

Joseph knew that his God, Jehovah never lost sight of him, and this knowledge surely helped him to endure. Even here in a foreign prison, Jehovah found wayst to bless Joseph. Thus, we read:  "Jehovah continued with Joseph and kept showing loyal love to him and granting him favor in the eyes of te chief officer of the prison." (Genesis 39:21-23)  As Joseph continued to work hard, he kept giving his God a basis for blessing him  How comforting it must have been for him to know that Jehovah was always with him! 

Did Jehovah intend to let Joseph remain in that prison indefinitely?  Joseph could only guess at the answer, and he surely kept the matter before his God in prayer. As it so often happens , hte answer came in an unexpected way.  One day, there was some commotion in the prison as two new inmates arrived-officers from Pharaoh's personal staff. One was the king's chief baker; the other was the chief's cupbearer. - GENESIS 40:1-3. 

The chief of the guard entrusted Joseph with the care of the two formerly prominent men.  One night they each had a vivid dream .  When Joseph saw them in the morning, he could tell that something was wrong.  So he asked:  "Why are your faces so gloomy today?"  (Genesis 40:3-7)  Perhaps his kindly manner assured the men that it was safe for them to reveal their troubles.  Joseph did not know it, but that conversation would lead to a turning point in his life.  Would there have been any conversation, though, had Joseph not chosen to show a little kind concern for others?  His choice may move us to ask ourselves,  'Do I express my faith in God by showing an interest in fellow humans? 

The two men explained that they were agitated by their vivid and puzzling dreams-and by the fact that they had no interpreter with them.  The Egyptians placed a lot of weight on dreams and depended heavily on the men wjho claimed to be able to interepret them.  The two men did not know that their dreams had come from Joseph's God, Jehovah. But Joseph knew .  He assured them: "Do not interpretations belong to God? Relate it [the dream] to me, please."  Genesis 40:8)   Joseph's words resound today for all sincere Bible students of the Bible. If only every religious  persons showed the  same humility!  We need to  to be willing to set aside  prideful human thinking and to rely on God as we seek correct interepretations   of his word. -1 THESSALONIANS 2:13; 4:6.

Next time: IMITATE THEIR FAITH/JOSEPH - "Do Not Interpretations Belong to God?" - Conclusion of JEHOVAH CONTINUED WITH JOSEPH

From the jw.org publications

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