus in 1946-48 was religiously motivated. Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost. The conflict between Iraq and Iran in the 1980's is related to sectarian differences with hundreds of thousands being killed. Violence between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland has taken thousands of lives. The continuing violence in Lebanon is religiously based . Surveying this field, columnist C.L. Sulzberger said in 1976: "It is a dismal truth that probably half or more of the wars now being fought around the world are either openly religious conflicts or involved with religious disputes." Indeed, it has been so throughout the turbulent history of Babylon the Great.

What is the second way? From Jehovah's viewpoint, the world's religions are blood guilty because they have not convincingly taught their followers the truth of Jehovah's requirements for his servants. They have not convincingly taught people that God's true worshipers must imitate Jesus Christ and show love toward others regardless of their national origin. (Micah 4:3, 5; John 13:34, 35; Acts 10:34, 35; 1 John 3:10-12) Because the religions making up Babylon the Great have not taught these things, their adherents have been drawn in to the vortex of international warfare. How evident this was in the two world wars of the first half of the century, both of which started in Christendom and resulted in fellow religionists' slaughtering one another! If all who claimed to be Christians had adhered to Bible principles, those wars could never have taken place.

Jehovah lays the blame for all this bloodshed at the feet of Babylon the Great. Had the religious leaders, and particularly those in Christendom, taught their people Bible truth, such massive bloodshed would not have occurred. Truly, then, directly or indirectly, Babylon the Great-the great harlot and world of false religion-must answer to Jehovah not only for "the blood of prophets and of holy ones" whom she has persecuted and killed but for the blood "of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth." Babylon the Great does indeed carry an appalling blood guilt. Good riddance when her final destruction takes place!

Next time: Praise Jah For His Judgments!

Revelation Its Grand Climax At Hand! Watchtower Bible Tract And Society, 1988

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