

Integrity Under Attack! 

Those misguided men did something worse.  They actually cast doubts on not only Job's integrity but the very idea of integrity! In his opening speech, Eliphaz described and eerie encounter with an unseen spirit.  The conclusion that Eliphaz drew from that demonic experience was poisonous.  "God has no faith in his servants, and he finds fault with his angels." By that reasoning, mere humans can never please God!  Later, Bildad claimed that Job's integrity would not matter to God-any more than  would that of a maggot! - JOB 4:12-18; 15:15; 22:2, 3; 25:4-6. 

Have you ever tried to comfort someone in the throws of great pain?  It is not easy.  But we can learn a great deal from Job's misguided acquaintances-mostly about what not to say.  In their endless flow of high-sounding words and faulty logic, those three man never even addressed Job by name!  They gave no thought to Jobs's wounded heart and saw no need to treat him gently.  So if someone you care about is feeling low, try to remai warm, personal, and kind.  Seek to build up the person's faith and courage, helping that one to trust God and to believe in His great kindness, mercy, and justice. That is what Job would done for his companions had he been in their place.  (Job 16:4, 5) How, though,, did he react to their persistant attacks on his integrity?

Next time; IMITATE THEIR FAITH/JOB - Job Stood Firm

From the jw.org publications

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