
Jehovah Backs Up His Work

Jesus foretold that our day would parallel days of Noah. God has again determined to destroy the wicked and has set a time for this to happen. (Matthew 24:36-39) He has also set things in motion for the preservation of the righteous. Whereas Noah was to build an ark, God's servants today are to proclaim Jehovah's purposes, teach his Word, and make disciples. - Matthew 28:19.

If Jehovah has not been with Noah to support and sustain him, the ark would not have been built. (Compare Psalm 127:1) Similarly, without Jehovah's backing, true Christianity would be unlikely to survive much less prosper. This was recognized in the first century by Gamaliel, and esteemed Pharisee and teacher of the Law. When the Jewish Sanhedrin wanted to do away with the apostles, he cautioned that court: "Do not meddle with these men, but let them alone; (because, if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown; but if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them.)" -Acts 5:38/, 39.

The success of this preaching activity both in the first and today, has proved that this is not a work from men, but is of God. The following article will discuss some of the exciting circumstances and developments that have helped to make this work so successful on such a vast scale.

Next time: Never Give Up!

Watchtower, 1999

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