
Do You "Know The Love Of The Christ?"

Truly, Jehovah's Word beautifully describes the love of the Christ. How, though, should we respond to Jesus' love? The Bible urges us "to know the love of the Christ which surpasses knowledge." (Ephesians 3:19) As we have seen,m the Gospel accounts of Jesus' life and ministry teach us about Christ's love. However, fully coming "to know the love of the Christ" involves more than learning what the Bible says about him.

The Greek term rendered "to know" means to know "practically, through experience." When we show love he way Jesus did-unselfishly giving of ourselves in behalf of others, compassionately responding to their needs, forgiving them from our hearts-then we can genuinely appreciate his feelings. In this way, by experience we come "to know the love of the Christ which surpasses knowledge." And let us never forget that the more we become like Christ, the closer we will draw to the one whom Jesus perfectly imitated, our loving God, Jehovah.

Next time:"Go On Walking In Love"

Draw Close To Jehovah, 2002

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