
What Does It Mean to Be LOYAL? - Prove Your Loyalty With Positive Actions

Prove Your Loyalty With Positive Actions

Being synonymous with loving-kindness, loyalty also carries a strong sense of mutuality.  If loving-kindness is demonstrated toward you, then the same can be expected in return.  Loyalty is repaid in kind.  That David understood the implications  associated with che'sedh is evident in his words:  "I shall bow down toward you holy temple, and I shall laud your name."  Why?  "Because of your trueness."  (Psalm 138:2) As a recipient of Jehovah's loving-kindness, David was obviously moved to worship and praise him.  Hence, as we contemplate Jehovah's demonstration of loving-kindness toward us, are we moved to reciprocate?  For instance, if Jehovah's name is reproached, does your concern for his reputation motivate you to speak up in his defense? 

That was what happened to one relatively new Christian and his wife when they attended  the funeral of a relative who had been killed in a motorcycle accident.  It was a non-religious service, and those in attendance were allowed to say something about the deceased.  One speaker proceeded to blame God for this young man's untimely death by saying,'God wanted him in heaven, so he took him.' Our Christian brother found it impossible  to remain silent.  He stepped up to the podium, even though he had neither Bible  nor notes.  "Do you think a merciful, compassionate, almighty God approves of situations like this?  He asked.  He then proceeded with a ten-minutes impromptu discourse with Scripture quotations explaining why we die, what God has done to rescue mankind from death, and the marvelous  prospect of a resurrection to everlasting life on  a paradise earth.  The more than 100 people in attendance broke out in extended applause.  The brother later recalled:  "I felt and inner joy that I had never felt before. I thanked Jehovah for educating me in his wisdom and for giving me the opportunity to defend his holy name."

Loyalty to God also includes loyalty to his organization. Necessarily, over the years there have been corrections and adjustments to our understanding o certain scriptures. The fact is that no one is as spiritually fed as we are.  (Matthew 24:45-47) Unquestionably, Jehovah has stuck with his modern-day organization.  Can we not do likewise?  A.H. Macmillan did.  Shortly before his death,  he said:  "I have seen Jehovah's organization  grow from a small beginning of twenty-three in September 1900, to a  worldwide society of happy people who are zealously  proclaiming his truths. . . .I am convinced more than ever before, as I see the end of my service to God on earth approach, that Jehovah  has directed his people and given them just what they needed at the proper time."  Brother Macmillan served faithfully and loyally for nearly 66 years, until his death on August 26, 1966.  He was a fine example of loyalty to God's visible organization. 

Next time: What Does It Mean to Be LOYAL? - Conclusion of Prove Your Loyalty With Positive Actions

The Watchtower, 2001

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