
Remain in God's Love


Learning about Jehovah is a vital step in drawing closer to him. It is a process that should never stop. If you were outside on a very cold night warming yourself by a fire, would you let the flames dwindle and then die out? No. You would keep adding fuel  to keep the  fire burning bright and hot. Your very life might be at stake! As wood fuels a fire, so "the very knowledge of God" keeps  our love for Jehovah strong. -Proverbs 2:1-5. 

Jesus wanted his followers to keep their love for Jehovah and for His precious Word of truth alive and burning brightly. After his resurrection, Jesus taught two of his disciples about some of the prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures that were fulfilled in him. What was the effect?  They later said:  "Were not our hearts  burning as he was speaking to us on the road, as he was fully opening up the Scriptures to us?" -Luke 24:32. 

When you first learned what the Bible really teaches, did you find  that your heart began to burn up with joy, zeal, and love for God?  No doubt you did. Many have felt the same way. The challenge now is to keep that intense love and alive and to help it grow.  We do no want to follow the trend of today's world. Jesus foretold: "The love of the greater number will cool off."  (Matthew 24:12) How can you prevent your love for Jehovah and for Bible truths from cooling off?

Keep on taking in  knowledge of Jehovah God and Jesus Christ.  (John 17:3) Meditate, or think deeply, on what you learn from God's Word, asking yourself: 'What does this teach me about Jehovah God? What further reason  does it gove me to love him with my whole  heart, mind, and soul? (1 Timothy 4:15) Such meditation will keep your love for Jehovah burning brightly.

Another way to keep your love for Jehovah burning brightly is to pray regularly.  (1 Thessalonians 5:17)  In chapter 17 of this book, we learned that prayer is a precious gift from God. Just as human relationships thrive on regular, open communication, so our relationship with Jehovah stays warm and alive, when we pray to him regularly. It is vital that we never let our prayers become mechanical-mere routine words that we repeat over and over without real feeling or meaning. We need to speak to Jehovah as a child would talk to a beloved father. We want to speak  with respect, of course, but openly, honestly, and from the heart.  (Psalm 62:8)  Yes, personal Bible study and heartfelt prayer  are vital aspects of our worship, and they help us to remain in God's love.  

Next time: Remain in God's Love/FIND JOY IN YOUR WORSHIP


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