
Conclusion of Compassion For The Afflicted

"O woman, great is your faith," Jesus replies. "Let it happen to you as you wish." And it does! When she returns to her home, she finds her daughter on the bed, completely healed.

From the coastal region of Sidon, Jesus and his disciples head across the country, toward the headwaters of the Jordan River. They apparently ford the Jordan somewhere above the Sea of Galilee and enter the region of the Decapolis east of the sea. There they climb a mountain, but the crowds find them and bring to Jesus their lame, crippled, blind and dumb, and many that are otherwise sick and deformed. They fairly throw them at Jesus' feet, and he cures them. The people are amazed, as they see the mute speaking, the lame walking and the blind seeing; and they praise the God of Israel.

Jesus gives special attention to one man who is deaf and hardly able to talk. The deaf are often easily embarrassed,especially in a crowd. Jesus may take note this man's particular nervousness. So Jesus compassionately takes him away from the crowd privately. When they are alone, Jesus indicates what he is going to do for him. He puts his fingers into he man's ears and, after spitting, touches his tongue. then, looking toward heaven, Jesus sighs deeply and says: "Be opened." At that, the man's hearing powers are restored, and he is able to speak normally.

When Jesus had performed these many cures, the crowds respond with appreciation. They say: "He has done all things well. He even makes the deaf hear and the speechless speak." Matthew 15:21-31; Mark 7:24-37.

Next time: The Loaves And The Leaven

The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived, 1991

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