
Generous Givers Are Happy People

"There is happiness in giving." -ACTS  20:35.


* Why can we say that humans were made to be generous?

* What is the connection between generosity and happiness in the preaching work? 

* What Scriptural reason do we have for being generous?

EVEN though Jehovah was completely alone before he began to create, he was not thinking only of himself.  On the contrary, he gave the gift of life to intelligent creatures, both spirit and human.  "The happy God,"  Jehovah loves to give good things. (1 Timothy 1:11; James 1:12) And sine he also wants us to be happy, he teaches us to be generous. - Romans 1:20.

God made man in his image.  (Genesis 1:27)  That is, we were created to reflect his personality. In order to attain happiness and fulfillment, then, we need to follow Jehovah's example by being interested in others and by being generous givers.  (Philistines 2:3, 4; James 1:5) Why?  Quite simply because Jehovah  lovingly designed humans that way. Despite our imperfection, we can succeed in imitating Jehovah's generosity.  

The Bible tells us how we can be generous givers.  Let us review some of the lessons that the Scriptures teach on this topic.  We will see how being generous leads to God's favor and how cultivating this quality helps us to fulfill the role God has given us.  We will also examine how our generosity is connected with our happiness and why we need to keep on cultivating this quality.

Next time: Generous Givers Are Happy People

From the jw.org publications 

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