
Chapter Twenty-Five-Reviving the Two Witnesses

Conclusion of Raised Again!

The expression "a tenth  of the city" reminds us that Isaiah prophesied regarding ancient Jerusalem that tenth would survive the destruction of the city as  a holy seed.  (Isaiah 6:13) Similarly, the number 7,000 reminds  us that when Elijah felt that he alone remained faithful in Israel, Jehovah told him that there were, in fact,  still 7,000 who had not bent down to Baal.  (1 Kings 19:14, 18) In the first century, the apostle Paul  said that these 7,000 pictured the remnant of the Jews who had responded to the good news about the Christ.  (Romans 11:1-5) These scriptures help us to understand that the "seven thousand" and the "tenth of the city" in Revelation 11:13 are those who respond to the restored two witnesses and abandon the sinful great city.  They die, as it were, to Christendom.  Their names are taken off their membership roles.  They no longer exist as far as she is concerned. 

But how did 'the rest [of Christendom] give glory to the God of heaven'? There it is stated:  "The phrase signifies not conversion, nor repentance, nor thanksgiving, but recognition, which is its  usual sense in scripture. Acts 12: 23; Romans 4:20."  To her chagrin, Christendom had to acknowledge that the God of the Bible Students had performed a great act in restoring them to Christian activity. 

It may be that the clergy gave this acknowledgement only mentally, or to themselves.  Certainly, none of them went on record as publicly acknowledging the God of the two witnesses. But Jehovah's prophecy through John helps us to discern what was in their hearts and realize the humiliating shock that they experienced in 1919.  From that year onward, as the "seven thousand" left Christendom despite her determined efforts to hold on to her sheep, the clergy were forced to recognize that the God of the John class was stronger than their god. In later years they would realized this is even more clearly, as many more of their flock  would depart, echoing the words of the people when Elijah triumphed over the Baal religions at Mount Carmel:   "Jehovah is the true God! Jehovah is the true God!" -1 Kings 18:39. 

But listen!  John tells us: "The second woe is past. Look! the third woe is coming quickly." (Revelation 11:14) If Christendom is shaken by what has happened so far, what will she do when the third woe is announced, the seventh angel  blows his trumpet, and the sacred secret of God is finally finished? -Revelation 10:7.

Next time: Chapter Twenty-Six -God's Sacred Secret -It's Glorious Climax!

From the book of Revelation 

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